43 resultados para National Planning Association.
Recent measurements of sedimentation equilibrium and sedimentation velocity have shown that the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ self-associates to form indefinitely long rod-like linear aggregates in the presence of GDP and Mg2+. In the present study, the newly developed technique of non-ideal tracer sedimentation equilibrium was used to measure the effect of high concentrations—up to 150 g/liter—of each of two inert “crowder” proteins, cyanmethemoglobin or BSA, on the thermodynamic activity and state of association of dilute FtsZ under conditions inhibiting (−Mg2+) and promoting (+Mg2+) FtsZ self-association. Analysis of equilibrium gradients of both FtsZ and crowder proteins indicates that, under the conditions of the present experiment, FtsZ interacts with each of the two crowder proteins essentially entirely via steric repulsion, which may be accounted for quantitatively by a simple model in which hemoglobin, albumin, and monomeric FtsZ are modeled as effective spherical hard particles, and each oligomeric species of FtsZ is modeled as an effective hard spherocylinder. The functional dependence of the sedimentation of FtsZ on the concentrations of FtsZ and either crowder indicates that, in the presence of high concentrations of crowder, both the weight-average degree of FtsZ self-association and the range of FtsZ oligomer sizes present in significant abundance are increased substantially.
NY-ESO-1 is a tumor-specific shared antigen with distinctive immunogenicity. Both CD8+ T cells and class-switched Ab responses have been detected from patients with cancer. In this study, a CD4+ T cell line was generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a melanoma patient and was shown to recognize NY-ESO-1 peptides presented by HLA-DP4, a dominant MHC class II allele expressed in 43–70% of Caucasians. The ESO p157–170 peptide containing the core region of DP4-restricted T cell epitope was present in a number of tumor cell lines tested and found to be recognized by both CD4+ T cells as well as HLA-A2-restricted CD8+ T cells. Thus, the ESO p157–170 epitope represents a potential candidate for cancer vaccines aimed at generating both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses. More importantly, 16 of 17 melanoma patients who developed Ab against NY-ESO-1 were found to be HLA-DP4-positive. CD4+ T cells specific for the NY-ESO-1 epitopes were generated from 5 of 6 melanoma patients with NY-ESO-1 Ab. In contrast, no specific DP4-restricted T cells were generated from two patients without detectable NY-ESO-1 Ab. These results suggested that NY-ESO-1-specific DP4-restricted CD4+ T cells were closely associated with NY-ESO-1 Ab observed in melanoma patients and might play an important role in providing help for activating B cells for NY-ESO-1-specific Ab production.
Traditional mechanisms thought to underlie opioid tolerance include receptor phosphorylation/down-regulation, G-protein uncoupling, and adenylyl cyclase superactivation. A parallel line of investigation also indicates that opioid tolerance development results from a switch from predominantly opioid receptor Giα inhibitory to Gβγ stimulatory signaling. As described previously, this results, in part, from the increased relative abundance of Gβγ-stimulated adenylyl cyclase isoforms as well as from a profound increase in their phosphorylation [Chakrabarti, S., Rivera, M., Yan, S.-Z., Tang, W.-J. & Gintzler, A. R. (1998) Mol. Pharmacol. 54, 655–662; Chakrabarti, S., Wang, L., Tang, W.-J. & Gintzler, A. R. (1998) Mol. Pharmacol. 54, 949–953]. The present study demonstrates that chronic morphine administration results in the concomitant phosphorylation of three key signaling proteins, G protein receptor kinase (GRK) 2/3, β-arrestin, and Gβ, in the guinea pig longitudinal muscle myenteric plexus tissue. Augmented phosphorylation of all three proteins is evident in immunoprecipitate obtained by using either anti-GRK2/3 or Gβ antibodies, but the phosphorylation increment is greater in immunoprecipitate obtained with Gβ antibodies. Analyses of coimmunoprecipitated proteins indicate that phosphorylation of GRK2/3, β-arrestin, and Gβ has varying consequences on their ability to associate. As a result, increased availability of and signaling via Gβγ could occur without compromising the membrane content (and presumably activity) of GRK2/3. Induction of the concomitant phosphorylation of multiple proteins in a multimolecular complex with attendant modulation of their association represents a novel mechanism for increasing Gβγ signaling and opioid tolerance formation.
The influence of temporal association on the representation and recognition of objects was investigated. Observers were shown sequences of novel faces in which the identity of the face changed as the head rotated. As a result, observers showed a tendency to treat the views as if they were of the same person. Additional experiments revealed that this was only true if the training sequences depicted head rotations rather than jumbled views; in other words, the sequence had to be spatially as well as temporally smooth. Results suggest that we are continuously associating views of objects to support later recognition, and that we do so not only on the basis of the physical similarity, but also the correlated appearance in time of the objects.
