165 resultados para brain derived neurotrophic factor receptor


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The high vocal center (HVC) controls song production in songbirds and sends a projection to the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA) of the descending vocal pathway. HVC receives new neurons in adulthood. Most of the new neurons project to RA and replace other neurons of the same kind. We show here that singing enhances mRNA and protein expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the HVC of adult male canaries, Serinus canaria. The increased BDNF expression is proportional to the number of songs produced per unit time. Singing-induced BDNF expression in HVC occurs mainly in the RA-projecting neurons. Neuronal survival was compared among birds that did or did not sing during days 31–38 after BrdUrd injection. Survival of new HVC neurons is greater in the singing birds than in the nonsinging birds. A positive causal link between pathway use, neurotrophin expression, and new neuron survival may be common among systems that recruit new neurons in adulthood.


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Bcl2 overexpression prevents axotomy-induced neuronal death of neonatal facial motoneurons, as defined by morphological criteria. However, the functional properties of these surviving lesioned transgenic neurons are unknown. Using transgenic mice overexpressing the protein Bcl2, we have investigated the bioelectrical properties of transgenic facial motoneurons from 7 to 20 days after neonatal unilateral axotomy using brain-stem slices and whole cell patch-clamp recording. Nonaxotomized facial motoneurons from wild-type and transgenic mice had similar properties; they had an input resistance of 38 +/- 6 M omega and fired repetitively after injection of positive current pulses. When cells were voltage-clamped at or near their resting membrane potential, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA), N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA), or vasopressin generated sustained inward currents. In transgenic axotomized mice, facial motoneurons could be found located ipsilaterally to the lesion; they had an input resistance of 150 +/- 30 M omega, indicating that they were smaller in size, fired repetitively, and were also responsive to AMPA, NMDA, and vasopressin. Morphological measurements achieved 1 week after the lesion have shown that application of brain-derived neurotrophic factor prevented the reduction in size of axotomized transgenic motoneurons. These data indicate that Bcl2 not only prevents morphological apoptotic death of axotomized neonatal transgenic motoneurons but also permits motoneurons to conserve functional electrophysiological properties.


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The ability of neurotrophins to modulate the survival and differentiation of neuronal populations involves the Trk/MAP (mitogen-activated protein kinase) kinase signaling pathway. More recently, neurotrophins have also been shown to regulate synaptic transmission. The synapsins are a family of neuron-specific phosphoproteins that play a role in regulation of neurotransmitter release, in axonal elongation, and in formation and maintenance of synaptic contacts. We report here that synapsin I is a downstream effector for the neurotrophin/Trk/MAP kinase cascade. Using purified components, we show that MAP kinase stoichiometrically phosphorylated synapsin I at three sites (Ser-62, Ser-67, and Ser-549). Phosphorylation of these sites was detected in rat brain homogenates, in cultured cerebrocortical neurons, and in isolated presynaptic terminals. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor upregulated phosphorylation of synapsin I at MAP kinase-dependent sites in intact cerebrocortical neurons and PC12 cells, respectively, while KCl- induced depolarization of cultured neurons decreased the phosphorylation state at these sites. MAP kinase-dependent phosphorylation of synapsin I significantly reduced its ability to promote G-actin polymerization and to bundle actin filaments. The results suggest that MAP kinase-dependent phosphorylation of synapsin I may contribute to the modulation of synaptic plasticity by neurotrophins and by other signaling pathways that converge at the level of MAP kinase activation.


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We analyzed the developmental regulation and role of the neurotrophins during metanephric kidney morphogenesis. RNase protection assay revealed the presence of nerve growth factor, neurotrophin 3 (NT-3), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNAs and the regulation of their expression during embryonic development of rat metanephros. NT-3 induced differentiation (neurite outgrowth) and survival (inhibition of apoptosis) of the neuronal precursors in cultured nephrogenic mesenchymes and neuronal differentiation in cultured whole kidneys, whereas NT-4/5, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and nerve growth factor were without effect. The neurotrophins did not trigger tubular differentiation of isolated nephrogenic cells, which underwent apoptosis when cultured with or without the neurotrophins. NT-3 is thus an inducer of differentiation and a survival factor for renal neuronal cells, but none of the neurotrophins is a morphogen in kidney tubule induction.


