63 resultados para GENE-RELATED PEPTIDE


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Pallido-ponto-nigral degeneration (PPND) is one of the most well characterized familial neurodegenerative disorders linked to chromosome 17q21–22. These hereditary disorders are known collectively as frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). Although the clinical features and associated regional variations in the neuronal loss observed in different FTDP-17 kindreds are diverse, the diagnostic lesions of FTDP-17 brains are tau-rich filaments in the cytoplasm of specific subpopulations of neurons and glial cells. The microtubule associated protein (tau) gene is located on chromosome 17q21–22. For these reasons, we investigated the possibility that PPND and other FTDP-17 syndromes might be caused by mutations in the tau gene. Two missense mutations in exon 10 of the tau gene that segregate with disease, Asn279Lys in the PPND kindred and Pro301Leu in four other FTDP-17 kindreds, were found. A third mutation was found in the intron adjacent to the 3′ splice site of exon 10 in patients from another FTDP-17 family. Transcripts that contain exon 10 encode tau isoforms with four microtubule (MT)-binding repeats (4Rtau) as opposed to tau isoforms with three MT-binding repeats (3Rtau). The insoluble tau aggregates isolated from brains of patients with each mutation were analyzed by immunoblotting using tau-specific antibodies. For each of three mutations, abnormal tau with an apparent Mr of 64 and 69 was observed. The dephosphorylated material comigrated with tau isoforms containing exon 10 having four MT-binding repeats but not with 3Rtau. Thus, the brains of patients with both the missense mutations and the splice junction mutation contain aggregates of insoluble 4Rtau in filamentous inclusions, which may lead to neurodegeneration.


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Phytosulfokine-α [PSK-α, Tyr(SO3H)-Ile-Tyr(SO3H)-Thr-Gln], a sulfated mitogenic peptide found in plants, strongly promotes proliferation of plant cells in culture at very low concentrations. Oryza sativa PSK (OsPSK) cDNA encoding a PSK-α precursor has been isolated. The cDNA is 725 base pairs long, and the 89-aa product, preprophytosulfokine, has a 22-aa hydrophobic region that resembles a cleavable leader peptide at its NH2 terminus. The PSK-α sequence occurs only once within the precursor, close to the COOH terminus. [Ser4]PSK-α was secreted by transgenic rice Oc cells harboring a mutated OsPSK cDNA, suggesting proteolytic processing from the larger precursor, a feature commonly found in animal systems. Whereas PSK-α in conditioned medium with sense transgenic Oc cells was 1.6 times as concentrated as in the control case, antisense transgenic Oc cells produced less than 60% of the control level. Preprophytosulfokine mRNA was detected at an elevated constitutive level in rice Oc culture cells on RNA blot analysis. Although PSK-α molecules have never been identified in any intact plant, reverse transcription–PCR analysis demonstrated that OsPSK is expressed in rice seedlings, indicating that PSK-α may be important for plant cell proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. DNA blot analysis demonstrated that OsPSK homologs may occur in dicot as well as monocot plants.


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Infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with MLL gene rearrangements is characterized by early pre-B phenotype (CD10−/CD19+) and poor treatment outcome. The t(4;11), creating MLL-AF4 chimeric transcripts, is the predominant 11q23 chromosome translocation in infant ALL and is associated with extremely poor prognosis as compared with other 11q23 translocations. We analyzed an infant early preB ALL with ins(5;11)(q31;q13q23) and identified the AF5q31 gene on chromosome 5q31 as a fusion partner of the MLL gene. The AF5q31 gene, which encoded a protein of 1,163 aa, was located in the vicinity of the cytokine cluster region of chromosome 5q31 and contained at least 16 exons. The AF5q31 gene was expressed in fetal heart, lung, and brain at relatively high levels and fetal liver at a low level, but the expression in these tissues decreased in adults. The AF5q31 protein was homologous to AF4-related proteins, including AF4, LAF4, and FMR2. The AF5q31 and AF4 proteins had three homologous regions, including the transactivation domain of AF4, and the breakpoint of AF5q31 was located within the region homologous to the transactivation domain of AF4. Furthermore, the clinical features of this patient with the MLL-AF5q31 fusion transcript, characterized by the early pre-B phenotype (CD10−/CD19+) and poor outcome, were similar to those of patients having MLL-AF4 chimeric transcripts. These findings suggest that AF5q31 and AF4 might define a new family particularly involved in the pathogenesis of 11q23-associated-ALL.


