60 resultados para growth hormone


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A series of nonpeptide somatostatin agonists which bind selectively and with high affinity to somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst2) have been synthesized. One of these compounds, L-054,522, binds to human sst2 with an apparent dissociation constant of 0.01 nM and at least 3,000-fold selectivity when evaluated against the other somatostatin receptors. L-054,522 is a full agonist based on its inhibition of forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in Chinese hamster ovary-K1 cells stably expressing sst2. L-054,522 has a potent inhibitory effect on growth hormone release from rat primary pituitary cells and glucagon release from isolated mouse pancreatic islets. Intravenous infusion of L-054,522 to rats at 50 μg/kg per hr causes a rapid and sustained reduction in growth hormone to basal levels. The high potency and selectivity of L-054,522 for sst2 will make it a useful tool to further characterize the physiological functions of this receptor subtype.


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The classic view for hypothalamic regulation of anterior pituitary (AP) hormone secretion holds that release of each AP hormone is controlled specifically by a corresponding hypothalamic-releasing hormone (HRH). In this scenario, binding of a given HRH (thyrotropin-, growth hormone-, corticotropin-, and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormones) to specific receptors in its target cell increases the concentration of cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i), thereby selectively stimulating the release of the appropriate hormone. However, “paradoxical” responses of AP cells to the four well-established HRHs have been observed repeatedly with both in vivo and in vitro systems, raising the possibility of functional overlap between the different AP cell types. To explore this possibility, we evaluated the effects of HRHs on [Ca2+]i in single AP cells identified immunocytochemically by the hormone they stored. We found that each of the five major AP cell types contained discrete subpopulations that were able to respond to several HRHs. The relative abundance of these multi-responsive cells was 59% for lactotropes, 33% for thyrotropes, and in the range of 47–55% for gonadotropes, corticotropes, and somatotropes. Analysis of prolactin release from single living cells revealed that each of the four HRHs tested were able to induce hormone release from a discrete lactotrope subpopulation, the size of which corresponded closely to that in which [Ca2+]i changes were induced by the same secretagogues. When viewed as a whole, our diverse functional measurements of multi-responsiveness suggest that hypothalamic control of pituitary function is more complicated than previously envisioned. Moreover, they provide a cellular basis for the so-called “paradoxical” behavior of pituitary cells to hypothalamic hypophysiotropic agents.


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There is substantial scientific evidence to support the notion that bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) has contaminated human beings, causing variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD). This disease has raised concerns about the possibility of an iatrogenic secondary transmission to humans, because the biological properties of the primate-adapted BSE agent are unknown. We show that (i) BSE can be transmitted from primate to primate by intravenous route in 25 months, and (ii) an iatrogenic transmission of vCJD to humans could be readily recognized pathologically, whether it occurs by the central or peripheral route. Strain typing in mice demonstrates that the BSE agent adapts to macaques in the same way as it does to humans and confirms that the BSE agent is responsible for vCJD not only in the United Kingdom but also in France. The agent responsible for French iatrogenic growth hormone-linked CJD taken as a control is very different from vCJD but is similar to that found in one case of sporadic CJD and one sheep scrapie isolate. These data will be key in identifying the origin of human cases of prion disease, including accidental vCJD transmission, and could provide bases for vCJD risk assessment.


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Extracts of Ginkgo biloba leaves are consumed as dietary supplements to counteract chronic, age-related neurological disorders. We have applied high-density oligonucleotide microarrays to define the transcriptional effects in the cortex and hippocampus of mice whose diets were supplemented with the herbal extract. Gene expression analysis focused on the mRNAs that showed a more than 3-fold change in their expression. In the cortex, mRNAs for neuronal tyrosine/threonine phosphatase 1, and microtubule-associated τ were significantly enhanced. Hyperphosphorylated τ is the major constituent of the neurofibrillary tangles in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients. The expression of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-2, calcium and chloride channels, prolactin, and growth hormone (GH), all of which are associated with brain function, were also up-regulated. In the hippocampus, only transthyretin mRNA was upregulated. Transthyretin plays a role in hormone transport in the brain and possibly a neuroprotective role by amyloid-β sequestration. This study reveals that diets supplemented with Ginkgo biloba extract have notable neuromodulatory effects in vivo and illustrates the utility of genome-wide expression monitoring to investigate the biological actions of complex extracts.


