59 resultados para Ends of Spaces


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We have investigated the efficiency of packing by calculating intramolecular packing density above and below peptide planes of internal beta-pleated sheet residues in five globular proteins. The orientation of interest was chosen to allow study of regions that are approximately perpendicular to the faces of beta-pleated sheets. In these locations, nonbonded van der Waals packing interactions predominate over hydrogen bonding and solvent interactions. We observed considerable variability in packing densities within these regions, confirming that the interior packing of a protein does not result in uniform occupation of the available space. Patterns of fluctuation in packing density suggest that the regular backbone-to-backbone network of hydrogen bonds is not likely to be interrupted to maximize van der Waals interactions. However, high-density packing tends to occur toward the ends of beta-structure strands where hydrogen bonds are more likely to involve nonpolar side-chain groups or solvent molecules. These features result in internal protein folding with a central low-density core surrounded by a higher-density subsurface shell, consistent with our previous calculations regarding overall protein packing density.


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Fast skeletal muscles of mdx (X chromosome-linked muscular dystrophy) mice were injected after birth with a recombinant adenovirus containing a minidys- trophin gene, a 6.3-kbp cDNA coding for the N- and C-terminal ends of dystrophin. Adult muscles were challenged by forced lengthening during tetanic contractions. Stretch-induced mechanical and histological damages were much reduced in injected muscles, in direct proportion of the Miniber of fibers expressing minidystrophin. Damaged fibers were preferentially found among minidystrophin-negative regions. Minidystrostrophin confers an important functional and structural protection of limb muscles against high mechanical stress, even after a partial somatic gene transfer.


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Host protein synthesis is selectively inhibited in vaccinia virus-infected cells. This inhibition has been associated with the production of a group of small, nontranslated, polyadenylylated RNAs (POLADS) produced during the early part of virus infection. The inhibitory function of POLADS is associated with the poly(A) tail of these small RNAs. To determine the origin of the 5'-ends of POLADS, reverse transcription was performed with POLADS isolated from VV-infected cells at 1 hr and 3.5 hr post infection. The cDNAs of these POLADS were cloned into plasmids (pBS or pBluescript II KS +/-), and their nucleotide composition was determined by DNA sequencing. The results of this investigation show the following: There is no specific gene encoding for POLADS. The 5' ends of POLADS may be derived from either viral or cellular RNAs. Any RNA sequence including tRNAs, small nuclear RNAs and 5'ends of mRNAs can become POLADS if they acquire a poly(A) tail at their 3' ends during infection. This nonspecific polyadenylylation found in vaccinia virus-infected cells is probably conducted by vaccinia virus poly(A)+ polymerase. No consensus sequence is found on the 5' ends of POLADS for polyadenylylation. The 5' ends of POLADS have no direct role in their inhibitory activity of protein synthesis.


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Telomerase, a ribonucleic acid-protein complex, adds hexameric repeats of 5'-TTAGGG-3' to the ends of mammalian chromosomal DNA (telomeres) to compensate for the progressive loss that occurs with successive rounds of DNA replication. Although somatic cells do not express telomerase, germ cells and immortalized cells, including neoplastic cells, express this activity. To determine whether the phenotypic differentiation of immortalized cells is linked to the regulation of telomerase activity, terminal differentiation was induced in leukemic cell lines by diverse agents. A pronounced downregulation of telomerase activity was produced as a consequence of the differentiated status. The differentiation-inducing agents did not directly inhibit telomerase activity, suggesting that the inhibition of telomerase activity is in response to induction of differentiation. The loss of telomerase activity was not due to the production of an inhibitor, since extracts from differentiated cells did not cause inhibition of telomerase activity. By using additional cell lineages including epithelial and embryonal stem cells, down-regulation of telomerase activity was found to be a general response to the induction of differentiation. These findings provide the first direct link between telomerase activity and terminal differentiation and may provide a model to study regulation of telomerase activity.


