33 resultados para hyperplasia


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In cell culture, type alpha transforming growth factor (TGF-alpha) stimulates epithelial cell growth, whereas TGF-beta 1 overrides this stimulatory effect and is growth inhibitory. Transgenic mice that overexpress TGF-alpha under control of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter/enhancer exhibit mammary ductal hyperplasia and stochastic development of mammary carcinomas, a process that can be accelerated by administration of the chemical carcinogen 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. MMTV-TGF-beta 1 transgenic mice display mammary ductal hypoplasia and do not develop mammary tumors. We report that in crossbreeding experiments involving the production of mice carrying both the MMTV-TGF-beta 1 and MMTV-TGF-alpha transgenes, there is marked suppression of mammary tumor formation and that MMTV-TGF-beta 1 transgenic mice are resistant to 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced mammary tumor formation. These data demonstrate that overexpression of TGF-beta 1 in vivo can markedly suppress mammary tumor development.


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Previously, researchers have speculated that genetic engineering can improve the long-term function of vascular grafts which are prone to atherosclerosis and occlusion. In this study, we demonstrated that an intraoperative gene therapy approach using antisense oligodeoxynucleotide blockage of medial smooth muscle cell proliferation can prevent the accelerated atherosclerosis that is responsible for autologous vein graft failure. Selective blockade of the expression of genes for two cell cycle regulatory proteins, proliferating cell nuclear antigen and cell division cycle 2 kinase, was achieved in the smooth muscle cells of rabbit jugular veins grafted into the carotid arteries. This alteration of gene expression successfully redirected vein graft biology away from neointimal hyperplasia and toward medial hypertrophy, yielding conduits that more closely resembled normal arteries. More importantly, these genetically engineered grafts proved resistant to diet-induced atherosclerosis. These findings establish the feasibility of developing genetically engineered bioprostheses that are resistant to failure and better suited to the long-term treatment of occlusive vascular disease.


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Progress toward understanding the biology of prostate cancer has been slow due to the few animal research models available to study the spectrum of this uniquely human disease. To develop an animal model for prostate cancer, several lines of transgenic mice were generated by using the prostate-specific rat probasin promoter to derive expression of the simian virus 40 large tumor antigen-coding region. Mice expressing high levels of the transgene display progressive forms of prostatic disease that histologically resemble human prostate cancer, ranging from mild intraepithelial hyperplasia to large multinodular malignant neoplasia. Prostate tumors have been detected specifically in the prostate as early as 10 weeks of age. Immunohistochemical analysis of tumor tissue has demonstrated that dorsolateral prostate-specific secretory proteins were confined to well-differentiated ductal epithelial cells adjacent to, or within, the poorly differentiated tumor mass. Prostate tumors in the mice also display elevated levels of nuclear p53 and a decreased heterogeneous pattern of androgen-receptor expression, as observed in advanced human prostate cancer. The establishment of breeding lines of transgenic mice that reproducibly develop prostate cancer provides an animal model system to study the molecular basis of transformation of normal prostatic cells and the factors influencing the progression to metastatic prostate cancer.