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Thymidine dinucleotide (pTpT) stimulates melanogenesis in mammalian pigment cells and intact skin, mimicking the effects of UV irradiation and UV-mimetic DNA damage. Here it is shown that, in addition to tanning, pTpT induces a second photoprotective response, enhanced repair of UV-induced DNA damage. This enhanced repair results in a 2-fold increase in expression of a UV-damaged chloramphenicol acetyltransferase expression vector transfected into pTpT-treated skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, compared with diluent-treated cells. Direct measurement of thymine dimers and (6–4) photoproducts by immunoassay demonstrates faster repair of both of these UV-induced photoproducts in pTpT-treated fibroblasts. This enhanced repair capacity also improves cell survival and colony-forming ability after irradiation. These effects of pTpT are accomplished, at least in part, by the up-regulation of a set of genes involved in DNA repair (ERCC3 and GADD45) and cell cycle inhibition (SDI1). At least two of these genes (GADD45 and SDI1) are known to be transcriptionally regulated by the p53 tumor suppressor protein. Here we show that pTpT activates p53, leading to nuclear accumulation of this protein, and also increases the specific binding of this transcription factor to its DNA consensus sequence.


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Utrophin/dystrophin-related protein is the autosomal homologue of the chromosome X-encoded dystrophin protein. In adult skeletal muscle, utrophin is highly enriched at the neuromuscular junction. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying regulation of utrophin gene expression are yet to be defined. Here we demonstrate that the growth factor heregulin increases de novo utrophin transcription in muscle cell cultures. Using mutant reporter constructs of the utrophin promoter, we define the N-box region of the promoter as critical for heregulin-mediated activation. Using this region of the utrophin promoter for DNA affinity purification, immunoblots, in vitro kinase assays, electrophoretic mobility shift assays, and in vitro expression in cultured muscle cells, we demonstrate that ets-related GA-binding protein α/β transcription factors are activators of the utrophin promoter. Taken together, these results suggest that the GA-binding protein α/β complex of transcription factors binds and activates the utrophin promoter in response to heregulin-activated extracellular signal–regulated kinase in muscle cell cultures. These findings suggest methods for achieving utrophin up-regulation in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy as well as mechanisms by which neurite-derived growth factors such as heregulin may influence the regulation of utrophin gene expression and subsequent enrichment at the neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle.


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The sterol regulatory element–binding protein-2 (SREBP-2) is produced as a large precursor molecule attached to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. In response to the sterol depletion, the N-terminal segment of the precursor, which contains a basic helix-loop-helix–leucine zipper domain, is released by two sequential cleavages and is translocated to the nucleus, where it activates the transcription of target genes. The data herein show that released SREBP-2 uses a distinct nuclear transport pathway, which is mediated by importin β. The mature form of SREBP-2 is actively transported into the nucleus when injected into the cell cytoplasm. SREBP-2 binds directly to importin β in the absence of importin α. Ran-GTP but not Ran-GDP causes the dissociation of the SREBP-2–importin β complex. G19VRan-GTP inhibits the nuclear import of SREBP-2 in living cells. In the permeabilized cell in vitro transport system, nuclear import of SREBP-2 is reconstituted only by importin β in conjunction with Ran and its interacting protein p10/NTF2. We further demonstrate that the helix-loop-helix–leucine zipper motif of SREBP-2 contains a novel type of nuclear localization signal, which binds directly to importin β.


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Integrin-mediated adhesion induces several signaling pathways leading to regulation of gene transcription, control of cell cycle entry and survival from apoptosis. Here we investigate the involvement of the Janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) pathway in integrin-mediated signaling. Plating primary human endothelial cells from umbilical cord and the human endothelial cell line ECV304 on matrix proteins or on antibody to β1- or αv-integrin subunits induces transient tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and STAT5A. Consistent with a role for the JAK/STAT pathway in regulation of gene transcription, adhesion to matrix proteins leads to the formation of STAT5A-containing complexes with the serum-inducible element of c-fos promoter. Stable expression of a dominant negative form of STAT5A in NIH3T3 cells reduces fibronectin-induced c-fos mRNA expression, indicating the involvement of STAT5A in integrin-mediated c-fos transcription. Thus these data present a new integrin-dependent signaling mechanism involving the JAK/STAT pathway in response to cell–matrix interaction.


