44 resultados para activating collections


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The rearrangement of antibody and T-cell receptor gene segments is indispensable to the vertebrate immune response. All extant jawed vertebrates can rearrange these gene segments. This ability is conferred by the recombination activating genes I and II (RAG I and RAG II). To elucidate their origin and function, the cDNA encoding RAG I from a member of the most ancient class of extant gnathostomes, the Carcharhine sharks, was characterized. Homology domains identified within shark RAG I prompted sequence comparison analyses that suggested similarity of the RAG I and II genes, respectively, to the integrase family genes and integration host factor genes of the bacterial site-specific recombination system. Thus, the apparent explosive evolution (or "big bang") of the ancestral immune system may have been initiated by a transfer of microbial site-specific recombinases.


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Rna1p is the GTPase activating enzyme for Ran/TC4, a Ras-like GTPase necessary for nuclear/cytosolic exchange. Although most wild-type Rna1p is located in the cytosol, we found that the vast majority of the mutant Rna1-1p and, under appropriate physiological conditions, a small portion of the wild-type Rna1p cofractionate with yeast nuclei. Subnuclear fractionation studies show that most of the Rna1p is tightly associated with nuclear components, and that a portion of the active protein can be solubilized by treatments that fail to solubilize inactive Rna1-1p. To learn the precise nuclear locations of the Rna1 proteins, we studied their subcellular distributions in HeLa cells. By indirect immuno-fluorescence we show that wild-type Rna1p has three subcellular locations. The majority of the protein is distributed throughout the cytosol, but a portion of the protein is nucleus-associated, located at both the cytosolic surface and within the nucleoplasm. Mutant Rna1-1p is found at the outer nuclear surface and in the cytosol. We propose that a small pool of the wild-type Rna1p is located in the nuclear interior, supporting the model that the same components of the Ran/TC4 GTPase cycle exist on both sides of the nuclear membrane.


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Transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) is a multisubunit complex required for transcription and for DNA nucleotide excision repair. TFIIH possesses three enzymatic activities: (i) an ATP-dependent DNA helicase, (ii) a DNA-dependent ATPase, and (iii) a kinase with specificity for the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. The kinase activity was recently identified as the cdk (cyclin-dependent kinase) activating kinase, CAK, composed of cdk7, cyclin H, and MAT-1. Here we report the isolation and characterization of three distinct CAK-containing complexes from HeLa nuclear extracts: CAK, a novel CAK-ERCC2 complex, and TFIIH. CAK-ERCC2 can efficiently associate with core-TFIIH to reconstitute holo-TFIIH transcription activity. We present evidence proposing a critical role for ERCC2 in mediating the association of CAK with core TFIIH subunits.


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Sequence specific regulators of eukaryotic gene expression, axiomatically, act through double stranded DNA targets. Proteins that recognize DNA cis-elements as single strands but for which compelling evidence has been lacking to indicate in vivo involvement in transcription are orphaned in this scheme. We sought to determine whether sequence specific single strand binding proteins can find their cognate elements and modify transcription in vivo by studying heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K), which binds the single stranded sequence (CCCTCCCCA; CT-element) of the human c-myc gene in vitro. To monitor its DNA binding in vivo, the ability of hnRNP K to activate a reporter gene was amplified by fusion with the VP16 transactivation domain. This chimeric protein was found to transactivate circular but not linear CT-element driven reporters, suggesting that hnRNP K recognizes a single strand region generated by negative supercoiling in circular plasmid. When CT-elements were engineered to overlap with lexA operators, addition of lexA protein, either in vivo or in vitro, abrogated hnRNP K binding most likely by preventing single strand formation. These results not only reveal hnRNP K to be a single strand DNA binding protein in vivo, but demonstrate how a segment of DNA may modify the transcriptional activity of an adjacent gene through the interconversion of duplex and single strands.