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We have isolated the promoter region and determined the start sites of transcription for the gene encoding the chicken m2 (cm2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. Transfection experiments, using cm2-luciferase reporter gene constructs, demonstrated that a 789-bp genomic fragment was sufficient to drive high level expression in chicken heart primary cultures, while an additional 1.2-kb region was required for maximal expression in mouse septal/neuroblastoma (SN56) cells. Treatment of SN56 cells with the cytokines ciliary neurotrophic factor and leukemia inhibitory factor increases expression of endogenous muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and results in a 4- to 6-fold induction of cm2 promoter driven luciferase expression. We have mapped a region of the cm2 promoter that is necessary for induction by cytokines.


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Oligomerization of receptor protein tyrosine kinases such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) by their cognate ligands leads to activation of the receptor. Transphosphorylation of the receptor subunits is followed by the recruitment of signaling molecules containing src homology 2 (SH2) or phosphotyrosine interaction domains (PID). Additionally, several cytoplasmic proteins that may or may not associate with the receptor undergo tyrosine phosphorylation. To identify several components of the EGFR signaling pathway in a single step, we have immunoprecipitated molecules that are tyrosine phosphorylated in response to EGF and analyzed them by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry. Combining matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) led to the identification of nine signaling molecules, seven of which had previously been implicated in EGFR signaling. Several of these molecules were identified from low femtomole levels of protein loaded onto the gel. We identified Vav-2, a recently discovered guanosine nucleotide exchange factor that is expressed ubiquitously, as a substrate of the EGFR. We demonstrate that Vav-2 is phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in response to EGF and associates with the EGFR in vivo. Binding of Vav-2 to the EGFR is mediated by the SH2 domain of Vav-2. In keeping with its ubiquitous expression, Vav-2 seems to be a general signaling molecule, since it also associates with the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor and undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation in fibroblasts upon PDGF stimulation. The strategy suggested here can be used for routine identification of downstream components of cell surface receptors in mammalian cells.


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Macrophage stimulating protein (MSP), also known as hepatocyte growth factor-like, is a soluble cytokine that belongs to the family of the plasminogen-related growth factors (PRGFs). PRGFs are α/β heterodimers that bind to transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptors. MSP was originally isolated as a chemotactic factor for peritoneal macrophages. Through binding to its receptor, encoded by the RON gene, it stimulates dissociation of epithelia and works as an inflammatory mediator by repressing the production of nitric oxide (NO). Here, we identify a novel role for MSP in the central nervous system. As a paradigm to analyze this function we chose the hypoglossal system of adult mice. We demonstrate in vivo that either administration of exogenous MSP or transplantation of MSP-producing cells at the proximal stump of the resected nerve is sufficient to prevent motoneuron atrophy upon axotomy. We also show that the MSP gene is expressed in the tongue, the target of the hypoglossal nerve, and that MSP induces biosynthesis of Ron receptor in the motoneuron somata. Finally, we show that MSP suppresses NO production in the injured hypoglossal nuclei. Together, these data suggest that MSP is a novel neurotrophic factor for cranial motoneurons and, by regulating the production of NO, may have a role in brain plasticity and regeneration.


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Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) drives the sequential assembly of a receptor complex containing the ligand-specific alpha-receptor subunit (CNTFR alpha) and the signal transducers gp130 and leukemia inhibitory factor receptor-beta (LIFR). The D1 structural motif, located at the beginning of the D-helix of human CNTF, contains two amino acid residues, F152 and K155, which are conserved among all cytokines that signal through LIFR. The functional importance of these residues was assessed by alanine mutagenesis. Substitution of either F152 or K155 with alanine was found to specifically inhibit cytokine interaction with LIFR without affecting binding to CNTFR alpha or gp130. The resulting variants behaved as partial agonists with varying degrees of residual bioactivity in different cell-based assays. Simultaneous alanine substitution of both F152 and K155 totally abolished biological activity. Combining these mutations with amino acid substitutions in the D-helix, which enhance binding affinity for the CNTFR alpha, gave rise to a potent competitive CNTF receptor antagonist. This protein constitutes a new tool for studies of CNTF function in normal physiology and disease.


