42 resultados para End-Notched Flexure


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RNase E initiates the decay of Escherichia coli RNAs by cutting them internally near their 5′-end and is a component of the RNA degradosome complex, which also contains the 3′-exonuclease PNPase. Recently, RNase E has been shown to be able to remove poly(A) tails by what has been described as an exonucleolytic process that can be blocked by the presence of a phosphate group on the 3′-end of the RNA. We show here, however, that poly(A) tail removal by RNase E is in fact an endonucleolytic process that is regulated by the phosphorylation status at the 5′- but not the 3′-end of RNA. The rate of poly(A) tail removal by RNase E was found to be 30-fold greater when the 5′-terminus of RNA substrates was converted from a triphosphate to monophosphate group. This finding prompted us to re-analyse the contributions of the ribonucleolytic activities within the degradosome to 3′ attack since previous studies had only used substrates that had a triphosphate group on their 5′-end. Our results indicate that RNase E associated with the degradosome may contribute to the removal of poly(A) tails from 5′-monophosphorylated RNAs, but this is only likely to be significant should their attack by PNPase be blocked.


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Protein phosphoaspartate bonds play a variety of roles. In response regulator proteins of two-component signal transduction systems, phosphorylation of an aspartate residue is coupled to a change from an inactive to an active conformation. In phosphatases and mutases of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily, phosphoaspartate serves as an intermediate in phosphotransfer reactions, and in P-type ATPases, also members of the HAD family, it serves in the conversion of chemical energy to ion gradients. In each case, lability of the phosphoaspartate linkage has hampered a detailed study of the phosphorylated form. For response regulators, this difficulty was recently overcome with a phosphate analog, BeF\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{3}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}, which yields persistent complexes with the active site aspartate of their receiver domains. We now extend the application of this analog to a HAD superfamily member by solving at 1.5-Å resolution the x-ray crystal structure of the complex of BeF\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{3}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} with phosphoserine phosphatase (PSP) from Methanococcus jannaschii. The structure is comparable to that of a phosphoenzyme intermediate: BeF\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{3}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} is bound to Asp-11 with the tetrahedral geometry of a phosphoryl group, is coordinated to Mg2+, and is bound to residues surrounding the active site that are conserved in the HAD superfamily. Comparison of the active sites of BeF\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{3}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}⋅PSP and BeF\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{3}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}⋅CeY, a receiver domain/response regulator, reveals striking similarities that provide insights into the function not only of PSP but also of P-type ATPases. Our results indicate that use of BeF\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{3}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} for structural studies of proteins that form phosphoaspartate linkages will extend well beyond response regulators.


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Carriers of BRCA2 germline mutations are at high risk to develop early-onset breast cancer. The underlying mechanisms of how BRCA2 inactivation predisposes to malignant transformation have not been established. Here, we provide direct functional evidence that human BRCA2 promotes homologous recombination (HR), which comprises one major pathway of DNA double-strand break repair. We found that up-regulated HR after transfection of wild-type (wt) BRCA2 into a human tumor line with mutant BRCA2 was linked to increased radioresistance. In addition, BRCA2-mediated enhancement of HR depended on the interaction with Rad51. In contrast to the tumor suppressor BRCA1, which is involved in multiple DNA repair pathways, BRCA2 status had no impact on the other principal double-strand break repair pathway, nonhomologous end joining. Thus, there exists a specific regulation of HR by BRCA2, which may function to maintain genomic integrity and suppress tumor development in proliferating cells.


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The N-end rule relates the in vivo half-life of a protein to the identity of its N-terminal residue. Similar but distinct versions of the N-end rule operate in all organisms examined, from mammals to fungi and bacteria. In eukaryotes, the N-end rule pathway is a part of the ubiquitin system. I discuss the mechanisms and functions of this pathway, and consider its applications.


