54 resultados para Glucose transporter 4


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Severe jaundice leading to kernicterus or death in the newborn is the most devastating consequence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC; G-6-PD) deficiency. We asked whether the TA repeat promoter polymorphism in the gene for uridinediphosphoglucuronate glucuronosyltransferase 1 (EC; UDPGT1), associated with benign jaundice in adults (Gilbert syndrome), increases the incidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in G-6-PD deficiency. DNA from term neonates was analyzed for UDPGT1 polymorphism (normal homozygotes, heterozygotes, variant homozygotes), and for G-6-PD Mediterranean deficiency. The variant UDPGT1 promoter allele frequency was similar in G-6-PD-deficient and normal neonates. Thirty (22.9%) G-6-PD deficient neonates developed serum total bilirubin ≥ 257 μmol/liter, vs. 22 (9.2%) normals (P = 0.0005). Of those with the normal homozygous UDPGT1 genotype, the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia was similar in G-6-PD-deficients and controls (9.7% and 9.9%). In contrast, in the G-6-PD-deficient neonates, those with the heterozygous or homozygous variant UDPGT1 genotype had a higher incidence of hyperbilirubinemia than corresponding controls (heterozygotes: 31.6% vs. 6.7%, P < 0.0001; variant homozygotes: 50% vs. 14.7%, P = 0.02). Among G-6-PD-deficient infants the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia was greater in those with the heterozygous (31.6%, P = 0.006) or variant homozygous (50%, P = 0.003) UDPGT1 genotype than in normal homozygotes. In contrast, among those normal for G-6-PD, the UDPGT1 polymorphism had no significant effect (heterozygotes: 6.7%; variant homozygotes: 14.7%). Thus, neither G-6-PD deficiency nor the variant UDPGT1 promoter, alone, increased the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia, but both in combination did. This gene interaction may serve as a paradigm of the interaction of benign genetic polymorphisms in the causation of disease.


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The mammalian anx7 gene codes for a Ca2+-activated GTPase, which supports Ca2+/GTP-dependent secretion events and Ca2+ channel activities in vitro and in vivo. To test whether anx7 might be involved in Ca2+ signaling in secreting pancreatic β cells, we knocked out the anx7 gene in the mouse and tested the insulin-secretory properties of the β cells. The nullizygous anx7 (−/−) phenotype is lethal at embryonic day 10 because of cerebral hemorrhage. However, the heterozygous anx7 (+/−) mouse, although expressing only low levels of ANX7 protein, is viable and fertile. The anx7 (+/−) phenotype is associated with a substantial defect in insulin secretion, although the insulin content of the islets, is 8- to 10-fold higher in the mutants than in the normal littermate control. We infer from electrophysiological studies that both glucose-stimulated secretion and voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel functions are normal. However, electrooptical recordings indicate that the (+/−) mutation has caused a change in the ability of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-generating agonists to release intracellular calcium. The principle molecular consequence of lower anx7 expression is a profound reduction in IP3 receptor expression and function in pancreatic islets. The profound increase in islets, β cell number, and size may be a means of compensating for less efficient insulin secretion by individual defective pancreatic β cells. This is a direct demonstration of a connection between glucose-activated insulin secretion and Ca2+ signaling through IP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores.


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Glutamate transporters in the central nervous system are expressed in both neurons and glia, they mediate high affinity, electrogenic uptake of glutamate, and they are associated with an anion conductance that is stoichiometrically uncoupled from glutamate flux. Although a complete cycle of transport may require 50–100 ms, previous studies suggest that transporters can alter synaptic currents on a much faster time scale. We find that application of l-glutamate to outside-out patches from cerebellar Bergmann glia activates anion-potentiated glutamate transporter currents that activate in <1 ms, suggesting an efficient mechanism for the capture of extrasynaptic glutamate. Stimulation in the granule cell layer in cerebellar slices elicits all or none α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor and glutamate transporter currents in Bergmann glia that have a rapid onset, suggesting that glutamate released from climbing fiber terminals escapes synaptic clefts and reaches glial membranes shortly after release. Comparison of the concentration dependence of both α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor and glutamate transporter kinetics in patches with the time course of climbing fiber-evoked responses indicates that the glutamate transient at Bergmann glial membranes reaches a lower concentration than attained in the synaptic cleft and remains elevated in the extrasynaptic space for many milliseconds.


