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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-encoded trans-activator (Tat) acts through the trans-activation response element RNA stem-loop to increase greatly the processivity of RNA polymerase II. Without Tat, transcription originating from the HIV promoter is attenuated. In this study, we demonstrate that transcriptional activation by Tat in vivo and in vitro requires the C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II. In contrast, the CTD is not required for basal transcription and for the formation of short, attenuated transcripts. Thus, trans-activation by Tat resembles enhancer-dependent activation of transcription. These results suggest that effects of Tat on the processivity of RNA polymerase II require proteins that are associated with the CTD and may result in the phosphorylation of the CTD.


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The class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) glycoprotein HLA-B27 binds short peptides containing arginine at peptide position 2 (P2). The HLA-B27/peptide complex is recognized by T cells both as part of the development of the repertoire of T cells in the cellular immune system and during activation of cytotoxic T cells. Based on the three-dimensional structure of HLA-B27, we have synthesized a ligand with an aziridine-containing side chain designed to mimic arginine and to bind covalently in the arginine-specific P2 pocket of HLA-B27. Using tryptic digestion followed by mass spectrometry and amino acid sequencing, the aziridine-containing ligand is shown to alkylate specifically cysteine 67 of HLA-B27. Neither free cysteine in solution nor an exposed cysteine on a class II MHC molecule can be alkylated, showing that specific recognition between the anchor side-chain pocket of an MHC class I protein and the designed ligand (propinquity) is necessary to induce the selective covalent reaction with the MHC class I molecule.


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Proteolysis of short N alpha-protected peptide substrates bound to polyoxyethylene-polystyrene beads releases selectively free amino sites in the enzyme-accessible "surface" area. The substantial majority of functional sites in the "interior" of the polymeric support are not reached by the enzyme and remain uncleaved (protected). Subsequent synthesis with two classes of orthogonal protecting groups-N alpha-tert-butyloxycarbonyl (Boc) and N alpha-9-fluorenylmethyloxy-carbonyl (Fmoc)-allows generation of two structures on the same bead. The surface structure is available for receptor interactions, whereas the corresponding interior structure is used for coding. Coding structures are usually readily sequenceable peptides. This "shaving" methodology was illustrated by the preparation of a peptide-encoded model peptide combinatorial library containing 1.0 x 10(5) members at approximately 6-fold degeneracy. From this single library, good ligands were selected for three different receptors: anti-beta-endorphin anti-body, streptavidin, and thrombin, and the binding structures were deduced correctly by sequencing the coding peptides present on the same beads.


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Microsatellites, tandem arrays of short (2-5 bp) nucleotide motifs, are present in high numbers in most eukaryotic genomes. We have characterized the physical distribution of microsatellites on chromosomes of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Each microsatellite sequence shows a characteristic genomic distribution and motif-dependent dispersion, with site-specific amplification on one to seven pairs of centromeres or intercalary chromosomal regions and weaker, dispersed hybridization along chromosomes. Exclusion of some microsatellites from 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA gene sites, centromeres, and intercalary sites was observed. In-gel and in situ hybridization patterns are correlated, with highly repeated restriction fragments indicating major centromeric sites of microsatellite arrays. The results have implications for genome evolution and the suitability of particular microsatellite markers for genetic mapping and genome analysis.


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Genomic similarities and contrasts are investigated in a collection of 23 bacteriophages, including phages with temperate, lytic, and parasitic life histories, with varied sequence organizations and with different hosts and with different morphologies. Comparisons use relative abundances of di-, tri-, and tetranucleotides from entire genomes. We highlight several specific findings. (i) As previously shown for cellular genomes, each viral genome has a distinctive signature of short oligonucleotide abundances that pervade the entire genome and distinguish it from other genomes. (ii) The enteric temperate double-stranded (ds) phages, like enterobacteria, exhibit significantly high relative abundances of GpC = GC and significantly low values of TA, but no such extremes exist in ds lytic phages. (iii) The tetranucleotide CTAG is of statistically low relative abundance in most phages. (iv) The DAM methylase site GATC is of statistically low relative abundance in most phages, but not in P1. This difference may relate to controls on replication (e.g., actions of the host SeqA gene product) and to MutH cleavage potential of the Escherichia coli DAM mismatch repair system. (v) The enteric temperate dsDNA phages form a coherent group: they are relatively close to each other and to their bacteria] hosts in average differences of dinucleotide relative abundance values. By contrast, the lytic dsDNA phages do not form a coherent group. This difference may come about because the temperate phages acquire more sequence characteristics of the host because they use the host replication and repair machinery, whereas the analyzed lytic phages are replicated by their own machinery. (vi) The nonenteric temperate phages with mycoplasmal and mycobacterial hosts are relatively close to their respective hosts and relatively distant from any of the enteric hosts and from the other phages. (vii) The single-stranded RNA phages have dinucleotide relative abundance values closest to those for random sequences, presumably attributable to the mutation rates of RNA phages being much greater than those of DNA phages.


