34 resultados para bone morphogenetic protein 15


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Transcriptional silencing of genes transferred into hematopoietic stem cells poses one of the most significant challenges to the success of gene therapy. If the transferred gene is not completely silenced, a progressive decline in gene expression as the mice age often is encountered. These phenomena were observed to various degrees in mouse transplant experiments using retroviral vectors containing a human β-globin gene, even when cis-linked to locus control region derivatives. Here, we have investigated whether ex vivo preselection of retrovirally transduced stem cells on the basis of expression of the green fluorescent protein driven by the CpG island phosphoglycerate kinase promoter can ensure subsequent long-term expression of a cis-linked β-globin gene in the erythroid lineage of transplanted mice. We observed that 100% of mice (n = 7) engrafted with preselected cells concurrently expressed human β-globin and the green fluorescent protein in 20–95% of their RBC for up to 9.5 mo posttransplantation, the longest time point assessed. This expression pattern was successfully transferred to secondary transplant recipients. In the presence of β-locus control region hypersensitive site 2 alone, human β-globin mRNA expression levels ranged from 0.15% to 20% with human β-globin chains detected by HPLC. Neither the proportion of positive blood cells nor the average expression levels declined with time in transplanted recipients. Although suboptimal expression levels and heterocellular position effects persisted, in vivo stem cell gene silencing and age-dependent extinction of expression were avoided. These findings support the further investigation of this type of vector for the gene therapy of human hemoglobinopathies.


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The human t(3;21)(q26;q22) translocation is found as a secondary mutation in some cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia during the blast phase and in therapy-related myelodysplasia and acute myelogenous leukemia. One result of this translocation is a fusion between the AML1, MDS1, and EVI1 genes, which encodes a transcription factor of approximately 200 kDa. The role of the AML1/MDS1/EVI1 (AME) fusion gene in leukemogenesis is largely unknown. In this study, we analyzed the effect of the AME fusion gene in vivo by expressing it in mouse bone marrow cells via retroviral transduction. We found that mice transplanted with AME-transduced bone marrow cells suffered from an acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) 5–13 mo after transplantation. The disease could be readily transferred into secondary recipients with a much shorter latency. Morphological analysis of peripheral blood and bone marrow smears demonstrated the presence of myeloid blast cells and differentiated but immature cells of both myelocytic and monocytic lineages. Cytochemical and flow cytometric analysis confirmed that these mice had a disease similar to the human acute myelomonocytic leukemia. This murine model for AME-induced AML will help dissect the molecular mechanism of AML and the molecular biology of the AML1, MDS1, and EVI1 genes.


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AML1 is involved in the (8;21) translocation, associated with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)-type M2, which results in the production of the AML1-ETO fusion protein: the amino-terminal 177 amino acids of AML1 and the carboxyl-terminal 575 amino acids of ETO. The mechanism by which AML1-ETO accomplishes leukemic transformation is unknown; however, AML1-ETO interferes with AML1 transactivation of such AML1 targets as the T-cell receptor beta enhancer and the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor promoter. Herein, we explored the effect of AML1-ETO on regulation of a myeloid-specific AML1 target, the macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) receptor promoter. We found that AML1-ETO and AML1 work synergistically to transactivate the M-CSF receptor promoter, thus exhibiting a different activity than previously described. Truncation mutants within the ETO portion of AML1-ETO revealed the region of ETO necessary for the cooperativity between AML1 and AML1-ETO lies between amino acids 347 and 540. Endogenous M-CSF receptor expression was examined in Kasumi-1 cells, derived from a patient with AML-M2 t(8;21) and the promonocytic cell line U937. Kasumi-1 cells exhibited a significantly higher level of M-CSF receptor expression than U937 cells. Bone marrow from patients with AML-M2 t(8;21) also exhibited a higher level of expression of M-CSF receptor compared with normal controls. The upregulation of M-CSF receptor expression by AML1-ETO may contribute to the development of a leukemic state in these patients.


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During Drosophila development, nuclear and cell divisions are coordinated in response to developmental signals. In yeast and mammalian cells, signals that control cell division regulate the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) through proteins such as cyclins that interact with the Cdks. Here we describe two Drosophila cyclins identified from a set of Cdk-interacting proteins. One, cyclin J, is of a distinctive sequence type; its exclusive maternal expression pattern suggests that it may regulate oogenesis or the early nuclear divisions of embryogenesis. The other belongs to the D class of cyclins, previously identified in mammalian cells. We show that Drosophila cyclin D is expressed in early embryos and in imaginal disc cells in a pattern that anticipates cell divisions. Expression in the developing eye disc at the anterior edge of the morphogenetic furrow suggests that cyclin D acts early, prior to cyclin E, in inducing G1-arrested cells to enter S phase. Our results also suggest that, although cyclin D may be necessary, its expression alone is not sufficient to initiate the events leading to S phase.