265 resultados para SUBUNIT DISSOCIATION


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Benzodiazepines allosterically modulate γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) evoked chloride currents of γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors. Coexpression of either rat γ2 or γ3, in combination with α1 and β2 subunits, results both in receptors displaying high [3H]Ro 15-1788 affinity. However, receptors containing a γ3 subunit display a 178-fold reduced affinity to zolpidem as compared with γ2-containing receptors. Eight chimeras between γ2 and γ3 were constructed followed by nine different point mutations in γ2, each to the homologous amino acid residue found in γ3. Chimeric or mutant γ subunits were coexpressed with α1 and β2 in human embryonic kidney 293 cells to localize amino acid residues responsible for the reduced zolpidem affinity. Substitution of a methionine-to-leucine at position 130 of γ2 (γ2M130L) resulted in a 51-fold reduction in zolpidem affinity whereas the affinity to [3H]Ro 15-1788 remained unchanged. The affinity for diazepam was only decreased by about 2-fold. The same mutation resulted in a 9-fold increase in Cl 218872 affinity. A second mutation (γ2M57I) was found to reduce zolpidem affinity by about 4-fold. Wild-type and γ2M130L-containing receptors were functionally expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Upon mutation allosteric coupling between agonist and modulatory sites is preserved. Dose–response curves for zolpidem and for diazepam showed that the zolpidem but not the diazepam apparent affinity is drastically reduced. The apparent GABA affinity is not significantly affected by the γ2M130L mutation. The identified amino acid residues may define part of the benzodiazepine binding pocket of GABAA receptors. As the modulatory site in the GABAA receptor is homologous to the GABA site, and to all agonist sites of related receptors, γ2M130 may either point to a homologous region important for agonist binding in all receptors or define a new region not underlying this principle.


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γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptors mediate fast inhibitory synaptic transmission and have been implicated in responses to sedative/hypnotic agents (including neuroactive steroids), anxiety, and learning and memory. Using gene targeting technology, we generated a strain of mice deficient in the δ subunit of the GABA type A receptors. In vivo testing of various behavioral responses revealed a strikingly selective attenuation of responses to neuroactive steroids, but not to other modulatory drugs. Electrophysiological recordings from hippocampal slices revealed a significantly faster miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current decay time in null mice, with no change in miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current amplitude or frequency. Learning and memory assessed with fear conditioning were normal. These results begin to illuminate the novel contributions of the δ subunit to GABA pharmacology and sedative/hypnotic responses and behavior and provide insights into the physiology of neurosteroids.


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Several classes of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) are inhibited by G proteins activated by receptors for neurotransmitters and neuromodulatory peptides. Evidence has accumulated to indicate that for non-L-type Ca2+ channels the executing arm of the activated G protein is its βγ dimer (Gβγ). We report below the existence of two Gβγ-binding sites on the A-, B-, and E-type α1 subunits that form non-L-type Ca2+ channels. One, reported previously, is in loop 1 connecting transmembrane domains I and II. The second is located approximately in the middle of the ca. 600-aa-long C-terminal tails. Both Gβγ-binding regions also bind the Ca2+ channel β subunit (CCβ), which, when overexpressed, interferes with inhibition by activated G proteins. Replacement in α1E of loop 1 with that of the G protein-insensitive and Gβγ-binding-negative loop 1 of α1C did not abolish inhibition by G proteins, but the exchange of the α1E C terminus with that of α1C did. This and properties of α1E C-terminal truncations indicated that the Gβγ-binding site mediating the inhibition of Ca2+ channel activity is the one in the C terminus. Binding of Gβγ to this site was inhibited by an α1-binding domain of CCβ, thus providing an explanation for the functional antagonism existing between CCβ and G protein inhibition. The data do not support proposals that Gβγ inhibits α1 function by interacting with the site located in the loop I–II linker. These results define the molecular mechanism by which presynaptic G protein-coupled receptors inhibit neurotransmission.