DNA methylation of tumor suppressor genes is a common feature of human cancer. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene p16/Ink4A is hypermethylated in a wide range of malignant tissues and the p14/ARF gene located 20 kb upstream on chromosome 9p21 is also methylated in carcinomas. p14/ARF (ARF, alternative reading frame) does not inhibit the activities of cyclins or cyclin-dependent kinase complexes; however, the importance of the two gene products in the etiology of cancer resides in their involvement in two major cell cycle regulatory pathways: p53 and the retinoblastoma protein, Rb, respectively. Distinct first exons driven from separate promoters are spliced onto the common exons 2 and 3 and the resulting proteins are translated in different reading frames. Both genes are expressed in normal cells but can be alternatively or coordinately silenced when their CpG islands are hypermethylated. Herein, we examined the presence of methyl-CpG binding proteins associated with aberrantly methylated promoters, the distribution of acetylated histones H3 and H4 by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, and the effect of chemical treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5aza-dC) and trichostatin A on gene induction in colon cell lines by quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR. We observed that the methyl-CpG binding protein MBD2 is targeted to methylated regulatory regions and excludes the acetylated histones H3 and H4, resulting in a localized inactive chromatin configuration. When methylated, the genes can be induced by 5aza-dC but the combined action of 5aza-dC and trichostatin A results in robust gene expression. Thus, methyl-CpG binding proteins and histone deacetylases appear to cooperate in vivo, with a dominant effect of DNA methylation toward histone acetylation, and repress expression of tumor suppressor genes hypermethylated in cancers.
Allelic association between pairs of loci is derived in terms of the association probability ρ as a function of recombination θ, effective population size N, linear systematic pressure v, and time t, predicting both ρrt, the decrease of association from founders and ρct, the increase by genetic drift, with ρt = ρrt + ρct. These results conform to the Malecot equation, with time replaced by distance on the genetic map, or on the physical map if recombination in the region is uniform. Earlier evidence suggested that ρ is less sensitive to variations in marker allele frequencies than alternative metrics for which there is no probability theory. This robustness is confirmed for six alternatives in eight samples. In none of these 48 tests was the residual variance as small as for ρ. Overall, efficiency was less than 80% for all alternatives, and less than 30% for two of them. Efficiency of alternatives did not increase when information was estimated simultaneously. The swept radius within which substantial values of ρ are conserved lies between 385 and 893 kb, but deviation of parameters between measures is enormously significant. The large effort now being devoted to allelic association has little value unless the ρ metric with the strongest theoretical basis and least sensitivity to marker allele frequencies is used for mapping of marker association and localization of disease loci.
Systematic conservation planning is a branch of conservation biology that seeks to identify spatially explicit options for the preservation of biodiversity. Alternative systems of conservation areas are predictions about effective ways of promoting the persistence of biodiversity; therefore, they should consider not only biodiversity pattern but also the ecological and evolutionary processes that maintain and generate species. Most research and application, however, has focused on pattern representation only. This paper outlines the development of a conservation system designed to preserve biodiversity pattern and process in the context of a rapidly changing environment. The study area is the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), a biodiversity hotspot of global significance, located in southwestern Africa. This region has experienced rapid (post-Pliocene) ecological diversification of many plant lineages; there are numerous genera with large clusters of closely related species (flocks) that have subdivided habitats at a very fine scale. The challenge is to design conservation systems that will preserve both the pattern of large numbers of species and various natural processes, including the potential for lineage turnover. We outline an approach for designing a system of conservation areas to incorporate the spatial components of the evolutionary processes that maintain and generate biodiversity in the CFR. We discuss the difficulty of assessing the requirements for pattern versus process representation in the face of ongoing threats to biodiversity, the difficulty of testing the predictions of alternative conservation systems, and the widespread need in conservation planning to incorporate and set targets for the spatial components (or surrogates) of processes.
Opitz syndrome (OS) is a human genetic disease characterized by deformities such as cleft palate that are attributable to defects in embryonic development at the midline. Gene mapping has identified OS mutations within a protein called Mid1. Wild-type Mid1 predominantly colocalizes with microtubules, in contrast to mutant versions of Mid1 that appear clustered in the cytosol. Using yeast two-hybrid screening, we found that the α4-subunit of protein phosphatases 2A/4/6 binds Mid1. Epitope-tagged α4 coimmunoprecipitated endogenous or coexpressed Mid1 from COS7 cells, and this required only the conserved C-terminal region of α4. Localization of Mid1 and α4 was influenced by one another in transiently transfected cells. Mid1 could recruit α4 onto microtubules, and high levels of α4 could displace Mid1 into the cytosol. Metabolic 32P labeling of cells showed that Mid1 is a phosphoprotein, and coexpression of full-length α4 decreased Mid1 phosphorylation, indicative of a functional interaction. Association of green fluorescent protein–Mid1 with microtubules in living cells was perturbed by inhibitors of MAP kinase activation. The conclusion is that Mid1 association with microtubules, which seems important for normal midline development, is regulated by dynamic phosphorylation involving MAP kinase and protein phosphatase that is targeted specifically to Mid1 by α4. Human birth defects may result from environmental or genetic disruption of this regulatory cycle.
