41 resultados para Human Symbolic Thinking and Acting


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Of the rules used by the splicing machinery to precisely determine intron–exon boundaries only a fraction is known. Recent evidence suggests that specific short sequences within exons help in defining these boundaries. Such sequences are known as exonic splicing enhancers (ESE). A possible bioinformatical approach to studying ESE sequences is to compare genes that harbor introns with genes that do not. For this purpose two non-redundant samples of 719 intron-containing and 63 intron-lacking human genes were created. We performed a statistical analysis on these datasets of intron-containing and intron-lacking human coding sequences and found a statistically significant difference (P = 0.01) between these samples in terms of 5–6mer oligonucleotide distributions. The difference is not created by a few strong signals present in the majority of exons, but rather by the accumulation of multiple weak signals through small variations in codon frequencies, codon biases and context-dependent codon biases between the samples. A list of putative novel human splicing regulation sequences has been elucidated by our analysis.


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Behavioral models indicate that persistent small afferent input, as generated by tissue injury, results in a hyperalgesia at the site of injury and a tactile allodynia in areas adjacent to the injury site. Hyperalgesia reflects a sensitization of the peripheral terminal and a central facilitation evoked by the persistent small afferent input. The allodynia reflects a central sensitization. The spinal pharmacology of these pain states has been defined in the unanesthetized rat prepared with spinal catheters for injection and dialysis. After tissue injury, excitatory transmitters (e.g., glutamate and substance P) acting though N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and neurokinin 1 receptors initiate a cascade that evokes release of (i) NO, (ii) cyclooxygenase products, and (iii) activation of several kinases. Spinal dialysis show amino acid and prostanoid release after cutaneous injury. Spinal neurokinin 1, NMDA, and non-NMDA receptors enhance spinal prostaglandin E2 release. Spinal prostaglandins facilitate release of spinal amino acids and peptides. Activation by intrathecal injection of receptors on spinal C fiber terminals (μ,/∂ opiate, α2 adrenergic, neuropeptide Y) prevents release of primary afferent peptides and spinal amino acids and blocks acute and facilitated pain states. Conversely, consistent with their role in facilitated processing, NMDA, cyclooxygenase 2, and NO synthase inhibitors act to diminish only hyperalgesia. Importantly, spinal delivery of several of these agents diminishes human injury pain states. This efficacy emphasizes (i) the role of facilitated states in humans, (ii) shows the importance of spinal systems in human pain processing, and (iii) indicates that these preclinical mechanisms reflect processes that regulate the human pain experience.


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This chapter recounts efforts to dissect the cellular and circuit basis of a memory system in the primate cortex with the goal of extending the insights gained from the study of normal brain organization in animal models to an understanding of human cognition and related memory disorders. Primates and humans have developed an extraordinary capacity to process information “on line,” a capacity that is widely considered to underlay comprehension, thinking, and so-called executive functions. Understanding the interactions between the major cellular constituents of cortical circuits—pyramidal and nonpyramidal cells—is considered a necessary step in unraveling the cellular mechanisms subserving working memory mechanisms and, ultimately, cognitive processes. Evidence from a variety of sources is accumulating to indicate that dopamine has a major role in regulating the excitability of the cortical circuitry upon which the working memory function of prefrontal cortex depends. Here, I describe several direct and indirect intercellular mechanisms for modulating working memory function in prefrontal cortex based on the localization of dopamine receptors on the distal dendrites and spines of pyramidal cells and on interneurons in the prefrontal cortex. Interactions between monoamines and a compromised cortical circuitry may hold the key to understanding the variety of memory disorders associated with aging and disease.


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We have cloned a fusion partner of the MLL gene at 11q23 and identified it as the gene encoding the human formin-binding protein 17, FBP17. It maps to chromosome 9q34 centromeric to ABL. The gene fusion results from a complex chromosome rearrangement that was resolved by fluorescence in situ hybridization with various probes on chromosomes 9 and 11 as an ins(11;9)(q23;q34)inv(11)(q13q23). The rearrangement resulted in a 5′-MLL/FBP17-3′ fusion mRNA. We retrovirally transduced murine-myeloid progenitor cells with MLL/FBP17 to test its transforming ability. In contrast to MLL/ENL, MLL/ELL and other MLL-fusion genes, MLL/FBP17 did not give a positive readout in a serial replating assay. Therefore, we assume that additional cooperating genetic abnormalities might be needed to establish a full malignant phenotype. FBP17 consists of a C-terminal Src homology 3 domain and an N-terminal region that is homologous to the cell division cycle protein, cdc15, a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Both domains are separated by a consensus Rho-binding motif that has been identified in different Rho-interaction partners such as Rhotekin and Rhophilin. We evaluated whether FBP17 and members of the Rho family interact in vivo with a yeast two-hybrid assay. None of the various Rho proteins tested, however, interacted with FBP17. We screened a human kidney library and identified a sorting nexin, SNX2, as a protein interaction partner of FBP17. These data provide a link between the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway and an MLL fusion protein.


