234 resultados para GTP-Binding Proteins


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Ethylene-responsive element-binding proteins (EREBPs) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) bind to the GCC box of many pathogenesis-related (PR) gene promoters, including osmotin (PR-5). The two GCC boxes on the osmotin promoter are known to be required, but not sufficient, for maximal ethylene responsiveness. EREBPs participate in the signal transduction pathway leading from exogenous ethylene application and pathogen infection to PR gene induction. In this study EREBP3 was used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid interaction trap with a tobacco cDNA library as prey to isolate signal transduction pathway intermediates that interact with EREBPs. One of the strongest interactors was found to encode a nitrilase-like protein (NLP). Nitrilase is an enzyme involved in auxin biosynthesis. NLP interacted with other EREBP family members, namely tobacco EREBP2 and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Pti4/5/6. The EREBP2-EREBP3 interaction with NLP required part of the DNA-binding domain. The specificity of interaction was further confirmed by protein-binding studies in solution. We propose that the EREBP-NLP interaction serves to regulate PR gene expression by sequestration of EREBPs in the cytoplasm.


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We studied transcription initiation in the mitochondria of higher plants, with particular respect to promoter structures. Conserved elements of these promoters have been successfully identified by in vitro transcription systems in different species, whereas the involved protein components are still unknown. Proteins binding to double-stranded oligonucleotides representing different parts of the pea (Pisum sativum) mitochondrial atp9 were analyzed by denaturation-renaturation chromatography and mobility-shift experiments. Two DNA-protein complexes were detected, which appeared to be sequence specific in competition experiments. Purification by hydroxyapatite, phosphocellulose, and reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography separated two polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 32 and 44 kD. Both proteins bound to conserved structures of the pea atp9 and the heterologous Oenothera berteriana atp1 promoters and to sequences just upstream. Possible functions of these proteins in mitochondrial promoter recognition are discussed.


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We have compared the molecular architecture and function of the myeloperoxidase upstream enhancer in multipotential versus granulocyte-committed hematopoietic progenitor cells. We show that the enhancer is accessible in multipotential cell chromatin but functionally incompetent before granulocyte commitment. Multipotential cells contain both Pu1 and C-EBP alpha as enhancer-binding activities. Pu1 is unphosphorylated in both multipotential and granulocyte-committed cells but is phosphorylated in B lymphocytes, raising the possibility that differential phosphorylation may play a role in specifying its lymphoid versus myeloid functions. C-EBP alpha exists as multiple phosphorylated forms in the nucleus of both multipotential and granulocyte-committed cells. C-EBP beta is unphosphorylated and cytoplasmically localized in multipotential cells but exists as a phosphorylated nuclear enhancer-binding activity in granulocyte-committed cells. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-induced granulocytic differentiation of multipotential progenitor cells results in activation of C-EBP delta expression and functional recruitment of C-EBP delta and C-EBP beta to the nucleus. Our results implicate Pu1 and the C-EBP family as critical regulators of myeloperoxidase gene expression and are consistent with a model in which a temporal exchange of C-EBP isoforms at the myeloperoxidase enhancer mediates the transition from a primed state in multipotential cells to a transcriptionally active configuration in promyelocytes.


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Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are nonmembrane spanning cell surface proteins that have been demonstrated to be signal transduction molecules. Because these proteins do not extend into the cytoplasm, the mechanism by which cross-linking of these molecules leads to intracellular signal transduction events is obscure. Previous analysis has indicated that these proteins are associated with src family member tyrosine kinases; however, the role this interaction plays in the generation of intracellular signals is not clear. Here we show that GPI-anchored proteins are associated with alpha subunits of heterotrimeric GTP binding proteins (G proteins) in both human and murine lymphocytes. When the GPI-anchored proteins CD59, CD48, and Thy-1 were immunoprecipitated from various cell lines or freshly isolated lymphocytes, all were found to be associated with a 41-kDa phosphoprotein that we have identified, by using specific antisera, as a mixture of tyrosine phosphorylated G protein alpha subunits: a small amount of Gialpha1, and substantial amounts of Gialpha2 and Gialpha3. GTP binding assays performed with immunoprecipitations of CD59 indicated that there was GTP-binding activity associated with this molecule. Thus, we have shown by both immunochemical and functional criteria that GPI-anchored proteins are physically associated with G proteins. These experiments suggest a potential role of G proteins in the transduction of signals generated by GPI-anchored molecules expressed on lymphocytes of both mouse and human.


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We have purified from hamster liver a second cysteine protease that cleaves and activates sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs). cDNA cloning revealed that this enzyme is the hamster equivalent of Mch3, a human enzyme that is related to the interleukin 1beta converting enzyme. We call this enzyme Mch3/SCA-2. It is 54% identical to hamster CPP32/SCA-1, a cysteine protease that was earlier shown to cleave SREBPs at a conserved Asp between the basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper domain and the membrane attachment domain. This cleavage liberates an NH2-terminal fragment of approximately 460 amino acids that activates transcription of genes encoding the low density lipoprotein receptor and enzymes of cholesterol synthesis. Mch3/SCA-2 and CPP32/SCA-I are synthesized as inactive 30-35 kDa precursors that are thought to be cleaved during apoptosis to generate active fragments of approximately 20 and approximately 10 kDa. The current data lend further support to the notion that SREBPs are cleaved and activated as part of the program in programmed cell death.


