185 resultados para Recombinant protein


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We report the construction of two novel Escherichia coli strains (DH1lacdapD and DH1lacP2dapD) that facilitate the antibiotic-free selection and stable maintenance of recombinant plasmids in complex media. They contain the essential chromosomal gene, dapD, under the control of the lac operator/promoter. Unless supplemented with IPTG (which induces expression of dapD) or DAP, these cells lyse. However, when the strains are transformed with a multicopy plasmid containing the lac operator, the operator competitively titrates the LacI repressor and allows expression of dapD from the lac promoter. Thus transformants can be isolated and propagated simply by their ability to grow on any medium by repressor titration selection. No antibiotic resistance genes or other protein expressing sequences are required on the plasmid, and antibiotics are not necessary for plasmid selection, making these strains a valuable tool for therapeutic DNA and recombinant protein production. We describe the construction of these strains and demonstrate plasmid selection and maintenance by repressor titration, using the new pORT plasmid vectors designed to facilitate recombinant DNA exploitation.


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Aberrant blood vessel growth in the retina that underlies the pathology of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity is the result of the ischemia-driven disruption of the normally antiangiogenic environment of the retina. In this study, we show that a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis found naturally in the normal eye, pigment epithelium-derived growth factor (PEDF), inhibits such aberrant blood vessel growth in a murine model of ischemia-induced retinopathy. Inhibition was proportional to dose and systemic delivery of recombinant protein at daily doses as low as 2.2 mg/kg could prevent aberrant endothelial cells from crossing the inner limiting membrane. PEDF appeared to inhibit angiogenesis by causing apoptosis of activated endothelial cells, because it induced apoptosis in cultured endothelial cells and an 8-fold increase in apoptotic endothelial cells could be detected in situ when the ischemic retinas of PEDF-treated animals were compared with vehicle-treated controls. The ability of low doses of PEDF to curtail aberrant growth of ocular endothelial cells without overt harm to retinal morphology suggests that this natural protein may be beneficial in the treatment of a variety of retinal vasculopathies.


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Pyrimidine adducts in cellular DNA arise from modification of the pyrimidine 5,6-double bond by oxidation, reduction or hydration. The biological outcome includes increased mutation rate and potential lethality. A major DNA N-glycosylase responsible for the excision of modified pyrimidine bases is the base excision repair (BER) glycosylase endonuclease III, for which functional homologs have been identified and characterized in Escherichia coli, yeast and humans. So far, little is known about how hyperthermophilic Archaea cope with such pyrimidine damage. Here we report characterization of an endonuclease III homolog, PaNth, from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum, whose optimal growth temperature is 100°C. The predicted product of 223 amino acids shares significant sequence homology with several [4Fe-4S]-containing DNA N-glycosylases including E.coli endonuclease III (EcNth). The histidine-tagged recombinant protein was expressed in E.coli and purified. Under optimal conditions of 80–160 mM NaCl and 70°C, PaNth displays DNA glycosylase/β-lyase activity with the modified pyrimidine base 5,6-dihydrothymine (DHT). This activity is enhanced when DHT is paired with G. Our data, showing the structural and functional similarity between PaNth and EcNth, suggests that BER of modified pyrimidines may be a conserved repair mechanism in Archaea. Conserved amino acid residues are identified for five subfamilies of endonuclease III/UV endonuclease homologs clustered by phylogenetic analysis.


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The intracellular pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas’ disease. We have isolated a full-length cDNA encoding uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDGase), a key enzyme involved in DNA repair, from this organism. The deduced protein sequence is highly conserved at the C-terminus of the molecule and shares key residues involved in binding or catalysis with most of the UDGases described so far, while the N-terminal part is highly variable. The gene is single copy and is located on a chromosome of ∼1.9 Mb. A His-tagged recombinant protein was overexpressed, purified and used to raise polyclonal antibodies. Western blot analysis revealed the existence of a single UDGase species in parasite extracts. Using a specific ethidium bromide fluorescence assay, recombinant T.cruzi UDGase was shown to specifically excise uracil from DNA. The addition of both Leishmania major AP endonuclease and exonuclease III, the major AP endonuclease from Escherichia coli, produces stimulation of UDGase activity. This activation is specific for AP endonuclease and suggests functional communication between the two enzymes.