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When the human prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP 104-S, the growth of which is stimulated by physiological levels of androgen, is cultured in androgen-depleted medium for > 100 passages, the cells, now called LNCaP 104-R2, are proliferatively repressed by low concentrations of androgens. LNCaP 104-R2 cells formed tumors in castrated male athymic nude mice. Testosterone propionate (TP) treatment prevented LNCaP 104-R2 tumor growth and caused regression of established tumors in these mice. Such a tumor-suppressive effect was not observed with tumors derived from LNCaP 104-S cells or androgen receptor-negative human prostate cancer PC-3 cells. 5 alpha-Dihydrotestosterone, but not 5 beta-dihydrotestosterone, 17 beta-estradiol, or medroxyprogesterone acetate, also inhibited LNCaP 104-R2 tumor growth. Removal of TP or implantation of finasteride, a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor, in nude mice bearing TP implants resulted in the regrowth of LNCaP 104-R2 tumors. Within 1 week after TP implantation, LNCaP 104-R2 tumors exhibited massive necrosis with severe hemorrhage. Three weeks later, these tumors showed fibrosis with infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells and scattered carcinoma cells exhibiting degeneration. TP treatment of mice with LNCaP 104-R2 tumors reduced tumor androgen receptor and c-myc mRNA levels but increased prostate-specific antigen in serum- and prostate-specific antigen mRNA in tumors. Although androgen ablation has been the standard treatment for metastatic prostate cancer for > 50 years, our study shows that androgen supplementation therapy may be beneficial for treatment of certain types of human prostate cancer and that the use of 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors, such as finasteride or anti-androgens, in the general treatment of metastatic prostate cancer may require careful assessment.


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Semaphorins and collapsins make up a family of conserved genes that encode nerve growth cone guidance signals. We have identified two additional members of the human semaphorin family [human semaphorin A(V) and human semaphorin IV] in chromosome region 3p21.3, where several small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines exhibit homozygous deletions indicative of a tumor suppressor gene. Human semaphorin A(V) has 86% amino acid homology with murine semaphorin A, whereas semaphorin IV is most closely related to murine semaphorin E, with 50% homology. These semaphorin genes are approximately 70 kb apart flanking two GTP-binding protein genes, GNAI-2 and GNAT-1. In contrast, other human semaphorin gene sequences (human semaphorin III and homologues of murine semaphorins B and C) are not located on chromosome 3. Human semaphorin A(V) is translated in vitro into a 90-kDa protein, which accumulates at the endoplasmic reticulum. The human semaphorin A(V) (3.4-kb mRNA) and IV (3.9- and 2.9-kb mRNAs) genes are expressed abundantly but differentially in a variety of human neural and nonneural tissues. Human semaphorin A(V) was expressed in only 1 out of 23 SCLCs and 7 out of 16 non-SCLCs, whereas semaphorin IV was expressed in 19 out of 23 SCLCs and 13 out of 16 non-SCLCs. Mutational analysis in semaphorin A(V) revealed mutations (germ line in one case) in 3 of 40 lung cancers. Our data suggest the need to determine the function of human semaphorins A(V) and IV in nonneural tissues and their role in the pathogenesis of lung cancer.


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Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to identify and map the representation of the visual field in seven areas of human cerebral cortex and to identify at least two additional visually responsive regions. The cortical locations of neurons responding to stimulation along the vertical or horizontal visual field meridia were charted on three-dimensional models of the cortex and on unfolded maps of the cortical surface. These maps were used to identify the borders among areas that would be topographically homologous to areas V1, V2, V3, VP, and parts of V3A and V4 of the macaque monkey. Visually responsive areas homologous to the middle temporal/medial superior temporal area complex and unidentified parietal visual areas were also observed. The topography of the visual areas identified thus far is consistent with the organization in macaque monkeys. However, these and other findings suggest that human and simian cortical organization may begin to differ in extrastriate cortex at, or beyond, V3A and V4.


