60 resultados para Dopamine Transporter Gene


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A novel multispecific organic anion transporting polypeptide (oatp2) has been isolated from rat brain. The cloned cDNA contains 3,640 bp. The coding region extends over 1,983 nucleotides, thus encoding a polypeptide of 661 amino acids. Oatp2 is homologous to other members of the oatp gene family of membrane transporters with 12 predicted transmembrane domains, five potential glycosylation, and six potential protein kinase C phosphorylation sites. In functional expression studies in Xenopus laevis oocytes, oatp2 mediated uptake of the bile acids taurocholate (Km ≈ 35 μM) and cholate (Km ≈ 46 μM), the estrogen conjugates 17β-estradiol-glucuronide (Km ≈ 3 μM) and estrone-3-sulfate (Km ≈ 11 μM), and the cardiac gylcosides ouabain (Km ≈ 470 μM) and digoxin (Km ≈ 0.24 μM). Although most of the tested compounds are common substrates of several oatp-related transporters, high-affinity uptake of digoxin is a unique feature of the newly cloned oatp2. On the basis of Northern blot analysis under high-stringency conditions, oatp2 is highly expressed in brain, liver, and kidney but not in heart, spleen, lung, skeletal muscle, and testes. These results provide further support for the overall significance of oatps as a new family of multispecific organic anion transporters. They indicate that oatp2 may play an especially important role in the brain accumulation and toxicity of digoxin and in the hepatobiliary and renal excretion of cardiac glycosides from the body.


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The mesencephalic dopaminergic (mesDA) system regulates behavior and movement control and has been implicated in psychiatric and affective disorders. We have identified a bicoid-related homeobox gene, Ptx3, a member of the Ptx-subfamily, that is uniquely expressed in these neurons. Its expression starting at E11.5 in the developing mouse midbrain correlates with the appearance of mesDA neurons. The number of Ptx3-expressing neurons is reduced in Parkinson patients, and these neurons are absent from 6-hydroxy-dopamine-lesioned rats, an animal model for this disease. Thus, Ptx3 is a unique transcription factor marking the mesDA neurons at the exclusion of other dopaminergic neurons, and it may be involved in developmental determination of this neuronal lineage.


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Large quantities of DNA sequence information about plant genes are rapidly accumulating in public databases, but to progress from DNA sequence to biological function a mutant allele for each of the genes ideally should be available. Here we describe a gene trap construct that allowed us to disrupt transcribed genes with a high efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the T-DNA vector used, the expression of a bacterial reporter gene coding for neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) depends on the in vivo generation of a translation fusion upon the T-DNA integration into the Arabidopsis genome. Analysis of 20 selected transgenic lines showed that 12 lines are T-DNA insertion mutants. The disrupted genes analyzed encoded ribosomal proteins (three lines), aspartate tRNA synthase, DNA ligase, basic-domain leucine zipper DNA binding protein, ATP-binding cassette transporter, and five proteins of unknown function. Four tagged genes were new for Arabidopsis. The results presented here suggest that gene trapping, using nptII as a reporter gene, can be as high as 80% and opens novel perspectives for systematic gene tagging in A. thaliana.


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Mutations of the glycoprotein rBAT cause cystinuria type I, an autosomal recessive failure of dibasic amino acid transport (b0,+ type) across luminal membranes of intestine and kidney cells. Here we identify the permease-like protein b0,+AT as the catalytic subunit that associates by a disulfide bond with rBAT to form a hetero-oligomeric b0,+ amino acid transporter complex. We demonstrate its b0,+-type amino acid transport kinetics using a heterodimeric fusion construct and show its luminal brush border localization in kidney proximal tubule. These biochemical, transport, and localization characteristics as well as the chromosomal localization on 19q support the notion that the b0,+AT protein is the product of the gene defective in non-type I cystinuria.