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We cloned a cDNA for a gibberellin-induced ribonuclease (RNase) expressed in barley (Hordeum vulgare) aleurone and the gene for a second barley RNase expressed in leaf tissue. The protein encoded by the cDNA is unique among RNases described to date in that it contains a novel 23-amino acid insert between the C2 and C3 conserved sequences. Expression of the recombinant protein in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) suspension-cultured protoplasts gave an active RNase of the expected size, confirming the enzymatic activity of the protein. Analyses of hormone regulation of expression of mRNA for the aleurone RNase revealed that, like the pattern for α-amylase, mRNA levels increased in the presence of gibberellic acid, and its antagonist abscisic acid prevented this effect. Quantitative studies at early times demonstrated that cycloheximide treatment of aleurone layers increased mRNA levels 4-fold, whereas a combination of gibberellin plus cycloheximide treatment was required to increase α-amylase mRNA levels to the same extent. These results are consistent with loss of repression as an initial effect of gibberellic acid on transcription of those genes, although the regulatory pathways for the two genes may differ.


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We have completed the total chemical synthesis of cytochrome b562 and an axial ligand analogue, [SeMet7]cyt b562, by thioester-mediated chemical ligation of unprotected peptide segments. A novel auxiliary-mediated native chemical ligation that enables peptide ligation to be applied to protein sequences lacking cysteine was used. A cleavable thiol-containing auxiliary group, 1-phenyl-2-mercaptoethyl, was added to the α-amino group of one peptide segment to facilitate amide bond-forming ligation. The amine-linked 1-phenyl-2-mercaptoethyl auxiliary was stable to anhydrous hydrogen fluoride used to cleave and deprotect peptides after solid-phase peptide synthesis. Following native chemical ligation with a thioester-containing segment, the auxiliary group was cleanly removed from the newly formed amide bond by treatment with anhydrous hydrogen fluoride, yielding a full-length unmodified polypeptide product. The resulting polypeptide was reconstituted with heme and folded to form the functional protein molecule. Synthetic wild-type cyt b562 exhibited spectroscopic and electrochemical properties identical to the recombinant protein, whereas the engineered [SeMet7]cyt b562 analogue protein was spectroscopically and functionally distinct, with a reduction potential shifted by ≈45 mV. The use of the 1-phenyl-2-mercaptoethyl removable auxiliary reported here will greatly expand the applicability of total protein synthesis by native chemical ligation of unprotected peptide segments.


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In eukaryotic cells, lysosomes represent a major site for macromolecule degradation. Hydrolysis products are eventually exported from this acidic organelle into the cytosol through specific transporters. Impairment of this process at either the hydrolysis or the efflux step is responsible of several lysosomal storage diseases. However, most lysosomal transporters, although biochemically characterized, remain unknown at the molecular level. In this study, we report the molecular and functional characterization of a lysosomal amino acid transporter (LYAAT-1), remotely related to a family of H+-coupled plasma membrane and synaptic vesicle amino acid transporters. LYAAT-1 is expressed in most rat tissues, with highest levels in the brain where it is present in neurons. Upon overexpression in COS-7 cells, the recombinant protein mediates the accumulation of neutral amino acids, such as γ-aminobutyric acid, l-alanine, and l-proline, through an H+/amino acid symport. Confocal microscopy on brain sections revealed that this transporter colocalizes with cathepsin D, an established lysosomal marker. LYAAT-1 thus appears as a lysosomal transporter that actively exports neutral amino acids from lysosomes by chemiosmotic coupling to the H+-ATPase of these organelles. Homology searching in eukaryotic genomes suggests that LYAAT-1 defines a subgroup of lysosomal transporters in the amino acid/auxin permease family.


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Human complement factor H controls spontaneous activation of complement in plasma and appears to play a role in distinguishing host cells from activators of the alternative pathway of complement. In both mice and humans, the protein is composed of 20 homologous short consensus repeat (SCR) domains. The size of the protein suggests that portions of the structure outside the known C3b binding site (SCR 1-4) possess a significant biological role. We have expressed the full-length cDNA of factor H in the baculovirus system and have shown the recombinant protein to be fully active. Mutants of this full-length protein have now been prepared, purified, and examined for cofactor activity and binding to C3b and heparin. The results demonstrate (i) that factor H has at least three sites that bind C3b, (ii) that one of these sites is located in SCR domains 1-4, as has been shown by others, (iii) that a second site exists in the domain 6-10 region, (iv) that a third site resides in the SCR 16-20 region, and (v) that two heparin binding sites exist in factor H, one near SCR 13 and another in the SCR 6-10 region. Functional assays demonstrated that only the first C3b site located in SCR 1-4 expresses factor I cofactor activity. Mutant proteins lacking any one of the three C3b binding sites exhibited 6- to 8-fold reductions in affinity for C3b on sheep erythrocytes, indicating that all three sites contribute to the control of complement activation on erythrocytes. The identification of multiple functionally distinct sites on factor H clarifies many of the heretofore unexplainable behaviors of this protein, including the heterogeneous binding of factor H to surface-bound C3b, the effects of trypsin cleavage, and the differential control of complement activation on activators and nonactivators of the alternative pathway of complement.


