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ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels regulate many cellular functions by linking cell metabolism to membrane potential. We have generated KATP channel-deficient mice by genetic disruption of Kir6.2, which forms the K+ ion-selective pore of the channel. The homozygous mice (Kir6.2−/−) lack KATP channel activity. Although the resting membrane potential and basal intracellular calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]i) of pancreatic beta cells in Kir6.2−/− are significantly higher than those in control mice (Kir6.2+/+), neither glucose at high concentrations nor the sulfonylurea tolbutamide elicits a rise in [Ca2+]i, and no significant insulin secretion in response to either glucose or tolbutamide is found in Kir6.2−/−, as assessed by perifusion and batch incubation of pancreatic islets. Despite the defect in glucose-induced insulin secretion, Kir6.2−/− show only mild impairment in glucose tolerance. The glucose-lowering effect of insulin, as assessed by an insulin tolerance test, is increased significantly in Kir6.2−/−, which could protect Kir6.2−/− from developing hyperglycemia. Our data indicate that the KATP channel in pancreatic beta cells is a key regulator of both glucose- and sulfonylurea-induced insulin secretion and suggest also that the KATP channel in skeletal muscle might be involved in insulin action.


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A bioactive macrophage factor, the polypeptide daintain/allograft inflammatory factor 1 (AIF1), has been isolated from porcine intestine. It was discovered when searching for intestinal peptides with effects on insulin release, and its purification was monitored by the influence of the peptide fractions on pancreatic glucose-induced insulin secretion. Daintain/AIF1 is a 146-aa residue polypeptide with a mass of 16,603 Da and an acetylated N terminus. An internal 44-residue segment with the sequence pattern –KR–KK–GKR– has a motif typical of peptide hormone precursors, i.e., dibasic sites for potential activation cleavages and at the sequentially last such site, the structure GKR. The latter is a signal for C-terminal amide formation in the processing of peptide hormones. Daintain/AIF1 is immunohistochemically localized to microglial cells in the central nervous system and to dendritic cells and macrophages in several organs. A particularly dense accumulation of daintain/AIF1-immunoreactive macrophages was observed in the insulitis affecting the pancreatic islets of prediabetic BB rats. When injected intravenously in mice, daintain/AIF1 at 75 pmol/kg inhibited glucose (1 g/kg)-stimulated insulin secretion, with a concomitant impairment of the glucose elimination, whereas at higher doses (7.5 and 75 nmol/kg), daintain/AIF1 potentiated glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and enhanced the glucose elimination. Its dual influence on insulin secretion in vivo at different peptide concentrations, and the abundance of macrophages expressing daintain/AIF1 in the pancreatic islets of prediabetic rats, suggest that daintain/AIF1 may have a role in connection with the pathogenesis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.


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Major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules have been implicated in several nonimmunological functions including the regulation and intracellular trafficking of the insulin-responsive glucose transporter GLUT4. We have used confocal microscopy to compare the effects of insulin on the intracellular trafficking of MHC-I and GLUT4 in freshly isolated rat brown adipose cells. We also used a recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV) to express influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) as a generic integral membrane glycoprotein to distinguish global versus specific enhancement of protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in response to insulin. In the absence of insulin, MHC-I molecules largely colocalize with the ER-resident protein calnexin and remain distinct from intracellular pools of GLUT4. Surprisingly, insulin induces the rapid export of MHC-I molecules from the ER with a concomitant approximately three-fold increase in their level on the cell surface. This ER export is blocked by brefeldin A and wortmannin but is unaffected by cytochalasin D, indicating that insulin stimulates the rapid transport of MHC-I molecules from the ER to the plasma membrane via the Golgi complex in a phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinase–dependent and actin-independent manner. We further show that the effect of insulin on MHC-I molecules is selective, because insulin does not affect the intracellular distribution or cell-surface localization of rVV-expressed HA. These results demonstrate that in rat brown adipose cells MHC-I molecule export from the ER is stimulated by insulin and provide the first evidence that the trafficking of MHC-I molecules is acutely regulated by a hormone.


