115 resultados para Repetitive Sequences, Nucleic Acid


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To identify changes in gene expression that occur in chicken embryo brain (CEB) cells as a consequence of their binding to the extracellular matrix molecule cytotactin/tenascin (CT/TN), a subtractive hybridization cloning strategy was employed. One of the cDNA clones identified was predicted to encode 381 amino acids and although it did not resemble any known sequences in the nucleic acid or protein data bases, it did contain the sequence motif for the cysteine-rich C3HC4 type of zinc finger, also known as a RING-finger. This sequence was therefore designated the chicken-RING zinc finger (C-RZF). In addition to the RING-finger, the C-RZF sequence also contained motifs for a leucine zipper, a nuclear localization signal, and a stretch of acidic amino acids similar to the activation domains of some transcription factors. Southern analysis suggested that C-RZF is encoded by a single gene. Northern and in situ hybridization analyses of E8 chicken embryo tissues indicated that expression of the C-RZF gene was restricted primarily to brain and heart. Western analysis of the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions of chicken embryo heart cells and immunofluorescent staining of chicken embryo cardiocytes with anti-C-RZF antibodies demonstrated that the C-RZF protein was present in the nucleus. The data suggest that we have identified another member of the RING-finger family of proteins whose expression in CEB cells may be affected by CT/TN and whose nuclear localization and sequence motifs predict a DNA-binding function in the nucleus.


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We have used an in vitro selection procedure called crosslinking SELEX (SELEX = systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) to identify RNA sequences that bind with high affinity and crosslink to the Rev protein from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). A randomized RNA library substituted with the photoreactive chromophore 5-iodouracil was irradiated with monochromatic UV light in the presence of Rev. Those sequences with the ability to photocrosslink to Rev were partitioned from the rest of the RNA pool, amplified, and used for the next round of selection. Rounds of photocrosslinking selection were alternated with rounds of selection for RNA sequences with high affinity to Rev. This iterative, dual-selection method yielded RNA molecules with subnanomolar dissociation constants and high efficiency photocrosslinking to Rev. Some of the RNA molecules isolated by this procedure form a stable complex with Rev that is resistant to denaturing gel electrophoresis in the absence of UV irradiation. In vitro selection of nucleic acids by using modified nucleotides allows the isolation of nucleic acid molecules with potentially limitless chemical capacities to covalently attack a target molecule.


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We have analyzed differential gene expression in normal versus jun-transformed avian fibroblasts by using subtracted nucleic acid probes and differential nucleic acid hybridization techniques for the isolation of cDNA clones. One clone corresponded to a gene that was strongly expressed in a previously established quail (Coturnix japonica) embryo fibroblast line (VCD) transformed by a chimeric jun oncogene but whose expression was undetectable in normal quail embryo fibroblasts. Furthermore, the gene was expressed in quail or chicken fibroblast cultures that were freshly transformed by retroviral constructs carrying various viral or cellular jun alleles and in chicken fibroblasts transformed by the avian retrovirus ASV17 carrying the original viral v-jun allele. However, its expression was undetectable in a variety of established avian cell lines or freshly prepared avian fibroblast cultures transformed by other oncogenes or a chemical carcinogen. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the cDNA clone were not identical to any sequence entries in the data bases but revealed significant similarities to avian beta-keratin genes; the highest degree of amino acid sequence identity was 63%. The gene, which we termed bkj, may represent a direct or indirect target for jun function.


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Smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation is thought to play a major role in vascular restenosis after angioplasty and is a serious complication of the procedure. Developing antisense (AS) oligonucleotides as therapeutics is attractive because of the potentially high specificity of binding to their targets, and several investigators have reported inhibition of SMC proliferation in vitro and in vivo by using AS strategies. We report here the results of our experiments on vascular SMCs using AS oligonucleotides directed toward c-myb and c-myc. We found that significant inhibition of SMC proliferation occurred with these specific AS sequences but that this inhibition was clearly not via a hybridization-dependent AS mechanism. Rather, inhibition was due to the presence of four contiguous guanosine residues in the oligonucleotide sequence. This was demonstrated in vitro in primary cultures of SMCs and in arteries ex vivo. The ex vivo model developed here provides a rapid and effective system in which to screen potential oligonucleotide drugs for restenosis. We have further explored the sequence requirements of this non-AS effect and determined that phosphorothioate oligonucleotides containing at least two sets of three or four consecutive guanosine residues inhibit SMC proliferation in vitro and ex vivo. These results suggest that previous AS data obtained using these and similar, contiguous guanosine-containing AS sequences be reevaluated and that there may be an additional class of nucleic acid compounds that have potential as antirestenosis therapeutics.


