93 resultados para NICOTIANA TABACUM BEL-W3


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Two yeast genes, FRE1 and FRE2 (encoding Fe(III) reductases) were placed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and introduced into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Homozygous lines containing FRE1, FRE2, or FRE1 plus FRE2 were generated. Northern-blot analyses revealed mRNA of two different sizes in FRE1 lines, whereas all FRE2 lines had mRNA only of the expected length. Fe(III) reduction, chlorophyll contents, and Fe levels were determined in transgenic and control plants under Fe-sufficient and Fe-deficient conditions. In a normal growth environment, the highest root Fe(III) reduction, 4-fold higher than in controls, occurred in the double transformant (FRE1 + FRE2). Elevated Fe(III) reduction was also observed in all FRE2 and some FRE1 lines. The increased Fe(III) reduction occurred along the entire length of the roots and on shoot sections. FRE2 and double transformants were more tolerant to Fe deficiency in hydroponic culture, as shown by higher chlorophyll and Fe concentrations in younger leaves, whereas FRE1 transformants did not differ from the controls. Overall, the beneficial effects of FRE2 were consistent, suggesting that FRE2 may be used to improve Fe efficiency in crop plants.


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In many species translocation of sucrose from the mesophyll to the phloem is carrier mediated. A sucrose/H+-symporter cDNA, NtSUT1, was isolated from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and shown to be highly expressed in mature leaves and at low levels in other tissues, including floral organs. To study the in vivo function of NtSUT1, tobacco plants were transformed with a SUT1 antisense construct under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Upon maturation, leaves of transformants expressing reduced amounts of SUT1 mRNA curled downward, and strongly affected plants developed chloroses and necroses that led to death. The leaves exhibited impaired ability to export recently fixed 14CO2 and were unable to export transient starch during extended periods of darkness. As a consequence, soluble carbohydrates accumulated and photosynthesis was reduced. Autoradiographs of leaves show a heterogenous pattern of CO2 fixation even after a 24-h chase. The 14C pattern does not change with time, suggesting that movement of photosynthate between mesophyll cells may also be impaired. The affected lines show a reduction in the development of the root system and delayed or impaired flowering. Taken together, the effects observed in a seed plant (tobacco) demonstrate the importance of SUT1 for sucrose loading into the phloem via an apoplastic route and possibly for intermesophyll transport as well.


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Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) contains a large family of tyrosine/dihydroxyphenylalanine decarboxylase (tydc) genes involved in the biosynthesis of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and cell wall-bound hydroxycinnamic acid amides. Eight members from two distinct gene subfamilies have been isolated, tydc1, tydc4, tydc6, tydc8, and tydc9 in one group and tydc2, tydc3, and tydc7 in the other. The tydc8 and tydc9 genes were located 3.2 kb apart on one genomic clone, suggesting that the family is clustered. Transcripts for most tydc genes were detected only in roots. Only tydc2 and tydc7 revealed expression in both roots and shoots, and TYDC3 mRNAs were the only specific transcripts detected in seedlings. TYDC1, TYDC8, and TYDC9 mRNAs, which occurred in roots, were not detected in elicitor-treated opium poppy cultures. Expression of tydc4, which contains a premature termination codon, was not detected under any conditions. Five tydc promoters were fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in a binary vector. All constructs produced transient GUS activity in microprojectile-bombarded opium poppy and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell cultures. The organ- and tissue-specific expression pattern of tydc promoter-GUS fusions in transgenic tobacco was generally parallel to that of corresponding tydc genes in opium poppy. GUS expression was most abundant in the internal phloem of shoot organs and in the stele of roots. Select tydc promoter-GUS fusions were also wound induced in transgenic tobacco, suggesting that the basic mechanisms of developmental and inducible tydc regulation are conserved across plant species.


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We previously reported that overexpression of the rice homeobox gene OSH1 led to altered morphology and hormone levels in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants. Among the hormones whose levels were changed, GA1 was dramatically reduced. Here we report the results of our analysis on the regulatory mechanism(s) of OSH1 on GA metabolism. GA53 and GA20, precursors of GA1, were applied separately to transgenic tobacco plants exhibiting severely changed morphology due to overexpression of OSH1. Only treatment with the end product of GA 20-oxidase, GA20, resulted in a striking promotion of stem elongation in transgenic tobacco plants. The internal GA1 and GA20 contents in OSH1-transformed tobacco were dramatically reduced compared with those of wild-type plants, whereas the level of GA19, a mid-product of GA 20-oxidase, was 25% of the wild-type level. We have isolated a cDNA encoding a putative tobacco GA 20-oxidase, which is mainly expressed in vegetative stem tissue. RNA-blot analysis revealed that GA 20-oxidase gene expression was suppressed in stem tissue of OSH1-transformed tobacco plants. Based on these results, we conclude that overexpression of OSH1 causes a reduction of the level of GA1 by suppressing GA 20-oxidase expression.