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Cassette mutagenesis was used to identify side chains in human interleukin 5 (hIL-5) that mediate binding to hIL-5 receptor alpha chain (hIL-5R alpha). A series of single alanine substitutions was introduced into a stretch of residues in the C-terminal region, including helix D, which previously had been implicated in receptor alpha chain recognition and which is aligned on the IL-5 surface so as to allow the topography of receptor binding residues to be examined. hIL-5 and single site mutants were expressed in COS cells, their interactions with hIL-5R alpha were measured by a sandwich surface plasmon resonance biosensor method, and their biological activities were measured by an IL-5-dependent cell proliferation assay. A pattern of mutagenesis effects was observed, with greatest impact near the interface between the two four-helix bundles of IL-5, in particular at residues Glu-110 and Trp-111, and least at the distal ends of the D helices. This pattern suggests the possibility that residues near the interface of the two four-helix bundles in hIL-5 comprise a central patch or hot spot, which constitutes an energetically important alpha chain recognition site. This hypothesis suggests a structural explanation for the 1:1 stoichiometry observed for the complex of hIL-5 with hIL-5R alpha.


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Acquired interstitial loss of all or part of the long arm of human chromosome 5 (5q-) is an anomaly that is seen frequently in patients with preleukemic myelodysplasia and acute myelogenous leukemia. Loss of a critical region of overlap at band 5q31.1 in all of these cases, with various cytogenetic breaks, signifies the existence of a key negative regulator of leukemogenesis. Previous studies have defined the proximal and distal ends of the critical region to reside between the genes for IL9 and EGR1, respectively. In this report, we describe a yeast artificial chromosome contig spanning this myeloid tumor suppressor locus. The combined order of the polymorphic loci is centromere-IL9-(D5S525-D5S558-D5S89-D5S526 -D5S393)-D5S399-D5S396-D5S414-EGR1 and telomere. The physical distance between the IL9 and EGR1 genes is estimated to be < 2.4 Mb. Here we report the utility of these polymorphic loci by detecting a submicroscopic deletion of 5q31; an acute myelogenous leukemia patient with a three-way translocation, t(5;18;17)(q31;p11;q11), as the sole anomaly revealed allele loss of the D5S399 and D5S396 loci.


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The binding of the exchangeable apolipoprotein apolipophorin III (apoLp-III) to an egg phosphatidylcholine bilayer as a function of the concentration of diacylglycerol (DG) in the bilayer was studied by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. At a DG concentration of 2 mol % in the bilayer, the binding of apoLp-III reached saturation. Under saturating conditions, apoLp-III forms a closely packed monolayer approximately 55 A thick, in which each molecule of protein occupies approximately 500 A2 at the membrane surface. These dimensions are consistent with the molecular size of the apoLp-III molecule determined by x-ray crystallography, if apoLp-III binds to the bilayer with the long axis of the apoLp-III normal to the membrane surface. In the absence of protein, the overall structure of the lipid bilayer was not significantly changed up to 2.5 mol% DG. However, at 4 and 6 mol % DG, the presence of nonbilayer structures was observed. The addition of apoLp-III to a membrane containing 6 mol % DG promoted the formation of large lipid-protein complexes. These data support a two-step sequential binding mechanism for binding of apoLp-III to a lipid surface. The first step is a recognition process, consisting of the adsorption of apoLp-III to a nascent hydrophobic defect in the phospholipid bilayer caused by the presence of DG. This recognition process might depend on the presence of a hydrophobic sensor located at one of the ends of the long axis of the apoLp-III molecule but would be consolidated through H-bond and electrostatic interactions. Once primary binding is achieved, subsequent enlargement of the hydrophobic defect in the lipid surface would trigger the unfolding of the apolipoprotein and binding via the amphipathic alpha-helices. This two-step sequential binding mechanism could be a general mechanism for all exchangeable apolipoproteins. A possible physiological role of the ability of apoLp-III to bind to lipid structures in two orientations is also proposed.


