115 resultados para VSG expression site


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UVA radiation is the major component of the UV solar spectrum that reaches the earth, and the therapeutic application of UVA radiation is increasing in medicine. Analysis of the cellular effects of UVA radiation has revealed that exposure of human cells to UVA radiation at physiological doses leads to increased gene expression and that this UVA response is primarily mediated through the generation of singlet oxygen. In this study, the mechanisms by which UVA radiation induces transcriptional activation of the human intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) were examined. UVA radiation was capable of inducing activation of the human ICAM-1 promoter and increasing ICAM-1 mRNA and protein expression. These UVA radiation effects were inhibited by singlet oxygen quenchers, augmented by enhancement of singlet oxygen life-time, and mimicked in unirradiated cells by a singlet oxygen-generating system. UVA radiation as well as singlet oxygen-induced ICAM-1 promoter activation required activation of the transcription factor AP-2. Accordingly, both stimuli activated AP-2, and deletion of the putative AP-2-binding site abrogated ICAM-1 promoter activation in this system. This study identified the AP-2 site as the UVA radiation- and singlet oxygen-responsive element of the human ICAM-1 gene. The capacity of UVA radiation and/or singlet oxygen to induce human gene expression through activation of AP-2 indicates a previously unrecognized role of this transcription factor in the mammalian stress response.


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A strategy employing gene-trap mutagenesis and site-specific recombination (Cre/loxP) has been developed to isolate genes that are transcriptionally activated during programmed cell death. Interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent hematopoietic precursor cells (FDCP1) expressing a reporter plasmid that codes for herpes simplex virus–thymidine kinase, neomycin phosphotransferase, and murine IL-3 were transduced with a retroviral gene-trap vector carrying coding sequences for Cre-recombinase (Cre) in the U3 region. Activation of Cre expression from integrations into active genes resulted in a permanent switching between the selectable marker genes that converted the FDCP1 cells to factor independence. Selection for autonomous growth yielded recombinants in which Cre sequences in the U3 region were expressed from upstream cellular promoters. Because the expression of the marker genes is independent of the trapped cellular promoter, genes could be identified that were transiently induced by IL-3 withdrawal.


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The cDNAs of two new human membrane-associated aspartic proteases, memapsin 1 and memapsin 2, have been cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences show that each contains the typical pre, pro, and aspartic protease regions, but each also has a C-terminal extension of over 80 residues, which includes a single transmembrane domain and a C-terminal cytosolic domain. Memapsin 2 mRNA is abundant in human brain. The protease domain of memapsin 2 cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and was purified. Recombinant memapsin 2 specifically hydrolyzed peptides derived from the β-secretase site of both the wild-type and Swedish mutant β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) with over 60-fold increase of catalytic efficiency for the latter. Expression of APP and memapsin 2 in HeLa cells showed that memapsin 2 cleaved the β-secretase site of APP intracellularly. These and other results suggest that memapsin 2 fits all of the criteria of β-secretase, which catalyzes the rate-limiting step of the in vivo production of the β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide leading to the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Recombinant memapsin 2 also cleaved a peptide derived from the processing site of presenilin 1, albeit with poor kinetic efficiency. Alignment of cleavage site sequences of peptides indicates that the specificity of memapsin 2 resides mainly at the S1′ subsite, which prefers small side chains such as Ala, Ser, and Asp.


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Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) is a key element required to complete mammalian male sex differentiation. The expression pattern of MIS is tightly regulated in fetal, neonatal, and prepubertal testes and adult ovaries and is well conserved among mammalian species. Although several factors have been shown to be essential to MIS expression, its regulatory mechanisms are not fully understood. We have examined MIS promoter activity in 2-day postnatal primary cultures of rat Sertoli cells that continue to express endogenous MIS mRNA. Using this system, we found that the region between human MIS−269 and −192 is necessary for full MIS promoter activity. We identified by DNase I footprint and electrophoretic mobility-shift analyses a distal steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)-binding site that is essential for full promoter activity. Mutational analysis of this new distal SF-1 site and the previously identified proximal SF-1 site showed that both are necessary for transcriptional activation. Moreover, the proximal promoter also contains multiple GATA-4-binding sites that are essential for functional promoter activity. Thus multiple SF-1- and GATA-4-binding sites in the MIS promoter are required for normal tissue-specific and developmental expression of MIS.


