145 resultados para Gfp-like Proteins


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Helicobacter pylori is an important etiologic agent of gastroduodenal disease. In common with other organisms, H. pylori bacteria express heat shock proteins that share homologies with the GroES-GroEL class of proteins from Escherichia coli. We have assessed the heat shock proteins of H. pylori as potential protective antigens in a murine model of gastric Helicobacter infection. Orogastric immunization of mice with recombinant H. pylori GroES- and GroEL-like proteins protected 80% (n = 20) and 70% (n = 10) of animals, respectively, from a challenge dose of 10(4) Helicobacter felis bacteria (compared to control mice, P = 0.0042 and P = 0.0904, respectively). All mice (n = 19) that were immunized with a dual antigen preparation, consisting of H. pylori GroES-like protein and the B subunit of H. pylori urease, were protected against infection. This represented a level of protection equivalent to that provided by a sonicated Helicobacter extract (P = 0.955). Antibodies directed against the recombinant H. pylori antigens were predominantly of the IgG1 class, suggesting that a type 2 T-helper cell response was involved in protection. This work reports a protein belonging to the GroES class of heat shock proteins that was shown to induce protective immunity. In conclusion, GroES-like and urease B-subunit proteins have been identified as potential components of a future H. pylori subunit vaccine.


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Yeast possess two homologs of the synaptobrevin family of vesicle-associated membrane proteins that function in membrane recognition and vesicle fusion. Yeast proteins Snc1 and Snc2 localize to secretory vesicles and are required for constitutive exocytosis. They also form a physical complex with a plasma membrane protein, Sec9, which is necessary for vesicle docking and fusion to occur in vivo. Formation of this molecular complex, as a prerequisite for vesicle fusion, appears to have been conserved evolutionarily. Here we demonstrate that Snc proteins undergo a single posttranslational modification with the addition of a palmitate moiety to Cys-95 in Snc1. Modification of Cys-95 (which is located proximal to the transmembrane domain) is rapid, occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum, and is long-lasting. Mutation of Cys-95 to Ser-95 blocks palmitoylation and appears to affect Snc protein stability. This provides evidence that synaptobrevin-like proteins are modified posttranslationally, and we predict that fatty acylation may be common to those found in higher eukaryotes.


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Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins act as GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) toward the α subunits of heterotrimeric, signal-transducing G proteins. RGS11 contains a G protein γ subunit-like (GGL) domain between its Dishevelled/Egl-10/Pleckstrin and RGS domains. GGL domains are also found in RGS6, RGS7, RGS9, and the Caenorhabditis elegans protein EGL-10. Coexpression of RGS11 with different Gβ subunits reveals specific interaction between RGS11 and Gβ5. The expression of mRNA for RGS11 and Gβ5 in human tissues overlaps. The Gβ5/RGS11 heterodimer acts as a GAP on Gαo, apparently selectively. RGS proteins that contain GGL domains appear to act as GAPs for Gα proteins and form complexes with specific Gβ subunits, adding to the combinatorial complexity of G protein-mediated signaling pathways.


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In the current model for bacterial cell division, FtsZ protein forms a ring that marks the division plane, creating a cytoskeletal framework for the subsequent action of other proteins such as FtsA. This putative protein complex ultimately generates the division septum. Herein we report that FtsZ and FtsA proteins tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) colocalize to division-site ring-like structures in living bacterial cells in a visible space between the segregated nucleoids. Cells with higher levels of FtsZ–GFP or with FtsA–GFP plus excess wild-type FtsZ were inhibited for cell division and often exhibited bright fluorescent spiral tubules that spanned the length of the filamentous cells. This suggests that FtsZ may switch from a septation-competent localized ring to an unlocalized spiral under some conditions and that FtsA can bind to FtsZ in both conformations. FtsZ–GFP also formed nonproductive but localized aggregates at a higher concentration that could represent FtsZ nucleation sites. The general domain structure of FtsZ–GFP resembles that of tubulin, since the C terminus of FtsZ is not required for polymerization but may regulate polymerization state. The N-terminal portion of Rhizobium FtsZ polymerized in Escherichia coli and appeared to copolymerize with E. coli FtsZ, suggesting a degree of interspecies functional conservation. Analysis of several deletions of FtsA–GFP suggests that multiple segments of FtsA are important for its localization to the FtsZ ring.


