140 resultados para complement regulator factor H related protein


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Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) is synthesized in the brain, and a single type of cloned receptor for the N-terminal portion of PTHrP and PTH is present in the central nervous system. Nothing is known about the physiological actions or signaling pathways used by PTHrP in the brain. Using cultured rat hippocampal neurons, we demonstrate that N-terminal PTHrP[1-34] and PTH[1-34] signal via cAMP and cytosolic calcium transients. The cAMP response showed strong acute (< or = 6 h) homologous and heterologous desensitization after preincubation with PTHrP or PTH. In contrast, the acute calcium response did not desensitize after preincubation with PTHrP; in fact, preincubation dramatically recruited additional responsive neurons. Unexpectedly, C-terminal PTHrP[107-139], which does not bind or activate the cloned PTH/PTHrP receptor, signaled in neurons via cytosolic calcium but not cAMP. Although some neurons responded to both PTHrP[1-34] and PTHrP[107-139], others responded only to PTHrP[1-34]. We conclude that certain hippocampal neurons exhibit dual signaling in response to PTHrP[1-34] and that some neurons have a receptor for C-terminal PTHrP that signals only via cytosolic calcium.


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T-cell activation requires cooperative signals generated by the T-cell antigen receptor zeta-chain complex (TCR zeta-CD3) and the costimulatory antigen CD28. CD28 interacts with three intracellular proteins-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), T cell-specific protein-tyrosine kinase ITK (formerly TSK or EMT), and the complex between growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 and son of sevenless guanine nucleotide exchange protein (GRB-2-SOS). PI 3-kinase and GRB-2 bind to the CD28 phosphotyrosine-based Tyr-Met-Asn-Met motif by means of intrinsic Src-homology 2 (SH2) domains. The requirement for tyrosine phosphorylation of the Tyr-Met-Asn-Met motif for SH2 domain binding implicates an intervening protein-tyrosine kinase in the recruitment of PI 3-kinase and GRB-2 by CD28. Candidate kinases include p56Lck, p59Fyn, zeta-chain-associated 70-kDa protein (ZAP-70), and ITK. In this study, we demonstrate in coexpression studies that p56Lck and p59Fyn phosphorylate CD28 primarily at Tyr-191 of the Tyr-Met-Asn-Met motif, inducing a 3- to 8-fold increase in p85 (subunit of PI 3-kinase) and GRB-2 SH2 binding to CD28. Phosphatase digestion of CD28 eliminated binding. In contrast to Src kinases, ZAP-70 and ITK failed to induce these events. Further, ITK binding to CD28 was dependent on the presence of p56Lck and is thus likely to act downstream of p56Lck/p59Fyn in a signaling cascade. p56Lck is therefore likely to be a central switch in T-cell activation, with the dual function of regulating CD28-mediated costimulation as well as TCR-CD3-CD4 signaling.


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VASP (vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein), an established substrate of cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases in vitro and in living cells, is associated with focal adhesions, microfilaments, and membrane regions of high dynamic activity. Here, the identification of an 83-kDa protein (p83) that specifically binds VASP in blot overlays of different cell homogenates is reported. With VASP overlays as a detection tool, p83 was purified from porcine platelets and used to generate monospecific polyclonal antibodies. VASP binding to purified p83 in solid-phase binding assays and the closely matching subcellular localization in double-label immunofluorescence analyses demonstrated that both proteins also directly interact as native proteins in vitro and possibly in living cells. The subcellular distribution, the biochemical properties, as well as microsequencing data revealed that porcine platelet p83 is related to chicken gizzard zyxin and most likely represents the mammalian equivalent of the chicken protein. The VASP-p83 interaction may contribute to the targeting of VASP to focal adhesions, microfilaments, and dynamic membrane regions. Together with our recent identification of VASP as a natural ligand of the profilin poly-(L-proline) binding site, our present results suggest that, by linking profilin to zyxin/p83, VASP may participate in spatially confined profilin-regulated F-actin formation.