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Stimulation of dopamine D1 receptors has profound effects on addictive behavior, movement control, and working memory. Many of these functions depend on dopaminergic systems in the striatum and D1–D2 dopamine receptor synergies have been implicated as well. We show here that deletion of the D1 dopamine receptor produces a neural phenotype in which amphetamine and cocaine, two addictive psychomotor stimulants, can no longer stimulate neurons in the striatum to express cFos or JunB or to regulate dynorphin. By contrast, haloperidol, a typical neuroleptic that acts preferentially at D2-class receptors, remains effective in inducing catalepsy and striatal Fos/Jun expression in the D1 mutants, and these behavioral and neural effects can be blocked by D2 dopamine receptor agonists. These findings demonstrate that D2 dopamine receptors can function without the enabling role of D1 receptors but that D1 dopamine receptors are essential for the control of gene expression and motor behavior by psychomotor stimulants.


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The murine ZnT3 gene was cloned by virtue of its homology to the ZnT2 gene, which encodes a membrane protein that facilitates sequestration of zinc in endosomal vesicles. ZnT-3 protein is predicted to have six transmembrane domains and shares 52% amino acid identity with ZnT-2, with the homology extending throughout the two sequences. Human ZnT-3 cDNAs were also cloned; the amino acid sequence is 86% identical to murine ZnT-3. The mouse ZnT3 gene has 8 exons and maps to chromosome 5. Northern blot and reverse transcriptase–PCR analyses demonstrate that murine ZnT-3 expression is restricted to the brain and testis. In situ hybridization reveals that within the brain, ZnT-3 mRNA is most abundant in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Antibodies raised against the C-terminal tail of mouse ZnT-3 react with the projections from these neurons and produce a pattern similar to that obtained with Timm’s reaction, which reveals histochemically reactive zinc within synaptic vesicles. We propose that ZnT-3 facilitates the accumulation of zinc in synaptic vesicles.


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Choline is an important metabolite in all cells due to the major contribution of phosphatidylcholine to the production of membranes, but it takes on an added role in cholinergic neurons where it participates in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. We have cloned a suppressor for a yeast choline transport mutation from a Torpedo electric lobe yeast expression library by functional complementation. The full-length clone encodes a protein with 10 putative transmembrane domains, two of which contain transporter-like motifs, and whose expression increased high-affinity choline uptake in mutant yeast. The gene was called CTL1 for its choline transporter-like properties. The homologous rat gene, rCTL1, was isolated and found to be highly expressed as a 3.5-kb transcript in the spinal cord and brain and as a 5-kb transcript in the colon. In situ hybridization showed strong expression of rCTL1 in motor neurons and oligodendrocytes and to a lesser extent in various neuronal populations throughout the rat brain. High levels of rCTL1 were also identified in the mucosal cell layer of the colon. Although the sequence of the CTL1 gene shows clear homology with a single gene in Caenorhabditis elegans, several homologous genes are found in mammals (CTL2–4). These results establish a new family of genes for transporter-like proteins in eukaryotes and suggest that one of its members, CTL1, is involved in supplying choline to certain cell types, including a specific subset of cholinergic neurons.


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Dopamine D1, dopamine D2, and adenosine A2A receptors are highly expressed in striatal medium-sized spiny neurons. We have examined, in vivo, the influence of these receptors on the state of phosphorylation of the dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein of 32 kDa (DARPP-32). DARPP-32 is a potent endogenous inhibitor of protein phosphatase-1, which plays an obligatory role in dopaminergic transmission. A dose-dependent increase in the state of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 occurred in mouse striatum after systemic administration of the D2 receptor antagonist eticlopride (0.1–2.0 mg/kg). This effect was abolished in mice in which the gene coding for the adenosine A2A receptor was disrupted by homologous recombination. A reduction was also observed in mice that had been pretreated with the selective A2A receptor antagonist SCH 58261 (10 mg/kg). The eticlopride-induced increase in DARPP-32 phosphorylation was also decreased by pretreatment with the D1 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 (0.125 and 0.25 mg/kg) and completely reversed by combined pretreatment with SCH 23390 (0.25 mg/kg) plus SCH 58261 (10 mg/kg). SCH 23390, but not SCH 58261, abolished the increase in DARPP-32 caused by cocaine (15 mg/kg). The results indicate that, in vivo, the state of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 and, by implication, the activity of protein phosphatase-1 are regulated by tonic activation of D1, D2, and A2A receptors. The results also underscore the fact that the adenosine system plays a role in the generation of responses to dopamine D2 antagonists in vivo.