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Three different cDNAs, Prh-19, Prh-26, and Prh-43 [3′-phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS) reductase homolog], have been isolated by complementation of an Escherichia coli cysH mutant, defective in PAPS reductase activity, to prototrophy with an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library in the expression vector λYES. Sequence analysis of the cDNAs revealed continuous open reading frames encoding polypeptides of 465, 458, and 453 amino acids, with calculated molecular masses of 51.3, 50.5, and 50.4 kDa, respectively, that have strong homology with fungal, yeast, and bacterial PAPS reductases. However, unlike microbial PAPS reductases, each PRH protein has an N-terminal extension, characteristic of a plastid transit peptide, and a C-terminal extension that has amino acid and deduced three-dimensional homology to thioredoxin proteins. Adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) was shown to be a much more efficient substrate than PAPS when the activity of the PRH proteins was tested by their ability to convert 35S-labeled substrate to acid-volatile 35S-sulfite. We speculate that the thioredoxin-like domain is involved in catalytic function, and that the PRH proteins may function as novel “APS reductase” enzymes. Southern hybridization analysis showed the presence of a small multigene family in the Arabidopsis genome. RNA blot hybridization with gene-specific probes revealed for each gene the presence of a transcript of ≈1.85 kb in leaves, stems, and roots that increased on sulfate starvation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the cloning and characterization of plant genes that encode proteins with APS reductase activity and supports the suggestion that APS can be utilized directly, without activation to PAPS, as an intermediary substrate in reductive sulfate assimilation.


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The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins (IGFBPs) modulate the actions of the insulin-like growth factors in endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine settings. Additionally, some IGFBPs appear to exhibit biological effects that are IGF independent. The six high-affinity IGFBPs that have been characterized to date exhibit 40–60% amino acid sequence identity overall, with the most conserved sequences in their NH2 and COOH termini. We have recently demonstrated that the product of the mac25/IGFBP-7 gene, which shows significant conservation in the NH2 terminus, including an “IGFBP motif” (GCGCCXXC), exhibits low-affinity IGF binding. The closely related mammalian genes connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) gene, nov, and cyr61 encode secreted proteins that also contain the conserved sequences and IGFBP motifs in their NH2 termini. To ascertain if these genes, along with mac25/IGFBP-7, encode a family of low-affinity IGFBPs, we assessed the IGF binding characteristics of recombinant human CTGF (rhCTGF). The ability of baculovirus-synthesized rhCTGF to bind IGFs was demonstrated by Western ligand blotting, affinity cross-linking, and competitive affinity binding assays using 125I-labeled IGF-I or IGF-II and unlabeled IGFs. CTGF, like mac25/IGFBP-7, specifically binds IGFs, although with relatively low affinity. On the basis of these data, we propose that CTGF represents another member of the IGFBP family (IGFBP-8) and that the CTGF gene, mac25/IGFBP-7, nov, and cyr61 are members of a family of low-affinity IGFBP genes. These genes, along with those encoding the high-affinity IGFBPs 1–6, together constitute an IGFBP superfamily whose products function in IGF-dependent or IGF-independent modes to regulate normal and neoplastic cell growth.


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CS1 pili serve as the prototype of a class of filamentous appendages found on the surface of strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The four genes needed to synthesize functional CS1 pili in E. coli K12 are: cooA, which encodes the major pilin protein; cooD, which encodes a minor pilin protein found at the tip of the structure; cooC, which encodes a protein found in the outer membrane of piliated bacteria; and cooB. We show here that CooB, which is required for pilus assembly but is not part of the final structure, stabilizes CooA, CooC, and CooD. We previously reported that CooB is complexed with CooA in the periplasm and show here that CooB also is found complexed with CooD in the periplasm. CooB is associated with the membrane fraction only in the presence of CooC, suggesting that these two proteins also interact. This suggests that although it has no homology to known chaperone proteins, CooB serves a chaperone-like role for assembly of CS1.


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The membrane proteins of all regulated secretory organelles (RSOs) recycle after exocytosis. However, the recycling of those membrane proteins that are targeted to both dense core granules (DCGs) and synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) has not been addressed. Since neuroendocrine cells contain both RSOs, and the recycling routes that lead to either organelle overlap, transfer between the two pools of membrane proteins could occur during recycling. We have previously demonstrated that a chimeric protein containing the cytosolic and transmembrane domains of P-selectin coupled to horseradish peroxidase is targeted to both the DCG and the SLMV in PC12 cells. Using this chimera, we have characterized secretagogue-induced traffic in PC12 cells. After stimulation, this chimeric protein traffics from DCGs to the cell surface, internalizes into transferrin receptor (TFnR)-positive endosomes and thence to a population of secretagogue-responsive SLMVs. We therefore find a secretagogue-dependent rise in levels of HRP within SLMVs. In addition, the levels within SLMVs of the endogenous membrane protein, synaptotagmin, as well as a green fluorescent protein-tagged version of vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)/synaptobrevin, also show a secretagogue-dependent increase.


