41 resultados para Lung cells


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Albumin-binding proteins identified in vascular endothelial cells have been postulated to contribute to the transport of albumin via a process involving transcytosis. In the present study, we have purified and characterized a 57- to 60-kDa (gp60) putative albumin-binding protein from bovine pulmonary microvessel endothelial cells. The endothelial cell membranes were isolated from cultured cells by differential centrifugation and solubilized with sodium cholate and urea. The solubilized extract was concentrated after dialysis by ethanol precipitation and reextracted with Triton X-100, and the resulting extract was subjected to DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. Proteins eluted from this column were further separated using preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and used for immunizing rabbits. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis using the anti-gp60 antibodies demonstrated the expression of gp60 on the endothelial cell surface. Affinity-purified anti-gp60 antibodies inhibited approximately 90% of the specific binding of 125I-labeled albumin to bovine pulmonary microvessel endothelial cell surface. The anti-gp60 antibodies reacted with gp60 from bovine pulmonary artery, bovine pulmonary microvessel, human umbilical vein, and rat lung endothelial cell membranes. Bovine anti-gp60 antibodies also reacted with bovine secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC). However, bovine SPARC NH2-terminal sequence (1-56 residues) antibodies did not react with gp60, indicating that the endothelial cell-surface-associated albumin-binding protein gp60 was different from the secreted albumin-binding protein SPARC. We conclude that the endothelial cell-surface-associated gp60 mediates the specific binding of native albumin to endothelial cells and thus may regulate the uptake of albumin and its transcytosis.


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Expression of human keratinocyte growth factor (KGF/FGF-7) was directed to epithelial cells of the developing embryonic lung of transgenic mice disrupting normal pulmonary morphogenesis during the pseudoglandular stage of development. By embryonic day 15.5(E15.5), lungs of transgenic surfactant protein C (SP-C)-KGF mice resembled those of humans with pulmonary cystadenoma. Lungs were cystic, filling the thoracic cavity, and were composed of numerous dilated saccules lined with glycogen-containing columnar epithelial cells. The normal distribution of SP-C proprotein in the distal regions of respiratory tubules was disrupted. Columnar epithelial cells lining the papillary structures stained variably and weakly for this distal respiratory cell marker. Mesenchymal components were preserved in the transgenic mouse lungs, yet the architectural relationship of the epithelium to the mesenchyme was altered. SP-C-KGF transgenic mice failed to survive gestation to term, dying before E17.5. Culturing mouse fetal lung explants in the presence of recombinant human KGF also disrupted branching morphogenesis and resulted in similar cystic malformation of the lung. Thus, it appears that precise temporal and spatial expression of KGF is likely to play a crucial role in the control of branching morphogenesis during fetal lung development.


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Overlapping cDNA clones spanning the entire coding region of a Na-channel alpha subunit were isolated from cultured Schwann cells from rabbits. The coding region predicts a polypeptide (Nas) of 1984 amino acids exhibiting several features characteristic of Na-channel alpha subunits isolated from other tissues. Sequence comparisons showed that the Nas alpha subunit resembles most the family of Na channels isolated from brain (approximately 80% amino acid identity) and is least similar (approximately 55% amino acid identity) to the atypical Na channel expressed in human heart and the partial rat cDNA, NaG. As for the brain II and III isoforms, two variants of Nas exist that appear to arise by alternative splicing. The results of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction experiments suggest that expression of Nas transcripts is restricted to cells in the peripheral and central nervous systems. Expression was detected in cultured Schwann cells, sciatic nerve, brain, and spinal cord but not in skeletal or cardiac muscle, liver, kidney, or lung.


