89 resultados para Organelles


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Clathrin-coated vesicles (CCV) mediate protein sorting and vesicular trafficking from the plasma membrane and the trans-Golgi network. Before delivery of the vesicle contents to the target organelles, the coat components, clathrin and adaptor protein complexes (APs), must be released. Previous work has established that hsc70/the uncoating ATPase mediates clathrin release in vitro without the release of APs. AP release has not been reconstituted in vitro, and nothing is known about the requirements for this reaction. We report a novel quantitative assay for the ATP- and cytosol- dependent release of APs from CCV. As expected, hsc70 is not sufficient for AP release; however, immunodepletion and reconstitution experiments establish that it is necessary. Interestingly, complete clathrin release is not a prerequisite for AP release, suggesting that hsc70 plays a dual role in recycling the constituents of the clathrin coat. This assay provides a functional basis for identification of the additional cytosolic factor(s) required for AP release.


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The membrane proteins of all regulated secretory organelles (RSOs) recycle after exocytosis. However, the recycling of those membrane proteins that are targeted to both dense core granules (DCGs) and synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) has not been addressed. Since neuroendocrine cells contain both RSOs, and the recycling routes that lead to either organelle overlap, transfer between the two pools of membrane proteins could occur during recycling. We have previously demonstrated that a chimeric protein containing the cytosolic and transmembrane domains of P-selectin coupled to horseradish peroxidase is targeted to both the DCG and the SLMV in PC12 cells. Using this chimera, we have characterized secretagogue-induced traffic in PC12 cells. After stimulation, this chimeric protein traffics from DCGs to the cell surface, internalizes into transferrin receptor (TFnR)-positive endosomes and thence to a population of secretagogue-responsive SLMVs. We therefore find a secretagogue-dependent rise in levels of HRP within SLMVs. In addition, the levels within SLMVs of the endogenous membrane protein, synaptotagmin, as well as a green fluorescent protein-tagged version of vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)/synaptobrevin, also show a secretagogue-dependent increase.


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The ORF YOL018c (TLG2) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a protein that belongs to the syntaxin protein family. The proteins of this family, t-SNAREs, are present on target organelles and are thought to participate in the specific interaction between vesicles and acceptor membranes in intracellular membrane trafficking. TLG2 is not an essential gene, and its deletion does not cause defects in the secretory pathway. However, its deletion in cells lacking the vacuolar ATPase subunit Vma2p leads to loss of viability, suggesting that Tlg2p is involved in endocytosis. In tlg2Δ cells, internalization was normal for two endocytic markers, the pheromone α-factor and the plasma membrane uracil permease. In contrast, degradation of α-factor and uracil permease was delayed in tlg2Δ cells. Internalization of positively charged Nanogold shows that the endocytic pathway is perturbed in the mutant, which accumulates Nanogold in primary endocytic vesicles and shows a greatly reduced complement of early endosomes. These results strongly suggest that Tlg2p is a t-SNARE involved in early endosome biogenesis.


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Coiled bodies are discrete nuclear organelles often identified by the marker protein p80-coilin. Because coilin is not detected in the cytoplasm by immunofluorescence and Western blotting, it has been considered an exclusively nuclear protein. In the Xenopus germinal vesicle (GV), most coilin actually resides in the nucleoplasm, although it is highly concentrated in 50–100 coiled bodies. When affinity-purified anti-coilin antibodies were injected into the cytoplasm of oocytes, they could be detected in coiled bodies within 2–3 h. Coiled bodies were intensely labeled after 18 h, whereas other nuclear organelles remained negative. Because the nuclear envelope does not allow passive diffusion of immunoglobulins, this observation suggests that anti-coilin antibodies are imported into the nucleus as an antigen–antibody complex with coilin. Newly synthesized coilin is not required, because cycloheximide had no effect on nuclear import and subsequent targeting of the antibodies. Additional experiments with myc-tagged coilin and myc-tagged pyruvate kinase confirmed that coilin is a shuttling protein. The shuttling of Nopp140, NO38/B23, and nucleolin was easily demonstrated by the targeting of their respective antibodies to the nucleoli, whereas anti-SC35 did not enter the germinal vesicle. We suggest that coilin, perhaps in association with Nopp140, may function as part of a transport system between the cytoplasm and the coiled bodies.