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Results of transgenetic studies argue that the scrapie isoform of the prion protein (PrPSc) interacts with the substrate cellular PrP (PrPC) during conversion into nascent PrPSc. While PrPSc appears to accumulate primarily in lysosomes, caveolae-like domains (CLDs) have been suggested to be the site where PrPC is converted into PrPSc. We report herein that CLDs isolated from scrapie-infected neuroblastoma (ScN2a) cells contain PrPC and PrPSc. After lysis of ScN2a cells in ice-cold Triton X-100, both PrP isoforms and an N-terminally truncated form of PrPC (PrPC-II) were found concentrated in detergent-insoluble complexes resembling CLDs that were isolated by flotation in sucrose gradients. Similar results were obtained when CLDs were purified from plasma membranes by sonication and gradient centrifugation; with this procedure no detergents are used, which minimizes artifacts that might arise from redistribution of proteins among subcellular fractions. The caveolar markers ganglioside GM1 and H-ras were found concentrated in the CLD fractions. When plasma membrane proteins were labeled with the impermeant reagent sulfo-N-hydroxysuccinimide-biotin, both PrPC and PrPSc were found biotinylated in CLD fractions. Similar results on the colocalization of PrPC and PrPSc were obtained when CLDs were isolated from Syrian hamster brains. Our findings demonstrate that both PrPC and PrPSc are present in CLDs and, thus, support the hypothesis that the PrPSc formation occurs within this subcellular compartment.


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The G protein β subunit Gβ5 deviates significantly from the other four members of Gβ-subunit family in amino acid sequence and subcellular localization. To detect the protein targets of Gβ5 in vivo, we have isolated a native Gβ5 protein complex from the retinal cytosolic fraction and identified the protein tightly associated with Gβ5 as the regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) protein, RGS7. Here we show that complexes of Gβ5 with RGS proteins can be formed in vitro from the recombinant proteins. The reconstituted Gβ5-RGS dimers are similar to the native retinal complex in their behavior on gel-filtration and cation-exchange chromatographies and can be immunoprecipitated with either anti-Gβ5 or anti-RGS7 antibodies. The specific Gβ5-RGS7 interaction is determined by a distinct domain in RGS that has a striking homology to Gγ subunits. Deletion of this domain prevents the RGS7-Gβ5 binding, although the interaction with Gα is retained. Substitution of the Gγ-like domain of RGS7 with a portion of Gγ1 changes its binding specificity from Gβ5 to Gβ1. The interaction of Gβ5 with RGS7 blocked the binding of RGS7 to the Gα subunit Gαo, indicating that Gβ5 is a specific RGS inhibitor.


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The binding of killer cell Ig-like Receptors (KIR) to their Class I MHC ligands was shown previously to be characterized by extremely rapid association and dissociation rate constants. During experiments to investigate the biochemistry of receptor–ligand binding in more detail, the kinetic parameters of the interaction were observed to alter dramatically in the presence of Zn2+ but not other divalent cations. The basis of this phenomenon is Zn2+-induced multimerization of the KIR molecules as demonstrated by BIAcore, analytical ultracentrifugation, and chemical cross-linking experiments. Zn2+-dependent multimerization of KIR may be critical for formation of the clusters of KIR and HLA-C molecules, the “natural killer (NK) cell immune synapse,” observed at the site of contact between the NK cell and target cell.


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Ethylene-responsive element-binding proteins (EREBPs) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) bind to the GCC box of many pathogenesis-related (PR) gene promoters, including osmotin (PR-5). The two GCC boxes on the osmotin promoter are known to be required, but not sufficient, for maximal ethylene responsiveness. EREBPs participate in the signal transduction pathway leading from exogenous ethylene application and pathogen infection to PR gene induction. In this study EREBP3 was used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid interaction trap with a tobacco cDNA library as prey to isolate signal transduction pathway intermediates that interact with EREBPs. One of the strongest interactors was found to encode a nitrilase-like protein (NLP). Nitrilase is an enzyme involved in auxin biosynthesis. NLP interacted with other EREBP family members, namely tobacco EREBP2 and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Pti4/5/6. The EREBP2-EREBP3 interaction with NLP required part of the DNA-binding domain. The specificity of interaction was further confirmed by protein-binding studies in solution. We propose that the EREBP-NLP interaction serves to regulate PR gene expression by sequestration of EREBPs in the cytoplasm.


