36 resultados para cyclooxygenase


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Sensitization of primary afferent neurons underlies much of the pain and tenderness associated with tissue injury and inflammation. The increase in excitability is caused by chemical agents released at the site of injury. Because recent studies suggest that an increase in voltage-gated Na+ currents may underlie increases in neuronal excitability associated with injury, we have tested the hypothesis that a tetrodotoxin-resistant voltage-gated Na+ current (TTX-R INa), selectively expressed in a subpopulation of sensory neurons with properties of nociceptors, is a target for hyperalgesic agents. Our results indicate that three agents that produce tenderness or hyperalgesia in vivo, prostaglandin E2, adenosine, and serotonin, modulate TTX-R INa. These agents increase the magnitude of the current, shift its conductance-voltage relationship in a hyperpolarized direction, and increase its rate of activation and inactivation. In contrast, thromboxane B2, a cyclooxygenase product that does not produce hyperalgesia, did not affect TTX-R INa. These results suggest that modulation of TTX-R INa is a mechanism for sensitization of mammalian nociceptors.


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Previous research indicates that norepinephrine and dopamine stimulate release of luteinizing hormone (LH)-releasing hormone (LHRH), which then reaches the adenohypophysis via the hypophyseal portal vessels to release LH. Norepinephrine exerts its effect via alpha 1-adrenergic receptors, which stimulate the release of nitric oxide (NO) from nitricoxidergic (NOergic) neurons in the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). The NO activates guanylate cyclase and cyclooxygenase, thereby inducing release of LHRH into the hypophyseal portal vessels. We tested the hypothesis that these two catecholamines modulate NO release by local feedback. MBH explants were incubated in the presence of sodium nitroprusside (NP), a releaser of NO, and the effect on release of catecholamines was determined. NP inhibited release of norepinephrine. Basal release was increased by incubation of the tissue with the NO scavenger hemoglobin (20 micrograms/ml). Hemoglobin also blocked the inhibitory effect of NP. In the presence of high-potassium (40 mM) medium to depolarize cell membranes, norepinephrine release was increased by a factor of 3, and this was significantly inhibited by NP. Hemoglobin again produced a further increase in norepinephrine release and also blocked the action of NP. When constitutive NO synthase was inhibited by the competitive inhibitor NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (NMMA) at 300 microM, basal release of norepinephrine was increased, as was potassium-evoked release, and this was associated in the latter instance with a decrease in tissue concentration, presumably because synthesis did not keep up with the increased release in the presence of NMMA. The results were very similar with dopamine, except that reduction of potassium-evoked dopamine release by NP was not significant. However, the increase following incubation with hemoglobin was significant, and hemoglobin, when incubated with NP, caused a significant elevation in dopamine release above that with NP alone. In this case, NP increased tissue concentration of dopamine along with inhibiting release, suggesting that synthesis continued, thereby raising the tissue concentration in the face of diminished release. When the tissue was incubated with NP plus hemoglobin, which caused an increase in release above that obtained with NP alone, the tissue concentration decreased significantly compared with that in the absence of hemoglobin, indicating that, with increased release, release exceeded synthesis, causing a fall in tissue concentration. When NO synthase was blocked by NMMA, the release of dopamine, under either basal or potassium-evoked conditions, was increased. Again, in the latter instance the tissue concentration declined significantly, presumably because synthesis did not match release. Therefore, the results were very similar with both catecholamines and indicate that NO acts to suppress release of both amines. Since both catecholamines activate the release of LHRH, the inhibition of their release by NO serves as an ultra-short-loop negative feedback by which NO inhibits the release of the catecholamines, thereby reducing the activation of the NOergic neurons and decreasing the release of LHRH. This may be an important means for terminating the pulses of release of LHRH, which generate the pulsatile release of LH that stimulates gonadal function in both male and female mammals.


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Nitric oxide synthesized by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) has been implicated as a mediator of inflammation in rheumatic and autoimmune diseases. We report that exposure of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine macrophages to therapeutic concentrations of aspirin (IC50 = 3 mM) and hydrocortisone (IC50 = 5 microM) inhibited the expression of iNOS and production of nitrite. In contrast, sodium salicylate (1-3 mM), indomethacin (5-20 microM), and acetaminophen (60-120 microM) had no significant effect on the production of nitrite at pharmacological concentrations. At suprapharmacological concentrations, sodium salicylate (IC50 = 20 mM) significantly inhibited nitrite production. Immunoblot analysis of iNOS expression in the presence of aspirin showed inhibition of iNOS expression (IC50 = 3 mM). Sodium salicylate variably inhibited iNOS expression (0-35%), whereas indomethacin had no effect. Furthermore, there was no significant effect of these nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on iNOS mRNA expression at pharmacological concentrations. The effect of aspirin was not due to inhibition of cyclooxygenase 2 because both aspirin and indomethacin inhibited prostaglandin E2 synthesis by > 75%. Aspirin and N-acetylimidazole (an effective acetylating agent), but not sodium salicylate or indomethacin, also directly interfered with the catalytic activity of iNOS in cell-free extracts. These studies indicate that the inhibition of iNOS expression and function represents another mechanism of action for aspirin, if not for all aspirin-like drugs. The effects are exerted at the level of translational/posttranslational modification and directly on the catalytic activity of iNOS.