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An intracellular signaling from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the nucleus, called the unfolded protein response (UPR), is activated when unfolded proteins are accumulated in the ER under a variety of stress conditions (“ER stress”). We and others recently identified Hac1p/Ern4p as a transcription factor responsible for the UPR in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was further reported that Hac1p (238 aa) is detected only in ER-stressed cells, and its expression is mediated by unconventional splicing of HAC1 precursor mRNA. The splicing replaces the C-terminal portion of Hac1p; it was proposed that precursor mRNA is also translated but the putative product of 230 aa is rapidly degraded by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. We have identified and characterized the same regulated splicing and confirmed its essential features. Contrary to the above proposal, however, we find that the 238-aa product of mature mRNA and the 230-aa-type protein tested are highly unstable with little or no difference in stability. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the absence of Hac1p in unstressed cells is due to the lack of translation of precursor mRNA. We conclude that Hac1p is synthesized as the result of ER stress-induced mRNA splicing, leading to activation of the UPR.


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Nitric oxide (NO) has diverse roles in intercellular communication and (at higher levels) in immune-mediated cell killing. NO reacts with many cellular targets, with cell-killing effects correlated to inactivation of key enzymes through nitrosylation of their iron-sulfur centers. SoxR protein, a redox-sensitive transcription activator dependent on the oxidation state of its binuclear iron-sulfur ([2Fe-2S]) centers, is also activated in Escherichia coli on exposure to macrophage-generated NO. We show here that SoxR activation by NO occurs through direct modification of the [2Fe-2S] centers to form protein-bound dinitrosyl-iron-dithiol adducts, which we have observed both in intact bacterial cells and in purified SoxR after NO treatment. Functional activation through nitrosylation of iron-sulfur centers contrasts with the inactivation typically caused by this modification. Purified, nitrosylated SoxR has transcriptional activity similar to that of oxidized SoxR and is relatively stable. In contrast, nitrosylated SoxR is short-lived in intact cells, indicative of mechanisms that actively dispose of nitrosylated iron-sulfur centers.


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Most of the activities of IFN-γ are the result of STAT1-mediated transcriptional responses. In this study, we show that the BRCA1 tumor suppressor acts in concert with STAT1 to differentially activate transcription of a subset of IFN-γ target genes and mediates growth inhibition by this cytokine. After IFN-γ treatment, induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p21WAF1, was synergistically activated by BRCA1, whereas the IRF-1 gene was unaffected. Importantly, the differential induction of p21WAF1 was impaired in breast cancer cells homozygous for the mutant BRCA1 5382C allele. Biochemical analysis illustrated that the mechanism of this transcriptional synergy involves interaction between BRCA1 aa 502–802 and the C-terminal transcriptional activation domain of STAT1 including Ser-727 whose phosphorylation is crucial for transcriptional activation. Significantly, STAT1 proteins mutated at Ser-727 bind poorly to BRCA1, reinforcing the importance of Ser-727 in the recruitment of transcriptional coactivators by STAT proteins. These findings reveal a novel mechanism for BRCA1 function in the IFN-γ-dependent tumor surveillance system.


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STATs are activated by tyrosine phosphorylation on cytokine stimulation. A tyrosine-phosphorylated STAT forms a functional dimer through reciprocal Src homology 2 domain (SH2)–phosphotyrosyl peptide interactions. IFN treatment induces the association of PIAS1 and Stat1, which results in the inhibition of Stat1-mediated gene activation. The molecular basis of the cytokine-dependent PIAS1–Stat1 interaction has not been understood. We report here that a region near the COOH terminus of PIAS1 (amino acids 392–541) directly interacts with the NH2-terminal domain of Stat1 (amino acids 1–191). A mutant PIAS1 lacking the Stat1-interacting domain failed to inhibit Stat1-mediated gene activation. By using a modified yeast two-hybrid assay, we demonstrated that PIAS1 specifically interacts with the Stat1 dimer, but not tyrosine-phosphorylated or -unphosphorylated Stat1 monomer. In addition, whereas the NH2-terminal region of PIAS1 does not interact with Stat1, it serves as a modulatory domain by preventing the interaction of the COOH-terminal domain of PIAS1 with the Stat1 monomer. Thus, the cytokine-induced PIAS1–Stat1 interaction is mediated through the specific recognition of the dimeric form of Stat1 by PIAS1.


