193 resultados para Gene mutations


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Leishmania parasites lack a purine biosynthetic pathway and depend on surface nucleoside and nucleobase transporters to provide them with host purines. Leishmania donovani possess two closely related genes that encode high affinity adenosine-pyrimidine nucleoside transporters LdNT1.1 and LdNT1.2 and that transport the toxic adenosine analog tubercidin in addition to the natural substrates. In this study, we have characterized a drug-resistant clonal mutant of L. donovani (TUBA5) that is deficient in LdNT1 transport and consequently resistant to tubercidin. In TUBA5 cells, the LdNT1.2 genes had the same sequence as wild-type cells. However, because LdNT1.2 mRNA is not detectable in either wild-type or TUBA5 promastigotes, LdNT1.2 does not contribute to nucleoside transport in this stage of the life cycle. In contrast, the TUBA5 cells were compound heterozygotes at the LdNT1.1 locus containing two mutant alleles that encompassed distinct point mutations, each of which impaired transport function. One of the mutant LdNT1.1 alleles encoded a G183D substitution in predicted TM 5, and the other allele contained a C337Y change in predicted TM 7. Whereas G183D and C337Y mutants had only slightly elevated adenosine Km values, the severe impairment in transport resulted from drastically (≈20-fold) reduced Vmax values. Because these transporters were correctly targeted to the plasma membrane, the reduction in Vmax apparently resulted from a defect in translocation. Strikingly, G183 was essential for pyrimidine nucleoside but not adenosine transport. A mutant transporter with a G183A substitution had an altered substrate specificity, exhibiting robust adenosine transport but undetectable uridine uptake. These results suggest that TM 5 is likely to form part of the nucleoside translocation pathway in LdNT1.1


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We have developed an efficient reverse-genetics protocol that uses expedient pooling and hybridization strategies to identify individual transfer-DNA insertion lines from a collection of 6000 independently transformed lines in as few as 36 polymerase chain reactions. We have used this protocol to systematically isolate Arabidopsis lines containing insertional mutations in individual cytochrome P450 genes. In higher plants P450 genes encode enzymes that perform an exceptionally wide range of functions, including the biosynthesis of primary metabolites necessary for normal growth and development, the biosynthesis of secondary products, and the catabolism of xenobiotics. Despite their importance, progress in assigning enzymatic function to individual P450 gene products has been slow. Here we report the isolation of the first 12 such lines, including one (CYP83B1-1) that displays a runt phenotype (small plants with hooked leaves), and three insertions in abundantly expressed genes. The DNAs used in this study are publicly available and can be used to systematically isolate mutants in Arabidopsis.


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Mutations in 12 genes regulating Drosophila melanogaster mushroom body (MB) development were each studied in two genetic backgrounds. In all cases, brain structure was qualitatively or quantitatively different after replacement of the "original" genetic background with that of the Canton Special wild-type strain. The mushroom body miniature gene (mbm) was investigated in detail. mbm supports the maintenance of MB Kenyon cell fibers in third instar larvae and their regrowth during metamorphosis. Adult mbm1 mutant females are lacking many or most Kenyon cell fibers and are impaired in MB-mediated associative odor learning. We show here that structural defects in mbm1 are apparent only in combination with an X-linked, dosage-dependent modifier (or modifiers). In the Canton Special genetic background, the mbm1 anatomical phenotype is suppressed, and MBs develop to a normal size. However, the olfactory learning phenotype is not fully restored, suggesting that submicroscopic defects persist in the MBs. Mutant mbm1 flies with full-sized MBs have normal retention but show a specific acquisition deficit that cannot be attributed to reductions in odor avoidance, shock reactivity, or locomotor behavior. We propose that polymorphic gene interactions (in addition to ontogenetic factors) determine MB size and, concomitantly, the ability to recognize and learn odors.


