56 resultados para Embryo aggregation


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The equilibrium dissociation of recombinant human IFN-γ was monitored as a function of pressure and sucrose concentration. The partial molar volume change for dissociation was −209 ± 13 ml/mol of dimer. The specific molar surface area change for dissociation was 12.7 ± 1.6 nm2/molecule of dimer. The first-order aggregation rate of recombinant human IFN-γ in 0.45 M guanidine hydrochloride was studied as a function of sucrose concentration and pressure. Aggregation proceeded through a transition-state species, N*. Sucrose reduced aggregation rate by shifting the equilibrium between native state (N) and N* toward the more compact N. Pressure increased aggregation rate through increased solvation of the protein, which exposes more surface area, thus shifting the equilibrium away from N toward N*. The changes in partial molar volume and specific molar surface area between the N* and N were −41 ± 9 ml/mol of dimer and 3.5 ± 0.2 nm2/molecule, respectively. Thus, the structural change required for the formation of the transition state for aggregation is small relative to the difference between N and the dissociated state. Changes in waters of hydration were estimated from both specific molar surface area and partial molar volume data. From partial molar volume data, estimates were 25 and 128 mol H2O/mol dimer for formation of the aggregation transition state and for dissociation, respectively. From surface area data, estimates were 27 and 98 mol H2O/mol dimer. Osmotic stress theory yielded values ≈4-fold larger for both transitions.


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Continuous exposure to oxygen is essential for nearly all vertebrates. We found that embryos of the zebrafish Danio rerio can survive for 24 h in the absence of oxygen (anoxia, 0% O2). In anoxia, zebrafish entered a state of suspended animation where all microscopically observable movement ceased, including cell division, developmental progression, and motility. Animals that had developed a heartbeat before anoxic exposure showed no evidence of a heartbeat until return to terrestrial atmosphere (normoxia, 20.8% O2). In analyzing cell-cycle changes of rapidly dividing blastomeres exposed to anoxia, we found that no cells arrested in mitosis. This is in sharp contrast to similarly staged normoxic embryos that consistently contain more than 15% of cells in mitosis. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that blastomeres arrested during the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle. This work indicates that survival of oxygen deprivation in vertebrates involves the reduction of diverse processes, such as cardiac function and cell-cycle progression, thus allowing energy supply to be matched by energy demands.


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Evidence was obtained on the occurrence of protein threonine, serine, and tyrosine (Tyr) kinases in developing coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) zygotic embryos, based on in vitro phosphorylation of proteins in the presence of [γ-32P]ATP, alkaline treatment, and thin-layer chromatography analysis, which showed the presence of [32P]phosphoserine, [32P]phosphothreonine, and [32P]phosphotyrosine in [32P]-labeled protein hydrolyzates. Tyr kinase activity was further confirmed in extracts of embryos at different stages of development using antiphosphotyrosine monoclonal antibodies and the synthetic peptide derived from the amino acid sequence surrounding the phosphorylation site in pp60src (RR-SRC), which is specific for Tyr kinases. Anti-phosphotyrosine western blotting revealed a changing profile of Tyr-phosphorylated proteins during embryo development. Tyr kinase activity, as assayed using RR-SRC, also changed during embryo development, showing two peaks of activity, one during early and another during late embryo development. In addition, the use of genistein, a Tyr kinase inhibitor, diminished the ability of extracts to phosphorylate RR-SRC. Results presented here show the occurrence of threonine, serine, and Tyr kinases in developing coconut zygotic embryos, and suggest that protein phosphorylation, and the possible inference of Tyr phosphorylation in particular, may play a role in the coordination of the development of embryos in this species.


