283 resultados para Mutant P53


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The thermodynamic stability and oligomerization status of the tumor suppressor p53 tetramerization domain have been studied experimentally and theoretically. A series of hydrophilic mutations at Met-340 and Leu-344 of human p53 were designed to disrupt the hydrophobic dimer–dimer interface of the tetrameric oligomerization domain of p53 (residues 325–355). Meanfield calculations of the free energy of the solvated mutants as a function of interdimer distance were compared with experimental data on the thermal stability and oligomeric state (tetramer, dimer, or equilibrium mixture of both) of each mutant. The calculations predicted a decreasing stability and oligomeric state for the following amino acids at residue 340: Met (tetramer) > Ser Asp, His, Gln, > Glu, Lys (dimer), whereas the experimental results showed the following order: Met (tetramer) > Ser > Gln > His, Lys > Asp, Glu (dimers). For residue 344, the calculated trend was Leu (tetramer) > Ala > Arg, Gln, Lys (dimer), and the experimental trend was Leu (tetramer) > Ala, Arg, Gln, Lys (dimer). The discrepancy for the lysine side chain at residue 340 is attributed to the dual nature of lysine, both hydrophobic and charged. The incorrect prediction of stability of the mutant with Asp at residue 340 is attributed to the fact that within the meanfield approach, we use the wild-type backbone configuration for all mutants, but low melting temperatures suggest a softening of the α-helices at the dimer–dimer interface. Overall, this initial application of meanfield theory toward a protein-solvent system is encouraging for the application of the theoretical model to more complex systems.


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The p53 tumor suppressor protein and the MDM2 oncoprotein form a feedback-control loop that up-regulates cellular MDM2 production, blocks p53 activity, and promotes p53 decay. tsg101 was discovered as a gene whose deficiency results in neoplastic transformation of NIH 3T3 cells and the ability to generate metastatic tumors in nude mice. Its protein product contains a domain, Ubc, characteristic of the catalytic domain of ubiquitin conjugase (E2) enzymes but lacking an active-site cysteine crucial for ubiquitin conjugase activity. Here we report that TSG101 participates with MDM2 in an autoregulatory loop that modulates the cellular levels of both proteins, and also of p53, by affecting protein decay. We show that the Ubc domain of TSG101 interferes with ubiquitination of MDM2, that TSG101 inhibits MDM2 decay and elevates its steady-state level, and that these events are associated with down-regulation of p53 protein. Conversely, pulse–chase and Western blot experiments in wild-type and mutant fibroblasts indicate that elevation of MDM2 by overexpression of wild-type p53, by amplification of the endogenous MDM2 gene, or by transfection of MDM2-expressing constructs promotes TSG101 loss, which we show occurs by 26S proteasome-dependent decay. Our results identify TSG101 as both a regulator of, and target of, MDM2/p53 circuitry.


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A human p53 homologue, p63 (p40/p51/p73L/CUSP) that maps to the chromosomal region 3q27–29 was found to produce a variety of transcripts that encode DNA-binding proteins with and without a trans-activation domain (TA- or ΔN-, respectively). The p63 gene locus was found to be amplified in squamous cell carcinoma, and overexpression of ΔNp63 (p40) led to increased growth of transformed cells in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, p63-null mice displayed abnormal epithelial development and germ-line human mutations were found to cause ectodermal dysplasia. We now demonstrate that certain p63 isotypes form complexes with p53. p53 mutations R175H or R248W abolish the association of p53 with p63, whereas V143A or R273H has no effect. Deletion studies suggest that the DNA-binding domains of both p53 and p63 mediate the association. Overexpression of wild type but not mutant (R175H) p53 results in the caspase-dependent degradation of certain ΔNp63 proteins (p40 and ΔNp63α). The association between p53 and ΔNp63 supports a previously unrecognized role for p53 in regulation of ΔNp63 stability. The ability of p53 to mediate ΔNp63 degradation may balance the capacity of ΔNp63 to accelerate tumorigenesis or to induce epithelial proliferation.


