109 resultados para cytotoxic T lymphocyte


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Analysis of the antitumor immune response after gene transfer of a foreign major histocompatibility complex class I protein, HLA-B7, was performed. Ten HLA-B7-negative patients with stage IV melanoma were treated in an effort to stimulate local tumor immunity. Plasmid DNA was detected within treated tumor nodules, and RNA encoding recombinant HLA-B7 or HLA-B7 protein was demonstrated in 9 of 10 patients. T cell migration into treated lesions was observed and tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte reactivity was enhanced in six of seven and two of two patients analyzed, respectively. In contrast, the frequency of cytotoxic T lymphocyte against autologous tumor in circulating peripheral blood lymphocytes was not altered significantly, suggesting that peripheral blood lymphocyte reactivity is not indicative of local tumor responsiveness. Local inhibition of tumor growth was detected after gene transfer in two patients, one of whom showed a partial remission. This patient subsequently received treatment with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes derived from gene-modified tumor, with a complete regression of residual disease. Thus, gene transfer with DNA–liposome complexes encoding an allogeneic major histocompatibility complex protein stimulated local antitumor immune responses that facilitated the generation of effector cells for immunotherapy of cancer.


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We have reported previously that murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) pulsed with whole tumor lysates can mediate potent antitumor immune responses both in vitro and in vivo. Because successful therapy was dependent on host immune T cells, we have now evaluated whether the systemic administration of the T cell stimulatory/growth promoting cytokine interleukin-2 (IL-2) could enhance tumor lysate-pulsed DC-based immunizations to further promote protective immunity toward, and therapeutic rejection of, syngeneic murine tumors. In three separate approaches using a weakly immunogenic sarcoma (MCA-207), the systemic administration of nontoxic doses of recombinant IL-2 (20,000 and 40,000 IU/dose) was capable of mediating significant increases in the potency of DC-based immunizations. IL-2 could augment the efficacy of tumor lysate-pulsed DC to induce protective immunity to lethal tumor challenge as well as enhance splenic cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity and interferon-γ production in these treated mice. Moreover, treatment with the combination of tumor lysate-pulsed DC and IL-2 could also mediate regressions of established pulmonary 3-day micrometastases and 7-day macrometastases as well as established 14- and 28-day s.c. tumors, leading to either significant cure rates or prolongation in overall survival. Collectively, these findings show that nontoxic doses of recombinant IL-2 can potentiate the antitumor effects of tumor lysate-pulsed DC in vivo and provide preclinical rationale for the use of IL-2 in DC-based vaccine strategies in patients with advanced cancer.


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The murine γ-herpesvirus 68 replicates in epithelial sites after intranasal challenge, then persists in various cell types, including B lymphocytes. Mice that lack CD4+ T cells (I-Ab−/−) control the acute infection, but suffer an ultimately lethal recrudescence of lytic viral replication in the respiratory tract. The consequences of CD4+ T cell deficiency for the generation and maintenance of murine γ-herpesvirus 68-specific CD8+ set now have been analyzed by direct staining with viral peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex class I tetramers and by a spectrum of functional assays. Both acutely and during viral reactivation, the CD8+ T cell responses in the I-Ab−/− group were no less substantial than in the I-Ab+/+ controls. Indeed, virus-specific CD8+ T cell numbers were increased in the lymphoid tissue of clinically compromised I-Ab−/− mice, although relatively few of the potential cytotoxic T lymphocyte effectors were recruited back to the site of pathology in the lung. Thus the viral reactivation that occurs in the absence of CD4+ T cells was not associated with any exhaustion of the virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte response. It seems that CD8+ T cells alone are insufficient to maintain long-term control of this persistent γ-herpesvirus.


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Although DNA vaccines have been shown to elicit potent immune responses in animal models, initial clinical trials in humans have been disappointing, highlighting a need to optimize their immunogenicity. Naked DNA vaccines are usually administered either i.m. or intradermally. The current study shows that immunization with naked DNA by direct injection into a peripheral lymph node enhances immunogenicity by 100- to 1,000-fold, inducing strong and biologically relevant CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses. Because injection directly into a lymph node is a rapid and easy procedure in humans, these results have important clinical implications for DNA vaccination.