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Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of male cancer deaths in the United States. Yet, despite a large international effort, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that underlie this devastating disease. Prostate secretory epithelial cells and androgen-dependent prostate carcinomas undergo apoptosis in response to androgen deprivation and, furthermore, most prostate carcinomas become androgen independent and refractory to further therapeutic manipulations during disease progression. Definition of the genetic events that trigger apoptosis in the prostate could provide important insights into critical pathways in normal development as well as elucidate the perturbations of those key pathways in neoplastic transformation. We report the functional definition of a novel genetic locus within human chromosome 10pter-q11 that mediates both in vivo tumor suppression and in vitro apoptosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma cells. A defined fragment of human chromosome 10 was transferred via microcell fusion into a prostate adenocarcinoma cell line. Microcell hybrids containing only the region 10pter-q11 were suppressed for tumorigenicity following injection of microcell hybrids into nude mice. Furthermore, the complemented hybrids undergo programmed cell death in vitro via a mechanism that does not require nuclear localization of p53. These data functionally define a novel genetic locus, designated PAC1, for prostate adenocarcinoma 1, involved in tumor suppression of human prostate carcinoma and furthermore strongly suggest that the cell death pathway can be functionally restored in prostatic adenocarcinoma.


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The present study has assessed the replicative history and the residual replicative potential of human naive and memory T cells. Telomeres are unique terminal chromosomal structures whose length has been shown to decrease with cell division in vitro and with increased age in vivo for human somatic cells. We therefore assessed telomere length as a measure of the in vivo replicative history of naive and memory human T cells. Telomeric terminal restriction fragments were found to be 1.4 +/- 0.1 kb longer in CD4+ naive T cells than in memory cells from the same donors, a relationship that remained constant over a wide range of donor age. These findings suggest that the differentiation of memory cells from naive precursors occurs with substantial clonal expansion and that the magnitude of this expansion is, on average, similar over a wide range of age. In addition, when replicative potential was assessed in vitro, it was found that the capacity of naive cells for cell division was 128-fold greater as measured in mean population doublings than the capacity of memory cells from the same individuals. Human CD4+ naive and memory cells thus differ in in vivo replicative history, as reflected in telomeric length, and in their residual replicative capacity.


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beta-Oxidation of long-chain fatty acids provides the major source of energy in the heart. Defects in enzymes of the beta-oxidation pathway cause sudden, unexplained death in childhood, acute hepatic encephalopathy or liver failure, skeletal myopathy, and cardiomyopathy. Very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [VLCAD; very-long-chain-acyl-CoA:(acceptor) 2,3-oxidoreductase, EC] catalyzes the first step in beta-oxidation. We have isolated the human VLCAD cDNA and gene and determined the complete nucleotide sequences. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of VLCAD mRNA and genomic exons defined the molecular defects in two patients with VLCAD deficiency who presented with unexplained cardiac arrest and cardiomyopathy. In one, a homozygous mutation in the consensus dinucleotide of the donor splice site (g+1-->a) was associated with universal skipping of the prior exon (exon 11). The second patient was a compound heterozygote, with a missense mutation, C1837-->T, changing the arginine at residue 613 to tryptophan on one allele and a single base deletion at the intron-exon 6 boundary as the second mutation. This initial delineation of human mutations in VLCAD suggests that VLCAD deficiency reduces myocardial fatty acid beta-oxidation and energy production and is associated with cardiomyopathy and sudden death in childhood.


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Glycoproteins expressing the Lutheran blood group antigens were isolated from human erythrocyte membranes and from human fetal liver. Amino acid sequence analyses allowed the design of redundant oligonucleotides that were used to generate a 459-bp, sequence-specific probe by PCR. A cDNA clone of 2400 bp was isolated from a human placental lambda gt 11 library and sequenced, and the deduced amino acid sequence was studied. The predicted mature protein is a type I membrane protein of 597 amino acids with five potential N-glycosylation sites. There are five disulfide-bonded, extracellular, immunoglobulin superfamily domains (two variable-region set and three constant-region set), a single hydrophobic, membrane-spanning domain, and a cytoplasmic domain of 59 residues. The overall structure is similar to that of the human tumor marker MUC 18 and the chicken neural adhesion molecule SC1. The extracellular domains and cytoplasmic domain contain consensus motifs for the binding of integrin and Src homology 3 domains, respectively, suggesting possible receptor and signal-transduction function. Immunostaining of human tissues demonstrated a wide distribution and provided evidence that the glycoprotein is under developmental control in liver and may also be regulated during differentiation in other tissues.