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Toxoplasma gondii is a member of the phylum Apicomplexa, a diverse group of intracellular parasites that share a unique form of gliding motility. Gliding is substrate dependent and occurs without apparent changes in cell shape and in the absence of traditional locomotory organelles. Here, we demonstrate that gliding is characterized by three distinct forms of motility: circular gliding, upright twirling, and helical rotation. Circular gliding commences while the crescent-shaped parasite lies on its right side, from where it moves in a counterclockwise manner at a rate of ∼1.5 μm/s. Twirling occurs when the parasite rights itself vertically, remaining attached to the substrate by its posterior end and spinning clockwise. Helical gliding is similar to twirling except that it occurs while the parasite is positioned horizontally, resulting in forward movement that follows the path of a corkscrew. The parasite begins lying on its left side (where the convex side is defined as dorsal) and initiates a clockwise revolution along the long axis of the crescent-shaped body. Time-lapse video analyses indicated that helical gliding is a biphasic process. During the first 180o of the turn, the parasite moves forward one body length at a rate of ∼1–3 μm/s. In the second phase, the parasite flips onto its left side, in the process undergoing little net forward motion. All three forms of motility were disrupted by inhibitors of actin filaments (cytochalasin D) and myosin ATPase (butanedione monoxime), indicating that they rely on an actinomyosin motor in the parasite. Gliding motility likely provides the force for active penetration of the host cell and may participate in dissemination within the host and thus is of both fundamental and practical interest.


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The discovery that the dilute gene encodes a class V myosin led to the hypothesis that this molecular motor is involved in melanosome transport and/or dendrite outgrowth in mammalian melanocytes. The present studies were undertaken to gain insight into the subcellular distribution of myosin-V in the melanoma cell line B16-F10, which is wild-type for the dilute gene. Immunofluorescence studies showed some degree of superimposed labeling of myosin-V with melanosomes that predominated at the cell periphery. A subcellular fraction highly enriched in melanosomes was also enriched in myosin-V based on Western blot analysis. Immunoelectron microscopy showed myosin-V labeling associated with melanosomes and other organelles. The stimulation of B16 cells with the α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone led to a significant increase in myosin-V expression. This is the first evidence that a cAMP signaling pathway might regulate the dilute gene expression. Immunofluorescence also showed an intense labeling of myosin-V independent of melanosomes that was observed within the dendrites and at the perinuclear region. Although the results presented herein are consistent with the hypothesis that myosin-V might act as a motor for melanosome translocation, they also suggest a broader cytoplasmic function for myosin-V, acting on other types of organelles or in cytoskeletal dynamics.


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In axons, organelles move away from (anterograde) and toward (retrograde) the cell body along microtubules. Previous studies have provided compelling evidence that conventional kinesin is a major motor for anterograde fast axonal transport. It is reasonable to expect that cytoplasmic dynein is a fast retrograde motor, but relatively few tests of dynein function have been reported with neurons of intact organisms. In extruded axoplasm, antibody disruption of kinesin or the dynactin complex (a dynein activator) inhibits both retrograde and anterograde transport. We have tested the functions of the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (cDhc64C) and the p150Glued (Glued) component of the dynactin complex with the use of genetic techniques in Drosophila. cDhc64C and Glued mutations disrupt fast organelle transport in both directions. The mutant phenotypes, larval posterior paralysis and axonal swellings filled with retrograde and anterograde cargoes, were similar to those caused by kinesin mutations. Why do specific disruptions of unidirectional motor systems cause bidirectional defects? Direct protein interactions of kinesin with dynein heavy chain and p150Glued were not detected. However, strong dominant genetic interactions between kinesin, dynein, and dynactin complex mutations in axonal transport were observed. The genetic interactions between kinesin and either Glued or cDhc64C mutations were stronger than those between Glued and cDhc64C mutations themselves. The shared bidirectional disruption phenotypes and the dominant genetic interactions demonstrate that cytoplasmic dynein, the dynactin complex, and conventional kinesin are interdependent in fast axonal transport.