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Friend virus infection of adult immunocompetent mice is a well established model for studying genetic resistance to infection by an immunosuppressive retrovirus. This paper reviews both the genetics of immune resistance and the types of immune responses required for recovery from infection. Specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II alleles are necessary for recovery, as is a non-MHC gene, Rfv-3, which controls virus-specific antibody responses. In concordance with these genetic requirements are immunological requirements for cytotoxic T lymphocyte, T helper, and antibody responses, each of which provides essential nonoverlapping functions. The complexity of responses necessary for recovery from Friend virus infection has implications for both immunotherapies and vaccines. For example, it is shown that successful passive antibody therapy is dependent on MHC type because of the requirement for T cell responses. For vaccines, successful immunization requires priming of both T cell and B cell responses. In vivo depletion experiments demonstrate different requirements for CD8+ T cells depending on the vaccine used. The implications of these studies for human retroviral diseases are discussed.


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Most tumor-associated antigens represent self-proteins and as a result are poorly immunogenic due to immune tolerance. Here we show that tolerance to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), which is overexpressed by the majority of lethal malignancies, can be reversed by immunization with a CEA-derived peptide. This peptide was altered to make it a more potent T cell antigen and loaded onto dendritic cells (DCs) for delivery as a cellular vaccine. Although DCs are rare in the blood, we found that treatment of advanced cancer patients with Flt3 ligand, a hematopoietic growth factor, expanded DCs 20-fold in vivo. Immunization with these antigen-loaded DCs induced CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes that recognized tumor cells expressing endogenous CEA. Staining with peptide-MHC tetramers demonstrated the expansion of CD8 T cells that recognize both the native and altered epitopes and possess an effector cytotoxic T lymphocyte phenotype (CD45RA+CD27−CCR7−). After vaccination, two of 12 patients experienced dramatic tumor regression, one patient had a mixed response, and two had stable disease. Clinical response correlated with the expansion of CD8 tetramer+ T cells, confirming the role of CD8 T cells in this treatment strategy.


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The p40 subunit of interleukin 12 (IL-12p40) has been known to act as an IL-12 antagonist in vitro. We here describe the immunosuppressive effect of IL-12p40 in vivo. A murine myoblast cell line, C2C12, was transduced with retro-virus vectors carrying the lacZ gene as a marker and the IL-12p40 gene. IL-12p40 secreted from the transfectant inhibited the IL-12-induced interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) production by splenocytes in vitro. Survival of C2C12 transplanted into allogeneic recipients was substantially prolonged when transduced with IL-12p40. Cytokine (IL-2 and IFN-gamma) production and cytotoxic T lymphocyte induction against allogeneic C2C12 were impaired in the recipients transplanted with the IL-12p40 transfectant. Delayed-type hypersensitivity response against C2C12 was also diminished in the IL-12p40 recipients. Furthermore, serum antibodies against beta-galactosidase of the T-helper 1-dependent isotypes (IgG2 and IgG3) were decreased in the IL-12p40 recipients. These results indicate that locally produced IL-12p40 exerts a potent immunosuppressive effect on T-helper 1-mediated immune responses that lead to allograft rejection. Therefore, IL-12p40 gene transduction would be useful for preventing the rejection of allografts and genetically modified own cells that are transduced with potentially antigenic molecules in gene therapy.