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A novel imaging technology, high-speed microscopy, has been used to visualize the process of GLUT4 translocation in response to insulin in single 3T3-L1 adipocytes. A key advantage of this technology is that it requires extremely low light exposure times, allowing the quasi-continuous capture of information over 20–30 min without photobleaching or photodamage. The half-time for the accumulation of GLUT4-eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) at the plasma membrane in a single cell was found to be of 5–7 min at 37°C. This half-time is substantially longer than that of exocytic vesicle fusion in neuroendocrine cells, suggesting that additional regulatory mechanisms are involved in the stimulation of GLUT4 translocation by insulin. Analysis of four-dimensional images (3-D over time) revealed that, in response to insulin, GLUT4-eGFP-enriched vesicles rapidly travel from the juxtanuclear region to the plasma membrane. In nontransfected adipocytes, impairment of microtubule and actin filament function inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose transport by 70 and 50%, respectively. When both filament systems were impaired insulin-stimulated glucose transport was completely inhibited. Taken together, the data suggest that the regulation of long-range motility of GLUT4-containing vesicles through the interaction with microtubule- and actin-based cytoskeletal networks plays an important role in the overall effect of insulin on GLUT4 translocation.


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Previous reports indicate that the expression and/or activity of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) LAR are increased in insulin-responsive tissues of obese, insulin-resistant humans and rodents, but it is not known whether these alterations contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. To address this question, we generated transgenic mice that overexpress human LAR, specifically in muscle, to levels comparable to those reported in insulin-resistant humans. In LAR-transgenic mice, fasting plasma insulin was increased 2.5-fold compared with wild-type controls, whereas fasting glucose was normal. Whole-body glucose disposal and glucose uptake into muscle in vivo were reduced by 39–50%. Insulin injection resulted in normal tyrosyl phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) in muscle of transgenic mice. However, phosphorylation of IRS-2 was reduced by 62%, PI3′ kinase activity associated with phosphotyrosine, IRS-1, or IRS-2 was reduced by 34–57%, and association of p85α with both IRS proteins was reduced by 39–52%. Thus, overexpression of LAR in muscle causes whole-body insulin resistance, most likely due to dephosphorylation of specific regulatory phosphotyrosines on IRS proteins. Our data suggest that increased expression and/or activity of LAR or related PTPs in insulin target tissues of obese humans may contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance.


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Insulin resistance is a feature of many common disorders including obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In these disorders, the β-cells compensate for the insulin resistance for long periods of time with an increase in secretory capacity, an increase in β-cell mass, or both. To determine whether the β-cell response might relate to a circulating growth factor, we have transplanted normal islets under the kidney capsule of normoglycemic insulin-resistant mice with two different models of insulin resistance: lean mice that have a double heterozygous deletion of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 (DH) or the obese, hyperglycemic ob/ob mice. In the grafts transplanted into both hosts, there was a marked increase in β-cell mitotic activity and islet mass that was comparable with that observed in the endogenous pancreas. By contrast, islets of the DH mouse transplanted into normal mice showed reduced mitotic index. These data suggest the insulin resistance is associated with a circulating islet cell growth factor that is independent of glucose and obesity.


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Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and liver may play a primary role in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and the mechanism by which insulin resistance occurs may be related to alterations in fat metabolism. Transgenic mice with muscle- and liver-specific overexpression of lipoprotein lipase were studied during a 2-h hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamp to determine the effect of tissue-specific increase in fat on insulin action and signaling. Muscle–lipoprotein lipase mice had a 3-fold increase in muscle triglyceride content and were insulin resistant because of decreases in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and insulin activation of insulin receptor substrate-1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. In contrast, liver–lipoprotein lipase mice had a 2-fold increase in liver triglyceride content and were insulin resistant because of impaired ability of insulin to suppress endogenous glucose production associated with defects in insulin activation of insulin receptor substrate-2-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. These defects in insulin action and signaling were associated with increases in intracellular fatty acid-derived metabolites (i.e., diacylglycerol, fatty acyl CoA, ceramides). Our findings suggest a direct and causative relationship between the accumulation of intracellular fatty acid-derived metabolites and insulin resistance mediated via alterations in the insulin signaling pathway, independent of circulating adipocyte-derived hormones.


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Expression of glucokinase in hepatocytes and pancreatic 6-cells is of major physiologic importance to mammalian glucose homeostasis. Liver glucokinase catalyzes the first committed step in the disposal of glucose, and beta-cell glucokinase catalyzes a rate-limiting step required for glucose-regulated insulin release. The present study reports the expression of glucokinase in rat glucagon-producing alpha-cells, which are negatively regulated by glucose. Purified rat alpha-cells express glucokinase mRNA and protein with the same transcript length, nucleotide sequence, and immunoreactivity as the beta-cell isoform. Glucokinase activity accounts for more than 50% of glucose phosphorylation in extracts of alpha-cells and for more than 90% of glucose utilization in intact cells. The glucagon-producing tumor MSL-G-AN also contained glucokinase mRNA, protein, and enzymatic activity. These data indicate that glucokinase may serve as a metabolic glucose sensor in pancreatic alpha-cells and, hence, mediate a mechanism for direct regulation of glucagon release by extracellular glucose. Since these cells do not express Glut2, we suggest that glucose sensing does not necessarily require the coexpression of Glut2 and glucokinase.