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We investigated the circadian function of Drosophila dopamine receptors by using a behaviorally active decapitated preparation that allows for direct application of drugs to the nerve cord. Quinpirole, a D2-like dopamine receptor agonist, induces reflexive locomotion in decapitated flies. We show that the amount of locomotion induced changes as a function of the time of day, with the highest responsiveness to quinpirole during the subjective night. Furthermore, dopamine receptor responsiveness is under circadian control and depends on the normal function of the period gene. The head pacemaker is at least partly dispensable for the circadian modulation of quinpirole-induced locomotion, because changes in agonist responsiveness persist in decapitated flies that are aged for 12 h. This finding suggests a role for the period-dependent molecular oscillators in the body in the modulation of amine receptor responsiveness.


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The RD114/simian type D retroviruses, which include the feline endogenous retrovirus RD114, all strains of simian immunosuppressive type D retroviruses, the avian reticuloendotheliosis group including spleen necrosis virus, and baboon endogenous virus, use a common cell-surface receptor for cell entry. We have used a retroviral cDNA library approach, involving transfer and expression of cDNAs from highly infectable HeLa cells to nonpermissive NIH 3T3 mouse cells, to clone and identify this receptor. The cloned cDNA, denoted RDR, is an allele of the previously cloned neutral amino acid transporter ATB0 (SLC1A5). Both RDR and ATB0 serve as retrovirus receptors and both show specific transport of neutral amino acids. We have localized the receptor by radiation hybrid mapping to a region of about 500-kb pairs on the long arm of human chromosome 19 at q13.3. Infection of cells with RD114/type D retroviruses results in impaired amino acid transport, suggesting a mechanism for virus toxicity and immunosuppression. The identification and functional characterization of this retrovirus receptor provide insight into the retrovirus life cycle and pathogenesis and will be an important tool for optimization of gene therapy using vectors derived from RD114/type D retroviruses.


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Primary carnitine deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder of fatty acid oxidation caused by defective carnitine transport. This disease presents early in life with hypoketotic hypoglycemia or later in life with skeletal myopathy or cardiomyopathy. The gene for this condition maps to 5q31.2–32 and OCTN2, an organic cation/carnitine transporter, also maps to the same chromosomal region. Here we test the causative role of OCTN2 in primary carnitine deficiency by searching for mutations in this gene in affected patients. Fibroblasts from patients with primary carnitine deficiency lacked mediated carnitine transport. Transfection of patient’s fibroblasts with the OCTN2 cDNA partially restored carnitine transport. Sequencing of the OCTN2 gene revealed different mutations in two unrelated patients. The first patient was homozygous (and both parents heterozygous) for a single base pair substitution converting the codon for Arg-282 to a STOP codon (R282X). The second patient was a compound heterozygote for a paternal 1-bp insertion producing a STOP codon (Y401X) and a maternal 1-bp deletion that produced a frameshift creating a subsequent STOP codon (458X). These mutations decreased the levels of mature OCTN2 mRNA and resulted in nonfunctional transporters, confirming that defects in the organic cation/carnitine transporter OCTN2 are responsible for primary carnitine deficiency.


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Cytochrome c maturation in Escherichia coli requires the ccm operon, which encodes eight membrane proteins (CcmABCDEFGH). CcmE is a periplasmic heme chaperone that binds heme covalently and transfers it onto apocytochrome c in the presence of CcmF, CcmG, and CcmH. In this work we addressed the functions of the ccmABCD gene products with respect to holo-CcmE formation and the subsequent ligation of heme to apocytochrome c. In the absence of the ccmABCD genes, heme is not bound to CcmE. We report that CcmC is functionally uncoupled from the ABC transporter subunits CcmA and CcmB, because it is the only Ccm protein that is strictly required for heme transfer and attachment to CcmE. Site-directed mutagenesis of conserved histidines inactivates the CcmC protein, which is in agreement with the hypothesis that this protein interacts directly with heme. We also present evidence that questions the role of CcmAB as a heme exporter; yet, the transported substrate remains unknown. CcmD was found to be involved in stabilizing the heme chaperone CcmE in the membrane. We propose a heme-trafficking pathway as part of a substantially revised model for cytochrome c maturation in E. coli.