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To assess the role of transcriptional enhancers in regulating accessibility of the T-cell receptor beta-chain (TCRbeta) locus, we generated embryonic stem cell lines in which a single allelic copy of the endogenous TCRbeta enhancer (Ebeta) was either deleted or replaced with the immunoglobulin heavy-chain intronic enhancer. We assayed the effects of these mutations on activation of the TCRbeta locus in normal T- and B-lineage cells by RAG-2 (recombination-activating gene 2)-deficient blastocyst complementation. We found that Ebeta is required for rearrangement and germ-line transcription of the TCRbeta locus in T-lineage cells. In the absence of Ebeta, the heavy-chain intronic enhancer partially supported joining region beta-chain rearrangement in T- but not in B-lineage cells. However, ability of the heavy-chain intronic enhancer to induce rearrangements was blocked by linkage to an expressed neomycin-resistance gene (neo(r)). These results demonstrate a critical role for Ebeta in promoting accessibility of the TCRbeta locus and suggest that additional negative elements may cooperate to further modulate this process.


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Malignant mesotheliomas (MMs) are aggressive tumors that develop most frequently in the pleura of patients exposed to asbestos. In contrast to many other cancers, relatively few molecular alterations have been described in MMs. The most frequent numerical cytogenetic abnormality in MMs is loss of chromosome 22. The neurofibromatosis type 2 gene (NF2) is a tumor suppressor gene assigned to chromosome 22q which plays an important role in the development of familial and spontaneous tumors of neuroectodermal origin. Although MMs have a different histogenic derivation, the frequent abnormalities of chromosome 22 warranted an investigation of the NF2 gene in these tumors. Both cDNAs from 15 MM cell lines and genomic DNAs from 7 matched primary tumors were analyzed for mutations within the NF2 coding region. NF2 mutations predicting either interstitial in-frame deletions or truncation of the NF2-encoded protein (merlin) were detected in eight cell lines (53%), six of which were confirmed in primary tumor DNAs. In two samples that showed NF2 gene transcript alterations, no genomic DNA mutations were detected, suggesting that aberrant splicing may constitute an additional mechanism for merlin inactivation. These findings implicate NF2 in the oncogenesis of primary MMs and provide evidence that this gene can be involved in the development of tumors other than nervous system neoplasms characteristic of the NF2 disorder. In addition, unlike NF2-related tumors, MM derives from the mesoderm; malignancies of this origin have not previously been associated with frequent alterations of the NF2 gene.


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Mutations in the genes encoding two proteins of the retinal rod phototransduction cascade, opsin and the beta subunit of rod cGMP phosphodiesterase, cause retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in some families. Here we report defects in a third member of this biochemical pathway in still other patients with this disease. We screened 94 unrelated patients with autosomal dominant RP and 173 unrelated patients with autosomal recessive RP for mutations in the gene encoding the alpha subunit of the rod cGMP-gated cation channel. Five mutant sequences cosegregated with disease among four unrelated families with autosomal recessive RP. Two of these were nonsense mutations early in the reading frame (Glu76End and Lys139End) and one was a deletion encompassing most if not all of the transcriptional unit; these three alleles would not be expected to encode a functional channel. The remaining two mutations were a missense mutation (Ser316Phe) and a frameshift [Arg654(1-bp del)] mutation truncating the last 32 aa in the C terminus. The latter two mutations were expressed in vitro and found to encode proteins that were predominantly retained inside the cell instead of being targeted to the plasma membrane. We conclude that the absence or paucity of functional cGMP-gated cation channels in the plasma membrane is deleterious to rod photoreceptors and is an uncommon cause of RP.


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Eukaryotic genomes contain tracts of DNA in which a single base or a small number of bases are repeated (microsatellites). Mutations in the yeast DNA mismatch repair genes MSH2, PMS1, and MLH1 increase the frequency of mutations for normal DNA sequences and destabilize microsatellites. Mutations of human homologs of MSH2, PMS1, and MLH1 also cause microsatellite instability and result in certain types of cancer. We find that a mutation in the yeast gene MSH3 that does not substantially affect the rate of spontaneous mutations at several loci increases microsatellite instability about 40-fold, preferentially causing deletions. We suggest that MSH3 has different substrate specificities than the other mismatch repair proteins and that the human MSH3 homolog (MRP1) may be mutated in some tumors with microsatellite instability.