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Some foreign genes introduced into plants are poorly expressed, even when transcription is controlled by a strong promoter. Perhaps the best examples of this problem are the cry genes of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), which encode the insecticidal proteins commonly referred to as B.t. toxins. As a step toward overcoming such problems most effectively, we sought to elucidate the mechanisms limiting the expression of a typical B.t.-toxin gene, cryIA(c), which accumulates very little mRNA in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells. Most cell lines transformed with the cryIA(c) B.t.-toxin gene accumulate short, polyadenylated transcripts. The abundance of these transcripts can be increased by treating the cells with cycloheximide, a translation inhibitor that can stabilize many unstable transcripts. Using a series of hybridizations, reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reactions, and RNase-H-digestion experiments, poly(A+) addition sites were identified in the B.t.-toxin-coding region corresponding to the short transcripts. A fourth polyadenylation site was identified using a chimeric gene. These results demonstrate for the first time to our knowledge that premature polyadenylation can limit the expression of a foreign gene in plants. Moreover, this work emphasizes that further study of the fundamental principles governing polyadenylation in plants will have basic as well as applied significance.


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It is well established that the expression of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) toxin genes in higher plants is severely limited at the mRNA level, but the cause remains controversial. Elucidating whether mRNA accumulation is limited transcriptionally or posttranscriptionally could contribute to effective gene design as well as provide insights about endogenous plant gene-expression mechanisms. To resolve this controversy, we compared the expression of an A/U-rich wild-type cryIA(c) gene and a G/C-rich synthetic cryIA(c) B.t.-toxin gene under the control of identical 5′ and 3′ flanking sequences. Transcriptional activities of the genes were equal as determined by nuclear run-on transcription assays. In contrast, mRNA half-life measurements demonstrated directly that the wild-type transcript was markedly less stable than that encoded by the synthetic gene. Sequences that limit mRNA accumulation were located at more than one site within the coding region, and some appeared to be recognized in Arabidopsis but not in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). These results support previous observations that some A/U-rich sequences can contribute to mRNA instability in plants. Our studies further indicate that some of these sequences may be differentially recognized in tobacco cells and Arabidopsis.


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The plastid rRNA (rrn) operon in chloroplasts of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), maize, and pea is transcribed by the plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase from a ς70-type promoter (P1). In contrast, the rrn operon in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and mustard chloroplasts is transcribed from the distinct Pc promoter, probably also by the plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase. Primer-extension analysis reported here indicates that in Arabidopsis both promoters may be active. To understand promoter selection in the plastid rrn operon in the different species, we have tested transcription from the spinach rrn promoter in transplastomic tobacco and from the tobacco rrn promoter in transplastomic Arabidopsis. Our data suggest that transcription of the rrn operon depends on species-specific factors that facilitate transcription initiation by the general transcription machinery.


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Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze, a C4 dicot, was genetically transformed with a construct encoding the mature form of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) carbonic anhydrase (CA) under the control of a strong constitutive promoter. Expression of the tobacco CA was detected in transformant whole-leaf and bundle-sheath cell (bsc) extracts by immunoblot analysis. Whole-leaf extracts from two CA-transformed lines demonstrated 10% to 50% more CA activity on a ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase-site basis than the extracts from transformed, nonexpressing control plants, whereas 3 to 5 times more activity was measured in CA transformant bsc extracts. This increased CA activity resulted in plants with moderately reduced rates of CO2 assimilation (A) and an appreciable increase in C isotope discrimination compared with the controls. With increasing O2 concentrations up to 40% (v/v), a greater inhibition of A was found for transformants than for wild-type plants; however, the quantum yield of photosystem II did not differ appreciably between these two groups over the O2 levels tested. The quantum yield of photosystem II-to-A ratio suggested that at higher O2 concentrations, the transformants had increased rates of photorespiration. Thus, the expression of active tobacco CA in the cytosol of F. bidentis bsc and mesophyll cells perturbed the C4 CO2-concentrating mechanism by increasing the permeability of the bsc to inorganic C and, thereby, decreasing the availability of CO2 for photosynthetic assimilation by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase.


