53 resultados para Epidermis


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The nucellus is a complex maternal grain tissue that embeds and feeds the developing cereal endosperm and embryo. Differential screening of a barley (Hordeum vulgare) cDNA library from 5-d-old ovaries resulted in the isolation of two cDNA clones encoding nucellus-specific homologs of the vacuolar-processing enzyme of castor bean (Ricinus communis). Based on the sequence of these barley clones, which are called nucellains, a homolog from developing corn (Zea mays) grains was also identified. In dicots the vacuolar-processing enzyme is believed to be involved in the processing of vacuolar storage proteins. RNA-blot and in situ-hybridization analyses detected nucellain transcripts in autolysing nucellus parenchyma cells, in the nucellar projection, and in the nucellar epidermis. No nucellain transcripts were detected in the highly vacuolate endosperm or in the other maternal tissues of developing grains such as the testa or the pericarp. Using an antibody raised against castor bean vacuolar-processing protease, a single polypeptide was recognized in protein extracts from barley grains. Immunogold-labeling experiments with this antibody localized the nucellain epitope not in the vacuoles, but in the cell walls of all nucellar cell types. We propose that nucellain plays a role in processing and/or turnover of cell wall proteins in developing cereal grains.


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Benzo-(1,2,3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester (BTH), a synthetic chemical, was applied as a foliar spray to tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants and evaluated for its potential to confer increased resistance against the soil-borne pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL). In nontreated tomato plants all root tissues were massively colonized by FORL hyphae. Pathogen ingress toward the vascular stele was accompanied by severe host cell alterations, including cell wall breakdown. In BTH-treated plants striking differences in the rate and extent of fungal colonization were observed. Pathogen growth was restricted to the epidermis and the outer cortex, and fungal ingress was apparently halted by the formation of callose-enriched wall appositions at sites of fungal penetration. In addition, aggregated deposits, which frequently established close contact with the invading hyphae, accumulated in densely colonized epidermal cells and filled most intercellular spaces. Upon incubation of sections with gold-complexed laccase for localization of phenolic-like compounds, a slight deposition of gold particles was observed over both the host cell walls and the wall appositions. Labeling was also detected over the walls of fungal cells showing signs of obvious alteration ranging from cytoplasm disorganization to protoplasm retraction. We provide evidence that foliar applications of BTH sensitize susceptible tomato plants to react more rapidly and more efficiently to FORL attack through the formation of protective layers at sites of potential fungal entry.


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Plasmodesmata mediate direct cell-to-cell communication in plants. One of their significant features is that primary plasmodesmata formed at the time of cytokinesis often undergo structural modifications, by the de novo addition of cytoplasmic strands across cell walls, to become complex secondary plasmodesmata during plant development. Whether such modifications allow plasmodesmata to gain special transport functions has been an outstanding issue in plant biology. Here we present data showing that the cucumber mosaic virus 3a movement protein (MP):green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion was not targeted to primary plasmodesmata in the epidermis of young or mature leaves in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants constitutively expressing the 3a:GFP fusion gene. Furthermore, the cucumber mosaic virus 3a MP:GFP fusion protein produced in planta by biolistic bombardment of the 3a:GFP fusion gene did not traffic between cells interconnected by primary plasmodesmata in the epidermis of a young leaf. In contrast, the 3a MP:GFP was targeted to complex secondary plasmodesmata and trafficked from cell to cell when a leaf reached a certain developmental stage. These data provide the first experimental evidence, to our knowledge, that primary and complex secondary plasmodesmata have different protein-trafficking functions and suggest that complex secondary plasmodesmata may be formed to traffic specific macromolecules that are important for certain stages of leaf development.


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Although Al is one of the major factors limiting crop production, the mechanisms of toxicity remain unknown. The growth inhibition and swelling of roots associated with Al exposure suggest that the cytoskeleton may be a target of Al toxicity. Using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, microtubules and microfilaments in maize (Zea mays L.) roots were visualized and changes in their organization and stability correlated with the symptoms of Al toxicity. Growth studies showed that the site of Al toxicity was associated with the elongation zone. Within this region, Al resulted in a reorganization of microtubules in the inner cortex. However, the orientation of microtubules in the outer cortex and epidermis remained unchanged even after chronic symptoms of toxicity were manifest. Auxin-induced reorientation and cold-induced depolymerization of microtubules in the outer cortex were blocked by Al pretreatment. These results suggest that Al increased the stability of microtubules in these cells. The stabilizing effect of Al in the outer cortex coincided with growth inhibition. Reoriented microfilaments were also observed in Al-treated roots, and Al pretreatment minimized cytochalasin B-induced microfilament fragmentation. These data show that reorganization and stabilization of the cytoskeleton are closely associated with Al toxicity in maize roots.