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The POU transcription factor Pit-1 activates members of the prolactin/growth hormone gene family in specific endocrine cell types of the pituitary gland. Although Pit-1 is structurally conserved among vertebrate species, evolutionary changes in the pattern of Pit-1 RNA splicing have led to a notable "contraction" of the transactivation domain in the mammalian lineage, relative to Pit-1 in salmonid fish. By site-directed mutagenesis we demonstrate that two splice insertions in salmon Pit-1, called beta (29 aa) and gamma (33 aa), are critical for cooperative activation of the salmon prolactin gene. Paradoxically, Pit-1-dependent activation of the prolactin gene in rat is enhanced in the absence of the homologous beta-insert sequence. This apparent divergence in the mechanism of activation of prolactin genes by Pit-1 is target gene specific, as activation of rat and salmon growth hormone genes by Pit-1 splice variants is entirely conserved. Our data suggest that efficient activation of the prolactin gene in the vertebrate pituitary has significantly constrained the pattern of splicing within the Pit-1 transactivation domain. Rapid evolutionary divergence of prolactin gene function may have demanded changes in Pit-1/protein interactions to accommodate new patterns of transcriptional control by developmental or physiological factors.


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The phenobarbitone-responsive minimal promoter has been shown to lie between nt -179 and nt + 1 in the 5' (upstream) region of the CYP2B1/B2 gene in rat liver, on the basis of the drug responsiveness of the sequence linked to human growth hormone gene as reporter and targeted to liver as an asialoglycoprotein-DNA complex in vivo. Competition analyses of the nuclear protein-DNA complexes formed in gel shift assays with the positive (nt -69 to -98) and negative (nt -126 to -160) cis elements (PE and NE, respectively) identified within this region earlier indicate that the same protein may be binding to both the elements. The protein species purified on PE and NE affinity columns appear to be identical based on SDS/PAGE analysis, where it migrates as a protein of 26-28 kDa. Traces of a high molecular weight protein (94-100 kDa) are also seen in the preparation obtained after one round of affinity chromatography. The purified protein stimulates transcription of a minigene construct containing the 179 nt on the 5' side of the CYP2B1/B2 gene linked to the I exon in a cell-free system from liver nuclei. The purified protein can give rise to all the three complexes (I, II, and III) with the PE, just as the crude nuclear extract, under appropriate conditions. Manipulations in vitro indicate that the NE has a significantly higher affinity for the dephosphorylated form than for the phosphorylated form of the protein. The PE binds both forms. Phenobarbitone treatment of the animal leads to a significant increase in the phosphorylation of the 26- to 28-kDa and 94-kDa proteins in nuclear labeling experiments followed by isolation on a PE affinity column. We propose that the protein binding predominantly to the NE in the dephosphorylated state characterizes the basal level of transcription of the CYP2B1/B2 gene. Phenobarbitone treatment leads to phosphorylation of the protein, shifting the equilibrium toward binding to the PE. This can promote interaction with an upstream enhancer through other proteins such as the 94-kDa protein and leads to a significant activation of transcription.


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Detoxication (phase 2) enzymes, such as glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), NAD(P)H:(quinone-acceptor) oxidoreductase (QR), and UDP-glucuronsyltransferase, are induced in animal cells exposed to a variety of electrophilic compounds and phenolic antioxidants. Induction protects against the toxic and neoplastic effects of carcinogens and is mediated by activation of upstream electrophile-responsive/antioxidant-responsive elements (EpRE/ARE). The mechanism of activation of these enhancers was analyzed by transient gene expression of growth hormone reporter constructs containing a 41-bp region derived from the mouse GST Ya gene 5'-upstream region that contains the EpRE/ARE element and of constructs in which this element was replaced with either one or two consensus phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate (TPA)-responsive elements (TREs). When these three constructs were compared in Hep G2 (human) and Hepa 1c1c7 (murine) hepatoma cells, the wild-type sequence was highly activated by diverse inducers, including tert-butylhydroquinone, Michael reaction acceptors, 1,2-dithiole-3-thione, sulforaphane,2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol, HgCl2, sodium arsenite, and phenylarsine oxide. In contrast, constructs with consensus TRE sites were not induced significantly. TPA in combination with these compounds led to additive or synergistic inductions of the EpRE/ARE construct, but induction of the TRE construct was similar to that induced by TPA alone. Transfection of the EpRE/ARE reporter construct into F9 cells, which lack endogenous TRE-binding proteins, produced large inductions by the same compounds, which also induced QR activity in these cells. We conclude that activation of the EpRE/ARE by electrophile and antioxidant inducers is mediated by EpRE/ARE-specific proteins.