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Functional inactivation of the tumor susceptibility gene tsg101 in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts results in cellular transformation and the ability to form metastatic tumors in nude mice. The N-terminal region of tsg101 protein is structurally similar to the catalytic domain of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, suggesting a potential role of tsg101 in ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. The C-terminal domain of TSG101 can function as a repressor of transcription. To investigate the physiological function of tsg101, we generated a null mutation of the mouse gene by gene targeting. Homozygous tsg101−/− embryos fail to develop past day 6.5 of embryogenesis (E6.5), are reduced in size, and do not form mesoderm. Mutant embryos show a decrease in cellular proliferation in vivo and in vitro but no increase in apoptosis. Although levels of p53 transcripts were not affected in tsg101−/− embryos, p53 protein accumulated dramatically, implying altered posttranscriptional control of p53. In addition, transcription of the p53 effector, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21WAF-1/CIP-1, was increased 5- to 10-fold, whereas activation of MDM2 transcription secondary to p53 elevation was not observed. Introduction of a p53 null mutation into tsg101−/− embryos rescued the gastrulation defect and prolonged survival until E8.5. These results demonstrate that tsg101 is essential for the proliferative burst before the onset of gastrulation and establish a functional connection between tsg101 and the p53 pathway in vivo.


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We report the isolation of 10 differentially expressed cDNAs in the process of apoptosis induced by the p53 tamor suppressor. As a global analytical method, we performed a differential display of mRNA between mouse M1 myeloid leukemia cells and derived clone LTR6 cells, which contain a stably transfected temperature-sensitive mutant of p53. At 32 degrees C wild-type p53 function is activated in LTR6 cells, resulting in programmed cell death. Eight genes are activated (TSAP; tumor suppressor activated pathway), and two are inhibited (TSIP, tumor suppressor inhibited pathway) in their expression. None of the 10 sequences has hitherto been recognized as part of the p53 signaling pathway. Three TSAPs are homologous to known genes. TSAP1 corresponds to phospholipase C beta 4. TSAP2 has a conserved domain homologous to a multiple endocrine neoplasia I (ZFM1) candidate gene. TSAP3 is the mouse homologue of the Drosophila seven in absentia gene. These data provide novel molecules involved in the pathway of wild-type p53 activation. They establish a functional link between a homologue of a conserved developmental Drosophila gene and signal transduction in tumor suppression leading to programmed cell death.


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The ability of p53 protein to activate transcription is central to its tumor-suppressor function. We describe a genetic selection in Saccharomyces cerevisiae which was used to isolate a mutant strain defective in p53-mediated transcriptional activation. The defect was partially corrected by overexpression of a yeast gene named PAK1 (p53 activating kinase), which localizes to the left arm of chromosome IX. PAK1 is predicted to encode an 810-aa protein with regions of strong similarity to previously described Ser/Thr-specific protein kinases. PAK1 sequences upstream of the coding region are characteristic of those regulating genes involved in cell cycle control. Expression of PAK1 was associated with an increased specific activity of p53 in DNA-binding assays accompanied by a corresponding increase in transactivation. Thus, PAK1 is the prototype for a class of genes that can regulate the activity of p53 in vivo, and the system described here should be useful in identifying other genes in this class.


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The transforming growth factor beta s (TGF-beta s) are a group of multifunctional growth factors which inhibit cell cycle progression in many cell types. The TGF-beta-induced cell cycle arrest has been partially attributed to the regulatory effects of TGF-beta on both the levels and the activities of the G1 cyclins and their kinase partners. The activities of these kinases are negatively regulated by a number of small proteins, p21 (WAF1, Cip1), p27Kip1, p16, and p15INK4B, that physically associate with cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases, or cyclin-Cdk complexes. p21 has been previously shown to be transcriptionally induced by DNA damage through p53 as a mediator. We demonstrate that TGF-beta also causes a rapid transcriptional induction of p21, suggesting that p21 can respond to both intracellular and extracellular signals for cell cycle arrest. In contrast to DNA damage, however, induction of p21 by TGF-beta is not dependent on wild-type p53. The cell line studied in these experiments, HaCaT, contains two mutant alleles of p53, which are unable to activate transcription from the p21 promoter when overexpressed. In addition, TGF-beta and p53 act through distinct elements in the p21 promoter. Taken together, these findings suggest that TGF-beta can induce p21 through a p53-independent pathway. Previous findings have implicated p27Kip1 and p15INK2B as effectors mediating the TGF-beta growth inhibitory effect. These results demonstrate that a single extracellular antiproliferative signal, TGF-beta, can act through multiple signaling pathways to elicit a growth arrest response.