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Neuropeptides are implicated in many tumors, breast cancer (BC) included. Preprotachykinin-I (PPT-I) encodes multiple neuropeptides with pleiotropic functions such as neurotransmission, immune/hematopoietic modulation, angiogenesis, and mitogenesis. PPT-I is constitutively expressed in some tumors. In this study, we investigated a role for PPT-I and its receptors, neurokinin-1 (NK-1) and NK-2, in BC by using quantitative reverse transcription–PCR, ELISA, and in situ hybridization. Compared with normal mammary epithelial cells (n = 2) and benign breast biopsies (n = 21), BC cell lines (n = 7) and malignant breast biopsies (n = 25) showed increased expression of PPT-I and NK-1. NK-2 levels were high in normal and malignant cells. Specific NK-1 and NK-2 antagonists inhibited BC cell proliferation, suggesting autocrine and/or intercrine stimulation of BC cells by PPT-I peptides. NK-2 showed no effect on the proliferation of normal cells but mediated the proliferation of BC cells. Cytosolic extracts from malignant BC cells enhanced PPT-I translation whereas extracts from normal mammary epithelial cells caused no change. These enhancing effects may be protein-specific because a similar increase was observed for IL-6 translation and no effect was observed for IL-1α and stem cell factor. The data suggest that PPT-I peptides and their receptors may be important in BC development. Considering that PPT-I peptides are hematopoietic modulators, these results could be extended to understand early integration of BC cells in the bone marrow, a preferred site of metastasis. Molecular signaling transduced by PPT-I peptides and the mechanism that enhances translation of PPT-I mRNA could lead to innovative strategies for BC treatments and metastasis.


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The biological function of specific gene products often is determined experimentally by blocking their expression in an organism and observing the resulting phenotype. Chromophore-assisted laser inactivation using malachite green (MG)-tagged antibodies makes it possible to inactivate target proteins in a highly restricted manner, probing their temporally and spatially resolved functions. In this report, we describe the isolation and in vitro characterization of a MG-binding RNA motif that may enable the same high-resolution analysis of gene function specifically at the RNA level (RNA-chromophore-assisted laser inactivation). A well-defined asymmetric internal bulge within an RNA duplex allows high affinity and high specificity binding by MG. Laser irradiation in the presence of low concentrations of MG induces destruction of the MG-binding RNA but not of coincubated control RNA. Laser-induced hydrolysis of the MG-binding RNA is restricted predominantly to a single nucleotide within the bulge. By appropriately incorporating this motif into a target gene, transcripts generated by the gene may be effectively tagged for laser-mediated destruction.


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Two-component signaling systems involving receptor-histidine kinases are ubiquitous in bacteria and have been found in yeast and plants. These systems provide the major means by which bacteria communicate with each other and the outside world. Remarkably, very little is known concerning the extracellular ligands that presumably bind to receptor-histidine kinases to initiate signaling. The two-component agr signaling circuit in Staphylococcus aureus is one system where the ligands are known in chemical detail, thus opening the door for detailed structure–activity relationship studies. These ligands are short (8- to 9-aa) peptides containing a thiolactone structure, in which the α-carboxyl group of the C-terminal amino acid is linked to the sulfhydryl group of a cysteine, which is always the fifth amino acid from the C terminus of the peptide. One unique aspect of the agr system is that peptides that activate virulence expression in one group of S. aureus strains also inhibit virulence expression in other groups of S. aureus strains. Herein, it is demonstrated by switching the receptor-histidine kinase, AgrC, between strains of different agr specificity types, that intragroup activation and intergroup inhibition are both mediated by the same group-specific receptors. These results have facilitated the development of a global inhibitor of virulence in S. aureus, which consists of a truncated version of one of the naturally occurring thiolactone peptides.