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A tomato gene that is induced early after infection of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) with root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne javanica) encodes a protein with 54% amino acid identity to miraculin, a flavorless protein that causes sour substances to be perceived as sweet. This gene was therefore named LeMir (L. esculentum miraculin). Sequence similarity places the encoded protein in the soybean trypsin-inhibitor family (Kunitz). LeMir mRNA is found in root, hypocotyl, and flower tissues, with the highest expression in the root. Rapid induction of expression upon nematode infection is localized to root tips. In situ hybridization shows that LeMir is expressed constitutively in the root-cap and root-tip epidermis. The LeMir protein product (LeMir) was produced in the yeast Pichia pastoris for generation of antibodies. Western-blot analysis showed that LeMir expression is up-regulated by nematode infection and by wounding. LeMir is also expressed in tomato callus tissue. Immunoprint analysis revealed that LeMir is expressed throughout the seedling root, but that levels are highest at the root/shoot junction. Analysis of seedling root exudates revealed that LeMir is secreted from the root into the surrounding environment, suggesting that it may interact with soil-borne microorganisms.


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Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins of the tonoplast and the plasma membrane that facilitate the passage of water through these membranes. Because of their potentially important role in regulating water flow in plants, studies documenting aquaporin gene expression in specialized tissues involved in water and solute transport are important. We used in situ hybridization to examine the expression pattern of the tonoplast aquaporin ZmTIP1 in different organs of maize (Zea mays L.). This tonoplast water channel is highly expressed in the root epidermis, the root endodermis, the small parenchyma cells surrounding mature xylem vessels in the root and the stem, phloem companion cells and a ring of cells around the phloem strand in the stem and the leaf sheath, and the basal endosperm transfer cells in developing kernels. We postulate that the high level of expression of ZmTIP1 in these tissues facilitates rapid flow of water through the tonoplast to permit osmotic equilibration between the cytosol and the vacuolar content, and to permit rapid transcellular water flow through living cells when required.


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Tissues expressing mRNAs of three cold-induced genes, blt101, blt14, and blt4.9, and a control gene, elongation factor 1α, were identified in the crown and immature leaves of cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Igri). Hardiness and tissue damage were assessed. blt101 and blt4.9 mRNAs were not detected in control plants; blt14 was expressed in control plants but only in the inner layers of the crown cortex. blt101 was expressed in many tissues of cold-acclimated plants but most strongly in the vascular-transition zone of the crown; blt14 was expressed only in the inner layers of the cortex and in cell layers partly surrounding vascular bundles in the vascular-transition zone; expression of blt4.9, which codes for a nonspecific lipid-transfer protein, was confined to the epidermis of the leaf and to the epidermis of the older parts of the crown. None of the cold-induced genes was expressed in the tunica, although the control gene was most strongly expressed there. Thus, the molecular aspects of acclimation differed markedly between tissues. Damage in the vascular-transition zone of the crown correlated closely with plant survival. Therefore, the strong expression of blt101 and blt14 in this zone may indicate a direct role in freezing tolerance of the crown.


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NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP-ICDH) activity is increased in roots of Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata ex Maiden Kirkp. during colonization by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius Coker and Couch. To investigate the regulation of the enzyme expression, a cDNA (EgIcdh) encoding the NADP-ICDH was isolated from a cDNA library of E. globulus-P. tinctorius ectomycorrhizae. The putative polypeptide sequence of EgIcdh showed a high amino acid similarity with plant NADP-ICDHs. Because the deduced EgICDH protein lacks an amino-terminal targeting sequence and shows highest similarity to plant cytosolic ICDHs, it probably represents a cytoplasmic isoform. RNA analysis showed that the steady-state level of EgIcdh transcripts was enhanced nearly 2-fold in ectomycorrhizal roots compared with nonmycorrhizal roots. Increased accumulation of NADP-ICDH transcripts occurred as early as 2 d after contact and likely led to the observed increased enzyme activity. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that NADP-ICDH was preferentially accumulated in the epidermis and stele parenchyma of nonmycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal lateral roots. The putative role of cytosolic NADP-ICDH in ectomycorrhizae is discussed.