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A major physiological role of insulin is the regulation of glucose uptake into skeletal and cardiac muscle and adipose tissue, mediated by an insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4 glucose transporters from an intracellular vesicular pool to the plasma membrane. This process is similar to the regulated docking and fusion of vesicles in neuroendocrine cells, a process that involves SNARE-complex proteins. Recently, several SNARE proteins were found in adipocytes: vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP-2), its related homologue cellubrevin, and syntaxin-4. In this report we show that treatment of permeabilized 3T3-L1 adipocytes with botulinum neurotoxin D, which selectively cleaves VAMP-2 and cellubrevin, inhibited the ability of insulin to stimulate translocation of GLUT4 vesicles to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, treatment of the permeabilized adipocytes with glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins encoding soluble forms of VAMP-2 or syntaxin-4 also effectively blocked insulin-regulated GLUT4 translocation. These results provide evidence of a functional role for SNARE-complex proteins in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and suggest that adipocytes utilize a mechanism of regulating vesicle docking and fusion analogous to that found in neuroendocrine tissues.


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The transmembrane subunit of the Glc transporter (IICBGlc), which mediates uptake and concomitant phosphorylation of glucose, spans the membrane eight times. Variants of IICBGlc with the native N and C termini joined and new N and C termini in the periplasmic and cytoplasmic surface loops were expressed in Escherichia coli. In vivo transport/in vitro phosphotransferase activities of the circularly permuted variants with the termini in the periplasmic loops 1 to 4 were 35/58, 32/37, 0/3, and 0/0% of wild type, respectively. The activities of the variants with the termini in the cytoplasmic loops 1 to 3 were 0/25, 0/4 and 24/70, respectively. Fusion of alkaline phosphatase to the periplasmic C termini stabilized membrane integration and increased uptake and/or phosphorylation activities. These results suggest that internal signal anchor and stop transfer sequences can function as N-terminal signal sequences in a circularly permuted α-helical bundle protein and that the orientation of transmembrane segments is determined by the amino acid sequence and not by the sequential appearance during translation. Of the four IICBGlc variants with new termini in periplasmic loops, only the one with the discontinuity in loop 4 is inactive. The sequences of loop 4 and of the adjacent TM7 and TM8 are conserved in all phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent carbohydrate:phosphotransferase system transporters of the glucose family.


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A distinct phosphodiesterasic activity (EC 3.1.4) was found in both mono- and dicotyledonous plants that catalyzes the hydrolytic breakdown of ADPglucose (ADPG) to produce equimolar amounts of glucose-1-phosphate and AMP. The enzyme responsible for this activity, referred to as ADPG pyrophosphatase (AGPPase), was purified over 1,100-fold from barley leaves and subjected to biochemical characterization. The calculated Keq′ (modified equilibrium constant) value for the ADPG hydrolytic reaction at pH 7.0 and 25°C is 110, and its standard-state free-energy change value (ΔG′) is −2.9 kcal/mol (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ). Kinetic analyses showed that, although AGPPase can hydrolyze several low-molecular weight phosphodiester bond-containing compounds, ADPG proved to be the best substrate (Km = 0.5 mM). Pi and phosphorylated compounds such as 3-phosphoglycerate, PPi, ATP, ADP, NADP+, and AMP are inhibitors of AGPPase. Subcellular localization studies revealed that AGPPase is localized exclusively in the plastidial compartment of cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), whereas it occurs both inside and outside the plastid in barley endosperm. In this paper, evidence is presented that shows that AGPPase, whose activity declines concomitantly with the accumulation of starch during development of sink organs, competes with starch synthase (ADPG:1,4-α-d-glucan 4-α-d-glucosyltransferase; EC for ADPG, thus markedly blocking the starch biosynthesis.