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We used event-related functional MRI to investigate the neural bases of two categories of mental processes believed to contribute to performance of an alphabetization working memory task: memory storage and memory manipulation. Our delayed-response tasks required memory for the identity and position-in-the-display of items in two- or five-letter memory sets (to identify load-sensitive regions) or memory for the identity and relative position-in-the-alphabet of items in five-letter memory sets (to identify manipulation-sensitive regions). Results revealed voxels in the left perisylvian cortex of five of five subjects showing load sensitivity (as contrasted with alphabetization-sensitive voxels in this region in only one subject) and voxels of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in all subjects showing alphabetization sensitivity (as contrasted with load-sensitive voxels in this region in two subjects). This double dissociation was reliable at the group level. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the nonmnemonic executive control processes that can contribute to working memory function are primarily prefrontal cortex-mediated whereas mnemonic processes necessary for working memory storage are primarily posteriorly mediated. More broadly, they support the view that working memory is a faculty that arises from the coordinated interaction of computationally and neuroanatomically dissociable processes.


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Expression of the γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α6 subunit gene is restricted to differentiated granule cells of the cerebellum and cochlear nucleus. The mechanisms underlying this limited expression are unknown. Here we have characterized the expression of a series of α6-based transgenes in adult mouse brain. A DNA fragment containing a 1-kb portion upstream of the start site(s), together with exons 1–8, can direct high-level cerebellar granule cell-specific reporter gene expression. Thus powerful granule cell-specific determinants reside within the 5′ half of the α6 subunit gene body. This intron-containing transgene appears to lack the cochlear nucleus regulatory elements. It therefore provides a cassette to deliver gene products solely to adult cerebellar granule cells.


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Incubation of Na/K-ATPase with ascorbate plus H2O2 produces specific cleavage of the α subunit. Five fragments with intact C termini and complementary fragments with intact N termini were observed. The β subunit is not cleaved. Cleavages depend on the presence of contaminant or added Fe2+ ions, as inferred by suppression of cleavages with nonspecific metal complexants (histidine, EDTA, phenanthroline) or the Fe3+-specific complexant desferrioxamine, or acceleration of cleavages by addition of low concentrations of Fe2+ but not of other heavy metal ions. Na/K-ATPase is inactivated in addition to cleavage, and both effects are insensitive to OH⋅ radical scavengers. Cleavages are sensitive to conformation. In low ionic strength media (E2) or media containing Rb ions [E2(Rb)], cleavage is much faster than in high ionic strength media (E1) or media containing Na ions (E1Na). N-terminal fragments and two C-terminal fragments (N-terminals E214 and V712) have been identified by amino acid sequencing. Approximate positions of other cleavages were determined with specific antibodies. The results suggest that Fe2+ (or Fe3+) ions bind with high affinity at the cytoplasmic surface and catalyze cleavages of peptide bonds close to the Fe2+ (or Fe3+) ion. Thus, cleavage patterns can provide information on spatial organization of the polypeptide chain. We propose that highly conserved regions of the α subunit, within the minor and major cytoplasmic loops, interact in the E2 or E2(Rb) conformations but move apart in the E1 or E1Na conformations. We discuss implications of domain interactions for the energy transduction mechanism. Fe-catalyzed cleavages may be applicable to other P-type pumps or membrane proteins.


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Glutamic acid 286 (E286; Escherichia coli cytochrome bo3 numbering) in subunit I of the respiratory heme-copper oxidases is highly conserved and has been suggested to be involved in proton translocation. We report a technique of enzyme reconstitution that yields essentially unidirectionally oriented cytochrome bo3 vesicles in which proton translocation can be measured. Such experiments are not feasible in the E286Q mutant due to strong inhibition of respiration, but this is not the case for the mutants E286D and E286C. The reconstituted E286D mutant enzyme readily translocates protons whereas E286C does not. Loss of proton translocation in the D135N mutant, but not in D135E or D407N, also is verified using proteoliposomes. Stopped-flow experiments show that the peroxy intermediate accumulates in the reaction of the E286Q and E286C mutant enzymes with O2. We conclude that an acidic function of the 286 locus is essential for the mechanism of proton translocation.


