35 resultados para Infection -- blood


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We have investigated the ability of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected cells to kill uninfected CD4+ lymphocytes. Infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells were cocultured with autologous 51Cr-labeled uninfected cells. Rapid death of the normal CD4-expressing target population was observed following a brief incubation. Death of blood CD4+ lymphocytes occurred before syncytium formation could be detected or productive viral infection established in the normal target cells. Cytolysis could not be induced by free virus, was dependent on gp120-CD4 binding, and occurred in resting, as well as activated, lymphocytes. CD8+ cells were not involved in this phenomenon, since HIV-infected CEMT4 cells (CD4+, CD8- cells) mediated the cytolysis of uninfected targets. Reciprocal isotope-labeling experiments demonstrated that infected CEMT4 cells did not die in parallel with their targets. The uninfected target cells manifested DNA fragmentation, followed by the release of the 51Cr label. Thus, in HIV patients, infected lymphocytes may cause the depletion of the much larger population of uninfected CD4+ cells without actually infecting them, by triggering an apoptotic death.


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Recent genetic evidence suggests that parasitic protozoa often reproduce by "selfing," defined as sexual stages from a single, clonal lineage fertilizing each other. Selfing favors production of an excess of female over male progeny. We tested whether the proportion of male gametocytes of blood parasites of the genus Haemoproteus was affected by variables that could influence the probability of selfing. Proportions of male Haemoproteus gametocytes from 11 passerine host populations were not affected by the age of the parasites' avian hosts, date in season, sex of host, intensity of host's infection, or prevalence of parasites within host populations.


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are thought to play a major role in the immune response to HIV infection. The HIV-specific CTL response is much stronger than previously documented in an infectious disease, yet estimates of CTL frequency derived from limiting-dilution analysis (LDA) are relatively low and comparable to other viral infections. Here we show that individual CTL clones specific for peptides from HIV gag and pol gene products are present at high levels in the peripheral blood of three infected patients and that individual CTL clones may represent between 0.2% and 1% of T cells. Previous LDA in one donor had shown a frequency of CTL precursors of 1/8000, suggesting that LDA may underestimate CTL effector frequency. In some donors individual CTL clones persisted in vivo for at least 5 years. In contrast, in one patient there was a switch in CTL usage suggesting that different populations of CTLs can be recruited during infection. These data imply strong stimulation of CTLs, potentially leading some clones to exhaustion.


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The incidence of tuberculosis is increasing on a global scale, in part due to its strong association with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Attachment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to its host cell, the alveolar macrophage (AM), is an important early step in the pathogenesis of infection. Bronchoalveolar lavage of HIV-infected individuals demonstrated the presence of a factor which significantly enhances the attachment of tubercle bacilli to AMs 3-fold relative to a normal control population. This factor is surfactant protein A (SP-A). SP-A levels are increased in the lungs of HIV-infected individuals. SP-A levels and attachment of M. tuberculosis to AMs inversely correlate with peripheral blood CD4 lymphocyte counts. Elevated concentrations of SP-A during the progression of HIV infection may represent an important nonimmune risk factor for acquiring tuberculosis, even before significant depletion of CD4 lymphocytes in the peripheral blood occurs.


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The acyclic nucleoside phosphonate analog 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine (PMEA) was recently found to be effective as an inhibitor of visna virus replication and cytopathic effect in sheep choroid plexus cultures. To study whether PMEA also affects visna virus infection in sheep, two groups of four lambs each were inoculated intracerebrally with 10(6.3) TCID50 of visna virus strain KV1772 and treated subcutaneously three times a week with PMEA at 10 and 25 mg/kg, respectively. The treatment was begun on the day of virus inoculation and continued for 6 weeks. A group of four lambs were infected in the same way but were not treated. The lambs were bled weekly or biweekly and the leukocytes were tested for virus. At 7 weeks after infection, the animals were sacrificed, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and samples of tissue from various areas of the brain and from lungs, spleen, and lymph nodes were collected for isolation of virus and for histopathologic examination. The PMEA treatment had a striking effect on visna virus infection, which was similar for both doses of the drug. Thus, the frequency of virus isolations was much lower in PMEA-treated than in untreated lambs. The difference was particularly pronounced in the blood, CSF, and brain tissue. Furthermore, CSF cell counts were much lower and inflammatory lesions in the brain were much less severe in the treated lambs than in the untreated controls. The results indicate that PMEA inhibits the propagation and spread of visna virus in infected lambs and prevents brain lesions, at least during early infection. The drug caused no noticeable side effects during the 6 weeks of treatment.