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We report here the functional characterization of an essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, MPR1, coding for a regulatory proteasomal subunit for which the name Rpn11p has been proposed. For this study we made use of the mpr1-1 mutation that causes the following pleiotropic defects. At 24°C growth is delayed on glucose and impaired on glycerol, whereas no growth is seen at 36°C on either carbon source. Microscopic observation of cells growing on glucose at 24°C shows that most of them bear a large bud, whereas mitochondrial morphology is profoundly altered. A shift to the nonpermissive temperature produces aberrant elongated cell morphologies, whereas the nucleus fails to divide. Flow cytometry profiles after the shift to the nonpermissive temperature indicate overreplication of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Consistently with the identification of Mpr1p with a proteasomal subunit, the mutation is complemented by the human POH1 proteasomal gene. Moreover, the mpr1-1 mutant grown to stationary phase accumulates ubiquitinated proteins. Localization of the Rpn11p/Mpr1p protein has been studied by green fluorescent protein fusion, and the fusion protein has been found to be mainly associated to cytoplasmic structures. For the first time, a proteasomal mutation has also revealed an associated mitochondrial phenotype. We actually showed, by the use of [rho°] cells derived from the mutant, that the increase in DNA content per cell is due in part to an increase in the amount of mitochondrial DNA. Moreover, microscopy of mpr1-1 cells grown on glucose showed that multiple punctate mitochondrial structures were present in place of the tubular network found in the wild-type strain. These data strongly suggest that mpr1-1 is a valuable tool with which to study the possible roles of proteasomal function in mitochondrial biogenesis.


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Cyclophilin and FK506 binding protein (FKBP) accelerate cis–trans peptidyl-prolyl isomerization and bind to and mediate the effects of the immunosuppressants cyclosporin A and FK506. The normal cellular functions of these proteins, however, are unknown. We altered the active sites of FKBP12 and mitochondrial cyclophilin from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by introducing mutations previously reported to inactivate these enzymes. Surprisingly, most of these mutant enzymes were biologically active in vivo. In accord with previous reports, all of the mutant enzymes had little or no detectable prolyl isomerase activity in the standard peptide substrate-chymotrypsin coupled in vitro assay. However, in a variation of this assay in which the protease is omitted, the mutant enzymes exhibited substantial levels of prolyl isomerase activity (5–20% of wild-type), revealing that these mutations confer sensitivity to protease digestion and that the classic in vitro assay for prolyl isomerase activity may be misleading. In addition, the mutant enzymes exhibited near wild-type activity with two protein substrates, dihydrofolate reductase and ribonuclease T1, whose folding is accelerated by prolyl isomerases. Thus, a number of cyclophilin and FKBP12 “active-site” mutants previously identified are largely active but protease sensitive, in accord with our findings that these mutants display wild-type functions in vivo. One mitochondrial cyclophilin mutant (R73A), and also the wild-type human FKBP12 enzyme, catalyze protein folding in vitro but lack biological activity in vivo in yeast. Our findings provide evidence that both prolyl isomerase activity and other structural features are linked to FKBP and cyclophilin in vivo functions and suggest caution in the use of these active-site mutations to study FKBP and cyclophilin functions.


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Molecular phylogenetic analyses, based mainly on ribosomal RNA, show that three amitochondriate protist lineages, diplomonads, microsporidia, and trichomonads, emerge consistently at the base of the eukaryotic tree before groups having mitochondria. This suggests that these groups could have diverged before the mitochondrial endosymbiosis. Nevertheless, since all these organisms live in anaerobic environments, the absence of mitochondria might be due to secondary loss, as demonstrated for the later emerging eukaryote Entamoeba histolytica. We have now isolated from Trichomonas vaginalis a gene encoding a chaperone protein (HSP70) that in other lineages is addressed to the mitochondrial compartment. The phylogenetic reconstruction unambiguously located this HSP70 within a large set of mitochondrial sequences, itself a sister-group of α-purple bacteria. In addition, the T. vaginalis protein exhibits the GDAWV sequence signature, so far exclusively found in mitochondrial HSP70 and in proteobacterial dnaK. Thus mitochondrial endosymbiosis could have occurred earlier than previously assumed. The trichomonad double membrane-bounded organelles, the hydrogenosomes, could have evolved from mitochondria.


