272 resultados para TRNA-mediatedtrans-splicing
The L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels that control tonic release of neurotransmitter from hair cells exhibit unusual electrophysiological properties: a low activation threshold, rapid activation and deactivation, and a lack of Ca2+-dependent inactivation. We have inquired whether these characteristics result from cell-specific splicing of the mRNA for the L-type α1D subunit that predominates in hair cells of the chicken’s cochlea. The α1D subunit in hair cells contains three uncommon exons: one encoding a 26-aa insert in the cytoplasmic loop between repeats I and II, an alternative exon for transmembrane segment IIIS2, and a heretofore undescribed exon specifying a 10-aa insert in the cytoplasmic loop between segments IVS2 and IVS3. We propose that the alternative splicing of the α1D mRNA contributes to the unusual behavior of the hair cell’s voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.
In this study we demonstrate, at an ultrastructural level, the in situ distribution of heterogeneous nuclear RNA transcription sites after microinjection of 5-bromo-UTP (BrUTP) into the cytoplasm of living cells and subsequent postembedding immunoelectron microscopic visualization after different labeling periods. Moreover, immunocytochemical localization of several pre-mRNA transcription and processing factors has been carried out in the same cells. This high-resolution approach allowed us to reveal perichromatin regions as the most important sites of nucleoplasmic RNA transcription and the perichromatin fibrils (PFs) as in situ forms of nascent transcripts. Furthermore, we show that transcription takes place in a rather diffuse pattern, without notable local accumulation of transcription sites. RNA polymerase II, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) core proteins, general transcription factor TFIIH, poly(A) polymerase, splicing factor SC-35, and Sm complex of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) are associated with PFs. This strongly supports the idea that PFs are also sites of major pre-mRNA processing events. The absence of nascent transcripts, RNA polymerase II, poly(A) polymerase, and hnRNPs within the clusters of interchromatin granules rules out the possibility that this domain plays a role in pre-mRNA transcription and polyadenylation; however, interchromatin granule-associated zones contain RNA polymerase II, TFIIH, and Sm complex of snRNPs and, after longer periods of BrUTP incubation, also Br-labeled RNA. Their role in nuclear functions still remains enigmatic. In the nucleolus, transcription sites occur in the dense fibrillar component. Our fine structural results show that PFs represent the major nucleoplasmic structural domain involved in active pre-mRNA transcriptional and processing events.
In a screen for genes expressed in the Drosophila embryonic salivary gland, we identified a tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase gene that maps to cytological position 85D (WRS-85D). WRS-85D expression is dependent on the homeotic gene Sex combs reduced (Scr). In the absence of Scr function, WRS-85D expression is lost in the salivary gland primordia; conversely, ectopic expression of Scr results in expression of WRS-85D in new locations. Despite the fact that WRS-85D is a housekeeping gene essential for protein synthesis, we detected both WRS-85D mRNA and protein at elevated levels in the developing salivary gland. WRS-85D is required for embryonic survival; embryos lacking the maternal contribution were unrecoverable, whereas larvae lacking the zygotic component died during the third instar larval stage. We showed that recombinant WRS-85D protein specifically charges tRNATrp, and WRS-85D is likely to be the only tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase gene in Drosophila. We characterized the expression patterns of all 20 aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and found that of the four aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes expressed at elevated levels in the salivary gland primordia, WRS-85D is expressed at the highest level throughout embryogenesis. We also discuss the potential noncanonical activities of tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase in immune response and regulation of cell growth.
The unc-52 gene encodes the nematode homologue of mammalian perlecan, the major heparan sulfate proteoglycan of the extracellular matrix. This is a large complex protein with regions similar to low-density lipoprotein receptors, laminin, and neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs). In this study, we extend our earlier work and demonstrate that a number of complex isoforms of this protein are expressed through alternative splicing. We identified three major classes of perlecan isoforms: a short form lacking the NCAM region and the C-terminal agrin-like region; a medium form containing the NCAM region, but still lacking the agrin-like region; and a newly identified long form that contains all five domains present in mammalian perlecan. Using region-specific antibodies and unc-52 mutants, we reveal a complex spatial and temporal expression pattern for these UNC-52 isoforms. As well, using a series of mutations affecting different regions and thus different isoforms of UNC-52, we demonstrate that the medium NCAM-containing isoforms are sufficient for myofilament lattice assembly in developing nematode body-wall muscle. Neither short isoforms nor isoforms containing the C-terminal agrin-like region are essential for sarcomere assembly or muscle cell attachment, and their role in development remains unclear.