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c-Mpl, a member of the hematopoietic cytokine receptor family, is the receptor for thrombopoietin. To investigate signal transduction by c-Mpl, a chimeric receptor, composed of the extracellular domain of human growth hormone receptor and the intracellular domain of c-Mpl, was introduced into the interleukin 3-dependent cell line Ba/F3. In response to growth hormone, this chimeric receptor induced growth in the absence of interleukin 3. Deletion analysis of the 123-amino acid intracellular domain indicated that the elements responsible for this effect are present within the 63 amino acids proximal to the transmembrane domain. Mutation of the recently described box 1 motif abrogated the proliferative response. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the tyrosine kinase JAK-2 and activation of STAT proteins were dependent on box 1 and sequences within 63 amino acids of the plasma membrane. STAT proteins activated by thrombopoietin in a megakaryocytic cell line were purified and shown to be STAT1 and STAT3. A separate region located at the C terminus of the c-Mpl intracellular domain was found to be required for induction of Shc phosphorylation and c-fos mRNA accumulation, suggesting involvement of the Ras signal transduction pathway. Thus, at least two distinct regions are involved in signal transduction by the c-Mpl.


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Transcription of the macrophage scavenger receptor A gene is markedly upregulated during monocyte to macrophage differentiation. In these studies, we demonstrate that 291 bp of the proximal scavenger receptor promoter, in concert with a 400-bp upstream enhancer element, is sufficient to direct macrophage-specific expression of a human growth hormone reporter in transgenic mice. These regulatory elements, which contain binding sites for PU.1, AP-1, and cooperating ets-domain transcription factors, are also sufficient to mediate regulation of transgene expression during the in vitro differentiation of bone marrow progenitor cells in response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Mutation of the PU.1 binding site within the scavenger receptor promoter severely impairs transgene expression, consistent with a crucial role of PU.1 in regulating the expression of the scavenger receptor gene. The ability of the scavenger receptor promoter and enhancer to target gene expression to macrophages in vivo, including foam cells of atherosclerotic lesions, suggests that these regulatory elements will be of general utility in the study of macrophage differentiation and function by permitting specific modifications of macrophage gene expression.


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Members of the cytokine/growth hormone/prolactin (PRL) receptor superfamily are associated with cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases of the Jak family. For the PRL receptor (PRLR), after PRL stimulation, both the kinase Jak2 and the receptor undergo tyrosine phosphorylation. To assess the role of tyrosine phosphorylation of the PRLR in signal transduction, several mutant forms of the PRLR in which various tyrosine residues were changed to phenylalanine were constructed and their functional properties were investigated. We identified a single tyrosine residue located at the C terminus of the PRLR to be necessary for in vivo activation of PRL-responsive gene transcription. This clearly indicates that a phosphotyrosine residue in the cytoplasmic domain of a member of the cytokine/growth hormone/PRL receptor superfamily is directly involved in signal transduction.


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The plant growth hormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transcriptionally activates expression of several genes in plants. We have previously identified a 164-bp promoter region (-318 to -154) in the PS-IAA4/5 gene that confers IAA inducibility. Linker-scanning mutagenesis across the region has identified two positive domains: domain A (48 bp; -203 to -156) and domain B (44 bp; -299 to -256), responsible for transcriptional activation of PS-IAA4/5 by IAA. Domain A contains the highly conserved sequence 5'-TGTCCCAT-3' found among various IAA-inducible genes and behaves as the major auxin-responsive element. Domain B functions as an enhancer element which may also contain a less efficient auxin-responsive element. The two domains act cooperatively to stimulate transcription; however, tetramerization of domain A or B compensates for the loss of A or B function. The two domains can also mediate IAA-induced transcription from the heterologous cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (-73 to +1). In vivo competition experiments with icosamers of domain A or B show that the domains interact specifically and with different affinities to low abundance, positive transcription factor(s). A model for transcriptional activation of PS-IAA4/5 by IAA is discussed.