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Bile secretion involves the structural and functional interplay of hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, the cells lining the intrahepatic bile ducts. Hepatocytes actively secrete bile acids into the canalicular space and cholangiocytes then transport bile acids in a vectorial manner across their apical and basolateral plasma membranes. The initial step in the transepithelial transport of bile acids across rat cholangiocytes is apical uptake by a Na+-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT). To date, the molecular basis of the obligate efflux mechanism for extrusion of bile acids across the cholangiocyte basolateral membrane remains unknown. We have identified an exon-2 skipped, alternatively spliced form of ASBT, designated t-ASBT, expressed in rat cholangiocytes, ileum, and kidney. Alternative splicing causes a frameshift that produces a 154-aa protein. Antipeptide antibodies detected the ≈19 kDa t-ASBT polypeptide in rat cholangiocytes, ileum, and kidney. The t-ASBT was specifically localized to the basolateral domain of cholangiocytes. Transport studies in Xenopus oocytes revealed that t-ASBT can function as a bile acid efflux protein. Thus, alternative splicing changes the cellular targeting of ASBT, alters its functional properties, and provides a mechanism for rat cholangiocytes and other bile acid-transporting epithelia to extrude bile acids. Our work represents an example in which a single gene appears to encode via alternative splicing both uptake and obligate efflux carriers in a bile acid-transporting epithelial cell.


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Loss of neurotransmitter receptors, especially glutamate and dopamine receptors, is one of the pathologic hallmarks of brains of patients with Huntington disease (HD). Transgenic mice that express exon 1 of an abnormal human HD gene (line R6/2) develop neurologic symptoms at 9–11 weeks of age through an unknown mechanism. Analysis of glutamate receptors (GluRs) in symptomatic 12-week-old R6/2 mice revealed decreases compared with age-matched littermate controls in the type 1 metabotropic GluR (mGluR1), mGluR2, mGluR3, but not the mGluR5 subtype of G protein-linked mGluR, as determined by [3H]glutamate receptor binding, protein immunoblotting, and in situ hybridization. Ionotropic α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid and kainate receptors were also decreased, while N-methyl-d-aspartic acid receptors were not different compared with controls. Other neurotransmitter receptors known to be affected in HD were also decreased in R6/2 mice, including dopamine and muscarinic cholinergic, but not γ-aminobutyric acid receptors. D1-like and D2-like dopamine receptor binding was drastically reduced to one-third of control in the brains of 8- and 12-week-old R6/2 mice. In situ hybridization indicated that mGluR and D1 dopamine receptor mRNA were altered as early as 4 weeks of age, long prior to the onset of clinical symptoms. Thus, altered expression of neurotransmitter receptors precedes clinical symptoms in R6/2 mice and may contribute to subsequent pathology.


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Pendrin is an anion transporter encoded by the PDS/Pds gene. In humans, mutations in PDS cause the genetic disorder Pendred syndrome, which is associated with deafness and goiter. Previous studies have shown that this gene has a relatively restricted pattern of expression, with PDS/Pds mRNA detected only in the thyroid, inner ear, and kidney. The present study examined the distribution and function of pendrin in the mammalian kidney. Immunolocalization studies were performed using anti-pendrin polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. Labeling was detected on the apical surface of a subpopulation of cells within the cortical collecting ducts (CCDs) that also express the H+-ATPase but not aquaporin-2, indicating that pendrin is present in intercalated cells of the CCD. Furthermore, pendrin was detected exclusively within the subpopulation of intercalated cells that express the H+-ATPase but not the anion exchanger 1 (AE1) and that are thought to mediate bicarbonate secretion. The same distribution of pendrin was observed in mouse, rat, and human kidney. However, pendrin was not detected in kidneys from a Pds-knockout mouse. Perfused CCD tubules isolated from alkali-loaded wild-type mice secreted bicarbonate, whereas tubules from alkali-loaded Pds-knockout mice failed to secrete bicarbonate. Together, these studies indicate that pendrin is an apical anion transporter in intercalated cells of CCDs and has an essential role in renal bicarbonate secretion.