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The aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase consisting of the core subunits I and II only was isolated from the soil bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans and crystallized as complex with a monoclonal antibody Fv fragment. Crystals could be grown in the presence of a number of different nonionic detergents. However, only undecyl-β-d-maltoside and cyclohexyl-hexyl-β-d-maltoside yielded well-ordered crystals suitable for high resolution x-ray crystallographic studies. The crystals belong to space group P212121 and diffract x-rays to at least 2.5 Å (1 Å = 0.1 nm) resolution using synchrotron radiation. The structure was determined to a resolution of 2.7 Å using molecular replacement and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 20.5% (Rfree = 25.9%). The refined model includes subunits I and II and the 2 chains of the Fv fragment, 2 heme A molecules, 3 copper atoms, and 1 Mg/Mn atom, a new metal (Ca) binding site, 52 tentatively identified water molecules, and 9 detergent molecules. Only four of the water molecules are located in the cytoplasmic half of cytochrome c oxidase. Most of them are near the interface of subunits I and II. Several waters form a hydrogen-bonded cluster, including the heme propionates and the Mg/Mn binding site. The Fv fragment binds to the periplasmic polar domain of subunit II and is critically involved in the formation of the crystal lattice. The crystallization procedure is well reproducible and will allow for the analysis of the structures of mechanistically interesting mutant cytochrome c oxidases.


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We report evidence for proton-driven subunit rotation in membrane-bound FoF1–ATP synthase during oxidative phosphorylation. A βD380C/γC87 crosslinked hybrid F1 having epitope-tagged βD380C subunits (βflag) exclusively in the two noncrosslinked positions was bound to Fo in F1-depleted membranes. After reduction of the β–γ crosslink, a brief exposure to conditions for ATP synthesis followed by reoxidation resulted in a significant amount of βflag appearing in the β–γ crosslinked product. Such a reorientation of γC87 relative to the three β subunits can only occur through subunit rotation. Rotation was inhibited when proton transport through Fo was blocked or when ADP and Pi were omitted. These results establish FoF1 as the second example in nature where proton transport is coupled to subunit rotation.


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Recently, TAP42 was isolated as a high copy suppressor of sit4−, a yeast phosphatase related to protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). TAP42 is related to the murine α4 protein, which was discovered independently by its association with Ig-α in the B cell receptor complex. Herein we show that a glutathione S-transferase (GST)–α4 fusion protein bound the catalytic subunit (C) of human PP2A from monomeric or multimeric preparations of PP2A in a “pull-down” assay. In an overlay assay, the GST–α4 protein bound to the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms of C that were separated in two-dimensional gels and immobilized on filters. The results show direct and exclusive binding of α4 to C. This is unusual because all known regulatory B subunits, or tumor virus antigens, bind stably only to the AC dimer of PP2A. The α4–C form of PP2A had an increased activity ratio compared with the AC form of PP2A when myelin basic protein phosphorylated by mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphorylase a were used as substrates. Recombinant α4 cleaved from GST was phosphorylated by p56lck tyrosine kinase and protein kinase C. A FLAG-tagged α4 expressed in COS7 cells was recovered as a protein containing phosphoserine and coimmunoprecipitated with the C but not the A subunit of PP2A. Treatment of cells with rapamycin prevented the association of PP2A with FLAG-α4. The results reveal a novel heterodimer α4–C form of PP2A that may be involved in rapamycin-sensitive signaling pathways in mammalian cells.


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Interactions between the cAMP receptor protein (CRP) and the carboxy-terminal regulatory domain (CTD) of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase α subunit were analyzed at promoters carrying tandem DNA sites for CRP binding using a chemical nuclease covalently attached to α. Each CRP dimer was found to direct the positioning of one of the two α subunit CTDs. Thus, the function of RNA polymerase may be subject to regulation through protein–protein interactions between the two α subunits and two different species of transcription factors.