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Using the Escherichia coli lacZ gene to identify chromosomal loci that are transcriptionally active during growth arrest of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, we found that an mRNA expressed preferentially in serum-deprived cells specifies the previously characterized alpha-receptor (alphaR) for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), which mediates mitogenic responsiveness to all PDGF isoforms. Both PDGFalphaR mRNA, which was shown to include a 111-nt segment encoded by a DNA region thought to contain only intron sequences, and PDGFalphaR protein accumulated in serum-starved cells and decreased as cells resumed cycling. Elevated PDGFalphaR gene expression during serum starvation was not observed in cells that had been transformed with oncogenes erbB2, src, or raf, which prevent starvation-induced growth arrest. Our results support the view that products of certain genes expressed during growth arrest function to promote, rather than restrict, cell cycling. We suggest that accumulation of the PDGFalphaR gene product may facilitate the exiting of cells from growth arrest upon mitogenic stimulation by PDGF, leading to the state of "competence" required for cell cycling.


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Testicular germ cell tumors are the most common form of cancer in young adult males. They result from a derangement of primordial germ cells, and they grow out from a noninvasive carcinoma-in-situ precursor. Since carcinoma in situ can readily be cured by low-dose irradiation, there is a great incentive for non- or minimally invasive methods for detection of carcinoma in situ. We have recently shown that human Tera-2 embryonal carcinoma cells, obtained from a nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumor, show alternative splicing and alternative promoter use of the platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor gene, giving rise to a unique 1.5-kb transcript. In this study we have set up a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction strategy for characterization of the various transcripts for this receptor. Using this technique, we show that a panel of 18 seminomas and II nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumors all express the 1.5-kb transcript. In addition, a panel of 27 samples of testis parenchyma with established carcinoma in situ were all found to be positive for the 1.5-kb transcript, while parenchyma lacking carcinoma in situ, placenta, and control semen were all negative. These data show that the 1.5-kb platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor transcript can be used as a highly selective marker for detection of early stages of human testicular germ cell tumors.


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Human ciliary neurotrophic factor (hCNTF), which promotes the cell survival and differentiation of motor and other neurons, is a protein belonging structurally to the alpha-helical cytokine family. hCNTF was subjected to three-dimensional structure modeling and site-directed mutagenesis to analyze its structure-function relationship. The replacement of Lys-155 with any other amino acid residue resulted in abolishment of neural cell survival activity, and some of the Glu-153 mutant proteins had 5- to 10-fold higher biological activity. The D1 cap region (around the boundary between the CD loop and helix D) of hCNTF, including both Glu-153 and Lys-155, was shown to play a key role in the biological activity of hCNTF as one of the putative receptor-recognition sites. In this article, the D1 cap region of the 4-helix-bundle proteins is proposed to be important in receptor recognition and biological activity common to alpha-helical cytokine proteins reactive with gp130, a component protein of the receptors.


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Anchorage and growth factor independence are cardinal features of the transformed phenotype. Although it is logical that the two pathways must be coregulated in normal tissues to maintain homeostasis, this has not been demonstrated directly. We showed previously that down-modulation of β1-integrin signaling reverted the malignant behavior of a human breast tumor cell line (T4–2) derived from phenotypically normal cells (HMT-3522) and led to growth arrest in a three-dimensional (3D) basement membrane assay in which the cells formed tissue-like acini (14). Here, we show that there is a bidirectional cross-modulation of β1-integrin and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling via the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. The reciprocal modulation does not occur in monolayer (2D) cultures. Antibody-mediated inhibition of either of these receptors in the tumor cells, or inhibition of MAPK kinase, induced a concomitant down-regulation of both receptors, followed by growth-arrest and restoration of normal breast tissue morphogenesis. Cross-modulation and tissue morphogenesis were associated with attenuation of EGF-induced transient MAPK activation. To specifically test EGFR and β1-integrin interdependency, EGFR was overexpressed in nonmalignant cells, leading to disruption of morphogenesis and a compensatory up-regulation of β1-integrin expression, again only in 3D. Our results indicate that when breast cells are spatially organized as a result of contact with basement membrane, the signaling pathways become coupled and bidirectional. They further explain why breast cells fail to differentiate in monolayer cultures in which these events are mostly uncoupled. Moreover, in a subset of tumor cells in which these pathways are misregulated but functional, the cells could be “normalized” by manipulating either pathway.


