65 resultados para Initiation


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The cell cycle-dependent, ordered assembly of protein prereplicative complexes suggests that eukaryotic replication origins determine when genomic replication initiates. By comparison, the factors that determine where replication initiates relative to the sites of prereplicative complex formation are not known. In the human globin gene locus previous work showed that replication initiates at a single site 5′ to the β-globin gene when protein synthesis is inhibited by emetine. The present study has examined the pattern of initiation around the genetically defined β-globin replicator in logarithmically growing HeLa cells, using two PCR-based nascent strand assays. In contrast to the pattern of initiation detected in emetine-treated cells, analysis of the short nascent strands at five positions spanning a 40 kb globin gene region shows that replication initiates at more than one site in non-drug-treated cells. Quantitation of nascent DNA chains confirmed that replication begins at several locations in this domain, including one near the initiation region (IR) identified in emetine-treated cells. However, the abundance of short nascent strands at another initiation site ∼20 kb upstream is ∼4-fold as great as that at the IR. The latter site abuts an early S phase replicating fragment previously defined at low resolution in logarithmically dividing cells.


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In the beginning the surface of the Earth was extremely hot, because the Earth as we know it is the product of a collision between two planets, a collision that also created the Moon. Most of the heat within the very young Earth was lost quickly to space while the surface was still quite hot. As it cooled, the Earth's surface passed monotonically through every temperature regime between silicate vapor to liquid water and perhaps even to ice, eventually reaching an equilibrium with sunlight. Inevitably the surface passed through a time when the temperature was around 100°C at which modern thermophile organisms live. How long this warm epoch lasted depends on how long a thick greenhouse atmosphere can be maintained by heat flow from the Earth's interior, either directly as a supplement to insolation, or indirectly through its influence on the nascent carbonate cycle. In both cases, the duration of the warm epoch would have been controlled by processes within the Earth's interior where buffering by surface conditions played little part. A potentially evolutionarily significant warm period of between 105 and 107 years seems likely, which nonetheless was brief compared to the vast expanse of geological time.


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TFIIH is a multifunctional RNA polymerase II general initiation factor that includes two DNA helicases encoded by the Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group B (XPB) and D (XPD) genes and a cyclin-dependent protein kinase encoded by the CDK7 gene. Previous studies have shown that the TFIIH XPB DNA helicase plays critical roles not only in transcription initiation, where it catalyzes ATP-dependent formation of the open complex, but also in efficient promoter escape, where it suppresses arrest of very early RNA polymerase II elongation intermediates. In this report, we present evidence that ATP-dependent TFIIH action in transcription initiation and promoter escape requires distinct regions of the DNA template; these regions are well separated from the promoter region unwound by the XPB DNA helicase and extend, respectively, ≈23–39 and ≈39–50 bp downstream from the transcriptional start site. Taken together, our findings bring to light a role for promoter DNA in TFIIH action and are consistent with the model that TFIIH translocates along promoter DNA ahead of the RNA polymerase II elongation complex until polymerase has escaped the promoter.


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In eukaryotes, RNA polymerase II transcribes messenger RNAs and several small nuclear RNAs. Like RNA polymerases I and III, polymerase II cannot act alone. Instead, general initiation factors [transcription factor (TF) IIB, TFIID, TFIIE, TFIIF, and TFIIH] assemble on promoter DNA with polymerase II, creating a large multiprotein–DNA complex that supports accurate initiation. Another group of accessory factors, transcriptional activators and coactivators, regulate the rate of RNA synthesis from each gene in response to various developmental and environmental signals. Our current knowledge of this complex macromolecular machinery is reviewed in detail, with particular emphasis on insights gained from structural studies of transcription factors.


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FLORICAULA (FLO) of Antirrhinum and LEAFY (FLY) of Arabidopsis regulate the formation of floral meristems. To examine whether same mechanisms control floral development in distantly related species such as grasses, we isolated RFL, FLO-LFY homolog of rice, and examined its expression and function. Northern analysis showed that RFL is expressed predominantly in very young panicle but not in mature florets, mature leaves, or roots. In situ hybridization revealed that RFL RNA was expressed in epidermal cells in young leaves at vegetative growth stage. After the transition to reproductive stage, RFL RNA was detected in all layers of very young panicle including the apical meristem, but absent in the incipient primary branches. As development of branches proceeds, RFL RNA accumulation localized in the developing branches except for the apical meristems of the branches and secondary branch primordia. Expression pattern of RFL raised a possibility that, unlike FLO and LFY, RFL might be involved in panicle branching. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants constitutively expressing RFL from the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter were produced to test whether 35S-RFL would cause similar phenotype as observed in 35S-LFY plants. In 35S-RFL plants, transformation of inflorescence meristem to floral meristem was rarely observed. Instead, development of cotyledons, rosette leaves, petals, and stamens was severely affected, demonstrating that RFL function is distinct from that of LFY. Our results suggest that mechanisms controlling floral development in rice might be diverged from that of Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum.