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Molecular differentiation between races or closely related species is often incongruent with the reproductive divergence of the taxa of interest. Shared ancient polymorphism and/or introgression during secondary contact may be responsible for the incongruence. At loci contributing to speciation, these two complications should be minimized (1, 2); hence, their variation may more faithfully reflect the history of the species' reproductive differentiation. In this study, we analyzed DNA polymorphism at the Odysseus (OdsH) locus of hybrid sterility between Drosophila mauritiana and Drosophila simulans and were able to verify such a prediction. Interestingly, DNA variation only a short distance away (1.8 kb) appears not to be influenced by the forces that shape the recent evolution of the OdsH coding region. This locus thus may represent a test case of inferring phylogeny of very closely related species.


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We previously have described a mouse model for polycystic kidney disease (PKD) caused by either of two mutations, kat or kat2J, that map to the same locus on chromosome 8. The homozygous mutant animals have a latent onset, slowly progressing form of PKD with renal pathology similar to the human autosomal-dominant PKD. In addition, the mutant animals show pleiotropic effects that include facial dysmorphism, dwarfing, male sterility, anemia, and cystic choroid plexus. We previously fine-mapped the kat2J mutation to a genetic distance of 0.28 ± 0.12 centimorgan between D8Mit128 and D8Mit129. To identify the underlying molecular defect in this locus, we constructed an integrated genetic and physical map of the critical region surrounding the kat2J mutation. Cloning and expression analysis of the transcribed sequences from this region identified Nek1, a NIMA (never in mitosis A)-related kinase as a candidate gene. Further analysis of the Nek1 gene from both kat/kat and kat2J/kat2J mutant animals identified a partial internal deletion and a single-base insertion as the molecular basis for these mutations. The complex pleiotropic phenotypes seen in the homozygous mutant animals suggest that the NEK1 protein participates in different signaling pathways to regulate diverse cellular processes. Our findings identify a previously unsuspected role for Nek1 in the kidney and open a new avenue for studying cystogenesis and identifying possible modes of therapy.


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MLL (ALL1, Htrx, HRX), which is located on chromosome band 11q23, frequently is rearranged in patients with therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia who previously were treated with DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors. In this study, we have identified a fusion partner of MLL in a 10-year-old female who developed therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia 17 months after treatment for Hodgkin’s disease. Leukemia cells of this patient had a t(11;17)(q23;q25), which involved MLL as demonstrated by Southern blot analysis. The partner gene was cloned from cDNA of the leukemia cells by use of a combination of adapter reverse transcriptase–PCR, rapid amplification of 5′ cDNA ends, and blast database analysis to identify expressed sequence tags. The full-length cDNA of 2.8 kb was found to be an additional member of the septin family, therefore it was named MSF (MLL septin-like fusion). Members of the septin family conserve the GTP binding domain, localize in the cytoplasm, and interact with cytoskeletal filaments. A major 4-kb transcript of MSF was expressed ubiquitously; a 1.7-kb transcript was found in most tissues. An additional 3-kb transcript was found only in hematopoietic tissues. By amplification with MLL exon 5 forward primer and reverse primers in MSF, the appropriately sized products were obtained. MSF is highly homologous to hCDCrel-1, which is a partner gene of MLL in leukemias with a t(11;22)(q23;q11.2). Further analysis of MSF may help to delineate the function of MLL partner genes in leukemia, particularly in therapy-related leukemia.


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Insects defend themselves against infectious microorganisms by synthesizing potent antimicrobial peptides. Drosophila has appeared in recent years as a favorable model to study this innate host defense. A genetic analysis of the regulation of the antifungal peptide drosomycin has demonstrated a key role for the transmembrane receptor Toll, which prompted the search for mammalian homologs. Two of these, Toll-like receptor (TLR)2 and TLR4, recently were shown to play a critical role in innate immunity against bacteria. Here we describe six additional Toll-related genes (Toll-3 to Toll-8) in Drosophila in addition to 18-wheeler. Two of these genes, Toll-3 and Toll-4, are expressed at a low level. Toll-6, -7, and -8, on the other hand, are expressed at high levels during embryogenesis and molting, suggesting that, like Toll and 18w, they perform developmental functions. Finally, Toll-5 is expressed only in larvae and adults. By using chimeric constructs, we have tested the capacity of the signaling Toll/IL-1R homology domains of these receptors to activate antimicrobial peptide promoters and found that only Toll and Toll-5 can activate the drosomycin promoter in transfected cells, thus demonstrating specificity at the level of the Toll/IL-1R homology domain. In contrast, none of these constructs activated antibacterial peptide promoters, suggesting that Toll-related receptors are not involved in the regulation of antibacterial peptide expression. This result was independently confirmed by the demonstration that a dominant-negative version of the kinase Pelle can block induction of drosomycin by the cytokine Spaetzle, but does not affect induction of the antibacterial peptide attacin by lipopolysaccharide.