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Trichomonads are anaerobic flagellated protists that, based on analyses of ribosomal RNA sequences, represent one of the earliest branching lineages among the eukaryotes. The absence of mitochondria in these organisms coupled with their deep phylogenetic position has prompted several authors to suggest that trichomonads, along with other deeply-branching amitochondriate protist groups, diverged from the main eukaryotic lineage prior to the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria. In this report we describe the presence of a gene in Trichomonas vaginalis specifically related to mitochondrial chaperonin 60 (cpn60). A recent study indicates that a protein immunologically related to cpn60 is located in trichomonad hydrogenosomes. Together, these data provide evidence that ancestors of trichomonads perhaps harbored the endosymbiotic progenitors of mitochondria, but that these evolved into hydrogenosomes early in trichomonad evolution.


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The human deafness dystonia syndrome results from the mutation of a protein (DDP) of unknown function. We show now that DDP is a mitochondrial protein and similar to five small proteins (Tim8p, Tim9p, Tim10p, Tim12p, and Tim13p) of the yeast mitochondrial intermembrane space. Tim9p, Tim10p, and Tim12p mediate the import of metabolite transporters from the cytoplasm into the mitochondrial inner membrane and interact structurally and functionally with Tim8p and Tim13p. DDP is most similar to Tim8p. Tim8p exists as a soluble 70-kDa complex with Tim13p and Tim9p, and deletion of Tim8p is synthetically lethal with a conditional mutation in Tim10p. The deafness dystonia syndrome thus is a novel type of mitochondrial disease that probably is caused by a defective mitochondrial protein-import system.


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Many biological processes require proteins to undergo conformational changes at the surface of membranes. For example, some precursor proteins unfold at the surface of mitochondria and chloroplasts before translocation into the organelles, and toxins such as colicin A unfold to the molten globule state at bacterial surfaces before inserting into the cell membrane. It is commonly thought that the membrane surfaces and the associated protein machinery destabilize the substrate proteins and that this effect is required for membrane insertion or translocation. One of the best characterized translocation processes is protein import into mitochondria. By measuring the contributions of individual interactions within a model protein to its stability at the mitochondrial surface and in free solution, we show here that the mitochondrial surface neither induces the molten globule state in this protein nor preferentially destabilizes any type of interaction (e.g., hydrogen bonds, nonpolar, etc.) within the protein. Because it is not possible to measure absolute protein stability at the surface of mitochondria, we determined the stability of a tightly associated protein–protein complex at the mitochondrial import site as a model of the stability of a protein. We found the binding constants of the protein–protein complex at the mitochondrial surface and in free solution to be identical. Our results demonstrate that the mitochondrial surface does not destabilize importing precursor proteins in its vicinity.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rlp7 protein has extensive identity and similarity to the large ribosomal subunit L7 proteins and shares an RNA-binding domain with them. Rlp7p is not a ribosomal protein; however, it is encoded by an essential gene and therefore must perform a function essential for cell growth. In this report, we show that Rlp7p is a nucleolar protein that plays a critical role in processing of precursors to the large ribosomal subunit RNAs. Pulse–chase labeling experiments with Rlp7p-depleted cells reveal that neither 5.8SS, 5.8SL, nor 25S is produced, indicating that both the major and minor processing pathways are affected. Analysis of processing intermediates by primer extension indicates that Rlp7p-depleted cells accumulate the 27SA3 precursor RNA, which is normally the major substrate (85%) used to produce the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs, and the ratio of 27SBL to 27SBS precursors changes from approximately 1:8 to 8:1 (depleted cells). Because 27SA3 is the direct precursor to 27SBS, we conclude that Rlp7p is specifically required for the 5′ to 3′ exonucleolytic trimming of the 27SA3 into the 27SBS precursor. As it is essential for processing in both the major and minor pathways, we propose that Rlp7p may act as a specificity factor that binds precursor rRNAs and tethers the enzymes that carry out the early 5′ to 3′ exonucleolytic reactions that generate the mature rRNAs. Rlp7p may also be required for the endonucleolytic cleavage in internal transcribed spacer 2 that separates the 5.8S rRNA from the 25S rRNA.