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Sulfite oxidase catalyzes the terminal reaction in the degradation of sulfur amino acids. Genetic deficiency of sulfite oxidase results in neurological abnormalities and often leads to death at an early age. The mutation in the sulfite oxidase gene responsible for sulfite oxidase deficiency in a 5-year-old girl was identified by sequence analysis of cDNA obtained from fibroblast mRNA to be a guanine to adenine transition at nucleotide 479 resulting in the amino acid substitution of Arg-160 to Gln. Recombinant protein containing the R160Q mutation was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized. The mutant protein contained its full complement of molybdenum and heme, but exhibited 2% of native activity under standard assay conditions. Absorption spectroscopy of the isolated molybdenum domains of native sulfite oxidase and of the R160Q mutant showed significant differences in the 480- and 350-nm absorption bands, suggestive of altered geometry at the molybdenum center. Kinetic analysis of the R160Q protein showed an increase in Km for sulfite combined with a decrease in kcat resulting in a decrease of nearly 1,000-fold in the apparent second-order rate constant kcat/Km. Kinetic parameters for the in vitro generated R160K mutant were found to be intermediate in value between those of the native protein and the R160Q mutant. Native sulfite oxidase was rapidly inactivated by phenylglyoxal, yielding a modified protein with kinetic parameters mimicking those of the R160Q mutant. It is proposed that Arg-160 attracts the anionic substrate sulfite to the binding site near the molybdenum.


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High-level expression of the human growth hormone (hGH) gene is limited to somatotrope and lactosomatotrope cells of the anterior pituitary. We previously identified a locus control region (LCR) for the hGH gene composed of four tissue-specific DNase I-hypersensitive sites (HS) located between −14.6 kb and −32 kb 5′ to the hGH transcription start site that is responsible for establishing a physiologically regulated chromatin domain for hGH transgene expression in mouse pituitary. In the present study we demonstrated that the LCR mediates somatotrope and lactosomatotrope restriction on an otherwise weakly and diffusely expressed hGH transgene. The subregion of the LCR containing the two pituitary-specific HS, HSI and HSII (−14.6 to −16.2 kb relative to the hGH promoter and denoted HSI,II), was found to be sufficient for mediating somatotrope and lactosomatotrope restriction, for appropriately timed induction of hGH transgene expression between embryonic days 15.5 and 16.5, and for selective extinction of hGH expression in mature lactotropes. When studied by cell transfection, the HSI,II fragment selectively enhanced transcription in a presomatotrope-derived cell line, although at levels (2- to 3-fold) well below that seen in vivo. The LCR activity of the HSI,II element was therefore localized by scoring transgene expression in fetal founder pituitaries at embryonic day 18.5. The data from these studies indicated that a 404-bp segment of the HSI,II region encodes a critical subset of LCR functions, including the establishment of a productive chromatin environment, cell-specific restriction and enhancement of expression, and appropriately timed induction of the hGH transgene during embryonic development.


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We previously identified a novel nuclear RNA species derived from the preproenkephalin (PPE) gene. This transcript, which we have named PPEIA-3′ RNA, hybridizes with probes directed at a region of PPE intron A downstream of an alternative germ-cell transcription start site, but does not contain PPE protein coding sequences. We now report that estrogen treatment of ovariectomized rats increases the expression of conventional PPE heteronuclear RNA, and also induces the expression of PPEIA-3′ RNA, apparently in separate cell populations within the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. Further, we show that cells expressing PPEIA-3′ are found in several neuronal groups in the rat forebrain and brainstem, with a distinct topographical distribution. High densities of PPEIA-3′ containing cells are found in the reticular thalamic nucleus, the basal forebrain, the vestibular complex, the deep cerebellar nuclei, and the trapezoid body, a pattern that parallels the distribution of atypical nuclear RNAs described by other groups. These results suggest that this diverse neuronal population shares a common set of nuclear factors responsible for the expression and retention of this atypical RNA transcript. The implication of these results for cell-specific gene transcription and regulation in the brain and the possible relationship of PPEIA-3′ RNA and other atypical nuclear RNAs is discussed.


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Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a broadly expressed mitogenic and chemotactic factor with diverse roles in a number of physiologic and pathologic settings. The zinc finger transcription factors Sp1, Sp3 and Egr-1 bind to overlapping elements in the proximal PDGF B-chain promoter and activate transcription of this gene. The anthracycline nogalamycin has previously been reported to inhibit the capacity of Egr-1 to bind DNA in vitro. Here we used electrophoretic mobility shift assays to show that nogalamycin added to cells in culture did not alter the interaction of Egr-1 with the PDGF-B promoter. Instead, it enhanced the capacity of Sp1 to bind DNA. Nogalamycin increased PDGF-B mRNA expression at the level of transcription, which was abrogated by mutation of the Sp1 binding site in the PDGF-B promoter or overexpression of mutant Sp1. Rather than increasing total levels of Sp1, nogalamycin altered the phosphorylation state of the transcription factor. Overexpression of dominant-negative PKC-ζ blocked nogalamycin-inducible Sp1 phosphorylation and PDGF-B promoter-dependent expression. Nogalamycin stimulated the phosphorylation of PKC-ζ (on residue Thr410). These findings demonstrate for the first time that PKC-ζ and Sp1 phosphorylation mediate the inducible expression of this growth factor.