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The Xenopus cerberus gene encodes a secreted factor that is expressed in the anterior endomesoderm of gastrula stage embryos and can induce the formation of ectopic heads when its mRNA is injected into Xenopus embryos [Bouwmeester, T., Kim, S., Lu, B. & De Robertis, E. M. (1996) Nature (London) 382, 595–601]. Here we describe the existence of a cerberus-related gene, Cerr1, in the mouse. Cerr1 encodes a putative secreted protein that is 48% identical to cerberus over a 110-amino acid region. Analysis of a mouse interspecific backcross panel demonstrated that Cerr1 mapped to the central portion of mouse chromosome 4. In early gastrula stage mouse embryos, Cerr1 is expressed in the anterior visceral endoderm and in the anterior definitive endoderm. In somite stage embryos, Cerr1 expression is restricted to the most recently formed somites and in the anterior presomitic mesoderm. Germ layer explant recombination assays demonstrated that Cerr1-expressing somitic-presomitic mesoderm, but not older Cerr1-nonexpressing somitic mesoderm, was able to mimic the anterior neuralizing ability of anterior mesendoderm and maintain Otx2 expression in competent ectoderm. In most Lim1−/− headless embryos, Cerr1 expression in the anterior endoderm was weak or absent. These results suggest that Cerr1 may play a role in anterior neural induction and somite formation during mouse development.


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The ribonucleotide reductases from three ancient eubacteria, the hyperthermophilic Thermotoga maritima (TM), the radioresistant Deinococcus radiodurans (DR), and the thermophilic photosynthetic Chloroflexus aurantiacus, were found to be coenzyme-B12 (class II) enzymes, similar to the earlier described reductases from the archaebacteria Thermoplasma acidophila and Pyrococcus furiosus. Reduction of CDP by the purified TM and DR enzymes requires adenosylcobalamin and DTT. dATP is a positive allosteric effector, but stimulation of the TM enzyme only occurs close to the temperature optimum of 80–90°C. The TM and DR genes were cloned by PCR from peptide sequence information. The TM gene was sequenced completely and expressed in Escherichia coli. The deduced amino acid sequences of the two eubacterial enzymes are homologous to those of the archaebacteria. They can also be aligned to the sequence of the large protein of the aerobic E. coli ribonucleotide reductase that belongs to a different class (class I), which is not dependent on B12. Structure determinations of the E. coli reductase complexed with substrate and allosteric effectors earlier demonstrated a 10-stranded β/α-barrel in the active site. From the conservation of substrate- and effector-binding residues we propose that the B12-dependent class II enzymes contain a similar barrel.


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Normal aging is associated with a significant reduction in cognitive function across primate species. However, the structural and molecular basis for this age-related decline in neural function has yet to be defined clearly. Extensive cell loss does not occur as a consequence of normal aging in human and nonhuman primate species. More recent studies have demonstrated significant reductions in functional neuronal markers in subcortical brain regions in primates as a consequence of aging, including dopaminergic and cholinergic systems, although corresponding losses in cortical innervation from these neurons have not been investigated. In the present study, we report that aging is associated with a significant 25% reduction in cortical innervation by cholinergic systems in rhesus monkeys (P < 0.001). Further, these age-related reductions are ameliorated by cellular delivery of human nerve growth factor to cholinergic somata in the basal forebrain, restoring levels of cholinergic innervation in the cortex to those of young monkeys (P = 0.89). Thus, (i) aging is associated with a significant reduction in cortical cholinergic innervation; (ii) this reduction is reversible by growth-factor delivery; and (iii) growth factors can remodel axonal terminal fields at a distance, representing a nontropic action of growth factors in modulating adult neuronal structure and function (i.e., administration of growth factors to cholinergic somata significantly increases axon density in terminal fields). These findings are relevant to potential clinical uses of growth factors to treat neurological disorders.


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Interactions between Cajal bodies (CBs) and replication-dependent histone loci occur more frequently than for other mRNA-encoding genes, but such interactions are not seen with all alleles at a given time. Because CBs contain factors required for transcriptional regulation and 3′ end processing of nonpolyadenylated replication-dependent histone transcripts, we investigated whether interaction with CBs is related to metabolism of these transcripts, known to vary during the cell cycle. Our experiments revealed that a locus containing a cell cycle-independent, replacement histone gene that produces polyadenylated transcripts does not preferentially associate with CBs. Furthermore, modest but significant changes in association levels of CBs with replication-dependent histone loci mimic their cell cycle modulations in transcription and 3′ end processing rates. By simultaneously visualizing replication-dependent histone genes and their nuclear transcripts for the first time, we surprisingly find that the vast majority of loci producing detectable RNA foci do not contact CBs. These studies suggest some link between CB association and unusual features of replication-dependent histone gene expression. However, sustained CB contact is not a requirement for their expression, consistent with our observations of U7 snRNP distributions. The modest correlation to gene expression instead may reflect transient gene signaling or the nucleation of small CBs at gene loci.


