84 resultados para Insulin-Secreting Cells


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mac25, the subject of this report, was selected by the differential display of mRNA method in a search for genes overexpressed in senescent human mammary epithelial cells. mac25 had previously been cloned as a discrete gene, preferentially expressed in normal, leptomeningial cells compared with meningioma tumors. mac25 is another member of the insulin growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP) family. Insulin-like growth factors are potent mitogens for mammary epithelial cells, and the IGFBPs have been shown to modulate this mitogenic activity. We report here that mac25, unlike most IGFBPs, is down-regulated at the transcription level in mammary carcinoma cell lines, suggesting a tumor-suppressor role. The gene was mapped to chromosome 4q12. We found that mac25 accumulates in senescent cells and is up-regulated in normal, growing mammary epithelial cells by all-trans-retinoic acid or the synthetic retinoid fenretinide. These findings suggest that mac25 may be a downstream effector of retinoid chemoprevention in breast epithelial cells and that its tumor-suppressive role may involve a senescence pathway.


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The effects of insulin on the mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR, were investigated in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. mTOR protein kinase activity was measured in immune complex assays with recombinant PHAS-I as substrate. Insulin-stimulated kinase activity was clearly observed when immunoprecipitations were conducted with the mTOR antibody, mTAb2. Insulin also increased by severalfold the 32P content of mTOR that was determined after purifying the protein from 32P-labeled adipocytes with rapamycin⋅FKBP12 agarose beads. Insulin affected neither the amount of mTOR immunoprecipitated nor the amount of mTOR detected by immunoblotting with mTAb2. However, the hormone markedly decreased the reactivity of mTOR with mTAb1, an antibody that activates the mTOR protein kinase. The effects of insulin on increasing mTOR protein kinase activity and on decreasing mTAb1 reactivity were abolished by incubating mTOR with protein phosphatase 1. Interestingly, the epitope for mTAb1 is located near the COOH terminus of mTOR in a 20-amino acid region that includes consensus sites for phosphorylation by protein kinase B (PKB). Experiments were performed in MER-Akt cells to investigate the role of PKB in controlling mTOR. These cells express a PKB-mutant estrogen receptor fusion protein that is activated when the cells are exposed to 4-hydroxytamoxifen. Activating PKB with 4-hydroxytamoxifen mimicked insulin by decreasing mTOR reactivity with mTAb1 and by increasing the PHAS-I kinase activity of mTOR. Our findings support the conclusion that insulin activates mTOR by promoting phosphorylation of the protein via a signaling pathway that contains PKB.


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Differentiation and function of pancreatic β cells are regulated by a variety of hormones and growth factors, including nerve growth factor (NGF). Whether this is an endocrine or autocrine/paracrine role for NGF is not known. We demonstrate that NGF is produced and secreted by adult rat pancreatic β cells. NGF secretion is increased in response to elevated glucose or potassium, but decreased in response to dibutyryl cAMP. Moreover, steady-state levels of NGF mRNA are down-regulated by dibutyryl cAMP, which is opposite to the effect of cAMP on insulin release. NGF-stimulated changes in morphology and function are mediated by high-affinity Trk A receptors in other mammalian cells. Trk A receptors are present in β cells and steady-state levels of Trk A mRNA are modulated by NGF and dibutyryl cAMP. Taken together, these findings suggest endocrine and autocrine roles for pancreatic β-cell NGF, which, in turn, could be related to the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus where serum NGF levels are diminished.


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Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice develop insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus due to autoimmune T lymphocyte-mediated destruction of pancreatic β cells. Although both major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted CD8+ and class II-restricted CD4+ T cell subsets are required, the specific role each subset plays in the pathogenic process is still unclear. Here we show that class I-dependent T cells are required for all but the terminal stages of autoimmune diabetes development. To characterize the diabetogenic CD8+ T cells responsible, we isolated and propagated in vitro CD8+ T cells from the earliest insulitic lesions of NOD mice. They were cytotoxic to NOD islet cells, restricted to H-2Kd, and showed a diverse T cell receptor β chain repertoire. In contrast, their α chain repertoire was more restricted, with a recurrent amino acid sequence motif in the complementarity-determining region 3 loop and a prevalence of Vα17 family members frequently joined to the Jα42 gene segment. These results suggest that a number of the CD8+ T cells participating in the initial phase of autoimmune β cell destruction recognize a common structural component of Kd/peptide complexes on pancreatic β cells, possibly a single peptide.