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We analyzed transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) expressing Stpd1, a cDNA encoding sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from apple, under the control of a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. In 125 independent transformants variable amounts of sorbitol ranging from 0.2 to 130 μmol g−1 fresh weight were found. Plants that accumulated up to 2 to 3 μmol g−1 fresh weight sorbitol were phenotypically normal, with successively slower growth as sorbitol amounts increased. Plants accumulating sorbitol at 3 to 5 μmol g−1 fresh weight occasionally showed regions in which chlorophyll was partially lost, but at higher sorbitol amounts young leaves of all plants lost chlorophyll in irregular spots that developed into necrotic lesions. When sorbitol exceeded 15 to 20 μmol g−1 fresh weight, plants were infertile, and at even higher sorbitol concentrations the primary regenerants were incapable of forming roots in culture or soil. In mature plants sorbitol amounts varied with age, leaf position, and growth conditions. The appearance of lesions was correlated with high sorbitol, glucose, fructose, and starch, and low myo-inositol. Supplementing myo-inositol in seedlings and young plants prevented lesion formation. Hyperaccumulation of sorbitol, which interferes with inositol biosynthesis, seems to lead to osmotic imbalance, possibly acting as a signal affecting carbohydrate allocation and transport.


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Eukaryotic elongation factor 1α (eEF-1A) is a multifunctional protein. There are three known posttranslational modifications of eEF-1A that could potentially affect its function. Except for phosphorylation, the other posttranslational modifications have not been demonstrated in plants. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry and peptide mass mapping, we show that carrot (Daucus carota L.) eEF-1A contains a phosphoglycerylethanolamine (PGE) posttranslational modification. eEF-1A was the only protein labeled with [14C]ethanolamine in carrot cells and was the predominant ethanolamine-labeled protein in Arabidopsis seedlings and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cell cultures. In vivo-labeling studies using [3H]glycerol, [32P]Pi, [14C]myristic acid, and [14C]linoleic acid indicated that the entire phospholipid phosphatidylethanolamine is covalently attached to the protein. The PGE lipid modification did not affect the partitioning of eEF-1A in Triton X-114 or its actin-binding activity in in vitro assays. Our in vitro data indicate that this newly characterized posttranslational modification alone does not affect the function of eEF-1A. Therefore, the PGE lipid modification may work in combination with other posttranslational modifications to affect the distribution and the function of eEF-1A within the cell.


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The relationship between the production of reactive oxygen species and the hypersensitive response (HR) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) toward an incompatible race of the Oomycete Phytophthora parasitica var nicotianae has been investigated. A new assay for superoxide radical (O2−) production based on reduction of the tetrazolium dye sodium,3′-(1-[phenylamino-carbonyl]-3,4-tetrazolium)-bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro) benzene-sulfonic acid hydrate (XTT) has enabled the quantitative estimation of perhydroxyl/superoxide radical acid-base pair (HO2·/O2−) production during the resistant response. Tobacco suspension cells were inoculated with zoospores from compatible or incompatible races of the pathogen. Subsequent HO2·/O2− production was monitored by following the formation of XTT formazan. In the incompatible interaction only, HO2·/O2− was produced in a minor burst between 0 and 2 h and then in a major burst between 8 and 10 h postinoculation. During this second burst, rates of XTT reduction equivalent to a radical flux of 9.9 × 10−15 mol min−1 cell−1 were observed. The HO2·/O2− scavengers O2− dismutase and Mn(III)desferal each inhibited dye reduction. An HR was observed in challenged, resistant cells immediately following the second burst of radical production. Both scavengers inhibited the HR when added prior to the occurrence of either radical burst, indicating that O2− production is a necessary precursor to the HR.