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Auxotrophic mutants have played an important role in the genetic dissection of biosynthetic pathways in microorganisms. Equivalent mutants have been more difficult to identify in plants. The bio1 auxotroph of Arabidopsis thaliana was shown previously to be defective in the synthesis of the biotin precursor 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid. A second biotin auxotroph of A. thaliana has now been identified. Arrested embryos from this bio2 mutant are defective in the final step of biotin synthesis, the conversion of dethiobiotin to biotin. This enzymatic reaction, catalyzed by the bioB product (biotin synthase) in Escherichia coli, has been studied extensively in plants and bacteria because it involves the unusual addition of sulfur to form a thiophene ring. Three lines of evidence indicate that bio2 is defective in biotin synthase production: mutant embryos are rescued by biotin but not dethiobiotin, the mutant allele maps to the same chromosomal location as the cloned biotin synthase gene, and gel-blot hybridizations and polymerase chain reaction amplifications revealed that homozygous mutant plants contain a deletion spanning the entire BIO2-coding region. Here we describe how the isolation and characterization of this null allele have provided valuable insights into biotin synthesis, auxotrophy, and gene redundancy in plants.


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Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) expression in the uterus is essential for embryo implantation in mice. Here we describe the spatial and temporal regulation of LIF signaling in vivo by using tissues isolated from uteri on different days over the implantation period. During this time, LIF receptors are expressed predominantly in the luminal epithelium (LE) of the uterus. Isolated epithelium responds to LIF by phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat) 3, but not by an increase in mitogen-activated protein kinase levels. The related cytokines Il-6, ciliary neurotrophic factor, as well as epidermal growth factor, do not activate Stat3, although epidermal growth factor stimulates mitogen-activated protein kinase. In vivo Stat3 activation is induced by LIF alone, resulting in the localization of Stat3 specifically to the nuclei of the LE coinciding with the onset of uterine receptivity. The responsiveness of the LE to LIF is regulated temporally, with Stat activation being restricted to day 4 of pregnancy despite the presence of constant levels of LIF receptor throughout the preimplantation period. Uterine receptivity is therefore under dual control and is regulated by both the onset of LIF expression in the endometrial glands and the release from inhibition of receptor function in the LE.


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Herein we describe the molecular characterization of the human leukocyte activation antigen CD100 and identify it as the first semaphorin, to our knowledge, in the immune system. Semaphorins have recently been described as neuronal chemorepellants that direct pioneering neurons during nervous system development. In this study we demonstrate that CD100 induces B cells to aggregate and improves their viability in vitro. We show that CD100 modifies CD40-CD40L B-cell signaling by augmenting B-cell aggregation and survival and down-regulating CD23 expression. Thus, these results suggest that semaphorins as exemplified by CD100 also play a functional role in the immune system.


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In Alzheimer disease (AD) the microtubule-associated protein tau is redistributed exponentially into paired helical filaments (PHFs) forming neurofibrillary tangles, which correlate with pyramidal cell destruction and dementia. Amorphous neuronal deposits and PHFs in AD are characterized by aggregation through the repeat domain and C-terminal truncation at Glu-391 by endogenous proteases. We show that a similar proteolytically stable complex can be generated in vitro following the self-aggregation of tau protein through a high-affinity binding site in the repeat domain. Once started, tau capture can be propagated by seeding the further accumulation of truncated tau in the presence of proteases. We have identified a nonneuroleptic phenothiazine previously used in man (methylene blue, MB), which reverses the proteolytic stability of protease-resistant PHFs by blocking the tau-tau binding interaction through the repeat domain. Although MB is inhibitory at a higher concentration than may be achieved clinically, the tau-tau binding assay was used to identify desmethyl derivatives of MB that have Ki values in the nanomolar range. Neuroleptic phenothiazines are inactive. Tau aggregation inhibitors do not affect the tau-tubulin interaction, which also occurs through the repeat domain. Our findings demonstrate that biologically selective pharmaceutical agents could be developed to facilitate the proteolytic degradation of tau aggregates and prevent the further propagation of tau capture in AD.


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Transcriptional repressors can be characterized by their range of action on promoters and enhancers. Short-range repressors interact over distances of 50-150 bp to inhibit, or quench, either upstream activators or the basal transcription complex. In contrast, long-range repressors act over several kilobases to silence basal promoters. We describe recent progress in characterizing the functional properties of one such long-range element in the Drosophila embryo and discuss the contrasting types of gene regulation that are made possible by short- and long-range repressors.