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Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is an intrinsic part of organismal development and aging. Here we report that many nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause apoptosis when applied to v-src-transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs). Cell death was characterized by morphological changes, the induction of tissue transglutaminase, and autodigestion of DNA. Dexamethasone, a repressor of cyclooxygenase (COX) 2, neither induced apoptosis nor altered the NSAID effect. Prostaglandin E2, the primary eicosanoid made by CEFs, also failed to inhibit apoptosis. Expression of the protooncogene bcl-2 is very low in CEFs and is not altered by NSAID treatment. In contrast, p20, a protein that may protect against apoptosis when fibroblasts enter G0 phase, was strongly repressed. The NSAID concentrations used here transiently inhibit COXs. Nevertheless, COX-1 and COX-2 mRNAs and COX-2 protein were induced. In some cell types, then, chronic NSAID treatment may lead to increased, rather than decreased, COX activity and, thus, exacerbate prostaglandin-mediated inflammatory effects. The COX-2 transcript is a partially spliced and nonfunctional form previously described. Thus, these findings suggest that COXs and their products play key roles in preventing apoptosis in CEFs and perhaps other cell types.


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It has previously been shown that alcohol can suppress reproduction in humans, monkeys, and small rodents by inhibiting release of luteinizing hormone (LH). The principal action is via suppression of the release of LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) both in vivo and in vitro. The present experiments were designed to determine the mechanism by which alcohol inhibits LHRH release. Previous research has indicated that the release of LHRH is controlled by nitric oxide (NO). The proposed pathway is via norepinephrine-induced release of NO from NOergic neurons, which then activates LHRH release. In the present experiments, we further evaluated the details of this mechanism in male rats by incubating medial basal hypothalamic (MBH) explants in vitro and examining the release of NO, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), conversion of arachidonic acid to prostanoids, and production of cGMP. The results have provided further support for our theory of LHRH control. Norepinephrine increased the release of NO as measured by conversion of [14C]arginine to [14C]citrulline, and this increase was blocked by the alpha 1 receptor blocker prazosin. Furthermore, the release of LHRH induced by nitroprusside (NP), a donor of NO, is related to the activation of soluble guanylate cyclase by NO since NP increased cGMP release from MBHs and cGMP also released LHRH. Ethanol had no effect on the production of NO by MBH explants or the increased release of NO induced by norepinephrine. Therefore, it does not act at that step in the pathway. Ethanol also failed to affect the increase in cGMP induced by NP. On the other hand, as might be expected from previous experiments indicating that LHRH release was brought about by PGE2, NP increased the conversion of [14C]arachidonic acid to its metabolites, particularly PGE2. Ethanol completely blocked the release of LHRH induced by NP and the increase in PGE2 induced by NP. Therefore, the results support the theory that norepinephrine acts to stimulate NO release from NOergic neurons. This NO diffuses to the LHRH terminals where it activates guanylate cyclase, leading to an increase in cGMP. At the same time, it also activates cyclooxygenase. The increase in cGMP increases intracellular free calcium, activating phospholipase A2 to provide arachidonic acid, the substrate for conversion by the activated cyclooxygenase to PGE2, which then activates the release of LHRH. Since alcohol inhibits the conversion of labeled arachidonic acid to PGE2, it must act either directly to inhibit cyclooxygenase or perhaps it may act by blocking the increase in intracellular free calcium induced by cGMP, which is crucial for activation of of both phospholipase A2 and cyclooxygenase.


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Administration of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 10 mg/kg i.v.) to male Wistar rats caused within 240 min (i) a sustained fall (approximately 30 mmHg) in mean arterial blood pressure, (ii) a reduction (> 75%) in the pressor responses to norepinephrine (1 microgram/kg i.v.), and (iii) an induction of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) as measured in the lung. Dexamethasone (1 mg/kg i.p. at 2 h prior to LPS) attenuated the hypotension and the vascular hyporeactivity to norepinephrine and reduced (by approximately 77%) the expression of iNOS in the lung. These effects of dexamethasone were prevented by pretreatment of LPS-treated rats with a neutralizing antiserum to lipocortin 1 (anti-LC1; 60 mg/kg s.c. at 24 h prior to LPS) but not by a control nonimmune sheep serum. Stimulation of J774.2 macrophages with LPS (1 microgram/ml for 24 h) caused the expression of iNOS and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) protein and significantly increased nitrite generation; this was prevented by dexamethasone (0.1 microM at 1 h prior to LPS), which also increased cell surface lipocortin 1. Pretreatment of J774.2 cells with anti-LC1 (1:60 dilution at 4 h prior to LPS) also abolished the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on iNOS expression and nitrite accumulation but not that on COX-2 expression. A lipocortin 1 fragment (residues 1-188 of human lipocortin 1; 20 micrograms/ml at 1 h prior to LPS) also blocked iNOS in J774.2 macrophages activated by LPS (approximately 78% inhibition), and this too was prevented by anti-LC1. We conclude that the extracellular release of endogenous lipocortin 1 (i) mediates the inhibition by dexamethasone of the expression of iNOS, but not of COX-2, and (ii) contributes substantially to the beneficial actions of dexamethasone in rats with endotoxic shock.