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Extracellular cellulase activity is readily induced when the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica is grown on cellulose substrate as the sole carbon source. However, an isogenic C. parasitica strain rendered hypovirulent due to hypovirus infection failed to secrete detectable cellulase activity when grown under parallel conditions. Efforts to identify C. parasitica cellulase-encoding genes resulted in the cloning of a cellobiohydrolase (exoglucanase, EC gene designated chb-1. Northern blot analysis revealed an increase in cbh-1 transcript accumulation in a virus-free virulent C. parasitica strain concomitant with the induction of extracellular cellulase activity. In contrast, induction of cbh-1 transcript accumulation was suppressed in an isogenic hypovirus-infected strain. Significantly, virus-free C. parasitica strains rendered hypovirulent by transgenic cosuppression of a GTP-binding protein alpha subunit were also found to be deficient in the induction of cbh-1 transcript accumulation.


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An in vitro genetic system was developed as a rapid means for studying the specificity determinants of RNA-binding proteins. This system was used to investigate the origin of the RNA-binding specificity of the mammalian spliceosomal protein U1A. The U1A domain responsible for binding to U1 small nuclear RNA was locally mutagenized and displayed as a combinatorial library on filamentous bacteriophage. Affinity selection identified four U1A residues in the mutagenized region that are important for specific binding to U1 hairpin II. One of these residues (Leu-49) disproportionately affects the rates of binding and release and appears to play a critical role in locking the protein onto the RNA. Interestingly, a protein variant that binds more tightly than U1A emerged during the selection, showing that the affinity of U1A for U1 RNA has not been optimized during evolution.


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Brefeldin A, a fungal metabolite that inhibits membrane transport, induces the mono(ADP-ribosyl)ation of two cytosolic proteins of 38 and 50 kDa as judged by SDS/PAGE. The 38-kDa substrate has been previously identified as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). We report that the 50-kDa BFA-induced ADP-ribosylated substrate (BARS-50) has native forms of 170 and 130 kDa, as determined by gel filtration of rat brain cytosol, indicating that BARS-50 might exist as a multimeric complex. BARS-50 can bind GTP, as indicated by blot-overlay studies with [alpha-32P]GTP and by photoaffinity labeling with guanosine 5'-[gamma-32P] [beta,gamma-(4-azidoanilido)]triphosphate. Moreover, ADP-ribosylation of BARS-50 was completely inhibited by the beta gamma subunit complex of G proteins, while the ADP-ribosylation of GAPDH was unmodified, indicating that this effect was due to an interaction of the beta gamma complex with BARS-50, rather than with the ADP-ribosylating enzyme. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis shows that BARS-50 is a group of closely related proteins that appear to be different from all the known GTP-binding proteins.


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Open reading frames in the Plasmodium falciparum genome encode domains homologous to the adhesive domains of the P. falciparum EBA-175 erythrocyte-binding protein (eba-175 gene product) and those of the Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi Duffy antigen-binding proteins. These domains are referred to as Duffy binding-like (DBL), after the receptor that determines P. vivax invasion of Duffy blood group-positive human erythrocytes. Using oligonucleotide primers derived from short regions of conserved sequence, we have developed a reverse transcription-PCR method that amplifies sequences encoding the DBL domains of expressed genes. Products of these reverse transcription-PCR amplifications include sequences of single-copy genes (including eba-175) and variably transcribed genes that cross-hybridize to multiple regions of the genome. Restriction patterns of the multicopy genes show a high degree of polymorphism among different parasite lines, whereas single-copy genes are generally conserved. Characterization of the single-copy genes has identified a gene (ebl-1) that is related to eba-175 and is likely to be involved in erythrocyte invasion.


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We have identified a class of proteins that bind single-stranded telomeric DNA and are required for the nuclear organization of telomeres and/or telomere-associated proteins. Rlf6p was identified by its sequence similarity to Gbp1p, a single-stranded telomeric DNA-binding protein from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Rlf6p and Gbp1p bind yeast single-stranded G-strand telomeric DNA. Both proteins include at least two RNA recognition motifs, which are found in many proteins that interact with single-stranded nucleic acids. Disruption of RLF6 alters the distribution of repressor/activator protein 1 (Rap1p), a telomere-associated protein. In wild-type yeast cells, Rap1p localizes to a small number of perinuclear spots, while in rlf6 cells Rap1p appears diffuse and nuclear. Interestingly, telomere position effect and telomere length control, which require RAP1, are unaffected by rlf6 mutations, demonstrating that Rap1p localization can be uncoupled from other Rap1p-dependent telomere functions. In addition, expression of Chlamydomonas GBP1 restores perinuclear, punctate Rap1p localization in rlf6 mutant cells. The functional complementation of a fungal gene by an algal gene suggests that Rlf6p and Gbp1p are members of a conserved class of single-stranded telomeric DNA-binding proteins that influence nuclear organization. Furthermore, it demonstrates that, despite their unusual codon bias, C. reinhardtii genes can be efficiently translated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells.