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To date, the lack of a method for inducing plant cells and their Golgi stacks to differentiate in a synchronous manner has made it difficult to characterize the nature and extent of Golgi retailoring in biochemical terms. Here we report that auxin deprivation can be used to induce a uniform population of suspension-cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv BY-2) cells to differentiate synchronously during a 4-d period. Upon removal of auxin, the cells stop dividing, undergo elongation, and differentiate in a manner that mimics the formation of slime-secreting epidermal and peripheral root-cap cells. The morphological changes to the Golgi apparatus include a proportional increase in the number of trans-Golgi cisternae, a switch to larger-sized secretory vesicles that bud from the trans-Golgi cisternae, and an increase in osmium staining of the secretory products. Biochemical alterations include an increase in large, fucosylated, mucin-type glycoproteins, changes in the types of secreted arabinogalactan proteins, and an increase in the amounts and types of molecules containing the peripheral root-cap-cell-specific epitope JIM 13. Taken together, these findings support the hypothesis that auxin deprivation can be used to induce tobacco BY-2 cells to differentiate synchronously into mucilage-secreting cells.


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A cDNA and corresponding promoter region for a naturally occurring, feedback-insensitive anthranilate synthase (AS) α-subunit gene, ASA2, has been isolated from an unselected, but 5-methyl-tryptophan-resistant (5MTr), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell line (AB15–12-1). The ASA2 cDNA contains a putative transit peptide sequence, and Southern hybridization shows that more than one closely related sequence is present in the tobacco genome. The ASA2 cDNA complemented a trpE nonsense mutant Escherichia coli strain, allowing growth on 300 μm 5MT-containing minimal medium without tryptophan, and cell extracts contained feedback-insensitive AS activity. The 5MTr was lost when the E. coli strain was transformed with an ASA2 site-directed mutant (phenylalanine-107-arginine-108 → serine-107-glutamine-108). Identical nucleotide sequences encoding the phenylalanine-107-arginine-108 region have been found in polymerase chain reaction-amplified 326-bp ASA2 genomic fragments of wild-type (5-methyl-tryptophan-sensitive [5MTs]) tobacco and a progenitor species. High-level ASA2 transcriptional expression was detected only in 5MTr-cultured cells, not in 5MTs cells or in plants. Promoter studies indicate that tissue specificity of ASA2 is controlled by the promoter region between −2252 and −607. Since the ASA2 promoter sequences are not substantially different in the 5MTr and 5MTs lines, the increased levels of ASA2 mRNA in the 5MTr lines are most likely due to changes in a regulatory gene affecting ASA2 expression.


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Class I isoforms of β-1,3-glucanases (βGLU I) and chitinases (CHN I) are antifungal, vacuolar proteins implicated in plant defense. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) βGLU I and CHN I usually exhibit tightly coordinated developmental, hormonal, and pathogenesis-related regulation. Both enzymes are induced in cultured cells and tissues of cultivar Havana 425 tobacco by ethylene and are down-regulated by combinations of the growth hormones auxin and cytokinin. We report a novel pattern of βGLU I and CHN I regulation in cultivar Havana 425 tobacco pith-cell suspensions and cultured leaf explants. Abscisic acid (ABA) at a concentration of 10 μm markedly inhibited the induction of βGLU I but not of CHN I. RNA-blot hybridization and immunoblot analysis showed that only class I isoforms of βGLU and CHN are induced in cell culture and that ABA inhibits steady-state βGLU I mRNA accumulation. Comparable inhibition of β-glucuronidase expression by ABA was observed for cells transformed with a tobacco βGLU I gene promoter/β-glucuronidase reporter gene fusion. Taken together, the results strongly suggest that ABA down-regulates transcription of βGLU I genes. This raises the possibility that some of the ABA effects on plant-defense responses might involve βGLU I.


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The biological activity of reducing-end-modified oligogalacturonides was quantified in four tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) tissue culture bioassays. The derivatives used were oligogalacturonides with the C-1 of their reducing end (a) covalently linked to a biotin hydrazide, (b) covalently linked to tyramine, (c) chemically reduced to a primary alcohol, or (d) enzymatically oxidized to a carboxylic acid. These derivatives were tested for their ability to (a) alter morphogenesis of N. tabacum cv Samsun thin cell-layer explants, (b) elicit extracellular alkalinization by suspension-cultured cv Samsun cells, (c) elicit extracellular alkalinization by suspension-cultured N. tabacum cv Xanthi cells, and (d) elicit H2O2 accumulation in the cv Xanthi cells. In all four bioassays, each of the derivatives had reduced biological activity compared with the corresponding underivatized oligogalacturonides, demonstrating that the reducing end is a key element for the recognition of oligogalacturonides in these systems. However, the degree of reduction in biological activity depends on the tissue culture system used and on the nature of the specific reducing-end modification. These results suggest that oligogalacturonides are perceived differently in each tissue culture system.