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Gene targeting was used to create mice with a null mutation of the gene encoding the common beta subunit (beta C) of the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin 3 (IL-3; multi-CSF), and interleukin 5 (IL-5) receptor complexes (beta C-/- mice). High-affinity binding of GM-CSF was abolished in beta C-/- bone marrow cells, while cells from heterozygous animals (beta C+/- mice) showed an intermediate number of high-affinity receptors. Binding of IL-3 was unaffected, confirming that the IL-3-specific beta chain remained intact. Eosinophil numbers in peripheral blood and bone marrow of beta C-/- animals were reduced, while other hematological parameters were normal. In clonal cultures of beta C-/- bone marrow cells, even high concentrations of GM-CSF and IL-5 failed to stimulate colony formation, but the cells exhibited normal quantitative responsiveness to stimulation by IL-3 and other growth factors. beta C-/- mice exhibited normal development and survived to young adult life, although they developed pulmonary peribronchovascular lymphoid infiltrates and areas resembling alveolar proteinosis. There was no detectable difference in the systemic clearance and distribution of GM-CSF between beta C-/- and wild-type littermates. The data establish that beta C is normally limiting for high-affinity binding of GM-CSF and demonstrate that systemic clearance of GM-CSF is not mediated via such high-affinity receptor complexes.


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The beta 1-6 structure of N-linked oligosaccharides, formed by beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT-V), is associated with metastatic potential. We established a highly metastatic subclone, B16-hm, from low metastatic B16-F1 murine melanoma cells. The gene encoding beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT-III) was introduced into the B16-hm cells, and three clones that stably expressed high GnT-III activity were obtained. In these transfectants, the affinity to leukoagglutinating phytohemagglutinin was reduced, whereas the binding to erythroagglutinating phytohemagglutinin was increased, indicating that the level of beta 1-6 structure was decreased due to competition for substrate between intrinsic GnT-V and ectopically expressed GnT-III. Lung metastasis after intravenous injection of the transfectants into syngeneic and nude mice was significantly suppressed, suggesting that the decrease in beta 1-6 structure suppressed metastasis via a mechanism independent of the murine system. These transfectants also displayed decreased invasiveness into Matrigel and inhibited cell attachment to collagen and laminin. Cell growth was not affected. Our results demonstrate a causative role for beta 1-6 branches in invasion and cell attachment in the extravasation stage of metastasis.


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Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) is a transcription factor regulating expression of genes intrinsic to inflammation and cell proliferation--features of asbestos-associated diseases. In studies here, crocidolite asbestos caused protracted and dose-responsive increases in proteins binding to nuclear NF-kappa B-binding DNA elements in hamster tracheal epithelial (HTE) cells. This binding was modulated by cellular glutathione levels. Antibodies recognizing p65 and p50 protein members of the NF-kappa B family revealed these proteins in two of the DNA complexes. Transient transfection assays with a construct containing six NF-kappa B-binding DNA consensus sites linked to a luciferase reporter gene indicated that asbestos induced transcriptional activation of NF-kappa B-dependent genes, an observation that was confirmed by northern blot analyses for c-myc mRNA levels in HTE cells. Studies suggest that NF-kappa B induction by asbestos is a key event in regulation of multiple genes involved in the pathogenesis of asbestos-related lung cancers.


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Multidrug-resistance-associated protein (MRP) is a plasma membrane glycoprotein that can confer multidrug resistance (MDR) by lowering intracellular drug concentration. Here we demonstrate that depletion of intracellular glutathione by DL-buthionine (S,R)-sulfoximine results in a complete reversal of resistance to doxorubicin, daunorubicin, vincristine, and VP-16 in lung carcinoma cells transfected with a MRP cDNA expression vector. Glutathione depletion had less effect on MDR in cells transfected with MDR1 cDNA encoding P-glycoprotein and did not increase the passive uptake of daunorubicin by cells, indicating that the decrease of MRP-mediated MDR was not due to nonspecific membrane damage. Glutathione depletion resulted in a decreased efflux of daunorubicin from MRP-transfected cells, but not from MDR1-transfected cells, suggesting that glutathione is specifically required for the export of drugs from cells by MRP. We also show that MRP increases the export of glutathione from the cell and this increased export is further elevated in the presence of arsenite. Our results support the hypothesis that MRP functions as a glutathione S-conjugate carrier.