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The covalent joining of topoisomerases to DNA is normally a transient step in the reaction cycle of these important enzymes. However, under a variety of circumstances, the covalent complex is converted to a long-lived or dead-end product that can result in chromosome breakage and cell death. We have discovered and partially purified an enzyme that specifically cleaves the chemical bond that joins the active site tyrosine of topoisomerases to the 3' end of DNA. The reaction products made by the purified enzyme on a variety of model substrates indicate that the enzyme cleanly hydrolyzes the tyrosine-DNA phosphodiester linkage, thereby liberating a DNA terminated with a 3' phosphate. The wide distribution of this phosphodiesterase in eukaryotes and its specificity for tyrosine linked to the 3' end but not the 5' end of DNA suggest that it plays a role in the repair of DNA trapped in complexes involving eukaryotic topoisomerase I.


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Neutral residue replacements were made of 21 acidic and basic residues within the N-terminal half of the Halobacterium salinarium signal transducer HtrI [the halobacterial transducer for sensory rhodopsin I (SRI)] by site-specific mutagenesis. The replacements are all within the region of HtrI that we previously concluded from deletion analysis to contain sites of interaction with the phototaxis receptor SRI. Immunoblotting shows plasmid expression of the htrI-sopI operon containing the mutations produces SRI and mutant HtrI in cells at near wild-type levels. Six of the HtrI mutations perturb photochemical kinetics of SRI and one reverses the phototaxis response. Substitution with neutral amino acids of Asp-86, Glu-87, and Glu-108 accelerate, and of Arg-70, Arg-84, and Arg-99 retard, the SRI photocycle. Opposite effects on photocycle rate cancel in double mutants containing one replaced acidic and one replaced basic residue. Laser flash spectroscopy shows the kinetic perturbations are due to alteration of the rate of reprotonation of the retinylidene Schiff base. All of these mutations permit normal attractant and repellent signaling. On the other hand, the substitution of Glu-56 with the isosteric glutamine converts the normally attractant effect of orange light to a repellent signal in vivo at neutral pH (inverted signaling). Low pH corrects the inversion due to Glu-56 -> Gln and the apparent pK of the inversion is increased when arginine is substituted at position 56. The results indicate that the cytoplasmic end of transmembrane helix-2 and the initial part of the cytoplasmic domain contain interaction sites with SRI. To explain these and previous results, we propose a model in which (i) the HtrI region identified here forms part of an electrostatic bonding network that extends through the SRI protein and includes its photoactive site; (ii) alteration of this network by photoisomerization-induced Schiff base deprotonation and reprotonation shifts HtrI between attractant and repellent conformations; and (iii) HtrI mutations and extracellular pH alter the equilibrium ratios of these conformations.


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The mechanism by which elongation factor G (EF-G) catalyzes the translocation of tRNAs and mRNA on the ribosome is not known. The reaction requires GTP, which is hydrolyzed to GDP. Here we show that EF-G from Escherichia coli lacking the G domain still catalyzed partial translocation in that it promoted the transfer of the 3' end of peptidyl-tRNA to the P site on the 50S ribosomal subunit into a puromycin-reactive state in a slow-turnover reaction. In contrast, it did not bring about translocation on the 30S subunit, since (i) deacylated tRNA was not released from the P site and (ii) the A site remained blocked for aminoacyl-tRNA binding during and after partial translocation. The reaction probably represents the first EF-G-dependent step of translocation that follows the spontaneous formation of the A/P state that is not puromycin-reactive [Moazed, D. & Noller, H. F. (1989) Nature (London) 342, 142-148]. In the complete system--i.e., with intact EF-G and GTP--the 50S phase of translocation is rapidly followed by the 30S phase during which the tRNAs together with the mRNA are shifted on the small ribosomal subunit, and GTP is hydrolyzed. As to the mechanism of EF-G function, the results show that the G domain has an important role, presumably exerted through interactions with other domains of EF-G, in the promotion of translocation on the small ribosomal subunit. The G domain's intramolecular interactions are likely to be modulated by GTP binding and hydrolysis.