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To understand molecular mechanisms that regulate the intricate and dynamic organization of the endosomal compartment, it is important to establish the morphology, molecular composition, and functions of the different organelles involved in endosomal trafficking. Syntaxins and vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) families, also known as soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein receptors (SNAREs), have been implicated in mediating membrane fusion and may play a role in determining the specificity of vesicular trafficking. Although several SNAREs, including VAMP3/cellubrevin, VAMP8/endobrevin, syntaxin 13, and syntaxin 7, have been localized to the endosomal membranes, their precise localization, biochemical interactions, and function remain unclear. Furthermore, little is known about SNAREs involved in lysosomal trafficking. So far, only one SNARE, VAMP7, has been localized to late endosomes (LEs), where it is proposed to mediate trafficking of epidermal growth factor receptor to LEs and lysosomes. Here we characterize the localization and function of two additional endosomal syntaxins, syntaxins 7 and 8, and propose that they mediate distinct steps of endosomal protein trafficking. Both syntaxins are found in SNARE complexes that are dissociated by α-soluble NSF attachment protein and NSF. Syntaxin 7 is mainly localized to vacuolar early endosomes (EEs) and may be involved in protein trafficking from the plasma membrane to the EE as well as in homotypic fusion of endocytic organelles. In contrast, syntaxin 8 is likely to function in clathrin-independent vesicular transport and membrane fusion events necessary for protein transport from EEs to LEs.


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Distinct lipid compositions of intracellular organelles could provide a physical basis for targeting of membrane proteins, particularly where transmembrane domains have been shown to play a role. We tested the possibility that cholesterol is required for targeting of membrane proteins to the Golgi complex. We used insect cells for our studies because they are cholesterol auxotrophs and can be depleted of cholesterol by growth in delipidated serum. We found that two well-characterized mammalian Golgi proteins were targeted to the Golgi region of Aedes albopictus cells, both in the presence and absence of cellular cholesterol. Our results imply that a cholesterol gradient through the secretory pathway is not required for membrane protein targeting to the Golgi complex, at least in insect cells.


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The protein trafficking machinery of eukaryotic cells is employed for protein secretion and for the localization of resident proteins of the exocytic and endocytic pathways. Protein transit between organelles is mediated by transport vesicles that bear integral membrane proteins (v-SNAREs) which selectively interact with similar proteins on the target membrane (t-SNAREs), resulting in a docked vesicle. A novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae SNARE protein, which has been termed Vti1p, was identified by its sequence similarity to known SNAREs. Vti1p is a predominantly Golgi-localized 25-kDa type II integral membrane protein that is essential for yeast viability. Vti1p can bind Sec17p (yeast SNAP) and enter into a Sec18p (NSF)-sensitive complex with the cis-Golgi t-SNARE Sed5p. This Sed5p/Vti1p complex is distinct from the previously described Sed5p/Sec22p anterograde vesicle docking complex. Depletion of Vti1p in vivo causes a defect in the transport of the vacuolar protein carboxypeptidase Y through the Golgi. Temperature-sensitive mutants of Vti1p show a similar carboxypeptidase Y trafficking defect, but the secretion of invertase and gp400/hsp150 is not significantly affected. The temperature-sensitive vti1 growth defect can be rescued by the overexpression of the v-SNARE, Ykt6p, which physically interacts with Vti1p. We propose that Vti1p, along with Ykt6p and perhaps Sft1p, acts as a retrograde v-SNARE capable of interacting with the cis-Golgi t-SNARE Sed5p.


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Fusion of post-Golgi secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane in yeast requires the function of a Rab protein, Sec4p, and a set of v- and t-SNAREs, the Snc, Sso, and Sec9 proteins. We have tested the hypothesis that a selective interaction between Sec4p and the exocytic SNAREs is responsible for ensuring that secretory vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane but not with intracellular organelles. Assembly of Sncp and Ssop into a SNARE complex is defective in a sec4-8 mutant strain. However, Snc2p binds in vivo to many other syntaxin-like t-SNAREs, and binding of Sncp to the endosomal/Golgi t-SNARE Tlg2p is also reduced in sec4-8 cells. In addition, binding of Sncp to Ssop is reduced by mutations in two other Rab genes and four non-Rab genes that block the secretory pathway before the formation of secretory vesicles. In an alternate approach to look for selective Rab–SNARE interactions, we report that the nucleotide-free form of Sec4p coimmunoprecipitates with Ssop. However, Rab–SNARE binding is nonselective, because the nucleotide-free forms of six Rab proteins bind with similar low efficiency to three SNARE proteins, Ssop, Pep12p, and Sncp. We conclude that Rabs and SNAREs do not cooperate to specify the target membrane.