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The B-line presumptive muscle cells of ascidian embryos have extensive potential for self-differentiation dependent on determinants prelocalized in the myoplasm of fertilized eggs. Ascidian larval muscle cells therefore provide an experimental system with which to explore an intrinsic genetic program for autonomous specification of embryonic cells. Experiments with egg fragments suggested that maternal mRNAs are one of the components of muscle determinants. Expression of larval muscle actin genes begins as early as the 32-cell stage, prior to the developmental fate restriction of the cells. The timing of initiation of the actin gene expression proceeds the expression of an ascidian homologue of vertebrate MyoD by a few hours. Mutations in the proximal E-box of the 5' flanking region of the actin genes did not alter the promoter activity for muscle-specific expression of reporter gene. These results, together with results of deletion constructs of fusion genes, suggest that muscle determinants regulate directly, or indirectly via regulatory factors other than MyoD, the transcription of muscle-specific structural genes leading to the terminal differentiation.


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The cis-regulatory systems that control developmental expression of two sea urchin genes have been subjected to detailed functional analysis. Both systems are modular in organization: specific, separable fragments of the cis-regulatory DNA each containing multiple transcription factor target sites execute particular regulatory subfunctions when associated with reporter genes and introduced into the embryo. The studies summarized here were carried out on the CyIIIa gene, expressed in the embryonic aboral ectoderm and on the Endo16 gene, expressed in the embryonic vegetal plate, archenteron, and then midgut. The regulatory systems of both genes include modules that control particular aspects of temporal and spatial expression, and in both the territorial boundaries of expression depend on a combination of negative and positive functions. In both genes different regulatory modules control early and late embryonic expression. Modular cis-regulatory organization is widespread in developmentally regulated genes, and we present a tabular summary that includes many examples from mouse and Drosophila. We regard cis-regulatory modules as units of developmental transcription control, and also of evolution, in the assembly of transcription control systems.


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Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a 28-aa peptide hormone secreted predominantly from atrial cardiocytes. ANP is first synthesized in the form of a 126-aa precursor (proANP) which is targeted to dense core granules of the regulated secretory pathway. ProANP is stored until the cell receives a signal that triggers the processing and release of the mature peptide (regulated secretion). Various models have been proposed to explain the targeting of selected proteins to the regulated secretory pathway, including specific "sorting receptors" and calcium-mediated aggregation. As potential calcium binding regions had previously been reported in the profragment of ANP, the current study was undertaken in an effort to determine the relationship between the ability of ANP to enter the regulated secretory pathway and its calcium-mediated aggregation. Deletion and site-directed mutagenesis of selected regions of the prosegment demonstrates that acidic amino acids at positions 23 and 24 are critical for both regulated secretion of proANP from transfected AtT-20 cells and calcium-mediated aggregation of purified recombinant proANP in vitro. These results demonstrate that the ability of certain proteins to enter secretory granules is directly linked to their calcium-mediated aggregation.


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Disruptions of the genes encoding endothelin 3 (EDN3) and its receptor endothelin-B receptor (EDNRB) in the mouse result in defects of two neural crest (NC)-derived lineages, the melanocytes, and the enteric nervous system. To assess the mechanisms through which the EDN3/EDNRB signaling pathway can selectively act on these NC derivatives, we have studied the spatiotemporal expression pattern of the EDNRB gene in the avian embryo, a model in which NC development has been extensively studied. For this purpose, we have cloned the quail homologue of the mammalian EDNRB cDNA. EDNRB transcripts are present in NC cells before and during their emigration from the neural tube at all levels of the neuraxis. At later developmental stages, the receptor remains abundantly expressed in the peripheral nervous system including the enteric nervous system. In a previous study, we have shown that EDN3 enhances dramatically the proliferation of NC cells when they are at the pluripotent stage. We propose that the selective effect of EDN3 or EDNRB gene inactivation is due to the fact that both melanocytes and enteric nervous system precursors have to colonize large embryonic areas (skin and bowel) from a relatively small population of precursors that have to expand considerably in number. It is therefore understandable that a deficit in one of the growth-promoting pathways of NC cells has more deleterious effects on long-range migrating cells than on the NC derivatives which develop close to the neural primordium like the sensory and sympathetic ganglia.