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Mannitol is the most abundant sugar alcohol in nature, occurring in bacteria, fungi, lichens, and many species of vascular plants. Celery (Apium graveolens L.), a plant that forms mannitol photosynthetically, has high photosynthetic rates thought to results from intrinsic differences in the biosynthesis of hexitols vs. sugars. Celery also exhibits high salt tolerance due to the function of mannitol as an osmoprotectant. A mannitol catabolic enzyme that oxidizes mannitol to mannose (mannitol dehydrogenase, MTD) has been identified. In celery plants, MTD activity and tissue mannitol concentration are inversely related. MTD provides the initial step by which translocated mannitol is committed to central metabolism and, by regulating mannitol pool size, is important in regulating salt tolerance at the cellular level. We have now isolated, sequenced, and characterized a Mtd cDNA from celery. Analyses showed that Mtd RNA was more abundant in cells grown on mannitol and less abundant in salt-stressed cells. A protein database search revealed that the previously described ELI3 pathogenesis-related proteins from parsley and Arabidopsis are MTDs. Treatment of celery cells with salicylic acid resulted in increased MTD activity and RNA. Increased MTD activity results in an increased ability to utilize mannitol. Among other effects, this may provide an additional source of carbon and energy for response to pathogen attack. These responses of the primary enzyme controlling mannitol pool size reflect the importance of mannitol metabolism in plant responses to divergent types of environmental stress.


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mac25, the subject of this report, was selected by the differential display of mRNA method in a search for genes overexpressed in senescent human mammary epithelial cells. mac25 had previously been cloned as a discrete gene, preferentially expressed in normal, leptomeningial cells compared with meningioma tumors. mac25 is another member of the insulin growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP) family. Insulin-like growth factors are potent mitogens for mammary epithelial cells, and the IGFBPs have been shown to modulate this mitogenic activity. We report here that mac25, unlike most IGFBPs, is down-regulated at the transcription level in mammary carcinoma cell lines, suggesting a tumor-suppressor role. The gene was mapped to chromosome 4q12. We found that mac25 accumulates in senescent cells and is up-regulated in normal, growing mammary epithelial cells by all-trans-retinoic acid or the synthetic retinoid fenretinide. These findings suggest that mac25 may be a downstream effector of retinoid chemoprevention in breast epithelial cells and that its tumor-suppressive role may involve a senescence pathway.


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The 39-kDa receptor-associated protein (RAP) associates with the multifunctional low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-related protein (LRP) and thereby prevents the binding of all known ligands, including alpha 2-macroglobulin and chylomicron remnants. RAP is predominantly localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, raising the possibility that it functions as a chaperone or escort protein in the biosynthesis or intracellular transport of LRP. Here we have used gene targeting to show that RAP promotes the expression of functional LRP in vivo. The amount of mature, processed LRP is reduced in liver and brain of RAP-deficient mice. As a result, hepatic clearance of alpha 2-macroglobulin is impaired and remnant lipoproteins accumulate in the plasma of RAP-deficient mice that also lack functional LDL receptors. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that RAP stabilizes LRP within the secretory pathway. They also suggest a further mechanism by which the activity of an endocytic receptor may be modulated in vivo.


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The TATA-binding protein (TBP)-related factor TRF1, has been described in Drosophila and a related protein, TRF2, has been found in a variety of higher eukaryotes. We report that human (h)TRF2 is encoded by two mRNAs with common protein coding but distinct 5′ nontranslated regions. One mRNA is expressed ubiquitously (hTRF2-mRNA1), whereas the other (hTRF2-mRNA2) shows a restricted expression pattern and is extremely abundant in testis. In addition, we show that hTRF2 forms a stable stoichiometric complex with hTFIIA, but not with TAFs, in HeLa cells stably transfected with flag-tagged hTRF2. Neither recombinant human (rh)TRF2 nor the native flag⋅hTRF2-TFIIA complex is able to replace TBP or TFIID in basal or activated transcription from various RNA polymerase II promoters. Instead, rhTRF2, but not the flag⋅hTRF2–TFIIA complex, moderately inhibits basal or activated transcription in the presence of rhTBP or flag⋅TFIID. This effect is either completely (TBP-mediated transcription) or partially (TFIID-mediated transcription) counteracted by addition of free TFIIA. Neither rhTRF2 nor flag⋅hTRF2–TFIIA has any effect on the repression of TFIID-mediated transcription by negative cofactor-2 (NC2) and neither substitutes for TBP in RNA polymerase III-mediated transcription.