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A highly sensitive assay combining immunomagnetic enrichment with multiparameter flow cytometric and immunocytochemical analysis has been developed to detect, enumerate, and characterize carcinoma cells in the blood. The assay can detect one epithelial cell or less in 1 ml of blood. Peripheral blood (10–20 ml) from 30 patients with carcinoma of the breast, from 3 patients with prostate cancer, and from 13 controls was examined by flow cytometry for the presence of circulating epithelial cells defined as nucleic acid+, CD45−, and cytokeratin+. Highly significant differences in the number of circulating epithelial cells were found between normal controls and patients with cancer including 17 with organ-confined disease. To determine whether the circulating epithelial cells in the cancer patients were neoplastic cells, cytospin preparations were made after immunomagnetic enrichment and were analyzed. Epithelial cells from patients with breast cancer generally stained with mAbs against cytokeratin and 3 of 5 for mucin-1. In contrast, no cells that stained for these antigens were observed in the blood from normal controls. The morphology of the stained cells was consistent with that of neoplastic cells. Of 8 patients with breast cancer followed for 1–10 months, there was a good correlation between changes in the level of tumor cells in the blood with both treatment with chemotherapy and clinical status. The present assay may be helpful in early detection, in monitoring disease, and in prognostication.


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A dynamic capsid is critical to the events that shape the viral life cycle; events such as cell attachment, cell entry, and nucleic acid release demand a highly mobile viral surface. Protein mass mapping of the common cold virus, human rhinovirus 14 (HRV14), revealed both viral structural dynamics and the inhibition of such dynamics with an antiviral agent, WIN 52084. Viral capsid digestion fragments resulting from proteolytic time-course experiments provided structural information in good agreement with the HRV14 three-dimensional crystal structure. As expected, initial digestion fragments included peptides from the capsid protein VP1. This observation was expected because VP1 is the most external viral protein. Initial digestion fragments also included peptides belonging to VP4, the most internal capsid protein. The mass spectral results together with x-ray crystallography data provide information consistent with a “breathing” model of the viral capsid. Whereas the crystal structure of HRV14 shows VP4 to be the most internal capsid protein, mass spectral results show VP4 fragments to be among the first digestion fragments observed. Taken together this information demonstrates that VP4 is transiently exposed to the viral surface via viral breathing. Comparative digests of HRV14 in the presence and absence of WIN 52084 revealed a dramatic inhibition of digestion. These results indicate that the binding of the antiviral agent not only causes local conformational changes in the drug binding pocket but actually stabilizes the entire viral capsid against enzymatic degradation. Viral capsid mass mapping provides a fast and sensitive method for probing viral structural dynamics as well as providing a means for investigating antiviral drug efficacy.


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Instability of repetitive sequences, both in intronic sequences and within coding regions, has been demonstrated to be a hallmark of genomic instability in human cancer. Understanding how these mutational events arise may provide an opportunity for prevention or early intervention in cancer development. To study the source of this instability, we have identified a region of the β-lactamase gene that is tolerant to the insertion of fragments of exogenous DNA as large as 1,614 bp with minimal loss of enzyme activity, as determined by antibiotic resistance. Fragments inserted out-of-frame render Escherichia coli sensitive to antibiotic, and compensatory frameshift mutations that restore the reading frame of β-lactamase can be selected on the basis of antibiotic resistance. We have utilized this site to insert a synthetic microsatellite sequence within the β-lactamase gene and selected for mutations yielding frameshifts. This assay provides for detection of one frameshift mutation in a background of 106 wild-type sequences. Mismatch repair deficiency increased the observed frameshift frequency ≈300-fold. Exposure of plasmid containing microsatellite sequences to hydrogen peroxide resulted in frameshift mutations that were localized exclusively to the microsatellite sequences, whereas DNA damage by UV or N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine did not result in enhanced mutagenesis. We postulate that in tumor cells, endogenous production of oxygen free radicals may be a major factor in promoting instability of microsatellite sequences. This β-lactamase assay may provide a sensitive methodology for the detection and quantitation of mutations associated with the development of cancer.