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Vaccination with synthetic peptides representing cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes can lead to a protective CTL-mediated immunity against tumors or viruses. We now report that vaccination with a CTL epitope derived from the human adenovirus type 5 E1A-region (Ad5E1A234-243), which can serve as a target for tumor-eradicating CTL, enhances rather than inhibits the growth of Ad5E1A-expressing tumors. This adverse effect of peptide vaccination was rapidly evoked, required low doses of peptide (10 micrograms), and was achieved by a mode of peptide delivery that induces protective T-cell-mediated immunity in other models. Ad5E1A-specific CTL activity could no longer be isolated from mice after injection of Ad5E1A-peptide, indicating that tolerization of Ad5E1A-specific CTL activity causes the enhanced tumor outgrowth. In contrast to peptide vaccination, immunization with adenovirus, expressing Ad5E1A, induced Ad5E1A-specific immunity and prevented the outgrowth of Ad5E1A-expressing tumors. These results show that immunization with synthetic peptides can lead to the elimination of anti-tumor CTL responses. These findings are important for the design of safe peptide-based vaccines against tumors, allogeneic organ transplants, and T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.


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The presentation of antigenic peptides by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules to CD4+ T cells is critical to the function of the immune system. In this study, we have utilized the sorting signal of the lysosomal-associated membrane protein LAMP-1 to target a model antigen, human papillomavirus 16 E7 (HPV-16 E7), into the endosomal and lysosomal compartments. The LAMP-1 sorting signal reroutes the antigen into the MHC class II processing pathway, resulting in enhanced presentation to CD4+ cells in vitro. In vivo immunization experiments in mice demonstrated that vaccinia containing the chimeric E7/LAMP-1 gene generated greater E7-specific lymphoproliferative activity, antibody titers, and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activities than vaccinia containing the wild-type HPV-16 E7 gene. These results suggest that specific targeting of an antigen to the endosomal and lysosomal compartments enhances MHC class II presentation and vaccine potency.


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Human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) -associated myelopathy/tropic spastic paraparesis is a demyelinating inflammatory neurologic disease associated with HTLV-1 infection. HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific cytotoxic T cells have been isolated from HLA-A2-positive patients. We have used a peptide-loaded soluble HLA-A2–Ig complex to directly visualize HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific T cells from peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid without in vitro stimulation. Five of six HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropic spastic paraparesis patients carried a significant number (up to 13.87%) of CD8+ lymphocytes specific for the HTLV-1 Tax11–19 peptide in their peripheral blood, which were not found in healthy controls. Simultaneous comparison of peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid from one patient revealed 2.5-fold more Tax11–19-specific T cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (23.7% vs. 9.4% in peripheral blood lymphocyte). Tax11–19-specific T cells were seen consistently over a 9-yr time course in one patient as far as 19 yrs after the onset of clinical symptoms. Further analysis of HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes in HAM/TSP patients showed different expression patterns of activation markers, intracellular TNF-α and γ-interferon depending on the severity of the disease. Thus, visualization of antigen-specific T cells demonstrates that HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific CD8+ T cells are activated, persist during the chronic phase of the disease, and accumulate in cerebrospinal fluid, showing their pivotal role in the pathogenesis of this neurologic disease.


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We obtained mice deficient for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules encoded by the H-2K and H-2D genes. H-2 KbDb −/− mice express no detectable classical MHC class I-region associated (Ia) heavy chains, although β2-microglobulin and the nonclassical class Ib proteins examined are expressed normally. KbDb −/− mice have greatly reduced numbers of mature CD8+ T cells, indicating that selection of the vast majority (>90%) of CD8+ T cells cannot be compensated for by β2-microglobulin-associated molecules other than classical H-2K and D locus products. In accord with the greatly reduced number of CD8+ T cells, spleen cells from KbDb −/− mice do not generate cytotoxic responses in primary mixed-lymphocyte cultures against MHC-disparate (allogeneic) cells. However, in vivo priming of KbDb −/− mice with allogeneic cells resulted in strong CD8+ MHC class Ia-specific allogeneic responses. Thus, a minor population of functionally competent peripheral CD8+ T cells capable of strong cytotoxic activity arises in the complete absence of classical MHC class Ia molecules. KbDb −/− animals also have natural killer cells that retain their cytotoxic potential.