An intracellular signaling from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the nucleus, called the unfolded protein response (UPR), is activated when unfolded proteins are accumulated in the ER under a variety of stress conditions (“ER stress”). We and others recently identified Hac1p/Ern4p as a transcription factor responsible for the UPR in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was further reported that Hac1p (238 aa) is detected only in ER-stressed cells, and its expression is mediated by unconventional splicing of HAC1 precursor mRNA. The splicing replaces the C-terminal portion of Hac1p; it was proposed that precursor mRNA is also translated but the putative product of 230 aa is rapidly degraded by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. We have identified and characterized the same regulated splicing and confirmed its essential features. Contrary to the above proposal, however, we find that the 238-aa product of mature mRNA and the 230-aa-type protein tested are highly unstable with little or no difference in stability. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the absence of Hac1p in unstressed cells is due to the lack of translation of precursor mRNA. We conclude that Hac1p is synthesized as the result of ER stress-induced mRNA splicing, leading to activation of the UPR.
Alternative pre-mRNA splicing patterns can change an extracellular stimulus, but the signaling pathways leading to these changes are still poorly characterized. Here, we describe a tyrosine-phosphorylated nuclear protein, YT521-B, and show that it interacts with the nuclear transcriptosomal component scaffold attachment factor B, and the 68-kDa Src substrate associated during mitosis, Sam68. Northern blot analysis demonstrated ubiquitous expression, but detailed RNA in situ analysis revealed cell type specificity in the brain. YT521-B protein is localized in the nucleoplasm and concentrated in 5–20 large nuclear dots. Deletion analysis demonstrated that the formation of these dots depends on the presence of the amino-terminal glutamic acid-rich domain and the carboxyl-terminal glutamic acid/arginine-rich region. We show that the latter comprises an important protein–protein interaction domain. The Src family kinase p59fyn-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of Sam68 negatively regulates its association with YT521-B, and overexpression of p59fyn dissolves nuclear dots containing YT521-B. In vivo splicing assays demonstrated that YT521-B modulates alternative splice site selection in a concentration-dependent manner. Together, our data indicate that YT521-B and Sam68 may be part of a signal transduction pathway that influences splice site selection.
Certain aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases have a second active site that destroys (by hydrolysis) errors of amino acid activation. For example, isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase misactivates valine (to produce valyl adenylate or Val-tRNAIle) at its active site. The misactivated amino acid is then translocated to an editing site located >25 Å away. The role of the misactivated amino acid in determining the rate of translocation is not known. Valyl-tRNA synthetase, a close homolog of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase, misactivates threonine, α-aminobutyrate, and cysteine. In this paper, we use a recently developed fluorescence-energy-transfer assay to study translocation of misactivated threonine, α-aminobutyrate, and cysteine. Although their rates of misactivation are clearly distinct, their rates of translocation are similar. Thus, the rate of translocation is independent of the nature of the misactivated amino acid. This result suggests that the misactivated amino acid per se has little or no role in directing translocation.
The modified nucleoside 1-methyladenosine (m1A) is found at position 58 in the TΨC loop of many eukaryotic tRNAs. The absence of m1A from all tRNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants lacking Gcd10p elicits severe defects in processing and stability of initiator methionine tRNA (tRNAiMet). Gcd10p is found in a complex with Gcd14p, which contains conserved motifs for binding S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet). These facts, plus our demonstration that gcd14Δ cells lacked m1A, strongly suggested that Gcd10p/Gcd14p complex is the yeast tRNA(m1A)methyltransferase [(m1A)MTase]. Supporting this prediction, affinity-purified Gcd10p/Gcd14p complexes used AdoMet as a methyl donor to synthesize m1A in either total tRNA or purified tRNAiMet lacking only this modification. Kinetic analysis of the purified complex revealed KM values for AdoMet or tRNAiMet of 5.0 μM and 2.5 nM, respectively. Mutations in the predicted AdoMet-binding domain destroyed GCD14 function in vivo and (m1A)MTase activity in vitro. Purified Flag-tagged Gcd14p alone had no enzymatic activity and was severely impaired for tRNA-binding compared with the wild-type complex, suggesting that Gcd10p is required for tight binding of the tRNA substrate. Our results provide a demonstration of a two-component tRNA MTase and suggest that binding of AdoMet and tRNA substrates depends on different subunits of the complex.