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Utrophin/dystrophin-related protein is the autosomal homologue of the chromosome X-encoded dystrophin protein. In adult skeletal muscle, utrophin is highly enriched at the neuromuscular junction. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying regulation of utrophin gene expression are yet to be defined. Here we demonstrate that the growth factor heregulin increases de novo utrophin transcription in muscle cell cultures. Using mutant reporter constructs of the utrophin promoter, we define the N-box region of the promoter as critical for heregulin-mediated activation. Using this region of the utrophin promoter for DNA affinity purification, immunoblots, in vitro kinase assays, electrophoretic mobility shift assays, and in vitro expression in cultured muscle cells, we demonstrate that ets-related GA-binding protein α/β transcription factors are activators of the utrophin promoter. Taken together, these results suggest that the GA-binding protein α/β complex of transcription factors binds and activates the utrophin promoter in response to heregulin-activated extracellular signal–regulated kinase in muscle cell cultures. These findings suggest methods for achieving utrophin up-regulation in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy as well as mechanisms by which neurite-derived growth factors such as heregulin may influence the regulation of utrophin gene expression and subsequent enrichment at the neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle.


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The panneural protein Prospero is required for proper differentiation of neuronal lineages and proper expression of several genes in the nervous system of Drosophila. Prospero is an evolutionarily conserved, homeodomain-related protein with dual subcellular localization. Here we show that Prospero is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein with novel sequence preferences that can act as a transcription factor. In this role, Prospero can interact with homeodomain proteins to differentially modulate their DNA-binding properties. The relevance of functional interactions between Prospero and homeodomain proteins is supported by the observation that Prospero, together with the homeodomain protein Deformed, is required for proper regulation of a Deformed-dependent neural-specific transcriptional enhancer. We have localized the DNA-binding and homeodomain protein-interacting activities of Prospero to its highly conserved C-terminal region, and we have shown that the two regulatory capacities are independent.


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains three proteins (Kap104p, Pse1p, and Kap123p) that share similarity to the 95-kDa β subunit of the nuclear transport factor importin (also termed karyopherin and encoded by KAP95/RSL1 in yeast). Proteins that contain nuclear localization sequences are recognized in the cytoplasm and delivered to the nucleus by the heterodimeric importin complex. A second importin-related protein, transportin, delivers a subset of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) to the nucleoplasm. We now show that in contrast to loss of importin β (Kap95p/Rsl1p) and transportin (Kap104p), conditional loss of Pse1p in a strain lacking Kap123p results in a specific block of mRNA export from the nucleus. Overexpression of Sxm1p, a protein related to Cse1p in yeast and to the human cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein, relieves the defects of cells lacking Pse1p and Kap123p. Thus, a major role of Pse1p, Kap123p, and Sxm1p may be nuclear export rather than import, suggesting a symmetrical relationship between these processes.


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We previously provided evidence that the protein encoded by the highly conserved skb1 gene is a putative regulator of Shk1, a p21Cdc42/Rac-activated kinase (PAK) homolog in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. skb1 null mutants are viable and competent for mating but less elongate than wild-type S. pombe cells, whereas cells that overexpress skb1 are hyperelongated. These phenotypes suggest a possible role for Skb1 as a mitotic inhibitor. Here we show genetic interactions of both skb1 and shk1 with genes encoding key mitotic regulators in S. pombe. Our results indicate that Skb1 negatively regulates mitosis by a mechanism that is independent of the Cdc2-activating phosphatase Cdc25 but that is at least partially dependent on Shk1 and the Cdc2 inhibitory kinase Wee1. We provide biochemical evidence for association of Skb1 and Shk1 with Cdc2 in S. pombe, suggesting that Skb1 and Shk1 inhibit mitosis through interaction with the Cdc2 complex, rather than by an indirect mechanism. These results provide evidence of a previously undescribed role for PAK-related protein kinases as mitotic inhibitors. We also describe the cloning of a human homolog of skb1, SKB1Hs, and show that it can functionally replace skb1 in S. pombe. Thus, the molecular functions of Skb1-related proteins have likely been substantially conserved through evolution.