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The rat cell line REF52 is not permissive for gene amplification. Simian virus 40 tumor (T) antigen converts these cells to a permissive state, as do dominant negative mutants of p53, suggesting that the effect of T antigen is due mainly to its ability to bind to p53. To manipulate permissivity, we introduced a temperature-sensitive mutant of T antigen (tsA58) into REF52 cells and selected for resistance to N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate (PALA). Most freshly isolated PALA-resistant colonies, each of approximately 200 cells, selected at a permissive temperature, arrested when shifted to a nonpermissive temperature. Growth arrest was stable, with no evidence of apoptosis, as long as T antigen was absent but was reversed when T antigen was restored. In contrast, PALA-resistant clones grown to approximately 10(7) cells at a permissive temperature did not arrest when shifted to a nonpermissive temperature. All PALA-resistant clones examined had amplified carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase-aspartate transcarbamoylase-dihydroorotase (CAD) genes, present in structures consistent with a mechanism involving bridge-breakage-fusion (BBF) cycles. We propose that p53-mediated growth arrest operates only early during the complex process of gene amplification, when newly formed PALA-resistant cells contain broken DNA, generated in BBF cycles. During propagation under permissive conditions, the broken DNA ends are healed, and, even though the p53-mediated pathway is still intact at a nonpermissive temperature and the cells contain amplified DNA, they are not arrested in the absence of broken DNA. The data support the hypothesis that BBF cycles are an important mechanism of amplification and that the broken DNA generated in each cycle is a key signal that regulates permissivity for gene amplification.


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Previous studies showed that thymidylate synthase (TS), as an RNA binding protein, regulates its own synthesis by impairing the translation of TS mRNA. In this report, we present evidence that p53 expression is affected in a similar manner by TS. For these studies, we used a TS-depleted human colon cancer HCT-C cell that had been transfected with either the human TS cDNA or the Escherichia coli TS gene. The level of p53 protein in transfected cells overexpressing human TS was significantly reduced when compared with its corresponding parent HCT-C cells. This suppression of p53 expression was the direct result of decreased translational efficiency of p53 mRNA. Similar results were obtained upon transfection of HCT-C cells with pcDNA 3.1 (+) containing the E. coli TS gene. These findings provide evidence that TS, from diverse species, specifically regulates p53 expression at the translational level. In addition, TS-overexpressing cells with suppressed levels of p53 are significantly impaired in their ability to arrest in G1 phase in response to exposure to a DNA-damaging agent such as γ-irradiation. These studies provide support for the in vivo biological relevance of the interaction between TS and p53 mRNA and identify a molecular pathway for controlling p53 expression.


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Deficiency in genes involved in DNA mismatch repair increases susceptibility to cancer, particularly of the colorectal epithelium. Using Msh2 null mice, we demonstrate that this genetic defect renders normal intestinal epithelial cells susceptible to mutation in vivo at the Dlb-1 locus. Compared with wild-type mice, Msh2-deficient animals had higher basal levels of mutation and were more sensitive to the mutagenic effects of temozolomide. Experiments using Msh2-deficient cells in vitro suggest that an element of this effect is attributable to increased clonogenicity. Indeed, we show that Msh2 plays a role in the in vivo initiation of apoptosis after treatment with temozolomide, N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, and cisplatin. This was not influenced by the in vivo depletion of O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase after administration of O6-benzylguanine . By analyzing mice mutant for both Msh2 and p53, we found that the Msh2-dependent apoptotic response was primarily mediated through a p53-dependent pathway. Msh2 also was required to signal delayed p53-independent death. Taken together, these studies characterize an in vivo Msh2-dependent apoptotic response to methylating agents and raise the possibility that Msh2 deficiency may predispose to malignancy not only through failed repair of mismatch DNA lesions but also through the failure to engage apoptosis.


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Mycolic acids are a major constituent of the mycobacterial cell wall, and they form an effective permeability barrier to protect mycobacteria from antimicrobial agents. Although the chemical structures of mycolic acids are well established, little is known on their biosynthesis. We have isolated a mycolate-deficient mutant strain of Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2-155 by chemical mutagenesis followed by screening for increased sensitivity to novobiocin. This mutant also was hypersensitive to other hydrophobic compounds such as crystal violet, rifampicin, and erythromycin. Entry of hydrophobic probes into mutant cells occurred much more rapidly than that into the wild-type cells. HPLC and TLC analysis of fatty acid composition after saponification showed that the mutant failed to synthesize full-length mycolic acids. Instead, it accumulated a series of long-chain fatty acids, which were not detected in the wild-type strain. Analysis by 1H NMR, electrospray and electron impact mass spectroscopy, and permanganate cleavage of double bonds showed that these compounds corresponded to the incomplete meromycolate chain of mycolic acids, except for the presence of a β-hydroxyl group. This direct identification of meromycolates as precursors of mycolic acids provides a strong support for the previously proposed pathway for mycolic acid biosynthesis involving the separate synthesis of meromycolate chain and the α-branch of mycolic acids, followed by the joining of these two branches.