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The neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) mediates homophilic binding between a variety of cell types including neurons, neurons and glia, and neurons and muscle cells. The mechanism by which N-CAM on one cell interacts with N-CAM on another, however, is unknown. Attempts to identify which of the five immunoglobulin-like domains (Ig I-V) and the two fibronectin type III repeats (FnIII 1-2) in the extracellular region of N-CAM are involved in this process have led to ambiguous results. We have generated soluble recombinant proteins corresponding to each of the individual immunoglobulin domains and the combined FnIII 1-2 and prepared polyclonal antibodies specific for each. The purified proteins and antibodies were used in aggregation experiments with fluorescent microspheres and chicken embryo brain cells to determine possible contributions of each domain to homophilic adhesion. The recombinant domains were tested for their ability to bind to purified native N-CAM, to bind to each other, and to inhibit the aggregation of N-CAM on microspheres and the aggregation of neuronal cells. Each of the immunoglobulin domains bound to N-CAM, and in solution all of the immunoglobulin domains inhibited the aggregation of N-CAM-coated microspheres. Soluble Ig II, Ig III, and Ig IV inhibited neuronal aggregation; antibodies against whole N-CAM, the Ig III domain, and the Ig I domain all strongly inhibited neuronal aggregation, as well as the aggregation of N-CAM-coated microspheres. Of all the domains, the third immunoglobulin domain alone demonstrated the ability to self-aggregate, whereas Ig I bound to Ig V and Ig II bound to Ig IV. The combined FnIII 1-2 exhibited a slight ability to self-aggregate but did not bind to any of the immunoglobulin-like domains. These results suggest that N-CAM-N-CAM binding involves all five immunoglobulin domains and prompt the hypothesis that in homophilic cell-cell binding mediated by N-CAM these domains may interact pairwise in an antiparallel orientation.


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To identify changes in gene expression that occur in chicken embryo brain (CEB) cells as a consequence of their binding to the extracellular matrix molecule cytotactin/tenascin (CT/TN), a subtractive hybridization cloning strategy was employed. One of the cDNA clones identified was predicted to encode 381 amino acids and although it did not resemble any known sequences in the nucleic acid or protein data bases, it did contain the sequence motif for the cysteine-rich C3HC4 type of zinc finger, also known as a RING-finger. This sequence was therefore designated the chicken-RING zinc finger (C-RZF). In addition to the RING-finger, the C-RZF sequence also contained motifs for a leucine zipper, a nuclear localization signal, and a stretch of acidic amino acids similar to the activation domains of some transcription factors. Southern analysis suggested that C-RZF is encoded by a single gene. Northern and in situ hybridization analyses of E8 chicken embryo tissues indicated that expression of the C-RZF gene was restricted primarily to brain and heart. Western analysis of the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions of chicken embryo heart cells and immunofluorescent staining of chicken embryo cardiocytes with anti-C-RZF antibodies demonstrated that the C-RZF protein was present in the nucleus. The data suggest that we have identified another member of the RING-finger family of proteins whose expression in CEB cells may be affected by CT/TN and whose nuclear localization and sequence motifs predict a DNA-binding function in the nucleus.


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The uterine expression of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is essential for embryo implantation in the mouse. Here, we describe the expression of LIF, related members of this group of cytokines, oncostatin M and ciliary neurotrophic factor, and the LIF receptor beta and glycoprotein gp130 in normal human tissues and in the endometrium of fertile women. Our results show that LIF is the only one of these factors expressed at detectable levels in the endometrium of women of proven fertility. LIF expression is restricted to the endometrial glands during the secretory/postovulatory phase but is not present in the endometrium during the proliferative/preovulatory phase. The LIF receptor beta is expressed during the proliferative and secretory phases of the cycle and is restricted to the luminal epithelium. The associated signal-transducing component of the LIF receptor, gp130, is also expressed in both the luminal and glandular epithelium throughout the cycle. These results suggest that uterine expression of LIF in humans, like mice, may have a role in regulating embryo implantation, possibly through an autocrine/paracrine interaction between LIF and its receptor at the luminal epithelium.