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The tumor suppressor p53 contributes to maintaining genome stability by inducing a cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in response to conditions that generate DNA damage. Nuclear injection of linearized plasmid DNA, circular DNA with a large gap, or single-stranded circular phagemid is sufficient to induce a p53-dependent arrest. Supercoiled and nicked plasmid DNA, and circular DNA with a small gap were ineffective. Titration experiments indicate that the arrest mechanism in normal human fibroblasts can be activated by very few double strand breaks, and only one may be sufficient. Polymerase chain reaction assays showed that end-joining activity is low in serum-arrested human fibroblasts, and that higher joining activity occurs as cells proceed through G1 or into S phase. We propose that the exquisite sensitivity of the p53-dependent G1 arrest is partly due to inefficient repair of certain types of DNA damage in early G1.


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The RNA polymerase II and III small nuclear RNA (snRNA) promoters contain a common basal promoter element, the proximal sequence element (PSE). The PSE binds a multisubunit complex we refer to as the snRNA activating protein complex (SNAPc). At least four polypeptides are visible in purified SNAPc preparations, which migrate with apparent molecular masses of 43, 45, 50, and 190 kDa on SDS/polyacrylamide gels. In addition, purified preparations of SNAPc contain variable amounts of TATA box binding protein (TBP). An important question is whether the PSEs of RNA polymerase II and III snRNA promoters recruit the exact same SNAP complex or slightly different versions of SNAPc, differing, for example, by the presence or absence of a subunit. To address this question, we are isolating cDNAs encoding different subunits of SNAPc. We have previously isolated the cDNA encoding the 43-kDa subunit SNAP43. We now report the isolation of the cDNA that encodes the p45 polypeptide. Antibodies directed against p45 retard the mobility of the SNAPc-PSE complex in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, indicating that p45 is indeed part of SNAPc. We therefore refer to this protein as SNAP45. SNAP45 is exceptionally proline-rich, interacts strongly with TBP, and, like SNAP43, is required for both RNA polymerase II and III transcription of snRNA genes.


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The alpha subunits of the heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) hydrolyze GTP at a rate significantly higher than do most members of the Ras family of approximatelly 20-kDa GTP-binding proteins, which depend on a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for acceleration of GTP hydrolysis. It has been demonstrated that an inserted domain in the G-protein alpha subunit, not present in the much smaller Ras-like proteins, is responsible for this difference [Markby, D. W., Onrust, R. & Bourne, H. R. (1993) Science 262, 1895-1900]. We report here that ARD1, a 64-kDa protein with an 18-kDa carboxyl-terminal ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) domain, exhibited significant GTPase activity, whereas the ARF domain, expressed as a recombinant protein in Escherichia coli, did not. Addition of the 46-kDa amino-terminal extension (similarly synthesized in E. coli) to the GTP-binding ARF-domain of ARD1 enhanced GTPase activity and inhibited GDP dissociation. The kinetic properties of mixtures of the ARF and non-ARF domains were similar to those of an intact recombinant ARD1. Physical association of the two proteins was demonstrated directly by gel filtration and by using the immobilized non-ARF domain. Thus, like the alpha subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins, ARD1 appears to consist of two domains that interact to regulate the biological activity of the protein.


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A key event in Ras-mediated signal transduction and transformation involves Ras interaction with its downstream effector targets. Although substantial evidence has established that the Raf-1 serine/threonine kinase is a critical effector of Ras function, there is increasing evidence that Ras function is mediated through interaction with multiple effectors to trigger Raf-independent signaling pathways. In addition to the two Ras GTPase activating proteins (GAPs; p120- and NF1-GAP), other candidate effectors include activators of the Ras-related Ral proteins (RalGDS and RGL) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Interaction between Ras and its effectors requires an intact Ras effector domain and involves preferential recognition of active Ras-GTP. Surprisingly, these functionally diverse effectors lack significant sequence homology and no consensus Ras binding sequence has been described. We have now identified a consensus Ras binding sequence shared among a subset of Ras effectors. We have also shown that peptides containing this sequence from Raf-1 (RKTFLKLA) and NF1-GAP (RRFFLDIA) block NF1-GAP stimulation of Ras GTPase activity and Ras-mediated activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. In summary, the identification of a consensus Ras-GTP binding sequence establishes a structural basis for the ability of diverse effector proteins to interact with Ras-GTP. Furthermore, our demonstration that peptides that contain Ras-GTP binding sequences can block Ras function provides a step toward the development of anti-Ras agents.