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IL-10-related T cell-derived inducible factor (IL-TIF or IL-21) is a new cytokine structurally related to IL-10 and originally identified in the mouse as a gene induced by IL-9 in T cells and mast cells. Here, we report the cloning of the human IL-TIF cDNA, which shares 79% amino acid identity with mouse IL-TIF and 25% identity with human IL-10. Recombinant human IL-TIF was found to activate signal transducer and activator of transcription factors-1 and -3 in several hepatoma cell lines. IL-TIF stimulation of HepG2 human hepatoma cells up-regulated the production of acute phase reactants such as serum amyloid A, α1-antichymotrypsin, and haptoglobin. Although IL-10 and IL-TIF have distinct activities, antibodies directed against the β chain of the IL-10 receptor blocked the induction of acute phase reactants by IL-TIF, indicating that this chain is a common component of the IL-10 and IL-TIF receptors. Similar acute phase reactant induction was observed in mouse liver upon IL-TIF injection, and IL-TIF expression was found to be rapidly increased after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection, suggesting that this cytokine contributes to the inflammatory response in vivo.


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AML1 is involved in the (8;21) translocation, associated with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)-type M2, which results in the production of the AML1-ETO fusion protein: the amino-terminal 177 amino acids of AML1 and the carboxyl-terminal 575 amino acids of ETO. The mechanism by which AML1-ETO accomplishes leukemic transformation is unknown; however, AML1-ETO interferes with AML1 transactivation of such AML1 targets as the T-cell receptor beta enhancer and the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor promoter. Herein, we explored the effect of AML1-ETO on regulation of a myeloid-specific AML1 target, the macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) receptor promoter. We found that AML1-ETO and AML1 work synergistically to transactivate the M-CSF receptor promoter, thus exhibiting a different activity than previously described. Truncation mutants within the ETO portion of AML1-ETO revealed the region of ETO necessary for the cooperativity between AML1 and AML1-ETO lies between amino acids 347 and 540. Endogenous M-CSF receptor expression was examined in Kasumi-1 cells, derived from a patient with AML-M2 t(8;21) and the promonocytic cell line U937. Kasumi-1 cells exhibited a significantly higher level of M-CSF receptor expression than U937 cells. Bone marrow from patients with AML-M2 t(8;21) also exhibited a higher level of expression of M-CSF receptor compared with normal controls. The upregulation of M-CSF receptor expression by AML1-ETO may contribute to the development of a leukemic state in these patients.


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Tumor-derived adhesion factor (TAF) was previously identified as a cell adhesion molecule secreted by human bladder carcinoma cell line EJ-1. To elucidate the physiological function of TAF, we examined its distribution in human normal and tumor tissues. Immunochemical staining with an anti-TAF monoclonal antibody showed that TAF was specifically accumulated in small blood vessels and capillaries within and adjacent to tumor nests, but not in those in normal tissues. Tumor blood vessel-specific staining of TAF was observed in various human cancers, such as esophagus, brain, lung, and stomach cancers. Double immunofluorescent staining showed apparent colocalization of TAF and type IV collagen in the vascular basement membrane. In vitro experiments demonstrated that TAF preferentially bound to type IV collagen among various extracellular matrix components tested. In cell culture experiments, TAF promoted adhesion of human umbilical vein endothelial cells to type IV collagen substrate and induced their morphological change. Furthermore, when the endothelial cells were induced to form capillary tube-like structures by type I collagen, TAF and type IV collagen were exclusively detected on the tubular structures. The capillary tube formation in vitro was prevented by heparin, which inhibited the binding of TAF to the endothelial cells. These results strongly suggest that TAF contributes to the organization of new capillary vessels in tumor tissues by modulating the interaction of endothelial cells with type IV collagen.