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The performance of an amperometric biosensor, consisting of a subcutaneously implanted miniature (0.29 mm diameter, 5 × 10−4 cm2 mass transporting area), 90 s 10–90% rise/decay time glucose electrode, and an on-the-skin electrocardiogram Ag/AgCl electrode was tested in an unconstrained, naturally diabetic, brittle, type I, insulin-dependent chimpanzee. The chimpanzee was trained to wear on her wrist a small electronic package and to present her heel for capillary blood samples. In five sets of measurements, averaging 5 h each, 82 capillary blood samples were assayed, their concentrations ranging from 35 to 400 mg/dl. The current readings were translated to blood glucose concentration by assaying, at t = 1 h, one blood sample for each implanted sensor. The rms error in the correlation between the sensor-measured glucose concentration and that in capillary blood was 17.2%, 4.9% above the intrinsic 12.3% rms error of the Accu-Chek II reference, through which the illness of the chimpanzee was routinely managed. Linear regression analysis of the data points taken at t>1 h yielded the relationship (Accu-Chek) = 0.98 × (implanted sensor) + 4.2 mg/dl, r2 = 0.94. The capillary blood and the subcutaneous glucose concentrations were statistically indistinguishable when the rate of change was less than 1 mg/(dl⋅min). However, when the rate of decline exceeded 1.8 mg/(dl⋅min) after insulin injection, the subcutaneous glucose concentration was transiently higher.


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MCF-7/AdrVp is a multidrug-resistant human breast cancer subline that displays an ATP-dependent reduction in the intracellular accumulation of anthracycline anticancer drugs in the absence of overexpression of known multidrug resistance transporters such as P glycoprotein or the multidrug resistance protein. RNA fingerprinting led to the identification of a 2.4-kb mRNA that is overexpressed in MCF-7/AdrVp cells relative to parental MCF-7 cells. The mRNA encodes a 663-aa member of the ATP-binding cassette superfamily of transporters that we term breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP). Enforced expression of the full-length BCRP cDNA in MCF-7 breast cancer cells confers resistance to mitoxantrone, doxorubicin, and daunorubicin, reduces daunorubicin accumulation and retention, and causes an ATP-dependent enhancement of the efflux of rhodamine 123 in the cloned transfected cells. BCRP is a xenobiotic transporter that appears to play a major role in the multidrug resistance phenotype of MCF-7/AdrVp human breast cancer cells.


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The NagC and Mlc proteins are homologous transcriptional regulators that control the expression of several phosphotransferase system (PTS) genes in Escherichia coli. NagC represses nagE, encoding the N-acetylglucosamine-specific transporter, while Mlc represses three PTS operons, ptsG, manXYZ and ptsHIcrr, involved in the uptake of glucose. NagC and Mlc can bind to each others operator, at least in vitro. A binding site selection procedure was used to try to distinguish NagC and Mlc sites. The major difference was that all selected NagC binding sites had a G or a C at positions +11/–11 from the centre of symmetry. This is also the case for most native NagC sites, but not the nagE operator, which thus looks like a potential Mlc target. The nagE operator does exhibit a higher affinity for Mlc than NagC, but no regulation of nagE by physiological concentrations of Mlc was detected in vivo. Regulation of wild-type nagE by NagC is achieved because of the chelation effect due to a second high affinity NagC operator covering the nagB promoter. Replacing the A/T at +11/–11 with C/G allows repression by NagC in the absence of the nagB operator.