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To examine the impact of insulin resistance on the insulin-dependent and insulin-independent portions of muscle glycogen synthesis during recovery from exercise, we studied eight young, lean, normoglycemic insulin-resistant (IR) offspring of individuals with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and eight age-weight matched control (CON) subjects after plantar flexion exercise that lowered muscle glycogen to approximately 25% of resting concentration. After approximately 20 min of exercise, intramuscular glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen were simultaneously monitored with 31P and 13C NMR spectroscopies. The postexercise rate of glycogen resynthesis was nonlinear. Glycogen synthesis rates during the initial insulin independent portion (0-1 hr of recovery) were similar in the two groups (IR, 15.5 +/- 1.3 mM/hr and CON, 15.8 +/- 1.7 mM/hr); however, over the next 4 hr, insulin-dependent glycogen synthesis was significantly reduced in the IR group [IR, 0.1 +/- 0.5 mM/hr and CON, 2.9 +/- 0.2 mM/hr; (P < or = 0.001)]. After exercise there was an initial rise in glucose 6-phosphate concentrations that returned to baseline after the first hour of recovery in both groups. In summary, we found that following muscle glycogen-depleting exercise, IR offspring of parents with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus had (i) normal rates of muscle glycogen synthesis during the insulin-independent phase of recovery from exercise and (ii) severely diminished rates of muscle glycogen synthesis during the subsequent recovery period (2-5 hr), which has previously been shown to be insulin-dependent in normal CON subjects. These data provide evidence that exercise and insulin stimulate muscle glycogen synthesis in humans by different mechanisms and that in the IR subjects the early response to stimulation by exercise is normal.


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Pancreatic islets from young normal and scorbutic male guinea pigs were examined for their ability to release insulin when stimulated with elevated D-glucose. Islets from normal guinea pigs released insulin in a D-glucose-dependent manner showing a rapid initial secretion phase and three secondary secretion waves during a 120-min period. Islets from scorbutic guinea pigs failed to release insulin during the immediate period, and only delayed and decreased responses were observed over the 40-60 min after D-glucose elevation. Insulin release from scorbutic islets was greatly elevated if 5 mM L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate was supplemented in the perifusion medium during the last 60 min of perifusion. When 5 mM L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate was added to the perifusion medium concurrently with elevation of medium D-glucose, islets from scorbutic guinea pigs released insulin as rapidly as control guinea pig islets and to a somewhat greater extent. L-Ascorbic acid 2-phosphate without elevated D-glucose had no effect on insulin release by islets from normal or scorbutic guinea pigs. The pancreas from scorbutic guinea pigs contained 2.4 times more insulin than that from control guinea pigs, suggesting that the decreased insulin release from the scorbutic islets was not due to decreased insulin synthesis but due to abnormal insulin secretion.


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Simultaneous measurements of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration and insulin release, in mouse single pancreatic islets, revealed a direct correlation only initially after stimulation with glucose or K+. Later, there is an apparent dissociation between these two parameters, with translocation of alpha and epsilon isoenzymes of protein kinase C to membranes and simultaneous desensitization of insulin release in response to glucose. Recovery of insulin release, without any concomitant changes in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, after addition of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, okadaic acid, and forskolin supports the notion that the desensitization process is accounted for by dephosphorylation of key regulatory sites of the insulin exocytotic machinery.


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High-fat intake leading to obesity contributes to the development of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM, type 2). Similarly, mice fed a high-fat (safflower oil) diet develop defective glycemic control, hyperglycemia, and obesity. To assess the effect of a modest increase in the expression of GLUT4 (the insulin-responsive glucose transporter) on impaired glycemic control caused by fat feeding, transgenic mice harboring a GLUT4 minigene were fed a high-fat diet. Low-level tissue-specific (heart, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue) expression of the GLUT4 minigene in transgenic mice prevented the impairment of glycemic control and accompanying hyperglycemia, but not obesity, caused by fat feeding. Thus, a small increase (< or = 2-fold) in the tissue level of GLUT4 prevents a primary symptom of the diabetic state in a mouse model, suggesting a possible target for intervention in the treatment of NIDDM.