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Protein prenyltransferases catalyze the covalent attachment of isoprenoid lipids (farnesyl or geranylgeranyl) to a cysteine near the C terminus of their substrates. This study explored the specificity determinants for interactions between the farnesyltransferase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its protein substrates. A series of substitutions at amino acid 149 of the farnesyltransferase β-subunit were tested in combination with a series of substitutions at the C-terminal amino acid of CaaX protein substrates Ras2p and a-factor. Efficient prenylation was observed when oppositely charged amino acids were present at amino acid 149 of the yeast farnesyltransferase β-subunit and the C-terminal amino acid of the CaaX protein substrate, but not when like charges were present at these positions. This evidence for electrostatic interaction between amino acid 149 and the C-terminal amino acid of CaaX protein substrates leads to the prediction that the C-terminal amino acid of the protein substrate binds near amino acid 149 of the yeast farnesyltransferase β-subunit.


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Single-channel recordings were obtained from Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit NR1 in combination with NR2A, NR2B, NR2C, or NR2A/NR2B. NMDA-activated currents were recorded under control conditions and in the presence of a thiol reductant (DTT), an oxidant (5,5′-dithio-bis[2-nitrobenzoic acid], DTNB), or the noncompetitive antagonist CP101,606 (CP). For all subunit combinations, DTT increased the frequency of channel opening when compared with DTNB. In addition, channels obtained from NR1/NR2A-transfected cells also exhibited a pronounced difference in mean open dwell-time between redox conditions. CP dramatically reduced both the open dwell-time and frequency of channel opening of NR1/NR2B-containing receptors, but only modestly inhibited NR1/NR2A and NR1/NR2C channel activity. A small number of patches obtained from cells transfected with NR1/NR2A/NR2B had channels with properties intermediate to NR1/NR2A and NR1/NR2B receptors, including insensitivity to CP block but redox properties similar to NR1/NR2B, consistent with the coassembly of NR2A with NR2B. Hence, NMDA receptors containing multiple types of NR2 subunits can have functionally distinguishable attributes.


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The human transcription factor B-TFIID is comprised of TATA-binding protein (TBP) in complex with one TBP-associated factor (TAF) of 170 kDa. We report the isolation of the cDNA for TAFII170. By cofractionation and coprecipitation experiments, we show that the protein encoded by the cDNA encodes the TAF subunit of B-TFIID. Recombinant TAFII170 has (d)ATPase activity. Inspection of its primary structure reveals a striking homology with genes of other organisms, yeast MOT1, and Drosophila moira, which belongs to the Trithorax group. Both homologs were isolated in genetic screens as global regulators of pol II transcription. This supports our classification of B-TFIID as a pol II transcription factor and suggests that specific TBP–TAF complexes perform distinct functions during development.


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Two RNases H of mammalian tissues have been described: RNase HI, the activity of which was found to rise during DNA replication, and RNase HII, which may be involved in transcription. RNase HI is the major mammalian enzyme representing around 85% of the total RNase H activity in the cell. By using highly purified calf thymus RNase HI we identified the sequences of several tryptic peptides. This information enabled us to determine the sequence of the cDNA coding for the large subunit of human RNase HI. The corresponding ORF of 897 nt defines a polypeptide of relative molecular mass of 33,367, which is in agreement with the molecular mass obtained earlier by SDS/PAGE. Expression of the cloned ORF in Escherichia coli leads to a polypeptide, which is specifically recognized by an antiserum raised against calf thymus RNase HI. Interestingly, the deduced amino acid sequence of this subunit of human RNase HI displays significant homology to RNase HII from E. coli, an enzyme of unknown function and previously judged as a minor activity. This finding suggests an evolutionary link between the mammalian RNases HI and the prokaryotic RNases HII. The idea of a mammalian RNase HI large subunit being a strongly conserved protein is substantiated by the existence of homologous ORFs in the genomes of other eukaryotes and of all eubacteria and archaebacteria that have been completely sequenced.