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Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice develop insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus due to autoimmune T lymphocyte-mediated destruction of pancreatic β cells. Although both major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted CD8+ and class II-restricted CD4+ T cell subsets are required, the specific role each subset plays in the pathogenic process is still unclear. Here we show that class I-dependent T cells are required for all but the terminal stages of autoimmune diabetes development. To characterize the diabetogenic CD8+ T cells responsible, we isolated and propagated in vitro CD8+ T cells from the earliest insulitic lesions of NOD mice. They were cytotoxic to NOD islet cells, restricted to H-2Kd, and showed a diverse T cell receptor β chain repertoire. In contrast, their α chain repertoire was more restricted, with a recurrent amino acid sequence motif in the complementarity-determining region 3 loop and a prevalence of Vα17 family members frequently joined to the Jα42 gene segment. These results suggest that a number of the CD8+ T cells participating in the initial phase of autoimmune β cell destruction recognize a common structural component of Kd/peptide complexes on pancreatic β cells, possibly a single peptide.


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Among the four subtypes of Hodgkin disease (HD), lymphocyte-predominant (LP) HD is now generally considered as a separate entity. The B cell nature of the typical Hodgkin and Reed–Sternberg (HRS) cells and their variants (L and H, lymphocytic and histiocytic cells) in LP HD has long been suspected, but the question of whether these cells represent a true tumor clone is unclear. We previously demonstrated clonal Ig gene rearrangements in one case of LP HD. In the present study, five cases of LP HD were analyzed by micromanipulation of single HRS cells from frozen tissue sections and DNA amplification of rearranged Ig heavy chain genes from those cells. Clonal V gene rearrangements harboring somatic mutations were detected in each case. In three cases ongoing somatic mutation was evident. This shows that HRS cells in LP HD are a clonal tumor population derived from germinal center B cells. The pattern of somatic mutation indicates that HRS cells in LP HD are selected for antibody expression. This, and the presence of ongoing mutation discriminates LP from classical HD.


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Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) are cytoplasmic RNA binding proteins that are central components of a sensory and regulatory network that modulates vertebrate iron homeostasis. IRPs regulate iron metabolism by binding to iron responsive element(s) (IREs) in the 5′ or 3′ untranslated region of ferritin or transferrin receptor (TfR) mRNAs. Two IRPs, IRP1 and IRP2, have been identified previously. IRP1 exhibits two mutually exclusive functions as an RNA binding protein or as the cytosolic isoform of aconitase. We demonstrate that the Ba/F3 family of murine pro-B lymphocytes represents the first example of a mammalian cell line that fails to express IRP1 protein or mRNA. First, all of the IRE binding activity in Ba/F3-gp55 cells is attributable to IRP2. Second, synthesis of IRP2, but not of IRP1, is detectable in Ba/F3-gp55 cells. Third, the Ba/F3 family of cells express IRP2 mRNA at a level similar to other murine cell lines, but IRP1 mRNA is not detectable. In the Ba/F3 family of cells, alterations in iron status modulated ferritin biosynthesis and TfR mRNA level over as much as a 20- and 14-fold range, respectively. We conclude that IRP1 is not essential for regulation of ferritin or TfR expression by iron and that IRP2 can act as the sole IRE-dependent mediator of cellular iron homeostasis.


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The n-type K+ channel (n-K+, Kv1.3) in lymphocytes has been recently implicated in the regulation of Fas-induced programmed cell death. Here, we demonstrate that ceramide, a lipid metabolite synthesized upon Fas receptor ligation, inhibits n-K+ channel activity and induces a tyrosine phosphorylation of the Kv1.3 protein in Jurkat T lymphocytes. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the n-K+ channel correlated with an activation of the Src-like tyrosine kinase p56lck upon cellular treatment with the ceramide analog C6-ceramide. Because genetic deficiency of p56lck or inhibition of Src-like tyrosine kinases by herbimycin A prevented ceramide-mediated n-K+ channel inhibition and tyrosine phosphorylation, we propose a ceramide-initiated activation of p56lck resulting in tyrosine phosphorylation and inhibition of the n-K+ channel protein.