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The γ-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) domain of blood coagulation factors is responsible for Ca2+-dependent phospholipid membrane binding. Factor X-binding protein (X-bp), an anticoagulant protein from snake venom, specifically binds to the Gla domain of factor X. The crystal structure of X-bp in complex with the Gla domain peptide of factor X at 2.3-Å resolution showed that the anticoagulation is based on the fact that two patches of the Gla domain essential for membrane binding are buried in the complex formation. The Gla domain thus is expected to be a new target of anticoagulant drugs, and X-bp provides a basis for designing them. This structure also provides a membrane-bound model of factor X.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, entry into mitosis requires activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc28 in its cyclin B (Clb)-associated form. Clb-bound Cdc28 is susceptible to inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation by Swe1 protein kinase. Swe1 is itself negatively regulated by Hsl1, a Nim1-related protein kinase, and by Hsl7, a presumptive protein-arginine methyltransferase. In vivo all three proteins localize to the bud neck in a septin-dependent manner, consistent with our previous proposal that formation of Hsl1-Hsl7-Swe1 complexes constitutes a checkpoint that monitors septin assembly. We show here that Hsl7 is phosphorylated by Hsl1 in immune-complex kinase assays and can physically associate in vitro with either Hsl1 or Swe1 in the absence of any other yeast proteins. With the use of both the two-hybrid method and in vitro binding assays, we found that Hsl7 contains distinct binding sites for Hsl1 and Swe1. A differential interaction trap approach was used to isolate four single-site substitution mutations in Hsl7, which cluster within a discrete region of its N-terminal domain, that are specifically defective in binding Hsl1. When expressed in hsl7Δ cells, each of these Hsl7 point mutants is unable to localize at the bud neck and cannot mediate down-regulation of Swe1, but retains other functions of Hsl7, including oligomerization and association with Swe1. GFP-fusions of these Hsl1-binding defective Hsl7 proteins localize as a bright perinuclear dot, but never localize to the bud neck; likewise, in hsl1Δ cells, a GFP-fusion to wild-type Hsl7 or native Hsl7 localizes to this dot. Cell synchronization studies showed that, normally, Hsl7 localizes to the dot, but only in cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Immunofluorescence analysis and immunoelectron microscopy established that the dot corresponds to the outer plaque of the spindle pole body (SPB). These data demonstrate that association between Hsl1 and Hsl7 at the bud neck is required to alleviate Swe1-imposed G2-M delay. Hsl7 localization at the SPB during G1 may play some additional role in fine-tuning the coordination between nuclear and cortical events before mitosis.


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Transcription of the genes for the human histone proteins H4, H3, H2A, H2B, and H1 is activated at the G1/S phase transition of the cell cycle. We have previously shown that the promoter complex HiNF-D, which interacts with cell cycle control elements in multiple histone genes, contains the key cell cycle factors cyclin A, CDC2, and a retinoblastoma (pRB) protein-related protein. However, an intrinsic DNA-binding subunit for HiNF-D was not identified. Many genes that are up-regulated at the G1/S phase boundary are controlled by E2F, a transcription factor that associates with cyclin-, cyclin-dependent kinase-, and pRB-related proteins. Using gel-shift immunoassays, DNase I protection, and oligonucleotide competition analyses, we show that the homeodomain protein CDP/cut, not E2F, is the DNA-binding subunit of the HiNF-D complex. The HiNF-D (CDP/cut) complex with the H4 promoter is immunoreactive with antibodies against CDP/cut and pRB but not p107, whereas the CDP/cut complex with a nonhistone promoter (gp91-phox) reacts only with CDP and p107 antibodies. Thus, CDP/cut complexes at different gene promoters can associate with distinct pRB-related proteins. Transient coexpression assays show that CDP/cut modulates H4 promoter activity via the HiNF-D-binding site. Hence, DNA replication-dependent histone H4 genes are regulated by an E2F-independent mechanism involving a complex of CDP/cut with cyclin A/CDC2/ RB-related proteins.


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The dwarfin protein family has been genetically implicated in transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta)-like signaling pathways in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans. To investigate the role of these proteins in mammalian signaling pathways, we have isolated and studied two murine dwarfins, dwarfin-A and dwarfin-C. Using antibodies against dwarfin-A and dwarfin-C, we show that these two dwarfins and an immunogenically related protein, presumably also a dwarfin, are phosphorylated in a time- and dose-dependent manner in response to TGF-beta. Bone morphogenetic protein 2, a TGF-beta superfamily ligand, induces phosphorylation of only the related dwarfin protein. Thus, TGF-beta superfamily members may use overlapping yet distinct dwarfins to mediate their intracellular signals. Furthermore, transient overexpression of either dwarfin-A or dwarfin-C causes growth arrest, implicating the dwarfins in growth regulation. This work provides strong biochemical and preliminary functional evidence that dwarfin-A and dwarfin-C represent prototypic members of a family of mammalian proteins that may serve as mediators of signaling pathways for TGF-beta superfamily members.