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Ancient septicemic plague epidemics were reported to have killed millions of people for 2 millenniums. However, confident diagnosis of ancient septicemia solely on the basis of historical clinical observations is not possible. The lack of suitable infected material has prevented direct demonstration of ancient septicemia; thus, the history of most infections such as plague remains hypothetical. The durability of dental pulp, together with its natural sterility, makes it a suitable material on which to base such research. We hypothesized that it would be a lasting refuge for Yersinia pestis, the plague agent. DNA extracts were made from the dental pulp of 12 unerupted teeth extracted from skeletons excavated from 16th and 18th century French graves of persons thought to have died of plague (“plague teeth”) and from 7 ancient negative control teeth. PCRs incorporating ancient DNA extracts and primers specific for the human β-globin gene demonstrated the absence of inhibitors in these preparations. The incorporation of primers specific for Y. pestis rpoB (the RNA polymerase β-subunit-encoding gene) and the recognized virulence-associated pla (the plasminogen activator-encoding gene) repeatedly yielded products that had a nucleotide sequence indistinguishable from that of modern day isolates of the bacterium. The specific pla sequence was obtained from 6 of 12 plague skeleton teeth but 0 of 7 negative controls (P < 0.034, Fisher exact test). A nucleic acid-based confirmation of ancient plague was achieved for historically identified victims, and we have confirmed the presence of the disease at the end of 16th century in France. Dental pulp is an attractive target in the quest to determine the etiology of septicemic illnesses detected in ancient corpses. Molecular techniques could be applied to this material to resolve historical outbreaks.


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LINEs are transposable elements, widely distributed among eukaryotes, that move via reverse transcription of an RNA intermediate. Mammalian LINEs have two ORFs (ORF1 and ORF2). The proteins encoded by these ORFs play important roles in the retrotransposition process. Although the predicted amino acid sequence of ORF1 is not closely related to any known proteins, it is highly basic; thus, it has long been hypothesized that ORF1 protein functions to bind LINE-1 (L1) RNA during retrotransposition. Cofractionation of ORF1 protein and L1 RNA in extracts from both mouse and human embryonal carcinoma cells indicated that ORF1 protein binds L1 RNA, forming a ribonucleoprotein particle. Based on UV crosslinking and electrophoretic mobility-shift assays using purified components, we demonstrate here that the ORF1 protein encoded by mouse L1 binds nucleic acids with a strong preference for RNA and other single-stranded nucleic acids. Furthermore, multiple copies of ORF1 protein appear to bind single-stranded nucleic acid in a manner suggesting positive cooperativity; such binding characteristics are likely to be facilitated by the protein–protein interactions detected among molecules of ORF1 polypeptide by coimmunoprecipitation. These observations are consistent with the formation of ribonucleoprotein particles containing L1 RNA and ORF1 protein and provide additional evidence for the role of ORF1 protein during retrotransposition of L1.


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In vitro selection experiments have produced nucleic acid ligands (aptamers) that bind tightly and specifically to a great variety of target biomolecules. The utility of aptamers is often limited by their vulnerability to nucleases present in biological materials. One way to circumvent this problem is to select an aptamer that binds the enantiomer of the target, then synthesize the enantiomer of the aptamer as a nuclease-insensitive ligand of the normal target. We have so identified a mirror-image single-stranded DNA that binds the peptide hormone vasopressin and have demonstrated its stability to nucleases and its bioactivity as a vasopressin antagonist in cell culture.


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Translesion synthesis at replication-blocking lesions requires the induction of proteins that are controlled by the SOS system in Escherichia coli. Of the proteins identified so far, UmuD′, UmuC, and RecA* were shown to facilitate replication across UV-light-induced lesions, yielding both error-free and mutagenic translesion-synthesis products. Similar to UV lesions, N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF), a chemical carcinogen that forms covalent adducts at the C8 position of guanine residues, is a strong replication-blocking lesion. Frameshift mutations are induced efficiently by AAF adducts when located within short repetitive sequences in a two-step mechanism; AAF adducts incorporate a cytosine across from the lesion and then form a primer-template misaligned intermediate that, upon elongation, yields frameshift mutations. Recently, we have shown that although elongation from the nonslipped intermediate depends on functional umuDC+ gene products, elongation from the slipped intermediate is umuDC+-independent but requires another, as yet biochemically uncharacterized, SOS function. We now show that in DNA Polymerase III-proofreading mutant strains (dnaQ49 and mutD5 strains), elongation from the slipped intermediate is highly efficient in the absence of SOS induction—in contrast to elongation from the nonslipped intermediate, which still requires UmuDC functions.