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The ATP-dependent Lon protease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria is required for selective proteolysis in the matrix, maintenance of mitochondrial DNA, and respiration-dependent growth. Lon may also possess a chaperone-like function that facilitates protein degradation and protein-complex assembly. To understand the influence of Lon’s ATPase and protease activities on these functions, we examined several Lon mutants for their ability to complement defects of Lon-deleted yeast cells. We also developed a rapid procedure for purifying yeast Lon to homogeneity to study the enzyme’s activities and oligomeric state. A point mutation in either the ATPase or the protease site strongly inhibited the corresponding activity of the pure protein but did not alter the protein’s oligomerization; when expressed at normal low levels neither of these mutant enzymes supported respiration-dependent growth of Lon-deleted cells. When the ATPase- or the protease-containing regions of Lon were expressed as separate truncated proteins, neither could support respiration-dependent growth of Lon-deleted cells; however, coexpression of these two separated regions sustained wild-type growth. These results suggest that yeast Lon contains two catalytic domains that can interact with one another even as separate proteins, and that both are essential for the different functions of Lon.


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Strong positive Darwinian selection acts on two sperm fertilization proteins, lysin and 18-kDa protein, from abalone (Haliotis). To understand the phylogenetic context for this dramatic molecular evolution, we obtained sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mtCOI), and genomic sequences of lysin, 18-kDa, and a G protein subunit. Based on mtDNA differentiation, four north Pacific abalone species diverged within the past 2 million years (Myr), and remaining north Pacific species diverged over a period of 4–20 Myr. Between-species nonsynonymous differences in lysin and 18-kDa exons exceed nucleotide differences in introns by 3.5- to 24-fold. Remarkably, in some comparisons nonsynonymous substitutions in lysin and 18-kDa genes exceed synonymous substitutions in mtCOI. Lysin and 18-kDa intron/exon segments were sequenced from multiple red abalone individuals collected over a 1,200-km range. Only two nucleotide changes and two sites of slippage variation were detected in a total of >29,000 nucleotides surveyed. However, polymorphism in mtCOI and a G protein intron was found in this species. This finding suggests that positive selection swept one lysin allele and one 18-kDa allele to fixation. Similarities between mtCOI and lysin gene trees indicate that rapid adaptive evolution of lysin has occurred consistently through the history of the group. Comparisons with mtCOI molecular clock calibrations suggest that nonsynonymous substitutions accumulate 2–50 times faster in lysin and 18-kDa genes than in rapidly evolving mammalian genes.


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A minor Hsp70 chaperone of the mitochondrial matrix of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ssq1, is involved in the formation or repair of Fe/S clusters and/or mitochondrial iron metabolism. Here, we report evidence that Jac1, a J-type chaperone of the mitochondrial matrix, is the partner of Ssq1 in this process. Reduced activity of Jac1 results in a decrease in activity of Fe/S containing mitochondrial proteins and an accumulation of iron in mitochondria. Fe/S enzyme activities remain low in both jac1 and ssq1 mutant mitochondria even if normal mitochondrial iron levels are maintained. Therefore, the low activities observed are not solely due to oxidative damage caused by excess iron. Rather, these molecular chaperones likely play a direct role in the normal assembly process of Fe/S clusters.


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The OGG1 gene encodes a highly conserved DNA glycosylase that repairs oxidized guanines in DNA. We have investigated the in vivo function of the Ogg1 protein in yeast mitochondria. We demonstrate that inactivation of ogg1 leads to at least a 2-fold increase in production of spontaneous mitochondrial mutants compared with wild-type. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) we show that a GFP–Ogg1 fusion protein is transported to mitochondria. However, deletion of the first 11 amino acids from the N-terminus abolishes the transport of the GFP–Ogg1 fusion protein into the mitochondria. This analysis indicates that the N-terminus of Ogg1 contains the mitochondrial localization signal. We provide evidence that both yeast and human Ogg1 proteins protect the mitochondrial genome from spontaneous, as well as induced, oxidative damage. Genetic analyses revealed that the combined inactivation of OGG1 and OGG2 [encoding an isoform of the Ogg1 protein, also known as endonuclease three-like glycosylase I (Ntg1)] leads to suppression of spontaneously arising mutations in the mitochondrial genome when compared with the ogg1 single mutant or the wild-type. Together, these studies provide in vivo evidence for the repair of oxidative lesions in the mitochondrial genome by human and yeast Ogg1 proteins. Our study also identifies Ogg2 as a suppressor of oxidative mutagenesis in mitochondria.