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The peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs), including Zellweger syndrome (ZS) and neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD), are autosomal recessive diseases caused by defects in peroxisome assembly, for which at least 10 complementation groups have been reported. We have isolated a human PEX1 cDNA (HsPEX1) by functional complementation of peroxisome deficiency of a mutant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line, ZP107, transformed with peroxisome targeting signal type 1-tagged “enhanced” green fluorescent protein. This cDNA encodes a hydrophilic protein (Pex1p) comprising 1,283 amino acids, with high homology to the AAA-type ATPase family. A stable transformant of ZP107 with HsPEX1 was morphologically and biochemically restored for peroxisome biogenesis. HsPEX1 expression restored peroxisomal protein import in fibroblasts from three patients with ZS and NALD of complementation group I (CG-I), which is the highest-incidence PBD. A CG-I ZS patient (PBDE-04) possessed compound heterozygous, inactivating mutations: a missense point mutation resulting in Leu-664 → Pro and a deletion of the sequence from Gly-634 to His-690 presumably caused by missplicing (splice site mutation). Both PBDE-04 PEX1 cDNAs were defective in peroxisome-restoring activity when expressed in the patient fibroblasts as well as in ZP107 cells. These results demonstrate that PEX1 is the causative gene for CG-I peroxisomal disorders.


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Cytochrome P450 3A4 is generally considered to be the most important human drug-metabolizing enzyme and is known to catalyze the oxidation of a number of substrates in a cooperative manner. An allosteric mechanism is usually invoked to explain the cooperativity. Based on a structure–activity study from another laboratory using various effector–substrate combinations and on our own studies using site-directed mutagenesis and computer modeling of P450 3A4, the most likely location of effector binding is in the active site along with the substrate. Our study was designed to test this hypothesis by replacing residues Leu-211 and Asp-214 with the larger Phe and Glu, respectively. These residues were predicted to constitute a portion of the effector binding site, and the substitutions were designed to mimic the action of the effector by reducing the size of the active site. The L211F/D214E double mutant displayed an increased rate of testosterone and progesterone 6β-hydroxylation at low substrate concentrations and a decreased level of heterotropic stimulation elicited by α-naphthoflavone. Kinetic analyses of the double mutant revealed the absence of homotropic cooperativity with either steroid substrate. At low substrate concentrations the steroid 6β-hydroxylase activity of the wild-type enzyme was stimulated by a second steroid, whereas L211F/D214E displayed simple substrate inhibition. To analyze L211F/D214E at a more mechanistic level, spectral binding studies were carried out. Testosterone binding by the wild-type enzyme displayed homotropic cooperativity, whereas substrate binding by L211F/D214E displayed hyperbolic behavior.


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In fission yeast, the rad3 gene product plays a critical role in sensing DNA structure defects and activating damage response pathways. A structural homologue of rad3 in humans (ATR) has been identified based on sequence similarity in the protein kinase domain. General information regarding ATR expression, protein kinase activity, and cellular localization is known, but its function in human cells remains undetermined. In the current study, the ATR protein was examined by gel filtration of protein extracts and was found to exist predominantly as part of a large protein complex. A kinase-inactivated form of the ATR gene was prepared by site-directed mutagenesis and was used in transfection experiments to probe the function of this complex. Introduction of this kinase-dead ATR into a normal fibroblast cell line, an ATM-deficient fibroblast line derived from a patient with ataxia–telangiectasia, or a p53 mutant cell line all resulted in significant losses in cell viability. Clones expressing the kinase-dead ATR displayed increased sensitivity to x-rays and UV and a loss of checkpoint control. We conclude that ATR functions as a critical part of a protein complex that mediates responses to ionizing and UV radiation in human cells. These responses include effects on cell viability and cell cycle checkpoint control.


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The KARP-1 (Ku86 Autoantigen Related Protein-1) gene, which is expressed from the human Ku86 autoantigen locus, appears to play a role in mammalian DNA double-strand break repair as a regulator of the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex. Here we demonstrate that KARP-1 gene expression is significantly up-regulated following exposure of cells to DNA damage. KARP-1 mRNA induction was completely dependent on the ataxia telangiectasia and p53 gene products, consistent with the presence of a p53 binding site within the second intron of the KARP-1 locus. These observations link ataxia telangiectasia, p53, and KARP-1 in a common pathway.