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The phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) on tyrosine residues by the insulin receptor (IR) tyrosine kinase is involved in most of the biological responses of insulin. IRS-1 mediates insulin signaling by recruiting SH2 proteins through its multiple tyrosine phosphorylation sites. The phosphorylation of IRS-1 on serine/threonine residues also occurs in cells; however, the particular protein kinase(s) promoting this type of phosphorylation are unknown. Here we report that glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) is capable of phosphorylating IRS-1 and that this modification converts IRS-1 into an inhibitor of IR tyrosine kinase activity in vitro. Expression of wild-type GSK-3 or an “unregulated” mutant of the kinase (S9A) in CHO cells overexpressing IRS-1 and IR, resulted in increased serine phosphorylation levels of IRS-1, suggesting that IRS-1 is a cellular target of GSK-3. Furthermore, insulin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1 and IR was markedly suppressed in cells expressing wild-type or the S9A mutant, indicating that expression of GSK-3 impairs IR tyrosine kinase activity. Taken together, our studies suggest a new role for GSK-3 in attenuating insulin signaling via its phosphorylation of IRS-1 and may provide new insight into mechanisms important in insulin resistance.


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We previously have demonstrated that insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) down-regulate growth hormone (GH) binding in osteoblasts by reducing the number of surface GH receptors (GHRs). The present study was undertaken to investigate the mechanism of GHR down-regulation. Treatment with 5 nM insulin or IGF-I for 18 hr significantly decreased surface GH binding to 26.4 ± 2.9% and 23.0 ± 2.7% of control (mean ± SE; P < 0.05), respectively. No corresponding reductions in the mRNA level and total cellular content of GHR were found, nor was the rate of receptor internalization affected. The effects on GHR translocation were assessed by measuring the reappearance of GH binding of whole cells after trypsinization to remove the surface receptors. GH binding of control cultures significantly increased (P < 0.05) over 2 hr after trypsinization, whereas no recovery of binding activity was detected in insulin and IGF-I-treated cultures, indicating that GHR translocation was impaired. Studies on the time course of GHR down-regulation revealed that surface GH binding was reduced significantly by 3-hr treatment (P ≤ 0.0005), whereas GHR translocation was completely abolished by 75–90 min with insulin and IGF-I. The inhibition of receptor translocation by insulin, but not IGF-I, was attenuated by wortmannin. In conclusion, insulin and IGF-I down-regulated GH binding in osteoblasts by acutely impairing GHR translocation, with their effects exerted through distinct postreceptor signaling pathways.


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Sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs) enhance transcription of genes encoding enzymes of cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis and uptake. In the current experiments, we observed a decline in the mRNA encoding one SREBP isoform, SREBP-1c, in the livers of rats that were rendered diabetic by treatment with streptozotocin. There was no change in the mRNA encoding SREBP-1a, which is derived from the same gene as SREBP-1c but uses a different promoter. The ratio of SREBP-1c:1a transcripts fell 25-fold from 5:1 in control rats to 0.2:1 in the diabetic animals. The SREBP-1c mRNA rose nearly to normal, and the 1c:1a ratio increased 17-fold when the diabetic rats were treated for 6 h with insulin. These treatments produced no change in the mRNA for SREBP-2, which is encoded by a separate gene. The SREBP-1c mRNA also fell selectively in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes and rose when the cells were treated with insulin. Considered together with recent data on hepatocytes [Foretz, M., Pacot, C., Dugal, I., et al. (1999) Mol. Cell. Biol. 19, 3760–3768], the current in vivo studies suggest that insulin may stimulate lipid synthesis in the liver by selectively inducing transcription of the SREBP-1c gene.


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c-Cbl-associated protein (CAP) is a signaling protein that interacts with both c-Cbl and the insulin receptor that may be involved in the specific insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of c-Cbl. The restricted expression of CAP in cells metabolically sensitive to insulin suggests an important potential role in insulin action. The expression of CAP mRNA and proteins are increased in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by the insulin sensitizing thiazolidinedione drugs, which are activators of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ). The stimulation of CAP expression by PPARγ activators results from increased transcription. This increased expression of CAP was accompanied by a potentiation of insulin-stimulated c-Cbl tyrosine phosphorylation. Administration of the thiazolidinedione troglitazone to Zucker (fa/fa) rats markedly increased the expression of the major CAP isoform in adipose tissue. This effect was sustained for up to 12 weeks of treatment and accompanied the ability of troglitazone to prevent the onset of diabetes and its complications. Thus, CAP is the first PPARγ-sensitive gene identified that participates in insulin signaling and may play a role in thiazolidinedione-induced insulin sensitization.


