87 resultados para Peripheral giant cell lesion


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In this work, we extend the study of the genes controlling the formation of domes in the rat mammary cell line LA7 under the influence of DMSO. The role of the rat8 gene has already been demonstrated. We have now studied two additional genes. The first, called 133, is the rat ortholog of the human epithelial membrane protein 3 (EMP3), a member of the peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22)/EMP/lens-specific membrane protein 20 (MP20) gene family that encodes for tetratransmembrane proteins; it is expressed in the LA7 line in the absence of DMSO but not in its presence. The second gene is the β subunit of the amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel. Studies with antisense oligonucleotides show that the formation of domes is under the control of all three genes: the expression of rat8 is required for both their formation and their persistence; the expression of the Na+ channel β subunit is required for their formation; and the expression of gene 133 blocks the expression of the Na+ channel genes, thus preventing formation of the domes. The formation of these structures is also accompanied by the expression of α6β1 integrin, followed by that of E-cadherin and cytokeratin 8. It appears, therefore, that dome formation requires the activity of the Na+ channel and the rat8-encoded protein and is under the negative control of gene 133. DMSO induces dome formation by blocking this control.


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Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a T cell-regulated, antibody-mediated autoimmune disease. Two peptides representing sequences of the human acetylcholine receptor α-subunit, p195–212 and p259–271, previously were shown to stimulate the proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with MG and were found to be immunodominant T cell epitopes in SJL and BALB/c mice, respectively. Single amino acid-substituted analogs of p195–212 and p259–271, as well as a dual analog composed of the tandemly arranged two single analogs, were shown to inhibit, in vitro and in vivo, MG-associated autoimmune responses. Stimulation of T cells through the antigen-specific T cell receptor activates tyrosine kinases and phospholipase C (PLC). Therefore, in attempts to understand the mechanism of action of the analogs, we first examined whether the myasthenogenic peptides trigger tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of phospholipase C. For that purpose, we measured generation of inositol phosphates and tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC after stimulation of the p195–212- and p259–271-specific T cell lines with these myasthenogenic peptides. Both myasthenogenic peptides stimulated generation of inositol phosphates as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC. However, the single and dual analogs, although inducing tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC, could not induce PLC activity. Furthermore, the single and dual analogs inhibited the induced PLC activity whereas they could not inhibit tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC that was caused by the myasthenogenic peptides. Thus, the altered peptides and the dual analog act as partial agonists. The down-regulation of PLC activity by the analogs may account for their capacity to inhibit in vitro MG-associated T cell responses.


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Aberrations in the T cell repertoire with the emergence of oligoclonal populations have been described in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, the extent of the repertoire perturbations as well as the underlying mechanisms are not known. We now have examined the diversity of the peripheral CD4 T cell repertoire by determining the frequencies of arbitrarily selected T cell receptor (TCR) β-chain sequences. Healthy individuals displayed a highly diverse repertoire, with a median frequency of individual TCR β-chain sequences of 1 in 2.4 × 107 CD4 T cells. In RA patients, the median TCR β-chain frequency was increased 10-fold, indicating marked contraction of the repertoire (P < 0.001). The loss in TCR diversity was not limited to CD4 memory T cells but also involved the compartment of naive T cells, suggesting that it reflected an abnormality in T cell repertoire formation and not a consequence of antigen recognition in the synovium. Also, control patients with chronic inflammatory disease such as hepatitis C expressed a diverse repertoire indistinguishable from that of normals. Telomere length studies indicated an increased replicative history of peripheral CD4 T cells in RA patients, suggesting an enhanced turnover within the CD4 compartment. Compared with age-matched controls, terminal restriction fragment sizes were 1.7 kilobases shorter (P < 0.001). These data demonstrate an altered CD4 T cell homeostasis in RA that may contribute to the autoimmune response as well as to the immunodeficiency in these patients.


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Sickle cell anemia (SCA) and thalassemia are among the most common genetic diseases worldwide. Current approaches to the development of murine models of SCA involve the elimination of functional murine α- and β-globin genes and substitution with human α and βs transgenes. Recently, two groups have produced mice that exclusively express human HbS. The transgenic lines used in these studies were produced by coinjection of human α-, γ-, and β-globin constructs. Thus, all of the transgenes are integrated at a single chromosomal site. Studies in transgenic mice have demonstrated that the normal gene order and spatial organization of the members of the human β-globin gene family are required for appropriate developmental and stage-restricted expression of the genes. As the cis-acting sequences that participate in activation and silencing of the γ- and β-globin genes are not fully defined, murine models that preserve the normal structure of the locus are likely to have significant advantages for validating future therapies for SCA. To produce a model of SCA that recapitulates not only the phenotype, but also the genotype of patients with SCA, we have generated mice that exclusively express HbS after transfer of a 240-kb βs yeast artificial chromosome. These mice have hemolytic anemia, 10% irreversibly sickled cells in their peripheral blood, reticulocytosis, and other phenotypic features of SCA.