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beta-2-Microglobulin (beta-2m) is a major constituent of amyloid fibrils in patients with dialysis-related amyloidosis (DRA). Recently, we found that the pigmented and fluorescent adducts formed nonenzymatically between sugar and protein, known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs), were present in beta-2m-containing amyloid fibrils, suggesting the possible involvement of AGE-modified beta-2m in bone and joint destruction in DRA. As an extension of our search for the native structure of AGEs in beta-2m of patients with DRA, the present study focused on pentosidine, a fluorescent cross-linked glycoxidation product. Determination by both HPLC assay and competitive ELISA demonstrated a significant amount of pentosidine in amyloid-fibril beta-2m from long-term hemodialysis patients with DRA, and the acidic isoform of beta-2m in the serum and urine of hemodialysis patients. A further immunohistochemical study revealed the positive immunostaining for pentosidine and immunoreactive AGEs and beta-2m in macrophage-infiltrated amyloid deposits of long-term hemodialysis patients with DRA. These findings implicate a potential link of glycoxidation products in long-lived beta-2m-containing amyloid fibrils to the pathogenesis of DRA.


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We have developed an approach to study changes in gene expression by selective PCR amplification and display of 3' end restriction fragments of double-stranded cDNAs. This method produces highly consistent and reproducible patterns, can detect almost all mRNAs in a sample, and can resolve hidden differences such as bands that differ in their sequence but comigrate on a gel. Bands corresponding to known cDNAs move to predictable positions on the gel, making this a powerful approach to correlate gel patterns with cDNA data bases. Applying this method, we have examined differences in gene expression patterns during T-cell activation. Of a total of 700 bands that were evaluated in this study, as many as 3-4% represented mRNAs that are upregulated, while approximately 2% were down-regulated within 4 hr of activation of Jurkat T cells. These and other results suggest that this approach is suitable for the systematic, expeditious, and nearly exhaustive elucidation of subtle changes in the patterns of gene expression in cells with altered physiologic states.


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During Tn10 transposition, the element is excised from the donor site by double-strand cleavages at the two transposon ends. Double-strand cleavage is a central step in the nonreplicative transposition reaction of many transposons in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Evidence is presented to show that the Tn10 double-strand cut is made by an ordered, sequential cleavage of the two strands. The transferred strand is cut first, and then the nontransferred strand is cleaved. The single-strand nicked intermediate is seen to accumulate when Mn2+ is substituted for Mg2+ in the reaction or when certain mutant transposases are used. The fact that the transferred strand is cleaved before the non-transferred strand implies that the order of strand cleavages is not the determining factor that precludes a replicative mechanism of transposition.


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A typing method for bacteria was developed and applied to several species, including Escherichia coli and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Total genomic DNA was digested with a restriction endonuclease, and fragments were enabled with [alpha-32P]dATP by using the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase and separated by electrophoresis in 6% polyacrylamide/8 M urea (sequencing gel). Depending on the restriction endonuclease and the bacterium, the method produced approximately 30-50 well-separated fragments in the size range of 100-400 nucleotides. For A. actinomycetemcomitans, all strains had bands in common. Nevertheless, many polymorphisms could be observed, and the 31 strains tested could be classified into 29 distinct types. Furthermore, serotype-specific fragments could be assigned for the three serotypes investigated. The method described is very sensitive, allowing more distinct types to be distinguished than other commonly used typing methods. When the method was applied to 10 other clinically relevant bacterial species, both species-specific bands and strain-specific bands were found. Isolates from different locations of one patient showed indistinguishable patterns. Computer-assisted analysis of the DNA fingerprints allowed the determination of similarity coefficients. It is concluded that genomic fingerprinting by restriction fragment end labeling (RFEL) is a powerful and generally applicable technique to type bacterial species.


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The cyc1-512 mutation is a 38-bp deletion in the 3' untranslated region of the CYC1 gene, which encodes iso-1-cytochrome c in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This deletion caused a 90% reduction in the levels of the CYC1 mRNA and protein because of the absence of the normal 3' end-forming signal. Although the 3' end-forming signal was not defined by previous analyses, we report that concomitant alteration by base-pair substitution of three 3' end-forming signals within and adjacent to the 38-bp region produced the same phenotype as the cyc1-512 mutation. Furthermore, these signals appear to be related to the previously identified 3' end-forming signal TATATA. A computer analysis revealed that TATATA and related sequences were present in the majority of 3' untranslated regions of yeast genes. Although TATATA may be the strongest and most frequently used signal in yeast genes, the CYC1+ gene concomitantly employed the weaker signals TT-TATA, TATGTT, and TATTTA, resulting in a strong signal.