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Members of the RecA family of recombinases from bacteriophage T4, Escherichia coli, yeast, and higher eukaryotes function in recombination as higher-order oligomers assembled on tracts of single-strand DNA (ssDNA). Biochemical studies have shown that assembly of recombinase involves accessory factors. These studies have identified a class of proteins, called recombination mediator proteins, that act by promoting assembly of recombinase on ssDNA tracts that are bound by ssDNA-binding protein (ssb). In the absence of mediators, ssb inhibits recombination reactions by competing with recombinase for DNA-binding sites. Here we briefly review mediated recombinase assembly and present results of new in vivo experiments. Immuno-double-staining experiments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggest that Rad51, the eukaryotic recombinase, can assemble at or near sites containing ssb (replication protein A, RPA) during the response to DNA damage, consistent with a need for mediator activity. Correspondingly, mediator gene mutants display defects in Rad51 assembly after DNA damage and during meiosis, although the requirements for assembly are distinct in the two cases. In meiosis, both Rad52 and Rad55/57 are required, whereas either Rad52 or Rad55/57 is sufficient to promote assembly of Rad51 in irradiated mitotic cells. Rad52 promotes normal amounts of Rad51 assembly in the absence of Rad55 at 30°C but not 20°C, accounting for the cold sensitivity of rad55 null mutants. Finally, we show that assembly of Rad51 is induced by radiation during S phase but not during G1, consistent with the role of Rad51 in repairing the spontaneous damage that occurs during DNA replication.


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To compare effects of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and placebo treatment on lesions that resemble those seen during active demyelination in multiple sclerosis, we induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats with an emulsion containing guinea pig spinal cord and Freund's adjuvant. On day 12-13, pairs of rats with the same degree of weakness were given either IGF-I or placebo intravenously twice daily for 8 days. After 8 days of placebo or IGF-I (200 micrograms/day or 1 mg/day) treatment, the spinal cord lesions were studied by in situ hybridization and with immunocytochemical and morphological methods. IGF-I produced significant reductions in numbers and areas of demyelinating lesions. These lesions contained axons surrounded by regenerating myelin segments instead of demyelinated axons seen in the placebo-treated rats. Relative mRNA levels for myelin basic protein, proteolipid protein (PLP), and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase in lesions of IGF-I-treated rats were significantly higher than they were in placebo-treated rats. PLP mRNA-containing oligodendroglia also were more numerous and relative PLP mRNA levels per oligodendrocyte were higher in lesions of IGF-I-treated rats. Finally, a significantly higher proportion of proliferating cells were oligodendroglia-like cells in lesions of IGF-I-treated rats. We think that IGF-I effects on oligodendrocytes, myelin protein synthesis, and myelin regeneration reduced lesion severity and promoted clinical recovery in this experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model. These IGF-I actions may also benefit patients with multiple sclerosis.


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The 1,3–1,4-β-glucanase from Bacillus macerans (wtGLU) and the 1,4-β-xylanase from Bacillus subtilis (wtXYN) are both single-domain jellyroll proteins catalyzing similar enzymatic reactions. In the fusion protein GluXyn-1, the two proteins are joined by insertion of the entire XYN domain into a surface loop of cpMAC-57, a circularly permuted variant of wtGLU. GluXyn-1 was generated by protein engineering methods, produced in Escherichia coli and shown to fold spontaneously and have both enzymatic activities at wild-type level. The crystal structure of GluXyn-1 was determined at 2.1 Å resolution and refined to R = 17.7% and R(free) = 22.4%. It shows nearly ideal, native-like folding of both protein domains and a small, but significant hinge bending between the domains. The active sites are independent and accessible explaining the observed enzymatic activity. Because in GluXyn-1 the complete XYN domain is inserted into the compact folding unit of GLU, the wild-type-like activity and tertiary structure of the latter proves that the folding process of GLU does not depend on intramolecular interactions that are short-ranged in the sequence. Insertion fusions of the GluXyn-1 type may prove to be an easy route toward more stable bifunctional proteins in which the two parts are more closely associated than in linear end-to-end protein fusions.