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Signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT)-induced STAT inhibitor-1 [SSI-1; also known as suppressor of cytokine signaling-1 (SOCS-1)] was identified as a negative feedback regulator of Janus kinase-STAT signaling. We previously generated mice lacking the SSI-1 gene (SSI-1 −/−) and showed that thymocytes and splenocytes in SSI-1 −/− mice underwent accelerated apoptosis. In this paper, we show that murine embryonic fibroblasts lacking the SSI-1 gene are more sensitive than their littermate controls to tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)-induced cell death. In addition, L929 cells forced to express SSI-1 (L929/SSI-1), but not SSI-3 or SOCS-5, are resistant to TNF-α-induced cell death. Furthermore L929/SSI-1 cells treated with TNF-α sustain the activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase. In contrast, SSI-1 −/− murine embryonic fibroblasts treated with TNF-α show hardly any activation of p38 MAP kinase. These findings suggest that SSI-1 suppresses TNF-α-induced cell death, which is mediated by p38 MAP kinase signaling.


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UVA radiation is the major component of the UV solar spectrum that reaches the earth, and the therapeutic application of UVA radiation is increasing in medicine. Analysis of the cellular effects of UVA radiation has revealed that exposure of human cells to UVA radiation at physiological doses leads to increased gene expression and that this UVA response is primarily mediated through the generation of singlet oxygen. In this study, the mechanisms by which UVA radiation induces transcriptional activation of the human intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) were examined. UVA radiation was capable of inducing activation of the human ICAM-1 promoter and increasing ICAM-1 mRNA and protein expression. These UVA radiation effects were inhibited by singlet oxygen quenchers, augmented by enhancement of singlet oxygen life-time, and mimicked in unirradiated cells by a singlet oxygen-generating system. UVA radiation as well as singlet oxygen-induced ICAM-1 promoter activation required activation of the transcription factor AP-2. Accordingly, both stimuli activated AP-2, and deletion of the putative AP-2-binding site abrogated ICAM-1 promoter activation in this system. This study identified the AP-2 site as the UVA radiation- and singlet oxygen-responsive element of the human ICAM-1 gene. The capacity of UVA radiation and/or singlet oxygen to induce human gene expression through activation of AP-2 indicates a previously unrecognized role of this transcription factor in the mammalian stress response.


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Twenty-four base pairs of the human antioxidant response element (hARE) are required for high basal transcription of the NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase1 (NQO1) gene and its induction in response to xenobiotics and antioxidants. hARE is a unique cis-element that contains one perfect and one imperfect AP1 element arranged as inverse repeats separated by 3 bp, followed by a “GC” box. We report here that Jun, Fos, Fra, and Nrf nuclear transcription factors bind to the hARE. Overexpression of cDNA derived combinations of the nuclear proteins Jun and Fos or Jun and Fra1 repressed hARE-mediated chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene expression in transfected human hepatoblastoma (Hep-G2) cells. Further experiments suggested that this repression was due to overexpression of c-Fos and Fra1, but not due to Jun proteins. The Jun (c-Jun, Jun-B, and Jun-D) proteins in all the possible combinations were more or less ineffective in repression or upregulation of hARE-mediated gene expression. Interestingly, overexpression of Nrf1 and Nrf2 individually in Hep-G2 and monkey kidney (COS1) cells significantly increased CAT gene expression from reporter plasmid hARE-thymidine kinase-CAT in transfected cells that were inducible by β-naphthoflavone and tert-butyl hydroquinone. These results indicated that hARE-mediated expression of the NQO1 gene and its induction by xenobiotics and antioxidants are mediated by Nrf1 and Nrf2. The hARE-mediated basal expression, however, is repressed by overexpression of c-Fos and Fra1.