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We have investigated the protective role of the membrane-bound HLA-G1 and HLA-G2 isoforms against natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity. For this purpose, HLA-G1 and HLA-G2 cDNAs were transfected into the HLA class I-negative human K562 cell line, a known reference target for NK lysis. The HLA-G1 protein, encoded by a full-length mRNA, presents a structure similar to that of classical HLA class I antigens. The HLA-G2 protein, deduced from an alternatively spliced transcript, consists of the α1 domain linked to the α3 domain. In this study we demonstrate that (i) HLA-G2 is present at the cell surface as a truncated class I molecule associated with β2-microglobulin; (ii) NK cytolysis, observed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and in polyclonal CD3− CD16+ CD56+ NK cells obtained from 20 donors, is inhibited by both HLA-G1 and HLA-G2; this HLA-G-mediated inhibition is reversed by blocking HLA-G with a specific mAb; this led us to the conjecture that HLA-G is the public ligand for NK inhibitory receptors (NKIR) present in all individuals; (iii) the α1 domain common to HLA-G1 and HLA-G2 could mediate this protection from NK lysis; and (iv) when transfected into the K562 cell line, both HLA-G1 and HLA-G2 abolish lysis by the T cell leukemia NK-like YT2C2 clone due to interaction between the HLA-G isoform on the target cell surface and a membrane receptor on YT2C2. Because NKIR1 and NKIR2, known to interact with HLA-G, were undetectable on YT2C2, we conclude that a yet-unknown specific receptor for HLA-G1 and HLA-G2 is present on these cells.


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As well as inducing a protective immune response against reinfection, acute measles is associated with a marked suppression of immune functions against superinfecting agents and recall antigens, and this association is the major cause of the current high morbidity and mortality rate associated with measles virus (MV) infections. Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen-presenting cells crucially involved in the initiation of primary and secondary immune responses, so we set out to define the interaction of MV with these cells. We found that both mature and precursor human DCs generated from peripheral blood monocytic cells express the major MV protein receptor CD46 and are highly susceptible to infection with both MV vaccine (ED) and wild-type (WTF) strains, albeit with different kinetics. Except for the down-regulation of CD46, the expression pattern of functionally important surface antigens on mature DCs was not markedly altered after MV infection. However, precursor DCs up-regulated HLA-DR, CD83, and CD86 within 24 h of WTF infection and 72 h after ED infection, indicating their functional maturation. In addition, interleukin 12 synthesis was markedly enhanced after both ED and WTF infection in DCs. On the other hand, MV-infected DCs strongly interfered with mitogen-dependent proliferation of freshly isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro. These data indicate that the differentiation of effector functions of DCs is not impaired but rather is stimulated by MV infection. Yet, mature, activated DCs expressing MV surface antigens do give a negative signal to inhibit lymphocyte proliferation and thus contribute to MV-induced immunosuppression.


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Antigen-induced stimulation of the immune system can generate heterogeneity in CD4+ T cell division rates capable of explaining the temporal patterns seen in the decay of HIV-1 plasma RNA levels during highly active antiretroviral therapy. Posttreatment increases in peripheral CD4+ T cell counts are consistent with a mathematical model in which host cell redistribution between lymph nodes and peripheral blood is a function of viral burden. Model fits to patient data suggest that, although therapy reduces HIV replication below replacement levels, substantial residual replication continues. This residual replication has important consequences for long-term therapy and the evolution of drug resistance and represents a challenge for future treatment strategies.


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Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) like other herpesviruses, expresses sequentially immediate early (IE), early, and late genes during lytic infection. Evidence of ability to establish latent infection has not been available, but by analogy with other herpesviruses it could be expected that IE genes that regulate and transactivate late genes would not be expressed. We report that peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy individuals infected with HHV-6 express the U94 gene, transcribed under IE conditions. Transcription of other IE genes (U16/17, U39, U42, U81, U89/90, U91) was not detected. To verify that U94 may play a role in the maintenance of the latent state, we derived lymphoid cell lines that stably expressed U94. HHV-6 was able to infect these cells, but viral replication was restricted. No cytopathic effect developed. Furthermore, viral transcripts were present in the first days postinfection and declined thereafter. A similar decline in the level of intracellular viral DNA also was observed. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the U94 gene product of HHV-6 regulates viral gene expression and enables the establishment and/or maintenance of latent infection in lymphoid cells.