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Patients with mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor β (TRβ) gene manifest resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH), resulting in a constellation of variable phenotypic abnormalities. To understand the molecular basis underlying the action of mutant TRβ in vivo, we generated mice with a targeted mutation in the TRβ gene (TRβPV; PV, mutant thyroid hormone receptor kindred PV) by using homologous recombination and the Cre/loxP system. Mice expressing a single PVallele showed the typical abnormalities of thyroid function found in heterozygous humans with RTH. Homozygous PV mice exhibit severe dysfunction of the pituitary–thyroid axis, impaired weight gains, and abnormal bone development. This phenotype is distinct from that seen in mice with a null mutation in the TRβ gene. Importantly, we identified abnormal expression patterns of several genes in tissues of TRβPV mice, demonstrating the interference of the mutant TR with the gene regulatory functions of the wild-type TR in vivo. These results show that the actions of mutant and wild-type TRβ in vivo are distinct. This model allows further study of the molecular action of mutant TR in vivo, which could lead to better treatment for RTH patients.


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In Drosophila the response to the hormone ecdysone is mediated in part by Ultraspiracle (USP) and ecdysone receptor (EcR), which are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Heterodimers of these proteins bind to ecdysone response elements (EcREs) and ecdysone to modulate transcription. Herein we describe Drosophila hormone receptor 38 (DHR38) and Bombyx hormone receptor 38 (BHR38), two insect homologues of rat nerve growth factor-induced protein B (NGFI-B). Although members of the NGFI-B family are thought to function exclusively as monomers, we show that DHR38 and BHR38 in fact interact strongly with USP and that this interaction is evolutionarily conserved. DHR38 can compete in vitro against EcR for dimerization with USP and consequently disrupt EcR-USP binding to an EcRE. Moreover, transfection experiments in Schneider cells show that DHR38 can affect ecdysone-dependent transcription. This suggests that DHR38 plays a role in the ecdysone response and that more generally NGFI-B type receptors may be able to function as heterodimers with retinoid X receptor type receptors in regulating transcription.


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Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptors (EGFR) play important roles in tumorigenesis. In various experimental cancers, treatment with antagonists of bombesin/gastrin-releasing peptide (BN/GRP) produces a reduction in EGFRs, concomitant to inhibition of tumor growth. To investigate the mechanisms involved, we monitored concentrations of BN/GRP antagonist RC-3095 in serum of mice, rats, and hamsters given a single subcutaneous or intravenous injection of this analog. In parallel studies, we measured levels and mRNA expression of EGFRs in estrogen-dependent and independent MXT mouse mammary cancers, following a single subcutaneous administration of RC-3095 to tumor-bearing mice. Peak values of RC-3095 in serum were detected 2 min after intravenous or 15 min after subcutaneous injection. The levels of RC-3095 declined rapidly and became undetectable after 3–5 hr. In the estrogen-dependent MXT tumors, the concentration of EGF receptors was reduced by about 60% 6 hr following injection and returned to original level after 24 hr. Levels of mRNA for EGFR fell parallel with the receptor number and were nearly normal after 24 hr. In the hormone-independent MXT cancers, the number of EGFRs decreased progressively, becoming undetectable 6 hr after injection of RC-3095, and returned to normal values at 24 hr, but EGFR mRNA levels remained lower for 48 hr. Thus, in spite of rapid elimination from serum, BN/GRP antagonist RC-3095 can induce a prolonged decrease in levels and mRNA expression of EGFRs. These findings may explain how single daily injections of BN/GRP antagonists can maintain tumor growth inhibition.


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During vertebrate limb development, growth plate chondrocytes undergo temporally and spatially coordinated differentiation that is necessary for proper morphogenesis. Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP), its receptor, the PTH/PTHrP receptor, and Indian hedgehog are implicated in the regulation of chondrocyte differentiation, but the specific cellular targets of these molecules and specific cellular interactions involved have not been defined. Here we generated chimeric mice containing both wild-type and PTH/PTHrP receptor (−/−) cells, and analyzed cell–cell interactions in the growth plate in vivo. Abnormal differentiation of mutant cells shows that PTHrP directly signals to the PTH/PTHrP receptor on proliferating chondrocytes to slow their differentiation. The presence of ectopically differentiated mutant chondrocytes activates the Indian hedgehog/PTHrP axis and slows differentiation of wild-type chondrocytes. Moreover, abnormal chondrocyte differentiation affects mineralization of cartilaginous matrix in a non-cell autonomous fashion; matrix mineralization requires a critical mass of adjacent ectopic hypertrophic chondrocytes. Further, ectopic hypertrophic chondrocytes are associated with ectopic bone collars in adjacent perichondrium. Thus, the PTH/PTHrP receptor directly controls the pace and synchrony of chondrocyte differentiation and thereby coordinates development of the growth plate and adjacent bone.