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To investigate the functions of paralogous Hox genes, we compared the phenotypic consequences of altering the embryonic patterns of expression of Hoxb-8 and Hoxc-8 in transgenic mice. A comparison of the phenotypic consequences of altered expression of the two paralogs in the axial skeletons of newborns revealed an array of common transformations as well as morphological changes unique to each gene. Divergence of function of the two paralogs was clearly evident in costal derivatives, where increased expression of the two genes affected opposite ends of the ribs. Many of the morphological consequences of expanding the mesodermal domain and magnitude of expression of either gene were atavistic, inducing the transformation of axial skeletal structures from a modern to an earlier evolutionary form. We propose that regional specialization of the vertebral column has been driven by regionalization of Hox gene function and that a major aspect of this evolutionary progression may have been restriction of Hox gene expression.


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Chromosome I from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a DNA molecule of approximately 231 kbp and is the smallest naturally occurring functional eukaryotic nuclear chromosome so far characterized. The nucleotide sequence of this chromosome has been determined as part of an international collaboration to sequence the entire yeast genome. The chromosome contains 89 open reading frames and 4 tRNA genes. The central 165 kbp of the chromosome resembles other large sequenced regions of the yeast genome in both its high density and distribution of genes. In contrast, the remaining sequences flanking this DNA that comprise the two ends of the chromosome and make up more than 25% of the DNA molecule have a much lower gene density, are largely not transcribed, contain no genes essential for vegetative growth, and contain several apparent pseudogenes and a 15-kbp redundant sequence. These terminally repetitive regions consist of a telomeric repeat called W', flanked by DNA closely related to the yeast FLO1 gene. The low gene density, presence of pseudogenes, and lack of expression are consistent with the idea that these terminal regions represent the yeast equivalent of heterochromatin. The occurrence of such a high proportion of DNA with so little information suggests that its presence gives this chromosome the critical length required for proper function.


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Telomeres are specialized DNA/protein complexes that comprise the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. The highly expressed Ku heterodimer, composed of 70 and 80 Kd subunits (Ku70 and Ku80), is the high-affinity DNA binding component of the DNA-dependent protein kinase. Ku is critical for nonhomologous DNA double-stranded break repair and site-specific recombination of V(D)J gene segments. Ku also plays an important role in telomere maintenance in yeast. Herein, we report, using an in vivo crosslinking method, that human and hamster telomeric DNAs specifically coimmunoprecipitate with human Ku80 after crosslinking. Localization of Ku to the telomere does not depend on the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic component. These findings suggest a direct link between Ku and the telomere in mammalian cells.


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The X and Y chromosomes of the mouse, like those of other mammals, are heteromorphic over most of their length, but at the distal ends of the chromosomes is a region of sequence identity, the pseudoautosomal region (PAR), where the chromosomes pair and recombine during male meiosis. The point at which the PAR diverges into X- and Y-specific sequences is called the pseudoautosomal boundary. We have completed a genomic walk from the X-specific Amelogenin gene to the PAR. Analysis of this region revealed that the pseudoautosomal boundary of mice is located within an intron of a transcribed gene that encodes a novel RING finger protein. The first three of the exons of the gene are located on the X chromosome whereas the 3′ exons of the gene are located on both X and Y chromosomes. This unusual arrangement may indicate that the gene is in a state of transition from pseudoautosomal to X-unique and provides evidence for a process of attrition of the pseudoautosomal region on the Y chromosome.


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A novel RNase activity was identified in a yeast RNA polymerase I (pol I) in vitro transcription system. Transcript cleavage occurred at the 3′ end and was dependent on the presence of ternary pol I/DNA/RNA complexes and an additional protein factor not identical to transcription factor IIS (TFIIS). Transcript cleavage was observed both on arrested complexes at the linearized ends of the transcribed DNA and on intrinsic blocks of the DNA template. Shortened transcripts that remained associated within the ternary complexes were capable of resuming RNA chain elongation. Possible functions of the nuclease for transcript elongation or termination are discussed.