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Systemin-mediated defense signaling in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants is analogous to the cytokine-mediated inflammatory response in animals. Herein, we report that the initiation of defense signaling in suspension-cultured cells of Lycopersicon peruvianum by the peptide systemin, as well as by chitosan and β-glucan elicitor from Phytophtora megasperma, is inhibited by the polysulfonated naphtylurea compound suramin, a known inhibitor of cytokine and growth factor receptor interactions in animal cells. Using a radioreceptor assay, we show that suramin interfered with the binding of the systemin analog 125I-Tyr-2,Ala-15-systemin to the systemin receptor with an IC50 of 160 μM. Additionally, labeling of the systemin receptor with a photoaffinity analog of systemin was inhibited in the presence of suramin. Receptor-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of a 48-kDa mitogen-activated protein kinase and alkalinization of the medium of suspension-cultured cells in response to systemin and carbohydrate elicitors were also inhibited by suramin. The inhibition of medium alkalinization by suramin was reversible in the presence of high concentrations of systemin and carbohydrate elicitors. Calyculin A and erythrosin B, intracellular inhibitors of phosphatases and plasma membrane proton ATPases, respectively, both induce medium alkalinization, but neither response was inhibited by suramin. The polysulfonated compound heparin did not inhibit systemin-induced medium alkalinization. NF 007, a suramin derivative, induced medium alkalinization, indicating that neither NF 007 nor heparin interact with elicitor receptors like suramin. The data indicate that cell-surface receptors in plants show some common structural features with animal cytokine and growth factor receptors that can interact with suramin to interfere with ligand binding.


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Hsk1, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc7-related kinase in Shizosaccharomyces pombe, is required for G1/S transition and its kinase activity is controlled by the regulatory subunit Dfp1/Him1. Analyses of a newly isolated temperature-sensitive mutant, hsk1-89, reveal that Hsk1 plays crucial roles in DNA replication checkpoint signaling and maintenance of proper chromatin structures during mitotic S phase through regulating the functions of Rad3 (ATM)-Cds1 and Rad21 (cohesin), respectively, in addition to expected essential roles for initiation of mitotic DNA replication through phosphorylating Cdc19 (Mcm2). Checkpoint defect in hsk1-89 is indicated by accumulation of cut cells at 30°C. hsk1-89 displays synthetic lethality in combination with rad3 deletion, indicating that survival of hsk1-89 depends on Rad3-dependent checkpoint pathway. Cds1 kinase activation, which normally occurs in response to early S phase arrest by nucleotide deprivation, is largely impaired in hsk1-89. Furthermore, Cds1-dependent hyperphosphorylation of Dfp1 in response to hydroxyurea arrest is eliminated in hsk1-89, suggesting that sufficient activation of Hsk1-Dfp1 kinase is required for S phase entry and replication checkpoint signaling. hsk1-89 displays apparent defect in mitosis at 37°C leading to accumulation of cells with near 2C DNA content and with aberrant nuclear structures. These phenotypes are similar to those of rad21-K1 and are significantly enhanced in a hsk1-89 rad21-K1 double mutant. Consistent with essential roles of Rad21 as a component for the cohesin complex, sister chromatid cohesion is partially impaired in hsk1-89, suggesting a possibility that infrequent origin firing of the mutant may affect the cohesin functions during S phase.


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Translation initiation is a complex process in which initiator tRNA, 40S, and 60S ribosomal subunits are assembled by eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs) into an 80S ribosome at the initiation codon of mRNA. The cap-binding complex eIF4F and the factors eIF4A and eIF4B are required for binding of 43S complexes (comprising a 40S subunit, eIF2/GTP/Met-tRNAi and eIF3) to the 5′ end of capped mRNA but are not sufficient to promote ribosomal scanning to the initiation codon. eIF1A enhances the ability of eIF1 to dissociate aberrantly assembled complexes from mRNA, and these factors synergistically mediate 48S complex assembly at the initiation codon. Joining of 48S complexes to 60S subunits to form 80S ribosomes requires eIF5B, which has an essential ribosome-dependent GTPase activity and hydrolysis of eIF2-bound GTP induced by eIF5. Initiation on a few mRNAs is cap-independent and occurs instead by internal ribosomal entry. Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and hepatitis C virus epitomize distinct mechanisms of internal ribosomal entry site (IRES)-mediated initiation. The eIF4A and eIF4G subunits of eIF4F bind immediately upstream of the EMCV initiation codon and promote binding of 43S complexes. EMCV initiation does not involve scanning and does not require eIF1, eIF1A, and the eIF4E subunit of eIF4F. Initiation on some EMCV-like IRESs requires additional noncanonical initiation factors, which alter IRES conformation and promote binding of eIF4A/4G. Initiation on the hepatitis C virus IRES is even simpler: 43S complexes containing only eIF2 and eIF3 bind directly to the initiation codon as a result of specific interaction of the IRES and the 40S subunit.