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We have studied the effects of retinoic acid (RA) and thyroid hormone (3,3',5-triiodothyronine; T3) on platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) gene expression in intact rats and the ability of two human PAFR gene promoters (PAFR promoters 1 and 2) to generate two transcripts (PAFR transcripts 1 and 2). Northern blotting showed that RA and T3 regulated PAFR gene expression only in rat tissues that express PAFR transcript 2. Functional analysis of the human PAFR promoter 2 revealed that responsiveness to RA and T3 was conferred through a 24-bp element [PAFR-hormone response element (HRE) located from -67 to -44 bp of the transcription start site, whereas PAFR promoter 1 did not respond to these hormones. The PAFR-HRE is composed of three direct repeated TGACCT-like hexamer motifs with 2-and 4-bp spaces, and the two upstream and two downstream motifs were identified as response elements for RA and T3. Thus, the PAF-PAFR pathway is regulated by the PAFR level altered by a tissue-specific response to RA and T3 through the PAFR-HRE of the PAFR promoter 2.


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The regulation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gene expression in response to Tat is dependent on an element downstream of the HIV-1 transcriptional initiation site designated the trans-activating region (TAR). TAR forms a stable stem-loop RNA structure in which a 3-nt bulge structure and a 6-nt loop structure are important for Tat activation. In the absence of Tat, the HIV-1 promoter generates so-called short or nonprocessive transcripts terminating at +60, while in the presence of Tat the synthesis of these short transcripts is markedly decreased and transcripts that extend through the 9.0-kb HIV-1 genome are synthesized. Tat effects on transcriptional elongation are likely due to alterations in the elongation properties of RNA polymerase II. In this study we demonstrated that a set of cellular cofactors that modulate the binding of the cellular protein TRP-185 to the TAR RNA loop sequences also functioned to markedly stimulate the specific binding of hypophosphorylated (IIa) and hyperphosphorylated (IIo) RNA polymerase II to TAR RNA. The concentrations of RNA polymerase II required for this interaction with TAR RNA were similar to those required to initiate in vitro transcription from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat. RNA gel retardation analysis with wild-type and mutant TAR RNAs indicated that the TAR RNA loop and bulge sequences were critical for the binding of RNA polymerase II. The addition of wild-type but not mutant Tat protein to gel retardation analysis with TAR RNA and RNA polymerase II resulted in the loss of binding of RNA polymerase II binding to TAR RNA. These results suggest that Tat may function to alter RNA polymerase II, which is paused due to its binding to HIV-1 TAR RNA with resultant stimulation of its transcriptional elongation properties.


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The T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain is instrumental in the progression of thymocyte differentiation from the CD4-CD8- to the CD4+CD8+ stage. This differentiation step may involve cell surface expression of novel CD3-TCR complexes. To facilitate biochemical characterization of these complexes, we established cell lines from thymic lymphomas originating from mice carrying a mutation in the p53 gene on the one hand and a mutation in TCR-alpha, TCR-beta, or the recombination activating gene 1 (RAG-1) on the other hand. The cell lines were CD4+CD8+ and appeared to be monoclonal. A cell line derived from a RAG-1 x p53 double mutant thymic lymphoma expressed low levels of CD3-epsilon, -gamma, and -delta on the surface. TCR-alpha x p53 double mutant cell lines were found to express complexes consisting of TCR-beta chains associated with CD3-epsilon, -gamma, and -delta chains and CD3-zeta zeta dimers. These lines will be useful tools to study the molecular structure and signal transducing properties of partial CD3-TCR complexes expressed on the surface of immature thymocytes.