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BodyMap is a human and mouse gene expression database that is based on site-directed 3′-expressed sequence tags generated at Osaka University. To date, it contains more than 300 000 tag sequences from 64 human and 39 mouse tissues. For the recent release, the precise anatomical expression patterns for more than half of the human gene entries were generated by introduced amplified fragment length polymorphism (iAFLP), which is a PCR-based high-throughput expression profiling method. The iAFLP data incorporated into BodyMap describe the relative contents of more than 12 000 transcripts across 30 tissue RNAs. In addition, a newly developed gene ranking system helps users obtain lists of genes that have desired expression patterns according to their significance. BodyMap supports complete transfer of unique data sets and provides analysis that is accessible through the WWW at http://bodymap.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp.


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The Gene Expression Database (GXD) is a community resource of gene expression information for the laboratory mouse. By combining the different types of expression data, GXD aims to provide increasingly complete information about the expression profiles of genes in different mouse strains and mutants, thus enabling valuable insights into the molecular networks that underlie normal development and disease. GXD is integrated with the Mouse Genome Database (MGD). Extensive interconnections with sequence databases and with databases from other species, and the development and use of shared controlled vocabularies extend GXD’s utility for the analysis of gene expression information. GXD is accessible through the Mouse Genome Informatics web site at http://www.informatic s.jax.org/ or directly at http://www.informatics.jax.org/me nus/expression_menu.shtml.


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The genes rbcS and rbcL encode, respectively, the small and large subunits of the photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. There is a single rbcL gene in each chloroplast chromosome; a family of rbcS genes is located in the nuclear genome. These two genes are not expressed in mesophyll cells but are in adjacent bundle-sheath cells of leaves of the C4 plant Zea mays. Two regions of the maize gene rbcS-m3 are required for suppressing expression in mesophyll cells. One region is just beyond the translation termination site in the 3′ region, and the other is several hundred base pairs upstream of the transcription start site. A binding site for a protein with limited homology to the viral, yeast, and mammalian transcription repressor-activator YY1 (Yin-Yang I), has now been identified in the 3′ region. A maize gene for a protein with zinc fingers homologous to those of YY1 has been isolated, characterized, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The gene is designated trm1 (transcription repressor-maize 1). The protein TRM1 binds to the YY1-like site and, in addition, TRM1 binds to two sequence regions in the 5′ region of the gene that have no homology to the YY1 site. Mutagenesis or deletion of any of these three sequences eliminates repression of rbcS-m3 reporter genes in mesophyll cells.


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We have developed a universally applicable system for conditional gene expression in embryonic stem (ES) cells that relies on tamoxifen-dependent Cre recombinase-loxP site-mediated recombination and bicistronic gene-trap expression vectors that allow transgene expression from endogenous cellular promoters. Two vectors were introduced into the genome of recipient ES cells, successively: (i) a bicistronic gene-trap vector encoding the β-galactosidase/neoR fusion protein and the Cre-ERT2 (Cre recombinase fused to a mutated ligand-binding domain of the human estrogen receptor) and (ii) a bicistronic gene-trap vector encoding the hygroR protein and the human alkaline phosphatase (hAP), the expression of which is prevented by tandemly repeated stop-of-transcription sequences flanked by loxP sites. In selected clones, hAP expression was shown to be regulated accurately by 4′hydroxy-tamoxifen. Strict hormone-dependent expression of hAP was achieved (i) in vitro in undifferentiated ES cells and embryoid bodies, (ii) in vivo in virtually all the tissues of the 10-day-old chimeric fetus (after injection of 4′hydroxy-tamoxifen to foster mothers), and (iii) ex vivo in primary embryonic fibroblasts isolated from chimeric fetuses. Therefore, this approach can be applied to drive conditional expression of virtually any transgene in a large variety of cell types, both in vitro and in vivo.