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Molecular phylogenetic analyses, based mainly on ribosomal RNA, show that three amitochondriate protist lineages, diplomonads, microsporidia, and trichomonads, emerge consistently at the base of the eukaryotic tree before groups having mitochondria. This suggests that these groups could have diverged before the mitochondrial endosymbiosis. Nevertheless, since all these organisms live in anaerobic environments, the absence of mitochondria might be due to secondary loss, as demonstrated for the later emerging eukaryote Entamoeba histolytica. We have now isolated from Trichomonas vaginalis a gene encoding a chaperone protein (HSP70) that in other lineages is addressed to the mitochondrial compartment. The phylogenetic reconstruction unambiguously located this HSP70 within a large set of mitochondrial sequences, itself a sister-group of α-purple bacteria. In addition, the T. vaginalis protein exhibits the GDAWV sequence signature, so far exclusively found in mitochondrial HSP70 and in proteobacterial dnaK. Thus mitochondrial endosymbiosis could have occurred earlier than previously assumed. The trichomonad double membrane-bounded organelles, the hydrogenosomes, could have evolved from mitochondria.


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Cameleons are genetically-encoded fluorescent indicators for Ca2+ based on green fluorescent protein variants and calmodulin (CaM). Because cameleons can be targeted genetically and imaged by one- or two-photon excitation microscopy, they offer great promise for monitoring Ca2+ in whole organisms, tissues, organelles, and submicroscopic environments in which measurements were previously impossible. However, the original cameleons suffered from significant pH interference, and their Ca2+-buffering and cross-reactivity with endogenous CaM signaling pathways was uncharacterized. We have now greatly reduced the pH-sensitivity of the cameleons by introducing mutations V68L and Q69K into the acceptor yellow green fluorescent protein. The resulting new cameleons permit Ca2+ measurements despite significant cytosolic acidification. When Ca2+ is elevated, the CaM and CaM-binding peptide fused together in a cameleon predominantly interact with each other rather than with free CaM and CaM-dependent enzymes. Therefore, if cameleons are overexpressed, the primary effect is likely to be the unavoidable increase in Ca2+ buffering rather than specific perturbation of CaM-dependent signaling.


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Bacterial shape usually is dictated by the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall. In this paper, we show that the morphology of the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi is the result of a complex interaction between the cell cylinder and the internal periplasmic flagella. B. burgdorferi has a bundle of 7–11 helically shaped periplasmic flagella attached at each end of the cell cylinder and has a flat-wave cell morphology. Backward moving, propagating waves enable these bacteria to swim in both low viscosity media and highly viscous gel-like media. Using targeted mutagenesis, we inactivated the gene encoding the major periplasmic flagellar filament protein FlaB. The resulting flaB mutants not only were nonmotile, but were rod-shaped. Western blot analysis indicated that FlaB was no longer synthesized, and electron microscopy revealed that the mutants were completely deficient in periplasmic flagella. Wild-type cells poisoned with the protonophore carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone retained their flat-wave morphology, indicating that the periplasmic flagella do not need to be energized for the cell to maintain this shape. Our results indicate that the periplasmic flagella of B. burgdorferi have a skeletal function. These organelles dynamically interact with the rod-shaped cell cylinder to enable the cell to swim, and to confer in part its flat-wave morphology.


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Many biological processes require proteins to undergo conformational changes at the surface of membranes. For example, some precursor proteins unfold at the surface of mitochondria and chloroplasts before translocation into the organelles, and toxins such as colicin A unfold to the molten globule state at bacterial surfaces before inserting into the cell membrane. It is commonly thought that the membrane surfaces and the associated protein machinery destabilize the substrate proteins and that this effect is required for membrane insertion or translocation. One of the best characterized translocation processes is protein import into mitochondria. By measuring the contributions of individual interactions within a model protein to its stability at the mitochondrial surface and in free solution, we show here that the mitochondrial surface neither induces the molten globule state in this protein nor preferentially destabilizes any type of interaction (e.g., hydrogen bonds, nonpolar, etc.) within the protein. Because it is not possible to measure absolute protein stability at the surface of mitochondria, we determined the stability of a tightly associated protein–protein complex at the mitochondrial import site as a model of the stability of a protein. We found the binding constants of the protein–protein complex at the mitochondrial surface and in free solution to be identical. Our results demonstrate that the mitochondrial surface does not destabilize importing precursor proteins in its vicinity.