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Two mouse insulin genes, Ins1 and Ins2, were disrupted and lacZ was inserted at the Ins2 locus by gene targeting. Double nullizygous insulin-deficient pups were growth-retarded. They did not show any glycosuria at birth but soon after suckling developed diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis and liver steatosis and died within 48 h. Interestingly, insulin deficiency did not preclude pancreas organogenesis and the appearance of the various cell types of the endocrine pancreas. The presence of lacZ expressing β cells and glucagon-positive α cells was demonstrated by cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry. Reverse transcription-coupled PCR analysis showed that somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide mRNAs were present, although at reduced levels, accounting for the presence also of δ and pancreatic polypeptide cells, respectively. Morphometric analysis revealed enlarged islets of Langherans in the pancreas from insulin-deficient pups, suggesting that insulin might function as a negative regulator of islet cell growth. Whether insulin controls the growth of specific islet cell types and the molecular basis for this action remain to be elucidated.


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Relaxation of imprinting at the insulin-like growth factor II (IFG-II)/H19 locus is a major mechanism involved in the onset of sporadic Wilms tumor and several other embryonal tumors. The high prevalence of histologically abnormal foci in kidney adjacent to Wilms tumors suggests that tumor-predisposing genetic/epigenetic lesion might also be found at high frequency in Wilms tumor-bearing kidneys. Focusing on Wilms tumors with relaxation of IFG-II imprinting, we determined the frequency of epigenetic change at the IFG-II/H19 locus in adjacent kidney. In all kidneys adjacent to these Wilms tumors, we detected substantial mosaicism for a population of cells with relaxation of IFG-II imprinting and biallelic H19 methylation, regardless of whether the patient had a tumor-predisposing syndrome or not. The high proportion of epigenetically modified cells among “normal” tissue indicates that the epigenetic error occurred very early in development, before the onset of Wilms tumor. Not only does this suggest that the major Wilms tumor-predisposing event occurs within the first few days of development, but it also suggests that sporadic Wilms tumor may represent one end of a spectrum of overgrowth disorders characterized by mosaic epigenetic change at the IFG-II/H19 locus.


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Fish serum contains several specific binding proteins for insulin-like growth factors (IGFBPs). The structure and physiological function of these fish IGFBPs are unknown. Here we report the complete primary sequence of a zebrafish IGFBP deduced from cDNA clones isolated by library screening and rapid amplification of cDNA ends. The full-length 1,757-bp cDNA encodes a protein of 276 aa, which contains a putative 22-residue signal peptide and a 254-residue mature protein. The mature zebrafish IGFBP has a predicted molecular size of 28,440 Da and shows high sequence identity with human IGFBP-2 (52%). The sequence identities with other human IGFBPs are <37%. Chinese hamster ovary cells stably transfected with the zebrafish IGFBP-2 cDNA secreted a 31-kDa protein, which bound to IGF-I and IGF-II with high affinity, but did not bind to Des(1–3)IGF-I or insulin. Northern blot analyses revealed that the zebrafish IGFBP-2 transcript is a 1.8-kb band expressed in many embryonic and adult tissues. In adult zebrafish, IGFBP-2 mRNA levels were greatly reduced by growth hormone treatment but increased by prolonged fasting. When overexpressed or added to cultured zebrafish and mammalian cells, the zebrafish IGFBP-2 significantly inhibited IGF-I-stimulated cell proliferation and DNA synthesis. These results indicate that zebrafish IGFBP-2 is a negative growth regulator acting downstream in the growth hormone-IGF-I axis.