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An endogenous circadian biological clock controls the temporal aspects of life in most organisms, including rhythmic control of genes involved in clock output pathways. In the fungus Neurospora crassa, one pathway known to be under control of the clock is asexual spore (conidia) development. To understand more fully the processes that are regulated by the N. crassa circadian clock, systematic screens were carried out for genes that oscillate at the transcriptional level. Time-of-day-specific cDNA libraries were generated and used in differential screens to identify six new clock-controlled genes (ccgs). Transcripts specific for each of the ccgs preferentially accumulate during the late night to early morning, although they vary with respect to steady-state mRNA levels and amplitude of the rhythm. Sequencing of the ends of the new ccg cDNAs revealed that ccg-12 is identical to N. crassa cmt encoding copper metallothionein, providing the suggestion that not all clock-regulated genes in N. crassa are specifically involved in the development of conidia. This was supported by finding that half of the new ccgs, including cmt(ccg-12), are not transcriptionally induced by developmental or light signals. These data suggest a major role for the clock in the regulation of biological processes distinct from development.


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Spectrin is an important structural component of the plasma membrane skeleton. Heretofore-unidentified isoforms of spectrin also associate with Golgi and other organelles. We have discovered another member of the β-spectrin gene family by homology searches of the GenBank databases and by 5′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends of human brain cDNAs. Collectively, 7,938 nucleotides of contiguous clones are predicted to encode a 271,294-Da protein, called βIII spectrin, with conserved actin-, protein 4.1-, and ankyrin-binding domains, membrane association domains 1 and 2, a spectrin dimer self-association site, and a pleckstrin-homology domain. βIII spectrin transcripts are concentrated in the brain and present in the kidneys, liver, and testes and the prostate, pituitary, adrenal, and salivary glands. All of the tested tissues contain major 9.0-kb and minor 11.3-kb transcripts. The human βIII spectrin gene (SPTBN2) maps to chromosome 11q13 and the mouse gene (Spnb3) maps to a syntenic region close to the centromere on chromosome 19. Indirect immunofluorescence studies of cultured cells using antisera specific to human βIII spectrin reveal a Golgi-associated and punctate cytoplasmic vesicle-like distribution, suggesting that βIII spectrin associates with intracellular organelles. This distribution overlaps that of several Golgi and vesicle markers, including mannosidase II, p58, trans-Golgi network (TGN)38, and β-COP and is distinct from the endoplasmic reticulum markers calnexin and Bip. Liver Golgi membranes and other vesicular compartment markers cosediment in vitro with βIII spectrin. βIII spectrin thus constitutes a major component of the Golgi and vesicular membrane skeletons.


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Although microtubules (MTs) are generally thought to originate at the centrosome, a number of cell types have significant populations of MTs with no apparent centrosomal connection. The origin of these noncentrosomal MTs has been unclear. We applied kinetic analysis of MT formation in vivo to establish their mode of origin. Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that noncentrosomal MTs in cultured epithelial cells arise primarily by constitutive nucleation at, and release from, the centrosome. After release, MTs moved away from the centrosome and tended to depolymerize. Laser-marking experiments demonstrated that released MTs moved individually with their plus ends leading, suggesting that they were transported by minus end-directed motors. Released MTs were dynamic. The laser marking experiments demonstrated that plus ends of released MTs grew, paused, or shortened while the minus ends were stable or shortened. Microtubule release may serve two kinds of cellular function. Release and transport could generate the noncentrosomal MT arrays observed in epithelial cells, neurons, and other asymmetric, differentiated cells. Release would also contribute to polymer turnover by exposing MT minus ends, thereby providing additional sites for loss of subunits. The noncentrosomal population of MTs may reflect a steady-state of centrosomal nucleation, release, and dynamics.