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We have investigated the spatial distributions of expansion and cell cycle in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves located at two positions on the stem, from leaf initiation to the end of expansion. Relative expansion rate (RER) was analyzed by following the deformation of a grid drawn on the lamina; relative division rate (RDR) and flow-cytometry data were obtained in four zones perpendicular to the midrib. Calculations for determining in situ durations of the cell cycle and of S-G2-M in the epidermis are proposed. Area and cell number of a given leaf zone increased exponentially during the first two-thirds of the development duration. RER and RDR were constant and similar in all zones of a leaf and in all studied leaves during this period. Reduction in RER occurred afterward with a tip-to-base gradient and lagged behind that of RDR by 4 to 5 d in all zones. After a long period of constancy, cell-cycle duration increased rapidly and simultaneously within a leaf zone, with cells blocked in the G0-G1 phase of the cycle. Cells that began their cycle after the end of the period with exponential increase in cell number could not finish it, suggesting that they abruptly lost their competence to cross a critical step of the cycle. Differences in area and in cell number among zones of a leaf and among leaves of a plant essentially depended on the timing of two events, cessation of exponential expansion and of exponential division.


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We found a galactose-rich basic glycoprotein (GBGP) in the cell walls of cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells. GBGP and extensin were isolated as the major components of basic, salt-extracted cell wall glycoproteins. GBGP and extensin were separated by gel filtration in 6 m guanidine hydrochloride as 49- and 90-kD peaks, respectively, and further purified with reverse-phase chromatography. The protein moiety of GBGP constitutes about one-half of the molecule (w/w) and contains lysine (16%), proline (12%), hydroxyproline (10%), tyrosine (4%), alanine (7%), leucine (6%), and cystine (1.4%). Galactose accounted for 72% of the sugar moiety, arabinose content was low (17%), and a significant amount of mannose (7%) was found. No immunological cross-reaction was detected between GBGP and extensin. The antibody against native GBGP with sugar chains reacted with other glycoproteins on the gel blots, whereas the antibodies against deglycosylated GBGP and native extensin were highly specific. Immunolocalization analysis in tobacco stems showed that GBGP is specific to parenchyma tissue and that extensin localizes in the epidermis. This tissue-specific and exclusive distribution suggests important functions of these basic glycoproteins.


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We isolated and characterized a novel light-regulated cDNA from the short-day plant Pharbitis nil that encodes a protein with a leucine (Leu) zipper motif, designated PNZIP (Pharbitis nil Leu zipper). The PNZIP cDNA is not similar to any other gene with a known function in the database, but it shares high sequence homology with an Arabidopsis expressed sequence tag and to two other sequences of unknown function from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis spp. and the red alga Porphyra purpurea, which together define a new family of evolutionarily conserved Leu zipper proteins. PNZIP is a single-copy gene that is expressed specifically in leaf photosynthetically active mesophyll cells but not in other nonphotosynthetic tissues such as the epidermis, trichomes, and vascular tissues. When plants were exposed to continuous darkness, PNZIP exhibited a rhythmic pattern of mRNA accumulation with a circadian periodicity of approximately 24 h, suggesting that its expression is under the control of an endogenous clock. However, the expression of PNZIP was unusual in that darkness rather than light promoted its mRNA accumulation. Accumulation of PNZIP mRNA during the dark is also regulated by phytochrome, since a brief exposure to red light in the middle of the night reduced its mRNA levels. Moreover, a far-red-light treatment at the end of day also reduced PNZIP mRNA accumulation during the dark, and that effect could be inhibited by a subsequent exposure to red light, showing the photoreversible response attributable to control through the phytochrome system.


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Phosphorus is a major nutrient acquired by roots via high-affinity inorganic phosphate (Pi) transporters. In this paper, we describe the tissue-specific regulation of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Pi-transporter genes by Pi. The encoded peptides of the LePT1 and LePT2 genes belong to a family of 12 membrane-spanning domain proteins and show a high degree of sequence identity to known high-affinity Pi transporters. Both genes are highly expressed in roots, although there is some expression of LePT1 in leaves. Their expression is markedly induced by Pi starvation but not by starvation of nitrogen, potassium, or iron. The transcripts are primarily localized in root epidermis under Pi starvation. Accumulation of LePT1 message was also observed in palisade parenchyma cells of Pi-starved leaves. Our data suggest that the epidermally localized Pi transporters may play a significant role in acquiring the nutrient under natural conditions. Divided root-system studies support the hypothesis that signal(s) for the Pi-starvation response may arise internally because of the changes in cellular concentration of phosphorus.