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Nuclease resistance and RNA affinity are key criteria in the search for optimal antisense nucleic acid modifications, but the origins of the various levels of resistance to nuclease degradation conferred by chemical modification of DNA and RNA are currently not understood. The 2′-O-aminopropyl (AP)-RNA modification displays the highest nuclease resistance among all phosphodiester-based analogues and its RNA binding affinity surpasses that of phosphorothioate DNA by 1°C per modified residue. We found that oligodeoxynucleotides containing AP-RNA residues at their 3′ ends competitively inhibit the degradation of single-stranded DNA by the Escherichia coli Klenow fragment (KF) 3′-5′ exonuclease and snake venom phosphodiesterase. To shed light on the origins of nuclease resistance brought about by the AP modification, we determined the crystal structure of an A-form DNA duplex with AP-RNA modifications at 1.6-Å resolution. In addition, the crystal structures of complexes between short DNA fragments carrying AP-RNA modifications and wild-type KF were determined at resolutions between 2.2 and 3.0 Å and compared with the structure of the complex between oligo(dT) and the D355A/E357A KF mutant. The structural models suggest that interference of the positively charged 2′-O-substituent with the metal ion binding site B of the exonuclease allows AP-RNA to effectively slow down degradation.


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The correlation between telomerase activity and human tumors has led to the hypothesis that tumor growth requires reactivation of telomerase and that telomerase inhibitors represent a class of chemotherapeutic agents. Herein, we examine the effects of inhibition of telomerase inside human cells. Peptide nucleic acid and 2′-O-MeRNA oligomers inhibit telomerase, leading to progressive telomere shortening and causing immortal human breast epithelial cells to undergo apoptosis with increasing frequency until no cells remain. Telomere shortening is reversible: if inhibitor addition is terminated, telomeres regain their initial lengths. Our results validate telomerase as a target for the discovery of anticancer drugs and supply general insights into the properties that successful agents will require regardless of chemical type. Chemically similar oligonucleotides are in clinical trials and have well characterized pharmacokinetics, making the inhibitors we describe practical lead compounds for testing for an antitelomerase chemotherapeutic strategy.


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Covalent fusions between an mRNA and the peptide or protein that it encodes can be generated by in vitro translation of synthetic mRNAs that carry puromycin, a peptidyl acceptor antibiotic, at their 3′ end. The stable linkage between the informational (nucleic acid) and functional (peptide) domains of the resulting joint molecules allows a specific mRNA to be enriched from a complex mixture of mRNAs based on the properties of its encoded peptide. Fusions between a synthetic mRNA and its encoded myc epitope peptide have been enriched from a pool of random sequence mRNA-peptide fusions by immunoprecipitation. Covalent RNA-peptide fusions should provide an additional route to the in vitro selection and directed evolution of proteins.


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We have previously shown that both a centromere (CEN) and a replication origin are necessary for plasmid maintenance in the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica (Vernis et al., 1997). Because of this requirement, only a small number of centromere-proximal replication origins have been isolated from Yarrowia. We used a CEN-based plasmid to obtain noncentromeric origins, and several new fragments, some unique and some repetitive sequences, were isolated. Some of them were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and correspond to actual sites of initiation (ORI) on the chromosome. We observed that a 125-bp fragment is sufficient for a functional ORI on plasmid, and that chromosomal origins moved to ectopic sites on the chromosome continue to act as initiation sites. These Yarrowia origins share an 8-bp motif, which is not essential for origin function on plasmids. The Yarrowia origins do not display any obvious common structural features, like bent DNA or DNA unwinding elements, generally present at or near eukaryotic replication origins. Y. lipolytica origins thus share features of those in the unicellular Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in multicellular eukaryotes: they are discrete and short genetic elements without sequence similarity.