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The recent demonstration of the occurrence in rat brain and other nonpancreatic tissues of carboxypeptidase A (CPA) gene transcripts without associated catalytic activity could be ascribed to the presence of a soluble endogenous protein inhibitor. This tissue carboxypeptidase inhibitor (TCI), detected by the inhibition of added bovine pancreatic CPA, was purified from rat brain. Peptides were obtained by partial proteolysis of purified TCI, a protein of approximately 30 kDa, and starting from their sequences, a full-length cDNA encoding a 223-amino acid protein containing three potential phosphorylation sites was cloned from a cDNA library. Its identity with TCI was shown by expression in Escherichia coli of a recombinant protein recognized by antibodies raised against native TCI and display characteristic CPA-inhibiting activity. TCI appears as a hardly reversible, non-competitive, and potent inhibitor of CPA1 and CPA2 (Ki approximately 3 nM) and mast-cell CPA (Ki = 16 nM) and inactive on various other proteases. This pattern of selectivity might be attributable to a limited homology of a 11-amino acid sequence with sequences within the activation segments of CPA and CPB known to interact with residues within their active sites. The widespread expression of TCI in a number of tissues (e.g., brain, lung, or digestive tract) and its apparently cytosolic localization point to a rather general functional role, e.g., in the control of cytosolic protein degradation.


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Human WEE1 (WEE1Hu) was cloned on the basis of its ability to rescue wee1+ mutants in fission yeast [Igarashi, M., Nagata, A., Jinno, S., Suto, K. & Okayama, H. (1991) Nature (London) 353, 80-83]. Biochemical studies carried out in vitro with recombinant protein demonstrated that WEE1Hu encodes a tyrosine kinase of approximately 49 kDa that phosphorylates p34cdc2 on Tyr-15 [Parker, L. L. & Piwnica-Worms, H. (1992) Science 257, 1955-1957]. To study the regulation of WEE1Hu in human cells, two polyclonal antibodies to bacterially produced p49WEE1Hu were generated. In addition, a peptide antibody generated against amino acids 361-388 of p49WEE1Hu was also used. Unexpectantly, these antibodies recognized a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 95 kDa in HeLa cells, rather than one of 49 kDa. Immunoprecipitates of p95 phosphorylated p34cdc2 on Tyr-15, indicating that p95 is functionally related to p49WEEIHu, and mapping studies demonstrated that p95 is structurally related to p49WEE1Hu. In addition, the substrate specificity of p95 was more similar to that of fission yeast p107wee1 than to that of human p49WEE1. Finally, the kinase activity of p95 toward p34cdc2/cyclin B was severely impaired during mitosis. Taken together, these results indicate that the original WEE1Hu clone isolated in genetic screens encodes only the catalytic domain of human WEE1 and that the authentic human WEE1 protein has an apparent molecular mass of approximately 95 kDa.


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O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is an abundant and dynamic posttranslational modification composed of a single monosaccharide, GlcNAc, glycosidically composed of a single monosaccharide, GlcNAc, glycosidically linked to the side-chain hydroxyl of serine or threonine residues. Although O-GlcNAc occurs on a myriad of nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins, only a few have thus far been identified. These O-GlcNAc-bearing proteins are also modified by phosphorylation and form reversible multimeric complexes. Here we present evidence for O-GlcNAc glycosylation of the oncoprotein c-Myc, a helix-loop-helix/leucine zipper phosphoprotein that heterodimerizes with Max and participates in the regulation of gene transcription in normal and neoplastic cells. O-GlcNAc modification of c-Myc is shown by three different methods: (i) demonstration of lectin binding to in vitro translated protein using a protein-protein interaction mobility-shift assay; (ii) glycosidase or glycosyltransferase treatment of in vitro translated protein analyzed by lectin affinity chromatography; and (iii) direct characterization of the sugar moieties on purified recombinant protein overexpressed in either insect cells or Chinese hamster ovary cells. Analyses of serial deletion mutants of c-Myc further suggest that the O-GlcNAc site(s) are located within or near the N-terminal transcription activation/malignant transformation domain, a region where mutations of c-Myc that are frequently found in Burkitt and AIDS-related lymphomas cluster.