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A system for tetracycline-regulated inducible gene expression was described recently which relies on constitutive expression of a tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA) fusion protein combining the tetracycline repressor and the transcriptional activation domain of VP16 [Gossen, M. & Bujard, H. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 5547-5551]. This system yielded only low levels of transactivator protein, probably because tTA is toxic. To avoid this difficulty, we placed the tTA gene under the control of the inducible promoter to which tTA binds, making expression of tTA itself inducible and autoregulatory. When used to drive expression of the recombination activating genes 1 and 2 (RAG-1 and RAG-2), the autoregulatory system yielded both substantially higher levels of variable (diversity) joining [V(D)J] recombination activity (70-fold on average) and inducible expression in a much larger fraction of transfected cells (autoregulatory, 90%, vs. constitutive, 18%). In addition, this system allowed the creation of transgenic mice in which expression of a luciferase transgene was inducible tens to hundreds of times the basal levels in most tissues examined. Induced levels of expression were highest in thymus and lung and appear to be substantially higher than in previously reported inducible luciferase transgenic mice created with the constitutive system. With the modified system, inducible transactivator mRNA and protein were easily detected in cell lines by RNA and Western blotting, and transactivator mRNA was detected by RNA blotting in some tissues of transgenic mice. This autoregulatory system represents an improved strategy for tetracycline-regulated gene expression both in cultured cells and in transgenic animals.


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Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells are localized predominantly at airway branchpoints. Previous work showed that gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), a major pulmonary bombesin-like peptide, occurred in neuroendocrine cells exclusively in branching human fetal airways. We now demonstrate that GRP and GRP receptor genes are expressed in fetal mouse lung as early as embryonic day 12 (E12), when lung buds are beginning to branch. By in situ hybridization, GRP receptor transcripts were at highest levels in mesenchymal cells at cleft regions of branching airways and blood vessels. To explore the possibility that bombesin-like peptides might play a role in branching morphogenesis, E12 lung buds were cultured for 48 hr in serum-free medium. In the presence of 0.10-10 microM bombesin, branching was significantly augmented as compared with control cultures, with a peak of 94% above control values at 1 microM (P < 0.005). The bombesin receptor antagonist [Leu13- psi(CH2NH)Leu14]bombesin alone (100 nM) had no effect on baseline branching but completely abolished bombesin-induced branching. A bombesin-related peptide, [Leu8]phyllolitorin also increased branching (65% above control values at 10 nM, P < 0.005). [Leu8]Phyllolitorin also significantly augmented thymidine incorporation in cultured lung buds. Fibronectin, which is abundant at branchpoints, induces GRP gene expression in undifferentiated cell lines. These observations suggest that BLPs secreted by pulmonary neuroendocrine cells may contribute to lung branching morphogenesis. Furthermore, components of branchpoints may induce pulmonary neuroendocrine cell differentiation as part of a positive feedback loop, which could account in part for the high prevalence of these cells at branchpoints.


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The present study was undertaken to define the 5' and 3' regulatory sequences of human von Willebrand factor gene that confer tissue-specific expression in vivo. Transgenic mice were generated bearing a chimeric construct that included 487 bp of 5' flanking sequence and the first exon fused in-frame to the Escherichia coli lacZ gene. In situ histochemical analyses in independent lines demonstrated that the von Willebrand factor promoter targeted expression of LacZ to a subpopulation of endothelial cells in the yolk sac and adult brain. LacZ activity was absent in the vascular beds of the spleen, lung, liver, kidney, testes, heart, and aorta, as well as in megakaryocytes. In contrast, in mice containing the lacZ gene targeted to the thrombomodulin locus, the 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl beta-D-galactopyranoside reaction product was detected throughout the vascular tree. These data highlight the existence of regional differences in endothelial cell gene regulation and suggest that the 733-bp von Willebrand factor promoter may be useful as a molecular marker to investigate endothelial cell diversity.


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We have attempted to model human metastatic disease by implanting human target organs into the immunodeficient C.B-17 scid/scid (severe combined immunodeficiency; SCID) mouse, creating SCID-hu mice. Preferential metastasis to implants of human fetal lung and human fetal bone marrow occurred after i.v. injection of human small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cells into SCID-hu mice; the homologous mouse organs were spared. Clinically more aggressive variant SCLC cells metastasized more efficiently to human fetal lung implants than did cells from classic SCLC. Metastasis of variant SCLC to human fetal bone marrow was enhanced in SCID-hu mice exposed to gamma-irradiation or to interleukin 1 alpha. These data indicate that the SCID-hu mice may provide a model in which to study species- and tissue-specific steps of the human metastatic process.