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Previously, we showed that retinoic acid (RA) binds to the mannose-6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptor (M6P/IGF2R) with high affinity, suggesting that M6P/IGF2R may be a receptor for RA. Here, we show that RA, after 2–3 h of incubation with cultured neonatal-rat cardiac fibroblasts, dramatically alters the intracellular distribution of M6P/IGF2R as well as that of cathepsin B (a lysosomal protease bearing M6P). Immunofluorescence techniques indicate that this change in intracellular distribution is characterized by a shift of the proteins from the perinuclear area to cytoplasmic vesicles. The effect of RA was neither blocked by an RA nuclear receptor antagonist (AGN193109) nor mimicked by a selective RA nuclear-receptor agonist (TTNPB). Furthermore, the RA-induced translocation of cathepsin B was not observed in M6P/IGF2R-deficient P388D1 cells but occurred in stably transfected P388D1 cells expressing the receptor, suggesting that the effect of RA might be the result of direct interaction with M6P/IGF2R, rather than the result of binding to the nuclear receptors. These observations not only support the idea that M6P/IGF2R mediates an RA-response pathway but also indicate a role for RA in control of intracellular trafficking of lysosomal enzymes. Therefore, our observations may have important implications for the understanding of the diverse biological effects of retinoids.


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Impaired insulin secretion is a characteristic of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). One possible therapeutic agent for NIDDM is the insulinotropic hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 stimulates insulin secretion through several mechanisms including activation of protein kinase A (PKA). We now demonstrate that the subcellular targeting of PKA through association with A-kinase-anchoring proteins (AKAPs) facilitates GLP-1-mediated insulin secretion. Disruption of PKA anchoring by the introduction of anchoring inhibitor peptides or expression of soluble AKAP fragments blocks GLP-1 action in primary islets and cAMP-responsive insulin secretion in clonal beta cells (RINm5F). Displacement of PKA also prevented cAMP-mediated elevation of intracellular calcium suggesting that localized PKA phosphorylation events augment calcium flux.


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The molecular mechanism of hepatic cell growth and differentiation is ill defined. In the present study, we examined the putative role of tyrosine phosphorylation in normal rat liver development and in an in vitro model, the α-fetoprotein-producing (AFP+) and AFP-nonproducing (AFP−) clones of the McA-RH 7777 rat hepatoma. We demonstrated in vivo and in vitro that the AFP+ phenotype is clearly associated with enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation, as assessed by immunoblotting and flow cytometry. Moreover, immunoprecipitation of proteins with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody showed that normal fetal hepatocytes expressed the same phosphorylation pattern as stable AFP+ clones and likewise for adult hepatocytes and AFP− clones. The tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins, including the β-subunit of the insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrate-1, p85 regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, and ras-guanosine triphosphatase-activating protein, was observed in AFP+ clones, whereas the same proteins were not phosphorylated in AFP− clones. We also observed that fetal hepatocytes and the AFP+ clones express 4 times more of the insulin receptor β-subunit compared with adult hepatocytes and AFP− clones and, accordingly, that these AFP+ clones were more responsive to exogenous insulin in terms of protein tyrosine phosphorylation. Finally, growth rate in cells of AFP+ clones was higher than that measured in cells of AFP− clones, and inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase by LY294002 and Wortmannin blocked insulin- and serum-stimulated DNA synthesis only in cells of AFP+ clones. These studies provide evidences in support of the hypothesis that signaling via insulin prevents hepatocyte differentiation by promoting fetal hepatocyte growth.


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Differentiating 3T3-L1 cells exhibit a dramatic increase in the rate of insulin-stimulated glucose transport during their conversion from proliferating fibroblasts to nonproliferating adipocytes. On day 3 of 3T3-L1 cell differentiation, basal glucose transport and cell surface transferrin binding are markedly diminished. This occurs concomitant with the formation of a distinct insulin-responsive vesicular pool of intracellular glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) and transferrin receptors as assessed by sucrose velocity gradients. The intracellular distribution of the insulin-responsive aminopeptidase is first readily detectable on day 3, and its gradient profile and response to insulin at this time are identical to that of GLUT1. With further time of differentiation, GLUT4 is expressed and targeted to the same insulin-responsive vesicles as the other three proteins. Our data are consistent with the notion that a distinct insulin-sensitive vesicular cargo compartment forms early during fat call differentiation and its formation precedes GLUT4 expression. The development of this compartment may result from the differentiation-dependent inhibition of constitutive GLUT1 and transferrin receptor trafficking such that there is a large increase in, or the new formation of, a population of postendosomal, insulin-responsive vesicles.