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Cross-sectional positron emission tomography (PET) studies find that cognitively normal carriers of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ɛ4 allele, a common Alzheimer's susceptibility gene, have abnormally low measurements of the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (CMRgl) in the same regions as patients with Alzheimer's dementia. In this article, we characterize longitudinal CMRgl declines in cognitively normal ɛ4 heterozygotes, estimate the power of PET to test the efficacy of treatments to attenuate these declines in 2 years, and consider how this paradigm could be used to efficiently test the potential of candidate therapies for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. We studied 10 cognitively normal ɛ4 heterozygotes and 15 ɛ4 noncarriers 50–63 years of age with a reported family history of Alzheimer's dementia before and after an interval of approximately 2 years. The ɛ4 heterozygotes had significant CMRgl declines in the vicinity of temporal, posterior cingulate, and prefrontal cortex, basal forebrain, parahippocampal gyrus, and thalamus, and these declines were significantly greater than those in the ɛ4 noncarriers. In testing candidate primary prevention therapies, we estimate that between 50 and 115 cognitively normal ɛ4 heterozygotes are needed per active and placebo treatment group to detect a 25% attenuation in these CMRgl declines with 80% power and P = 0.005 in 2 years. Assuming these CMRgl declines are related to the predisposition to Alzheimer's dementia, this study provides a paradigm for testing the potential of treatments to prevent the disorder without having to study thousands of research subjects or wait many years to determine whether or when treated individuals develop symptoms.


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It recently was proposed [Loo, D. D. F., Zeuthen, T., Chandy, G. & Wright, E. M. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 13367–13370] that SGLT1, the high affinity intestinal and renal sodium/glucose cotransporter carries water molecules along with the cosubstrates with a strict stoichiometry of two Na+, one glucose, and ≈220 water molecules per transport cycle. Using electrophysiology together with sensitive volumetric measurements, we investigated the nature of the driving force behind the cotransporter-mediated water flux. The osmotic water permeability of oocytes expressing human SGLT1 (Lp ± SE) averaged 3.8 ± 0.3 × 10−4 cm⋅s−1 (n = 15) and addition of 100 μM phlorizin (a specific SGLT1 inhibitor) reduced the permeability to 2.2 ± 0.2 × 10−4 cm⋅s−1 (n = 15), confirming the presence of a significant water permeability closely associated with the cotransporter. Addition of 5 mM α-methyl-glucose (αMG) induced an average inward current of 800 ± 10 nA at −50 mV and a water influx reaching 120 ± 20 pL cm−2 ⋅s−1 within 5–8 min. After rapidly inhibiting the Na+/glucose cotransport with phlorizin, the water flux remained significantly elevated, clearly indicating the presence of a local osmotic gradient (Δπ) estimated at 16 ± 2 mOsm. In short-term experiments, a rapid depolarization from −100 to 0 mV in the presence of αMG decreased the cotransport current by 94% but failed to produce a comparable reduction in the swelling rate. A mathematical model depicting the intracellular accumulation of transported osmolytes can accurately account for these observations. It is concluded that, in SGLT1-expressing oocytes, αMG-dependent water influx is induced by a local osmotic gradient by using both endogenous and SGLT1-dependent water permeability.


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The metabolism of [1-13C]glucose in Pisolithus tinctorius cv Coker & Couch, in uninoculated seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus bicostata ex Maiden cv Kirkp., and in the E. globulus-P. tinctorius ectomycorrhiza was studied using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In roots of uninoculated seedlings, the 13C label was mainly incorporated into sucrose and glutamine. The ratio (13C3 + 13C2)/13C4 of glutamine was approximately 1.0 during the time-course experiment, indicating equivalent contributions of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase to the production of α-ketoglutarate used for synthesis of this amino acid. In free-living P. tinctorius, most of the 13C label was incorporated into mannitol, trehalose, glutamine, and alanine, whereas arabitol, erythritol, and glutamate were weakly labeled. Amino acid biosynthesis was an important sink of assimilated 13C (43%), and anaplerotic CO2 fixation contributed 42% of the C flux entering the Krebs cycle. In ectomycorrhizae, sucrose accumulation was decreased in the colonized roots compared with uninoculated control plants, whereas 13C incorporation into arabitol and erythritol was nearly 4-fold higher in the symbiotic mycelium than in the free-living fungus. It appears that fungal utilization of glucose in the symbiotic state is altered and oriented toward the synthesis of short-chain polyols.