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The renal urea transporter (RUT) is responsible for urea accumulation in the renal medulla, and consequently plays a central role in the urinary concentrating mechanism. To study its cellular and subcellular localization, we prepared affinity-purified, peptide-derived polyclonal antibodies against rat RUT based on the cloned cDNA sequence. Immunoblots using membrane fractions from rat renal inner medulla revealed a solitary 97-kDa band. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated RUT labeling of the apical and subapical regions of inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cells, with no labeling of outer medullary or cortical collecting ducts. Immunoelectron microscopy directly demonstrated labeling of the apical plasma membrane and of subapical intracellular vesicles of IMCD cells, but no labeling of the basolateral plasma membrane. Immunoblots demonstrated RUT labeling in both plasma membrane and intracellular vesicle-enriched membrane fractions from inner medulla, a subcellular distribution similar to that of the vasopressin-regulated water channel, aquaporin-2. In the outer medulla, RUT labeling was seen in terminal portions of short-loop descending thin limbs. Aside from IMCD and descending thin limbs, no other structures were labeled in the kidney. These results suggest that: (i) the RUT provides the apical pathway for rapid, vasopressin-regulated urea transport in the IMCD, (ii) collecting duct urea transport may be increased by vasopressin by stimulation of trafficking of RUT-containing vesicles to the apical plasma membrane, and (iii) the rat urea transporter may provide a pathway for urea entry into the descending limbs of short-loop nephrons.


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The fundamental question "Are sequential data random?" arises in myriad contexts, often with severe data length constraints. Furthermore, there is frequently a critical need to delineate nonrandom sequences in terms of closeness to randomness--e.g., to evaluate the efficacy of therapy in medicine. We address both these issues from a computable framework via a quantification of regularity. ApEn (approximate entropy), defining maximal randomness for sequences of arbitrary length, indicating the applicability to sequences as short as N = 5 points. An infinite sequence formulation of randomness is introduced that retains the operational (and computable) features of the finite case. In the infinite sequence setting, we indicate how the "foundational" definition of independence in probability theory, and the definition of normality in number theory, reduce to limit theorems without rates of convergence, from which we utilize ApEn to address rates of convergence (of a deficit from maximal randomness), refining the aforementioned concepts in a computationally essential manner. Representative applications among many are indicated to assess (i) random number generation output; (ii) well-shuffled arrangements; and (iii) (the quality of) bootstrap replicates.


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The conditioning of culture medium by the production of growth-regulatory substances is a well-established phenomenon with eukaryotic cells. It has recently been shown that many prokaryotes are also capable of modulating growth, and in some cases sensing cell density, by production of extracellular signaling molecules, thereby allowing single celled prokaryotes to function in some respects as multicellular organisms. As Escherichia coli shifts from exponential growth to stationary growth, many changes occur, including cell division leading to formation of short minicells and expression of numerous genes not expressed in exponential phase. An understanding of the coordination between the morphological changes associated with cell division and the physiological and metabolic changes is of fundamental importance to understanding regulation of the prokaryotic cell cycle. The ftsQA genes, which encode functions required for cell division in E. coli, are regulated by promoters P1 and P2, located upstream of the ftsQ gene. The P1 promoter is rpoS-stimulated and the second, P2, is regulated by a member of the LuxR subfamily of transcriptional activators, SdiA, exhibiting features characteristic of an autoinduction (quorum sensing) mechanism. The activity of SdiA is potentiated by N-acyl-homoserine lactones, which are the autoinducers of luciferase synthesis in luminous marine bacteria as well as of pathogenesis functions in several pathogenic bacteria. A compound(s) produced by E. coli itself during growth in Luria Broth stimulates transcription from P2 in an SdiA-dependent process. Another substance(s) enhances transcription of rpoS and (perhaps indirectly) of ftsQA via promoter P1. It appears that this bimodal control mechanism may comprise a fail-safe system, such that transcription of the ftsQA genes may be properly regulated under a variety of different environmental and physiological conditions.


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Fragments of proteins (short peptides) that "fold" suggest a mechanism of how complete conformational search in protein folding is avoided. We used a computational method to determine structures of two foldable peptides in explicit water: RVEW and CSVTC. The optimization starts from random structures and no experimental constraints are used. In agreement with NMR data, the simulations find a hydrophobic pair (Val/Trp) in REVW. The structure of CSVTC is induced by a surface water that bridges two amide hydrogens, a drive to structure hypothesized by Ben-Naim [Ben-Naim, A. (1990) J. Chem. Phys. 93, 8196-8210] that is largely ignored in studies of folding. Tendency to structure in short peptide chains suggests a mechanism for the formation of short-range nucleation sites in protein folding.