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Using the representation difference analysis technique, we have identified a novel gene, Ian4, which is preferentially expressed in hematopoietic precursor 32D cells transfected with wild-type versus mutant forms of the Bcr/Abl oncogene. Ian4 expression was undetectable in 32D cells transfected with v-src, oncogenic Ha-ras or v-Abl. Murine Ian4 maps to chromosome 6, 25 cM from the centromere. The Ian4 mRNA contains two open reading frames (ORFs) separated by 5 nt. The first ORF has the potential to encode for a polypeptide of 67 amino acids without apparent homology to known proteins. The second ORF encodes a protein of 301 amino acids with a GTP/ATP-binding site in the N-terminus and a hydrophobic domain in the extreme C-terminus. The IAN-4 protein resides in the mitochondrial outer membrane and the last 20 amino acids are necessary for this localization. The IAN-4 protein has GTP-binding activity and shares sequence homology with a novel family of putative GTP-binding proteins: the immuno-associated nucleotide (IAN) family.


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The Ribosomal Database Project (RDP-II), previously described by Maidak et al. [Nucleic Acids Res. (2000), 28, 173–174], continued during the past year to add new rRNA sequences to the aligned data and to improve the analysis commands. Release 8.0 (June 1, 2000) consisted of 16 277 aligned prokaryotic small subunit (SSU) rRNA sequences while the number of eukaryotic and mitochondrial SSU rRNA sequences in aligned form remained at 2055 and 1503, respectively. The number of prokaryotic SSU rRNA sequences more than doubled from the previous release 14 months earlier, and ~75% are longer than 899 bp. An RDP-II mirror site in Japan is now available (http://wdcm.nig.ac.jp/RDP/html/index.html). RDP-II provides aligned and annotated rRNA sequences, derived phylogenetic trees and taxonomic hierarchies, and analysis services through its WWW server (http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/). Analysis services include rRNA probe checking, approximate phylogenetic placement of user sequences, screening user sequences for possible chimeric rRNA sequences, automated alignment, production of similarity matrices and services to plan and analyze terminal restriction fragment polymorphism experiments. The RDP-II email address for questions and comments has been changed from curator@cme.msu.edu to rdpstaff@msu.edu.


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The Crithidia fasciculata RNH1 gene encodes an RNase H, an enzyme that specifically degrades the RNA strand of RNA–DNA hybrids. The RNH1 gene is contained within an open reading frame (ORF) predicted to encode a protein of 53.7 kDa. Previous work has shown that RNH1 expresses two proteins: a 38 kDa protein and a 45 kDa protein which is enriched in kinetoplast extracts. Epitope tagging of the C-terminus of the RNH1 gene results in localization of the protein to both the kinetoplast and the nucleus. Translation of the ORF beginning at the second in-frame methionine codon predicts a protein of 38 kDa. Insertion of two tandem stop codons between the first ATG codon and the second in-frame ATG codon of the ORF results in expression of only the 38 kDa protein and the protein localizes specifically to the nucleus. Mutation of the second methionine codon to a valine codon prevents expression of the 38 kDa protein and results in exclusive production of the 45 kDa protein and localization of the protein only in the kinetoplast. These results suggest that the kinetoplast enzyme results from processing of the full-length 53.7 kDa protein. The nuclear enzyme appears to result from translation initiation at the second in-frame ATG codon. This is the first example in trypanosomatids of the production of nuclear and mitochondrial isoforms of a protein from a single gene and is the only eukaryotic gene in the RNase HI gene family shown to encode a mitochondrial RNase H.


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The human DNA ligase III gene encodes both nuclear and mitochondrial proteins. Abundant evidence supports the conclusion that the nuclear DNA ligase III protein plays an essential role in both base excision repair and homologous recombination. However, the role of DNA ligase III protein in mitochondrial genome dynamics has been obscure. Human tumor-derived HT1080 cells were transfected with an antisense DNA ligase III expression vector and clones with diminished levels of DNA ligase III activity identified. Mitochondrial protein extracts prepared from these clones had decreased levels of DNA ligase III relative to extracts from cells transfected with a control vector. Analysis of these clones revealed that the DNA ligase III antisense mRNA-expressing cells had reduced mtDNA content compared to control cells. In addition, the residual mtDNA present in these cells had numerous single-strand nicks that were not detected in mtDNA from control cells. Cells expressing antisense ligase III also had diminished capacity to restore their mtDNA to pre-irradiation levels following exposure to γ-irradiation. An antisense-mediated reduction in cellular DNA ligase IV had no effect on the copy number or integrity of mtDNA. This observaion, coupled with other evidence, suggests that DNA ligase IV is not present in the mitochondria and does not play a role in maintaining mtDNA integrity. We conclude that DNA ligase III is essential for the proper maintenance of mtDNA in cultured mammalian somatic cells.