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We present here the description of genes coding for molluscan hemocyanins. Two distantly related mollusks, Haliotis tuberculata and Octopus dofleini, were studied. The typical architecture of a molluscan hemocyanin subunit, which is a string of seven or eight globular functional units (FUs, designated a to h, about 50 kDa each), is reflected by the gene organization: a series of eight structurally related coding regions in Haliotis, corresponding to FU-a to FU-h, with seven highly variable linker introns of 174 to 3,198 bp length (all in phase 1). In Octopus seven coding regions (FU-a to FU-g) are found, separated by phase 1 introns varying in length from 100 bp to 910 bp. Both genes exhibit typical signal (export) sequences, and in both cases these are interrupted by an additional intron. Each gene also contains an intron between signal peptide and FU-a and in the 3′ untranslated region. Of special relevance for evolutionary considerations are introns interrupting those regions that encode a discrete functional unit. We found that five of the eight FUs in Haliotis each are encoded by a single exon, whereas FU-f, FU-g, and FU-a are encoded by two, three and four exons, respectively. Similarly, in Octopus four of the FUs each correspond to an uninterrupted exon, whereas FU-b, FU-e, and FU-f each contain a single intron. Although the positioning of the introns between FUs is highly conserved in the two mollusks, the introns within FUs show no relationship either in location nor phase. It is proposed that the introns between FUs were generated as the eight-unit polypeptide evolved from a monomeric precursor, and that the internal introns have been added later. A hypothesis for evolution of the ring-like quaternary structure of molluscan hemocyanins is presented.


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The Rho small GTP-binding proteins are versatile, conserved molecular switches in eukaryotic signal transduction. Plants contain a unique subfamily of Rho-GTPases called Rop (Rho-related GTPases from plants). Our previous studies involving injection of antibodies indicated that the pea Rop GTPase Rop1Ps is critical for pollen tube growth. In this study we show that overexpression of an apparent Arabidopsis ortholog of Rop1Ps, Rop1At, induces isotropic cell growth in fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) and that green fluorescence protein-tagged Rop1At displays polar localization to the site of growth in yeast. We found that Rop1At and two other Arabidopsis Rops, Rop3At and Rop5At, are all expressed in mature pollen. All three pollen Rops fall into the same subgroup as Rop1Ps and diverge from those Rops that are not expressed in mature pollen, suggesting a coupling of the structural conservation of Rop GTPases to their gene expression in pollen. However, pollen-specific transcript accumulation for Rop1At is much higher than that for Rop3At and Rop5At. Furthermore, Rop1At is specifically expressed in anthers, whereas Rop3At and Rop5At are also expressed in vegetative tissues. In transgenic plants containing the Rop1At promoter:GUS fusion gene, GUS is specifically expressed in mature pollen and pollen tubes. We propose that Rop1At may play a predominant role in the regulation of polarized cell growth in pollen, whereas its close relatives Rop3At and Rop5At may be functionally redundant to Rop1At in pollen.


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Although the control of carbon fixation and nitrogen assimilation has been studied in detail, relatively little is known about the regulation of carbon and nitrogen flow into amino acids. In this paper we report our study of the metabolic regulation of expression of an Arabidopsis aspartate kinase/homoserine dehydrogenase (AK/HSD) gene, which encodes two linked key enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway of aspartate family amino acids. Northern blot analyses, as well as expression of chimeric AK/HSD-β-glucuronidase constructs, have shown that the expression of this gene is regulated by the photosynthesis-related metabolites sucrose and phosphate but not by nitrogenous compounds. In addition, analysis of AK/HSD promoter deletions suggested that a CTTGACTCTA sequence, resembling the binding site for the yeast GCN4 transcription factor, is likely to play a functional role in the expression of this gene. Nevertheless, longer promoter fragments, lacking the GCN4-like element, were still able to confer sugar inducibility, implying that the metabolic regulation of this gene is apparently obtained by multiple and redundant promoter sequences. The present and previous studies suggest that the conversion of aspartate into either the storage amino acid asparagine or aspartate family amino acids is subject to a coordinated, reciprocal metabolic control, and this biochemical branch point is a part of a larger, coordinated regulatory mechanism of nitrogen and carbon storage and utilization.