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High-affinity K+ uptake in plant roots is rapidly up-regulated when K+ is withheld and down-regulated when K+ is resupplied. These processes make important contributions to plant K+ homeostasis. A cDNA coding for a high-affinity K+ transporter, HKT1, was earlier cloned from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots and functionally characterized. We demonstrate here that in both barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat roots, a rapid and large up-regulation of HKT1 mRNA levels resulted when K+ was withdrawn from growth media. This effect was specific for K+; withholding N caused a modest reduction of HKT1 mRNA levels. Up-regulation of HKT1 transcript levels in barley roots occurred within 4 h of removing K+, which corresponds to the documented increase of high-affinity K+ uptake in roots following removal of K+. Increased expression of HKT1 mRNA was evident before a decline in total root K+ concentration could be detected. Resupply of 1 mm K+ was sufficient to strongly reduce HKT1 transcript levels. In wheat root cortical cells, both membrane depolarizations in response to 100 μm K+, Cs+, and Rb+, and high-affinity K+ uptake were enhanced by K+ deprivation. Thus, in both plant systems the observed physiological changes associated with manipulating external K+ supply were correlated with levels of HKT1 mRNA expression. Implications of these findings for K+ sensing and regulation of the HKT1 mRNA levels in plant roots are discussed.


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Uridine 5′-diphosphate-glucose (UDP-Glc) is transported into the lumen of the Golgi cisternae, where is used for polysaccharide biosynthesis. When Golgi vesicles were incubated with UDP-[3H]Glc, [3H]Glc was rapidly transferred to endogenous acceptors and UDP-Glc was undetectable in Golgi vesicles. This result indicated that a uridine-containing nucleotide was rapidly formed in the Golgi vesicles. Since little is known about the fate of the nucleotide derived from UDP-Glc, we analyzed the metabolism of the nucleotide moiety of UDP-Glc by incubating Golgi vesicles with [α-32P]UDP-Glc, [β-32P]UDP-Glc, and [3H]UDP-Glc and identifying the resulting products. After incubation of Golgi vesicles with these radiolabeled substrates we could detect only uridine 5′-monophosphate (UMP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). UDP could not be detected, suggesting a rapid hydrolysis of UDP by the Golgi UDPase. The by-products of UDP hydrolysis, UMP and Pi, did not accumulate in the lumen, indicating that they were able to exit the Golgi lumen. The exit of UMP was stimulated by UDP-Glc, suggesting the presence of a putative UDP-Glc/UMP antiporter in the Golgi membrane. However, the exit of Pi was not stimulated by UDP-Glc, suggesting that the exit of Pi occurs via an independent membrane transporter.


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Translocation of nucleotide sugars across the membrane of the Golgi apparatus is a prerequisite for the synthesis of complex carbohydrate structures. While specific transport systems for different nucleotide sugars have been identified biochemically in isolated microsomes and Golgi vesicles, none of these transport proteins has been characterized at the molecular level. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mutants of the complementation group Lec2 exhibit a strong reduction in sialylation of glycoproteins and glycolipids due to a defect in the CMP-sialic acid transport system. By complementation cloning in the mutant 6B2, belonging to the Lec2 complementation group, we were able to isolate a cDNA encoding the putative murine Golgi CMP-sialic acid transporter. The cloned cDNA encodes a highly hydrophobic, multiple membrane spanning protein of 36.4 kDa, with structural similarity to the recently cloned ammonium transporters. Transfection of a hemagglutinin-tagged fusion protein into the mutant 6B2 led to Golgi localization of the hemagglutinin epitope. Our results, together with the observation that the cloned gene shares structural similarities to other recently cloned transporter proteins, strongly suggest that the isolated cDNA encodes the CMP-sialic acid transporter.