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G protein-coupled receptor activation leads to the membrane recruitment and activation of G protein-coupled receptor kinases, which phosphorylate receptors and lead to their inactivation. We have identified a novel G protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting protein, GIT1, that is a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for the ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) family of small GTP-binding proteins. Overexpression of GIT1 leads to reduced β2-adrenergic receptor signaling and increased receptor phosphorylation, which result from reduced receptor internalization and resensitization. These cellular effects of GIT1 require its intact ARF GAP activity and do not reflect regulation of GRK kinase activity. These results suggest an essential role for ARF proteins in regulating β2-adrenergic receptor endocytosis. Moreover, they provide a mechanism for integration of receptor activation and endocytosis through regulation of ARF protein activation by GRK-mediated recruitment of the GIT1 ARF GAP to the plasma membrane.


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Neuronal Ca2+ channels are inhibited by a variety of transmitter receptors coupled to Go-type GTP-binding proteins. Go has been postulated to work via a direct interaction between an activated G protein subunit and the Ca2+ channel complex. Here we show that the inhibition of sensory neuron N-type Ca2+ channels produced by γ-aminobutyric acid involves a novel, rapidly activating tyrosine kinase signaling pathway that is mediated by Gαo and a src-like kinase. In contrast to other recently described G protein-coupled tyrosine kinase pathways, the Gαo-mediated modulation requires neither protein kinase C nor intracellular Ca2+. The results suggest that this pathway mediates rapid receptor-G protein signaling in the nervous system and support the existence of a previously unrecognized form of crosstalk between G protein and tyrosine kinase pathways.


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Proteins such as the product of the breakpoint cluster region, chimaerin, and the Src homology 3-binding protein 3BP1, are GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) for members of the Rho subfamily of small GTP-binding proteins (G proteins or GTPases). A 200-residue region, named the breakpoint cluster region-homology (BH) domain, is responsible for the GAP activity. We describe here the crystal structure of the BH domain from the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase at 2.0 Å resolution. The domain is composed of seven helices, having a previously unobserved arrangement. A core of four helices contains most residues that are conserved in the BH family. Their packing suggests the location of a G-protein binding site. This structure of a GAP-like domain for small GTP-binding proteins provides a framework for analyzing the function of this class of molecules.


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Salmonella spp. have evolved the ability to enter into cells that are normally nonphagocytic. The internalization process is the result of a remarkable interaction between the bacteria and the host cells. Immediately on contact, Salmonella delivers a number of bacterial effector proteins into the host cell cytosol through the function of a specialized organelle termed the type III secretion system. Initially, two of the delivered proteins, SopE and SopB, stimulate the small GTP-binding proteins Cdc42 and Rac. SopE is an exchange factor for these GTPases, and SopB is an inositol polyphosphate phosphatase. Stimulation of Cdc42 and Rac leads to marked actin cytoskeleton rearrangements, which are further enhanced by SipA, a Salmonella protein also delivered into the host cell by the type III secretion system. SipA lowers the critical concentration of G-actin, stabilizes F-actin at the site of bacterial entry, and increases the bundling activity of the host-cell protein T-plastin (fimbrin). The cellular responses stimulated by Salmonella are short-lived; therefore, immediately after bacterial entry, the cell regains its normal architecture. Remarkably, this process is mediated by SptP, another target of the type III secretion system. SptP exert its function by serving as a GTPase-activating protein for Cdc42 and Rac, turning these G proteins off after their stimulation by the bacterial effectors SopE and SopB. The balanced interaction of Salmonella with host cells constitutes a remarkable example of the sophisticated nature of a pathogen/host relationship shaped by evolution through a longstanding coexistence.


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Higher plants are sessile organisms that perceive environmental cues such as light and chemical signals and respond by changing their morphologies. Signaling pathways utilize a complex network of interactions to orchestrate biochemical and physiological responses such as flowering, fruit ripening, germination, photosynthetic regulation, and shoot or root development. In this session, the mechanisms of signaling systems that trigger plant responses to light and to the gaseous hormone, ethylene, were discussed. These signals are first sensed by a receptor and transmitted to the nucleus by a complex network. A signal may be transmitted to the nucleus by any of several systems including GTP binding proteins (G proteins), which change activity upon GTP binding; protein kinase cascades, which sequentially phosphorylate and activate a series of proteins; and membrane ion channels, which change ionic characteristics of the cells. The signal is manifested in the nucleus as a change in the activity of DNA-binding proteins, which are transcription factors that specifically interact and modulate the regulatory regions of genes. Thus, detection of an environmental signal is transmitted through a transduction pathway, and changes in transcription factor activity may coordinate changes in the expression of a portfolio of genes to direct new developmental programs.