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Platelet-activating factor (PAF; 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), which is thought to be a retrograde messenger in long-term potentiation (LTP), enhances glutamate release and LTP through an action on presynaptic nerve endings. The PAF antagonist BN 52021 blocks CA1 LTP in hippocampal slices, and, when infused into rat dorsal hippocampus pre- or posttraining, blocks retention of inhibitory avoidance. Here we report that memory is affected by pre- or posttraining infusion of the PAF analog 1-O-hexadecyl-2-N-methylcarbamoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine (mc-PAF) into either rat dorsal hippocampus, amygdala, or entorhinal cortex. Male Wistar rats were implanted bilaterally with cannulae in these brain regions. After recovery from surgery, the animals were trained in step-down inhibitory avoidance or in a spatial habituation task and tested for retention 24 h later. mc-PAF (1.0 microgram per side) enhanced retention test performance of the two tasks when infused into the hippocampus before training without altering training session performance. In addition, mc-PAF enhanced retention test performance of the avoidance task when infused into (i) the hippocampus 0 but not 60 min after training; (ii) the amygdala immediately after training; and (iii) the entorhinal cortex 100 but not 0 or 300 min after training. In confirmation of previous findings, BN 52021 (0.5 microgram per side) was found to be amnestic for the avoidance task when infused into the hippocampus or the amygdala immediately but not 30 or more minutes after training or into the entorhinal cortex 100 but not 0 or 300 min after training. These findings support the hypothesis that memory involves PAF-regulated events, possibly LTP, generated at the time of training in hippocampus and amygdala and 100 min later in the entorhinal cortex.


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Infection with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli is a leading cause of traveler's diarrhea. Many enterotoxigenic E. coli strains produce heat-stable enterotoxin (ST), a peptide that binds to the intestinal receptor guanylyl cyclase C known as STaR. The toxin-receptor interaction elevates intracellular cGMP, which then activates apical chloride secretion, resulting in secretory diarrhea. In this report, we examine how the intracellular domains of STaR participate in the propagation and regulation of signaling. We show that STaR exists as an oligomer in both the presence and the absence of toxin. We also demonstrate that deletion of the intracellular kinase-homology domain produces a constitutively active mutant, suggesting that this domain subserves an autoinhibitory function. Finally, we constructed a point mutant within a highly conserved region of the cyclase domain that completely inactivates the catalytic activity of guanylyl cyclase. Cotransfection of this point mutant with wild-type receptor causes a dominant-negative effect on receptor activation. This suggests that interaction of receptor subunits is required for toxin-induced activation and that the cyclase domain is involved in this essential interaction. We propose that the binding of ST to STaR promotes a conformational change across the cell membrane. This removes the inhibitory effects of the kinase-homology domain and promotes an interaction between cyclase domains that leads to receptor activation. The data suggest a paradigm of signal transduction that may also be relevant to other members of the guanylyl cyclase receptor family.


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Ubiquitin-activating enzyme, E1, is the first enzyme in the pathway leading to formation of ubiquitin-protein conjugates. E1 exists as two isoforms in human cells which are separable by electrophoresis. These isoforms migrate with apparent molecular sizes of 110 kDa and 117 kDa in SDS/polyacrylamide gels. Immunoprecipitation of E1 from lysates of HeLa cells metabolically labeled with [32P]phosphate indicated the presence of a phosphorylated form of E1 which migrates at 117 kDa. Phospho amino acid analysis identified serine as the phosphorylated residue in E1. Phosphorylated E1 was also detected in normal and transformed cells from another human cell line. Phosphatase-catalyzed dephosphorylation of E1 in vitro did not eliminate the 117-kDa E1 isoform detected by Coomassie staining after SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, thereby demonstrating that phosphorylation is not the sole structural feature differentiating the isoforms of E1. These observations suggest new hypotheses concerning mechanisms of metabolic regulation of the ubiquitin conjugation pathway.