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The human VHL tumor suppressor gene has been implicated in the inherited disorder von Hippel-Lindau disease and in sporadic renal carcinoma. The homologous rat gene encodes a 185-amino acid protein that is 88% sequence identical to the aligned 213-amino acid human VHL gene product. When expressed in COS-7 cells, both the human and the rat VHL proteins showed predominant nuclear, nuclear and cytosolic, or predominant cytosolic VHL staining by immunofluorescence. A complicated pattern of cellular proteins was seen that could be specifically coimmunoprecipitated with the introduced VHL protein. A complex containing VHL and proteins of apparent molecular masses 16 and 9 kDa was the most consistently observed. Certain naturally occurring VHL missense mutations demonstrated either complete or partial loss of the p16-p9 complex. Thus, the VHL tumor suppressor gene product is a nuclear protein, perhaps capable of specifically translocating between the nucleus and the cytosol. It is likely that VHL executes its functions via formation of specific multiprotein complexes. Identification of these VHL-associated proteins will likely clarify the physiology of this tumor suppressor gene.


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To investigate the functions of paralogous Hox genes, we compared the phenotypic consequences of altering the embryonic patterns of expression of Hoxb-8 and Hoxc-8 in transgenic mice. A comparison of the phenotypic consequences of altered expression of the two paralogs in the axial skeletons of newborns revealed an array of common transformations as well as morphological changes unique to each gene. Divergence of function of the two paralogs was clearly evident in costal derivatives, where increased expression of the two genes affected opposite ends of the ribs. Many of the morphological consequences of expanding the mesodermal domain and magnitude of expression of either gene were atavistic, inducing the transformation of axial skeletal structures from a modern to an earlier evolutionary form. We propose that regional specialization of the vertebral column has been driven by regionalization of Hox gene function and that a major aspect of this evolutionary progression may have been restriction of Hox gene expression.


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The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is an X-chromosome-linked recessive disease characterized by eczema, thrombocytopenia, and immunodeficiency. The disease gene has been localized to the proximal short arm of the X chromosome and recently isolated through positional cloning. The function of the encoded protein remains undetermined. In this study we have characterized mutations in 12 unrelated patients to confirm the identity of the disease gene. We have also revised the coding sequence and genomic structure for the WAS gene. To analyze further the transmittance of the disease gene, we have characterized a polymorphic microsatellite at the DXS6940 locus within 30 kb of the gene and demonstrate the inheritance of the affected alleles in families with a history of WAS.


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Occupational exposure to benzene is known to cause leukemia, but the mechanism remains unclear. Unlike most other carcinogens, benzene and its metabolites are weakly or nonmutagenic in most simple gene mutation assays. Benzene and its metabolites do, however, produce chromosomal damage in a variety of systems. Here, we have used the glycophorin A (GPA) gene loss mutation assay to evaluate the nature of DNA damage produced by benzene in 24 workers heavily exposed to benzene and 23 matched control individuals in Shanghai, China. The GPA assay identifies stem cell or precursor erythroid cell mutations expressed in peripheral erythrocytes of MN-heterozygous subjects, distinguishing the NN and N phi mutant variants. A significant increase in the NN GPA variant cell frequency (Vf) was found in benzene-exposed workers as compared with unexposed control individuals (mean +/- SEM, 13.9 +/- 1.7 per million cells vs. 7.4 +/- 1.1 per million cells in control individuals; P = 0.0002). In contrast, no significant difference existed between the two groups for the N phi Vf (9.1 +/- 0.9 vs. 8.8 +/- 1.8 per million cells; P = 0.21). Further, lifetime cumulative occupational exposure to benzene was associated with the NN Vf (P = 0.005) but not with the N phi Vf (P = 0.31), suggesting that NN mutations occur in longer-lived bone marrow stem cells. NN variants result from loss of the GPA M allele and duplication of the N allele, presumably through recombination mechanisms, whereas NO variants arise from gene inactivation, presumably due to point mutations and deletions. Thus, these results suggest that benzene produces gene-duplicating mutations but does not produce gene-inactivating mutations at the GPA locus in bone marrow cells of humans exposed to high benzene levels. This finding is consistent with data on the genetic toxicology of benzene and its metabolites and adds further weight to the hypothesis that chromosome damage and mitotic recombination are important in benzene-induced leukemia.