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Casein kinase 1 protein kinases are ubiquitous and abundant Ser/Thr-specific protein kinases with activity on acidic substrates. In yeast, the products of the redundant YCK1 and YCK2 genes are together essential for cell viability. Mutants deficient for these proteins display defects in cellular morphogenesis, cytokinesis, and endocytosis. Yck1p and Yck2p are peripheral plasma membrane proteins, and we report here that the localization of Yck2p within the membrane is dynamic through the cell cycle. Using a functional green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion, we have observed that Yck2p is concentrated at sites of polarized growth during bud morphogenesis. At cytokinesis, GFP–Yck2p becomes associated with a ring at the bud neck and then appears as a patch of fluorescence, apparently coincident with the dividing membranes. The bud neck association of Yck2p at cytokinesis does not require an intact septin ring, and septin assembly is altered in a Yck-deficient mutant. The sites of GFP–Yck2p concentration and the defects observed for Yck-deficient cells together suggest that Yck plays distinct roles in morphogenesis and cytokinesis that are effected by differential localization.


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Gas3/PMP22 plays a crucial role in regulating myelin formation and maintenance, and different genetic alterations in gas3/PMP22 are responsible for a set of human peripheral neuropathies. We have previously demonstrated that Gas3/PMP22 could regulate susceptibility to apoptosis in NIH3T3 cells but not in REF 52 cells. In this report we demonstrate that when the apoptotic response triggered by gas3/PMP22 was counteracted by Bcl-2 coexpression, morphological changes were observed. Time-lapse analysis confirmed that Gas3/PMP22 can modulate cell spreading, and this effect was strengthened after inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase. Using the active form of the small GTPase RhoA, we have been able to dissect the different Gas3/PMP22 biological activities. RhoA counteracted the Gas3/PMP22-dependent morphological response but was unable to neutralize the apoptotic response. Treatment of NIH3T3 cells with cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1, which activates endogenous Rho, also counteracted Gas3/PMP22-mediated cell shape and spreading changes. Treatment of REF 52 cells, which are unresponsive to Gas3/PMP22 overexpression, with the C3 exoenzyme, inhibiting Rho activity, renders REF 52 cells responsive to Gas3/PMP22 overexpression for cell shape and spreading changes. Finally, assembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions complexes, in response to lysophosphatidic acid–induced endogenous Rho activation, was impaired in Gas3/PMP22-overexpressing cells. We hypothesize that cell shape and spreading regulated by Gas3/PMP22 through the Rho GTPase might have an important role during Schwann cells differentiation and myelinization.


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A panel of mAbs was elicited against intracellular membrane fractions from rat pancreas. One of the antibodies reacted with a 95-kDa protein that localizes primarily to the Golgi complex or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), depending on cell type. The corresponding cDNA was cloned and sequenced and found to encode a protein of 97.6 kDa that we call GERp95 (Golgi ER protein 95 kDa). The protein copurifies with intracellular membranes but does not contain hydrophobic regions that could function as signal peptides or transmembrane domains. Biochemical analysis suggests that GERp95 is a cytoplasmically exposed peripheral membrane protein that exists in a protease-resistant complex. GERp95 belongs to a family of highly conserved proteins in metazoans and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. It has recently been determined that plant and Drosophila homologues of GERp95 are important for controlling the differentiation of stem cells (Bohmert et al., 1998; Cox et al., 1998; Moussian et al., 1998). In Caenorhabditis elegans, there are at least 20 members of this protein family. To this end, we have used RNA interference to show that the GERp95 orthologue in C. elegans is important for maturation of germ-line stem cells in the gonad. GERp95 and related proteins are an emerging new family of proteins that have important roles in metazoan development. The present study suggests that these proteins may exert their effects on cell differentiation from the level of intracellular membranes.