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Sun exposure has been clearly implicated in premature skin aging and neoplastic development. These features are exacerbated in patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), a hereditary disease, the biochemical hallmark of which is a severe deficiency in the nucleotide excision repair of UV-induced DNA lesions. To develop an organotypic model of DNA repair deficiency, we have cultured several strains of primary XP keratinocytes and XP fibroblasts from skin biopsies of XP patients. XP skin comprising both a full-thickness epidermis and a dermal equivalent was succesfully reconstructed in vitro. Satisfactory features of stratification were obtained, but the expression of epidermal differentiation products, such as keratin K10 and loricrin, was delayed and reduced. In addition, the proliferation of XP keratinocytes was more rapid than that of normal keratinocytes. Moreover, increased deposition of cell attachment proteins, α-6 and β-1 integrins, was observed in the basement membrane zone, and β-1 integrin subunit, the expression of which is normally confined to basal keratinocytes, extended into several suprabasal cell layers. Most strikingly, the in vitro reconstructed XP skin displayed numerous proliferative epidermal invasions within dermal equivalents. Epidermal invasion and higher proliferation rate are reminiscent of early steps of neoplasia. Compared with normal skin, the DNA repair deficiency of in vitro reconstructed XP skin was documented by long-lasting persistence of UVB-induced DNA damage in all epidermal layers, including the basal layer from which carcinoma develops. The availability of in vitro reconstructed XP skin provides opportunities for research in the fields of photoaging, photocarcinogenesis, and tissue therapy.


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In human patients, a wide range of mutations in keratin (K) 5 or K14 lead to the blistering skin disorder epidermolysis bullosa simplex. Given that K14 deficiency does not lead to the ablation of a basal cell cytoskeleton because of a compensatory role of K15, we have investigated the requirement for the keratin cytoskeleton in basal cells by inactivating the K5 gene in mice. We report that the K5−/− mice die shortly after birth, lack keratin filaments in the basal epidermis, and are more severely affected than K14−/− mice. In contrast to the K14−/− mice, we detected a strong induction of the wound-healing keratin K6 in the suprabasal epidermis of cytolyzed areas of postnatal K5−/− mice. In addition, K5 and K14 mice differed with respect to tongue lesions. Moreover, we show that in the absence of K5 and other type II keratins, residual K14 and K15 aggregated along hemidesmosomes, demonstrating that individual keratins without a partner are stable in vivo. Our data indicate that K5 may be the natural partner of K15 and K17. We suggest that K5 null mutations may be lethal in human epidermolysis bullosa simplex patients.


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The hair follicle is a cyclic, self renewing epidermal structure which is thought to be controlled by signals from the dermal papilla, a specialized cluster of mesenchymal cells within the dermis. Topical treatments with 17-beta-estradiol to the clipped dorsal skin of mice arrested hair follicles in telogen and produced a profound and prolonged inhibition of hair growth while treatment with the biologically inactive stereoisomer, 17-alpha-estradiol, did not inhibit hair growth. Topical treatments with ICI 182,780, a pure estrogen receptor antagonist, caused the hair follicles to exit telogen and enter anagen, thereby initiating hair growth. Immunohistochemical staining for the estrogen receptor in skin revealed intense and specific staining of the nuclei of the cells of the dermal papilla. The expression of the estrogen receptor in the dermal papilla was hair cycle-dependent with the highest levels of expression associated with the telogen follicle. 17-beta-Estradiol-treated epidermis demonstrated a similar number of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) S-phase cells as the control epidermis above telogen follicles; however, the number of BrdUrd S-phase basal cells in the control epidermis varied according to the phase of the cycle of the underlying hair follicles and ranged from 2.6% above telogen follicles to 7.0% above early anagen follicles. These findings indicate an estrogen receptor pathway within the dermal papilla regulates the telogen-anagen follicle transition and suggest that diffusible factors associated with the anagen follicle influence cell proliferation in the epidermis.