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Treatment of small resting B cells with soluble F(ab')2 fragments of anti-IgM, an analogue of T-independent type 2 antigens, induced activation characterized by proliferation and the expression of surface CD5. In contrast, B cells induced to proliferate in response to thymus-dependent inductive signals provided by either fixed activated T-helper 2 cells or soluble CD40 ligand-CD8 (CD40L) recombinant protein displayed elevated levels of CD23 (Fc epsilon II receptor) and no surface CD5. Treatment with anti-IgM and CD40L induced higher levels of proliferation and generated a single population of B cells coexpressing minimal amounts of CD5 and only a slight elevation of CD23. Anti-IgM- but not CD40L-mediated activation was highly sensitive to inhibition by cyclosporin A and FK520. Sp-cAMPS, an analogue of cAMP, augmented CD40L and suppressed surface IgM-mediated activation. Taken together these results are interpreted to mean that there is a single population of small resting B cells that can respond to either T-independent type 2 (surface IgM)- or T-dependent (CD40)-mediated activation. In response to different intracellular signals these cells are induced to enter alternative differentiation pathways.


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The core of bluetongue virus (BTV) is a multienzyme complex composed of two major proteins (VP7 and VP3) and three minor proteins (VP1, VP4, and VP6) in addition to the viral genome. The core is transcriptionally active and produces capped mRNA from which all BTV proteins are translated, but the relative role of each core component in the overall reaction process remains unclear. Previously we showed that the 76-kDa VP4 protein possesses guanylyltransferase activity, a necessary part of the RNA capping reaction. Here, through the use of highly purified (>95%) VP4 and synthetic core-like particles containing VP4, we have investigated the extent to which this protein is also responsible for other activities associated with cap formation. We show that VP4 catalyzes the conversion of unmethylated GpppG or in vitro-produced uncapped BTV RNA transcripts to m7GpppGm in the presence of S-adenosyl-l-methionine. Analysis of the methylated products of the reaction by HPLC identified both methyltransferase type 1 and type 2 activities associated with VP4, demonstrating that the complete BTV capping reaction is associated with this one protein.


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Our model of the native fatty acid synthase (FAS) depicts it as a dimer of two identical multifunctional proteins (Mr ≈ 272,000) arranged in an antiparallel configuration so that the active Cys-SH of the β-ketoacyl synthase of one subunit (where the acyl group is attached) is juxtaposed within 2 Å of the pantetheinyl-SH of the second subunit (where the malonyl group is bound). This arrangement generates two active centers for fatty acid synthesis and predicts that if we have two appropriate halves of the monomer, we should be able to reconstitute an active fatty acid-synthesizing site. We cloned, expressed, and purified catalytically active thioredoxin (TRX) fusion proteins of the NH2-terminal half of the human FAS subunit protein (TRX-hFAS-dI; residues 1–1,297; Mr ≈ 166) and of the C-terminal half (TRX-hFAS-dII-III; residues 1,296–2,504; Mr ≈ 155). Adding equivalent amounts of TRX-hFAS-dI and TRX-hFAS-dII-III to a reaction mixture containing acetyl-CoA, malonyl-CoA, and NADPH resulted in the synthesis of long-chain fatty acids. The rate of synthesis was dependent upon the presence of both recombinant proteins and reached a constant level when they were present in equivalent amounts, indicating that the reconstitution of an active fatty acid-synthesizing site required the presence of every partial activity associated with the subunit protein. Analyses of the product acids revealed myristate to be the most abundant with small amounts of palmitate and stearate, possibly because of the way the fused recombinant proteins interacted with each other so that the thioesterase hydrolyzed the acyl group in its myristoyl state. The successful reconstitution of the human FAS activity from its domain I and domains II and III fully supports our model for the structure–function relationship of FAS in animal tissues.


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The N terminus of the scrapie isoform of prion protein (PrPSc) can be truncated without loss of scrapie infectivity and, correspondingly, the truncation of the N terminus of the cellular isoform, PrPC, still permits conversion into PrPSc. To assess whether additional segments of the PrP molecule can be deleted, we previously removed regions of putative secondary structure in PrPC; in the present study we found that deletion of each of the four predicted helices prevented PrPSc formation, as did deletion of the stop transfer effector region and the C178A mutation. Removal of a 36-residue loop between helices 2 and 3 did not prevent formation of protease-resistant PrP; the resulting scrapie-like protein, designated PrPSc106, contained 106 residues after cleavage of an N-terminal signal peptide and a C-terminal sequence for glycolipid anchor addition. Addition of the detergent Sarkosyl to cell lysates solubilized PrPSc106, which retained resistance to digestion by proteinase K. These results suggest that all the regions of proposed secondary structure in PrP are required for PrPSc formation, as is the disulfide bond stabilizing helices 3 and 4. The discovery of PrPSc106 should facilitate structural studies of PrPSc, investigations of the mechanism of PrPSc formation, and the production of PrPSc-specific antibodies.