JC virus is activated to replicate in glial cells of many AIDS patients with neurological disorders. In human glial cells, the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein activates the major late promoter of JC virus through a Tat-responsive DNA element, termed upTAR, which is a recognition site for cellular Purα, a sequence-specific single-stranded DNA binding protein implicated in cell cycle control of DNA replication and transcription. Tat interacts with two leucine-rich repeats in Purα to form a complex that can be immunoprecipitated from cell extracts. Tat enhances the ability of purified glutathione S-transferase-Purα (GST-Purα) to bind the upTAR element. Tat acts synergistically with Purα, in a cell-cycle-dependent manner, to activate transcription at an upTAR element placed upstream of a heterologous promoter. Since Purα is ubiquitously expressed in human cells and since PUR elements are located near many promoters and origins of replication, the Tat-Purα interaction may be implicated in effects of HIV-1 throughout the full range of HIV-1-infected cells.
Adenosine and its endogenous precursor ATP are main components of the purinergic system that modulates cellular and tissue functions via specific adenosine and ATP receptors (P1 and P2 receptors), respectively. Although adenosine inhibits excitability and ATP functions as an excitatory transmitter in the central nervous system, little is known about the ability of P1 and P2 receptors to form new functional structures such as a heteromer to control the complex purinergic cascade. Here we have shown that Gi/o protein-coupled A1 adenosine receptor (A1R) and Gq protein-coupled P2Y1 receptor (P2Y1R) coimmunoprecipitate in cotransfected HEK293T cells, suggesting the oligomeric association between distinct G protein-coupled P1 and P2 receptors. A1R and P2Y2 receptor, but not A1R and dopamine D2 receptor, also were found to coimmunoprecipitate in cotransfected cells. A1R agonist and antagonist binding to cell membranes were reduced by coexpression of A1R and P2Y1R, whereas a potent P2Y1R agonist adenosine 5′-O-(2-thiotriphosphate) (ADPβS) revealed a significant potency to A1R binding only in the cotransfected cell membranes. Moreover, the A1R/P2Y1R coexpressed cells showed an ADPβS-dependent reduction of forskolin-evoked cAMP accumulation that was sensitive to pertussis toxin and A1R antagonist, indicating that ADPβS binds A1R and inhibits adenylyl cyclase activity via Gi/o proteins. Also, a high degree of A1R and P2Y1R colocalization was demonstrated in cotransfected cells by double immunofluorescence experiments with confocal laser microscopy. These results suggest that oligomeric association of A1R with P2Y1R generates A1R with P2Y1R-like agonistic pharmacology and provides a molecular mechanism for an increased diversity of purine signaling.
MEDLINEplus: building and maintaining the National Library of Medicine's consumer health Web service
MEDLINEplus is a Web-based consumer health information resource, made available by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). MEDLINEplus has been designed to provide consumers with a well-organized, selective Web site facilitating access to reliable full-text health information. In addition to full-text resources, MEDLINEplus directs consumers to dictionaries, organizations, directories, libraries, and clearinghouses for answers to health questions. For each health topic, MEDLINEplus includes a preformulated MEDLINE search created by librarians. The site has been designed to match consumer language to medical terminology. NLM has used advances in database and Web technologies to build and maintain MEDLINEplus, allowing health sciences librarians to contribute remotely to the resource. This article describes the development and implementation of MEDLINEplus, its supporting technology, and plans for future development.
In October 1998, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) launched a pilot project to learn about the role of public libraries in providing health information to the public and to generate information that would assist NLM and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) in learning how best to work with public libraries in the future. Three regional medical libraries (RMLs), eight resource libraries, and forty-one public libraries or library systems from nine states and the District of Columbia were selected for participation. The pilot project included an evaluation component that was carried out in parallel with project implementation. The evaluation ran through September 1999. The results of the evaluation indicated that participating public librarians were enthusiastic about the training and information materials provided as part of the project and that many public libraries used the materials and conducted their own outreach to local communities and groups. Most libraries applied the modest funds to purchase additional Internet-accessible computers and/or upgrade their health-reference materials. However, few of the participating public libraries had health information centers (although health information was perceived as a top-ten or top-five topic of interest to patrons). Also, the project generated only minimal usage of NLM's consumer health database, known as MEDLINEplus, from the premises of the monitored libraries (patron usage from home or office locations was not tracked). The evaluation results suggested a balanced follow-up by NLM and the NN/LM, with a few carefully selected national activities, complemented by a package of targeted activities that, as of January 2000, are being planned, developed, or implemented. The results also highlighted the importance of building an evaluation component into projects like this one from the outset, to assure that objectives were met and that evaluative information was available on a timely basis, as was the case here.