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The herpes simplex virus type 1 origin of DNA replication, oriS, contains three copies of the recognition sequence for the viral initiator protein, origin binding protein (OBP), arranged in two palindromes. The central box I forms a short palindrome with box III and a long palindrome with box II. Single-stranded oriS adopts a conformation, oriS*, that is tightly bound by OBP. Here we demonstrate that OBP binds to a box III–box I hairpin with a 3′ single-stranded tail in oriS*. Mutations designed to destabilize the hairpin abolish the binding of OBP to oriS*. The same mutations also inhibit DNA replication. Second site complementary mutations restore binding of OBP to oriS* as well as the ability of mutated oriS to support DNA replication. OriS* is also an efficient activator of the hydrolysis of ATP by OBP. Sequence analyses show that a box III–box I palindrome is an evolutionarily conserved feature of origins of DNA replication from human, equine, bovine, and gallid alpha herpes viruses. We propose that oriS facilitates initiation of DNA synthesis in two steps and that OBP exhibits exquisite specificity for the different conformations oriS adopts at these stages. Our model suggests that distance-dependent cooperative binding of OBP to boxes I and II in duplex DNA is succeeded by specific recognition of a box III–box I hairpin in partially unwound DNA.


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Fiber cell initiation in the epidermal cells of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) ovules represents a unique example of trichome development in higher plants. Little is known about the molecular and metabolic mechanisms controlling this process. Here we report a comparative analysis of a fiberless seed (fls) mutant (lacking fibers) and a normal (FLS) mutant to better understand the initial cytological events in fiber development and to analyze the metabolic changes that are associated with the loss of a major sink for sucrose during cellulose biosynthesis in the mutant seeds. On the day of anthesis (0 DAA), the mutant ovular epidermal cells lacked the typical bud-like projections that are seen in FLS ovules and are required for commitment to the fiber development pathway. Cell-specific gene expression analyses at 0 DAA showed that sucrose synthase (SuSy) RNA and protein were undetectable in fls ovules but were in abundant, steady-state levels in initiating fiber cells of the FLS ovules. Tissue-level analyses of developing seeds 15 to 35 DAA revealed an altered temporal pattern of SuSy expression in the mutant relative to the normal genotype. Whether the altered programming of SuSy expression is the cause or the result of the mutation is unknown. The developing seeds of the fls mutant have also shown several correlated changes that represent altered carbon partitioning in seed coats and cotyledons as compared with the FLS genotype.


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The crucial role of cell signaling in hemostasis is clearly established by the action of the downstream coagulation protease thrombin that cleaves platelet-expressed G-protein-coupled protease activated receptors (PARs). Certain PARs are cleaved by the upstream coagulation proteases factor Xa (Xa) and the tissue factor (TF)–factor VIIa (VIIa) complex, but these enzymes are required at high nonphysiological concentrations and show limited recognition specificity for the scissile bond of target PARs. However, defining a physiological mechanism of PAR activation by upstream proteases is highly relevant because of the potent anti-inflammatory in vivo effects of inhibitors of the TF initiation complex. Activation of substrate factor X (X) by the TF–VIIa complex is here shown to produce enhanced cell signaling in comparison to the TF–VIIa complex alone, free Xa, or Xa that is generated in situ by the intrinsic activation complex. Macromolecular assembly of X into a ternary complex of TF–VIIa–X is required for proteolytic conversion to Xa, and product Xa remains transiently associated in a TF–VIIa–Xa complex. By trapping this complex with a unique inhibitor that preserves Xa activity, we directly show that Xa in this ternary complex efficiently activates PAR-1 and -2. These experiments support the concept that proinflammatory upstream coagulation protease signaling is mechanistically coupled and thus an integrated part of the TF–VIIa-initiated coagulation pathway, rather than a late event during excessive activation of coagulation and systemic generation of proteolytic activity.


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Members of the LEF-1/TCF family of transcription factors have been implicated in mediating a nuclear response to Wnt signals by association with β-catenin. Consistent with this view, mice carrying mutations in either the Wnt3a gene or in both transcription factor genes Lef1 and Tcf1 were previously found to show a similar defect in the formation of paraxial mesoderm in the gastrulating mouse embryo. In addition, mutations in the Brachyury gene, a direct transcriptional target of LEF-1, were shown to result in mesodermal defects. However, direct evidence for the role of LEF-1 and Brachyury in Wnt3a signaling has been limiting. In this study, we genetically examine the function of LEF-1 in the regulation of Brachyury expression and in signaling by Wnt3a. Analysis of the expression of Brachyury in Lef1−/−Tcf1−/− mice and studies of Brachyury:lacZ transgenes containing wild type or mutated LEF-1 binding sites indicate that Lef1 is dispensable for the initiation, but is required for the maintenance of Brachyury expression. We also show that the expression of an activated form of LEF-1, containing the β-catenin activation domain fused to the amino terminus of LEF-1, can rescue a Wnt3a mutation. Together, these data provide genetic evidence that Lef1 mediates the Wnt3a signal and regulates the stable maintenance of Brachyury expression during gastrulation.