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Alterations of human chromosome 8p occur frequently in many tumors. We identified a 1.5-Mb common region of allelic loss on 8p22 by allelotype analysis. cDNA selection allowed isolation of several genes, including FEZ1. The predicted Fez1 protein contained a leucine-zipper region with similarity to the DNA-binding domain of the cAMP-responsive activating-transcription factor 5. RNA blot analysis revealed that FEZ1 gene expression was undetectable in more than 60% of epithelial tumors. Mutations were found in primary esophageal cancers and in a prostate cancer cell line. Transcript analysis from several FEZ1-expressing tumors revealed truncated mRNAs, including a frameshift. Alteration and inactivation of the FEZ1 gene may play a role in various human tumors.


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The rugose colony variant of Vibrio cholerae O1, biotype El Tor, is shown to produce an exopolysaccharide, EPSETr, that confers chlorine resistance and biofilm-forming capacity. EPSETr production requires a chromosomal locus, vps, that contains sequences homologous to carbohydrate biosynthesis genes of other bacterial species. Mutations within this locus yield chlorine-sensitive, smooth colony variants that are biofilm deficient. The biofilm-forming properties of EPSETr may enable the survival of V. cholerae O1 within environmental aquatic habitats between outbreaks of human disease.


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Activation by growth factors of the Ras-dependent signaling cascade results in the induction of p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (p90rsk). These are translocated into the nucleus upon phosphorylation by mitogen-activated protein kinases, with which p90rsk are physically associated in the cytoplasm. In humans there are three isoforms of the p90rsk family, Rsk-1, Rsk-2, and Rsk-3, which are products of distinct genes. Although these isoforms are structurally very similar, little is known about their functional specificity. Recently, mutations in the Rsk-2 gene have been associated with the Coffin–Lowry syndrome (CLS). We have studied a fibroblast cell line established from a CLS patient that bears a nonfunctional Rsk-2. Here we document that in CLS fibroblasts there is a drastic attenuation in the induced Ser-133 phosphorylation of transcription factor CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein) in response to epidermal growth factor stimulation. The effect is specific, since response to serum, cAMP, and UV light is unaltered. Furthermore, epidermal growth factor-induced expression of c-fos is severely impaired in CLS fibroblasts despite normal phosphorylation of serum response factor and Elk-1. Finally, coexpression of Rsk-2 in transfected cells results in the activation of the c-fos promoter via the cAMP-responsive element. Thus, we establish a link in the transduction of a specific growth factor signal to changes in gene expression via the phosphorylation of CREB by Rsk-2.


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The major gibberellin (GA) controlling stem elongation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) is GA1, which is formed from GA20 by 3β-hydroxylation. This step, which limits GA1 biosynthesis in pea, is controlled by the Le locus, one of the original Mendelian loci. Mutations in this locus result in dwarfism. We have isolated cDNAs encoding a GA 3β-hydroxylase from lines of pea carrying the Le, le, le-3, and led alleles. The cDNA sequences from le and le-3 each contain a base substitution resulting in single amino acid changes relative to the sequence from Le. The cDNA sequence from led, a mutant derived from an le line, contains both the le “mutation” and a single-base deletion, which causes a shift in reading frame and presumably a null mutation. cDNAs from each line were expressed in Escherichia coli. The expression product for the clone from Le converted GA9 to GA4, and GA20 to GA1, with Km values of 1.5 μM and 13 μM, respectively. The amino acid substitution in the clone from le increased Km for GA9 100-fold and reduced conversion of GA20 to almost nil. Expression products from le and le-3 possessed similar levels of 3β-hydroxylase activity, and the expression product from led was inactive. Our results suggest that the 3β-hydroxylase cDNA is encoded by Le. Le transcript is expressed in roots, shoots, and cotyledons of germinating pea seedlings, in internodes and leaves of established seedlings, and in developing seeds.