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The application of gene therapy to human disease is currently restricted by the relatively low efficiency and potential hazards of methods of oligonucleotide or gene delivery. Antisense or transcription factor decoy oligonucleotides have been shown to be effective at altering gene expression in cell culture expreriments, but their in vivo application is limited by the efficiency of cellular delivery, the intracellular stability of the compounds, and their duration of activity. We report herein the development of a highly efficient method for naked oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) transfection into cardiovascular tissues by using controlled, nondistending pressure without the use of viral vectors, lipid formulations, or exposure to other adjunctive, potentially hazardous substances. In this study, we have documented the ability of ex vivo, pressure-mediated transfection to achieve nuclear localization of fluorescent (FITC)-labeled ODN in approximately 90% and 50% of cells in intact human saphenous vein and rat myocardium, respectively. We have further documented that pressure-mediated delivery of antisense ODN can functionally inhibit target gene expression in both of these tissues in a sequence-specific manner at the mRNA and protein levels. This oligonucleotide transfection system may represent a safe means of achieving the intraoperative genetic engineering of failure-resistant human bypass grafts and may provide an avenue for the genetic manipultation of cardiac allograft rejection, allograft vasculopathy, or other transplant diseases.


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In the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, actively transcribed tRNA genes can negatively regulate adjacent RNA polymerase II (pol II)-transcribed promoters. This tRNA gene-mediated silencing is independent of the orientation of the tRNA gene and does not require direct, steric interference with the binding of either upstream pol II factors or the pol II holoenzyme. A mutant was isolated in which this form of silencing is suppressed. The responsible point mutation affects expression of the Cbf5 protein, a small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein required for correct processing of rRNA. Because some early steps in the S. cerevisiae pre-tRNA biosynthetic pathway are nucleolar, we examined whether the CBF5 mutation might affect this localization. Nucleoli were slightly fragmented, and the pre-tRNAs went from their normal, mostly nucleolar location to being dispersed in the nucleoplasm. A possible mechanism for tRNA gene-mediated silencing is suggested in which subnuclear localization of tRNA genes antagonizes transcription of nearby genes by pol II.


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DNA damage is known to trigger key cellular defense pathways such as those involved in DNA repair. Here we provide evidence for a previously unrecognized pathway regulating transcription in response to DNA damage and show that this regulation is mediated by the abundant nuclear enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. We found that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase reduced the rate of transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II, suggesting that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase negatively regulates transcription, possibly through the formation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase–RNA complexes. In damaged cells, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase binds to DNA breaks and automodifies itself in the presence of NAD+, resulting in poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inactivation. We found that automodification of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in response to DNA damage resulted in the up-regulation of transcription, presumably because automodified poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase molecules were released from transcripts, thereby relieving the block on transcription. Because agents that damage DNA damage RNA as well, up-regulation of RNA synthesis in response to DNA damage may provide cells with a mechanism to compensate for the loss of damaged transcripts and may be critical for cell survival after exposure to DNA-damaging agents.


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STAT (signal transducer and activator of transcription) proteins are latent cytoplasmic transcription factors that become activated by tyrosine phosphorylation in response to cytokine stimulation. Tyrosine phosphorylated STATs dimerize and translocate into the nucleus to activate specific genes. Different members of the STAT protein family have distinct functions in cytokine signaling. Biochemical and genetic analysis has demonstrated that Stat1 is essential for gene activation in response to interferon stimulation. Although progress has been made toward understanding STAT activation, little is known about how STAT signals are down-regulated. We report here the isolation of a family of PIAS (protein inhibitor of activated STAT) proteins. PIAS1, but not other PIAS proteins, blocked the DNA binding activity of Stat1 and inhibited Stat1-mediated gene activation in response to interferon. Coimmunoprecipitation analysis showed that PIAS1 was associated with Stat1 but not Stat2 or Stat3 after ligand stimulation. The in vivo PIAS1–Stat1 interaction requires phosphorylation of Stat1 on Tyr-701. These results identify PIAS1 as a specific inhibitor of Stat1-mediated gene activation and suggest that there may exist a specific PIAS inhibitor in every STAT signaling pathway.