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The cellular aging-associated transcriptional repressor that we previously named as Orpheus was identical to Oct-1, a member of the POU domain family. Oct-1 represses the collagenase gene, one of the cellular aging-associated genes, by interacting with an AT-rich cis-element in the upstream of the gene in preimmortalized cells at earlier population-doubling levels and in immortalized cells. In these stages of cells, considerable fractions of the Oct-1 protein were prominently localized in the nuclear periphery and colocalized with lamin B. During the cellular aging process, however, this subspecies of Oct-1 disappeared from the nuclear periphery. The cells lacking the nuclear peripheral Oct-1 protein exhibited strong collagenase expression and carried typical senescent morphologies. Concomitantly, the binding activity and the amount of nuclear Oct-1 protein were reduced in the aging process and resumed after immortalization. However, the whole cellular amounts of Oct-1 protein were not significantly changed during either process. Thus, the cellular aging-associated genes including the collagenase gene seemed to be derepressed by the dissociation of Oct-1 protein from the nuclear peripheral structure. Oct-1 may form a transcriptional repressive apparatus by anchoring nuclear matrix attachment regions onto the nuclear lamina in the nuclear periphery.


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A cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clone generated in vitro from the peripheral blood of a healthy HLA-A2-positive individual against a synthetic p53 protein-derived wild-type peptide (L9V) was shown to kill squamous carcinoma cell lines derived from two head and neck carcinomas, which expressed mutant p53 genes, in a L9V/HLA-A2 specific and restricted fashion. Thus, the normal tolerance against endogenously processed p53 protein-derived self-epitopes can be broken by peptide-specific in vitro priming. p53 protein-derived wild-type peptides might thus represent tumor associated target molecules for immunotherapeutical approaches.


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Immunodeficiency typically appears many years after initial HIV infection. This long, essentially asymptomatic period contributes to the transmission of HIV in human populations. In rare instances, clearance of HIV-1 infection has been observed, particularly in infants. There are also reports of individuals who have been frequently exposed to HIV-1 but remain seronegative for the virus, and it has been hypothesized that these individuals are resistant to infection by HIV-1. However, little is known about the mechanism of immune clearance or protection against HIV-1 in these high-risk individuals because it is difficult to directly demonstrate in vivo protective immunity. Although most of these high-risk individuals show an HIV-1-specific cell-mediated immune response using in vitro assays, their peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) are still susceptible to HIV infection in tissue culture. To study this further in vivo, we have established a humanized SCID mouse infection model whereby T-, B-, and natural killer-cell defective SCID/beige mice that have been reconstituted with normal human PBLs can be infected with HIV-1. When the SCID/beige mice were reconstituted with PBLs from two different multiply exposed HIV-1 seronegative individuals, the mice showed resistance to infection by two strains of HIV-1 (macrophage tropic and T cell tropic), although the same PBLs were easily infected in vitro. Mice reconstituted with PBLs from non-HIV-exposed controls were readily infected. When the same reconstituted mice were depleted of human CD8 T cells, however, they became susceptible to HIV-1 infection, indicating that the in vivo protection required CD8 T cells. This provides clear experimental evidence that some multiply exposed, HIV-1-negative individuals have in vivo protective immunity that is CD8 T cell-dependent. Understanding the mechanism of such protective immunity is critical to the design and testing of effective prophylactic vaccines and immunotherapeutic regimens.


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It has been demonstrated that CD8+ T cells produce a soluble factor(s) that suppresses human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication in CD4+ T cells. The role of soluble factors in the suppression of HIV replication in monocyte/macrophages (M/M) has not been fully delineated. To investigate whether a CD8+ T-cell-derived soluble factor(s) can also suppress HIV infection in the M/M system, primary macrophages were infected with the macrophage tropic HIV-1 strain Ba-L. CD8+ T-cell-depleted peripheral blood mononuclear cells were also infected with HIV-1 IIIB or Ba-L. HIV expression from the chronically infected macrophage cell line U1 was also determined in the presence of CD8+ T-cell supernatants or β-chemokines. We demonstrate that: (i) CD8+ T-cell supernatants did, but β-chemokines did not, suppress HIV replication in the M/M system; (ii) antibodies to regulated on activation normal T-cell expressed and Secreted (RANTES), macrophage inflammatory protein 1α (MIP-1α) and MIP-1β did not, whereas antibodies to interleukin 10, interleukin 13, interferon α, or interferon γ modestly reduced anti-HIV activity of the CD8+ T-cell supernatants; and (iii) the CD8+ T-cell supernatants did, but β-chemokines did not, suppress HIV-1 IIIB replication in peripheral blood mononuclear cells as well as HIV expression in U1 cells. These results suggest that HIV-suppressor activity of CD8+ T cells is a multifactorial phenomenon, and that RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β do not account for the entire scope of CD8+ T-cell-derived HIV-suppressor factors.