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mod5 protein catalyzes isopentenylation of A to i6A on tRNAs in the nucleus, cytosol, and mitochondria. The substrate for Mod5p, dimethylallyl pyrophosphate, is also a substrate for Erg20p that catalyzes an essential step in sterol biosynthesis. Changing the distribution of Mod5p so that less Mod5p is present in the cytosol decreases i6A on cytosolic tRNAs and alters tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression. We devised a colony color/growth assay to assess tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression and used it to search for genes, which, when overexpressed, affect nonsense suppression. We identified SAL6, TEF4, and YDL219w, all of which likely affect nonsense suppression via alteration of the protein synthesis machinery. We also identified ARC1, whose product interacts with aminoacyl synthetases. Interestingly, we identified ERG20. Midwestern analysis showed that yeast cells overproducing Erg20p have reduced levels of i6A on tRNAs. Thus, Erg20p appears to affect nonsense suppression by competing with Mod5p for substrate. Identification of ERG20 reveals that yeast have a limited pool of dimethylallyl pyrophosphate. It also demonstrates that disrupting the balance between enzymes that use dimethylallyl pyrophosphate as substrate affects translation.
The AG dinucleotide at the 3′ splice sites of metazoan nuclear pre-mRNAs plays a critical role in catalytic step II of the splicing reaction. Previous studies have shown that replacement of the guanine by adenine in the AG (AG → GG) inhibits this step. We find that the second step was even more severely inhibited by cytosine (AG → CG) or uracil (AG → UG) substitutions at this position. By contrast, a relatively moderate inhibition was observed with a hypoxanthine substitution (AG → HG). When adenine was replaced by a purine base (AG → PG) or by 7-deazaadenine (AG → c7AG), little effect on the second step was observed, suggesting that the 6-NH2 and N7 groups do not play a critical role in adenine recognition. Finally, replacement of adenine by 2-aminopurine (AG → 2-APG) had no effect on the second step. Taken together, our results suggest that the N1 group of adenine functions as an essential determinant in adenine recognition during the second step of pre-mRNA splicing.
Cells of several major algal groups are evolutionary chimeras of two radically different eukaryotic cells. Most of these “cells within cells” lost the nucleus of the former algal endosymbiont. But after hundreds of millions of years cryptomonads still retain the nucleus of their former red algal endosymbiont as a tiny relict organelle, the nucleomorph, which has three minute linear chromosomes, but their function and the nature of their ends have been unclear. We report extensive cryptomonad nucleomorph sequences (68.5 kb), from one end of each of the three chromosomes of Guillardia theta. Telomeres of the nucleomorph chromosomes differ dramatically from those of other eukaryotes, being repeats of the 23-mer sequence (AG)7AAG6A, not a typical hexamer (commonly TTAGGG). The subterminal regions comprising the rRNA cistrons and one protein-coding gene are exactly repeated at all three chromosome ends. Gene density (one per 0.8 kb) is the highest for any cellular genome. None of the 38 protein-coding genes has spliceosomal introns, in marked contrast to the chlorarachniophyte nucleomorph. Most identified nucleomorph genes are for gene expression or protein degradation; histone, tubulin, and putatively centrosomal ranbpm genes are probably important for chromosome segregation. No genes for primary or secondary metabolism have been found. Two of the three tRNA genes have introns, one in a hitherto undescribed location. Intergenic regions are exceptionally short; three genes transcribed by two different RNA polymerases overlap their neighbors. The reported sequences encode two essential chloroplast proteins, FtsZ and rubredoxin, thus explaining why cryptomonad nucleomorphs persist.
Exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) sequences are important for the recognition of splice sites in pre-mRNA. These sequences are bound by specific serine-arginine (SR) repeat proteins that promote the assembly of splicing complexes at adjacent splice sites. We have recently identified a splicing “coactivator,” SRm160/300, which contains SRm160 (the SR nuclear matrix protein of 160 kDa) and a 300-kDa nuclear matrix antigen. In the present study, we show that SRm160/300 is required for a purine-rich ESE to promote the splicing of a pre-mRNA derived from the Drosophila doublesex gene. The association of SRm160/300 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) with this pre-mRNA requires both U1 snRNP and factors bound to the ESE. Independently of pre-mRNA, SRm160/300 specifically interacts with U2 snRNP and with a human homolog of the Drosophila alternative splicing regulator Transformer 2, which binds to purine-rich ESEs. The results suggest a model for ESE function in which the SRm160/300 splicing coactivator promotes critical interactions between ESE-bound “activators” and the snRNP machinery of the spliceosome.
Folding of the Tetrahymena self-splicing RNA into its active conformation involves a set of discrete intermediate states. The Mg2+-dependent equilibrium transition from the intermediates to the native structure is more cooperative than the formation of the intermediates from the unfolded states. We show that the degree of cooperativity is linked to the free energy of each transition and that the rate of the slow transition from the intermediates to the native state decreases exponentially with increasing Mg2+ concentration. Monovalent salts, which stabilize the folded RNA nonspecifically, induce states that fold in less than 30 s after Mg2+ is added to the RNA. A simple model is proposed that predicts the folding kinetics from the Mg2+-dependent change in the relative stabilities of the intermediate and native states.
SMN1 and SMN2 (survival motor neuron) encode identical proteins. A critical question is why only the homozygous loss of SMN1, and not SMN2, results in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Analysis of transcripts from SMN1/SMN2 hybrid genes and a new SMN1 mutation showed a direct relationship between presence of disease and exon 7 skipping. We have reported previously that the exon-skipped product SMNΔ7 is partially defective for self-association and SMN self-oligomerization correlated with clinical severity. To evaluate systematically which of the five nucleotides that differ between SMN1 and SMN2 effect alternative splicing of exon 7, a series of SMN minigenes was engineered and transfected into cultured cells, and their transcripts were characterized. Of these nucleotide differences, the exon 7 C-to-T transition at codon 280, a translationally silent variance, was necessary and sufficient to dictate exon 7 alternative splicing. Thus, the failure of SMN2 to fully compensate for SMN1 and protect from SMA is due to a nucleotide exchange (C/T) that attenuates activity of an exonic enhancer. These findings demonstrate the molecular genetic basis for the nature and pathogenesis of SMA and illustrate a novel disease mechanism. Because individuals with SMA retain the SMN2 allele, therapy targeted at preventing exon 7 skipping could modify clinical outcome.
Bile secretion involves the structural and functional interplay of hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, the cells lining the intrahepatic bile ducts. Hepatocytes actively secrete bile acids into the canalicular space and cholangiocytes then transport bile acids in a vectorial manner across their apical and basolateral plasma membranes. The initial step in the transepithelial transport of bile acids across rat cholangiocytes is apical uptake by a Na+-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT). To date, the molecular basis of the obligate efflux mechanism for extrusion of bile acids across the cholangiocyte basolateral membrane remains unknown. We have identified an exon-2 skipped, alternatively spliced form of ASBT, designated t-ASBT, expressed in rat cholangiocytes, ileum, and kidney. Alternative splicing causes a frameshift that produces a 154-aa protein. Antipeptide antibodies detected the ≈19 kDa t-ASBT polypeptide in rat cholangiocytes, ileum, and kidney. The t-ASBT was specifically localized to the basolateral domain of cholangiocytes. Transport studies in Xenopus oocytes revealed that t-ASBT can function as a bile acid efflux protein. Thus, alternative splicing changes the cellular targeting of ASBT, alters its functional properties, and provides a mechanism for rat cholangiocytes and other bile acid-transporting epithelia to extrude bile acids. Our work represents an example in which a single gene appears to encode via alternative splicing both uptake and obligate efflux carriers in a bile acid-transporting epithelial cell.