39 resultados para Digital light signal


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Neutral residue replacements were made of 21 acidic and basic residues within the N-terminal half of the Halobacterium salinarium signal transducer HtrI [the halobacterial transducer for sensory rhodopsin I (SRI)] by site-specific mutagenesis. The replacements are all within the region of HtrI that we previously concluded from deletion analysis to contain sites of interaction with the phototaxis receptor SRI. Immunoblotting shows plasmid expression of the htrI-sopI operon containing the mutations produces SRI and mutant HtrI in cells at near wild-type levels. Six of the HtrI mutations perturb photochemical kinetics of SRI and one reverses the phototaxis response. Substitution with neutral amino acids of Asp-86, Glu-87, and Glu-108 accelerate, and of Arg-70, Arg-84, and Arg-99 retard, the SRI photocycle. Opposite effects on photocycle rate cancel in double mutants containing one replaced acidic and one replaced basic residue. Laser flash spectroscopy shows the kinetic perturbations are due to alteration of the rate of reprotonation of the retinylidene Schiff base. All of these mutations permit normal attractant and repellent signaling. On the other hand, the substitution of Glu-56 with the isosteric glutamine converts the normally attractant effect of orange light to a repellent signal in vivo at neutral pH (inverted signaling). Low pH corrects the inversion due to Glu-56 -> Gln and the apparent pK of the inversion is increased when arginine is substituted at position 56. The results indicate that the cytoplasmic end of transmembrane helix-2 and the initial part of the cytoplasmic domain contain interaction sites with SRI. To explain these and previous results, we propose a model in which (i) the HtrI region identified here forms part of an electrostatic bonding network that extends through the SRI protein and includes its photoactive site; (ii) alteration of this network by photoisomerization-induced Schiff base deprotonation and reprotonation shifts HtrI between attractant and repellent conformations; and (iii) HtrI mutations and extracellular pH alter the equilibrium ratios of these conformations.


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Using a 9.4 T MRI instrument, we have obtained images of the mouse brain response to photic stimulation during a period between deep anesthesia and the early stages of arousal. The large image enhancements we observe (often >30%) are consistent with literature results extrapolated to 9.4 T. However, there are also two unusual aspects to our findings. (i) The visual area of the brain responds only to changes in stimulus intensity, suggesting that we directly detect operations of the M visual system pathway. Such a channel has been observed in mice by invasive electrophysiology, and described in detail for primates. (ii) Along with the typical positive response in the area of the occipital portion of the brain containing the visual cortex, another area displays decreased signal intensity upon stimulation.


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The biochemistry of visual excitation is kinetically explored by measuring the activity of the cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) at light levels that activate only a few tens of rhodopsin molecules per rod. At 23 degrees C and in the presence of ATP, the pulse of PDE activity lasts 4 s (full width at half maximum). Complementing the rod outer segments (ROS) with rhodopsin kinase (RK) and arrestin or its splice variant p44 does not significantly shorten the pulse. But when the ROS are washed, the duration of the signal doubles. Adding either arrestin or p44 back to washed ROS approximately restores the pulse width to its initial value, with p44 being 10 times more efficient than arrestin. This supports the idea that, in vivo, capping of phosphorylated R* is mostly done by p44. When myristoylated (14:0) recoverin is added to unwashed ROS, the pulse duration and amplitude increase by about 50% if the free calcium is 500 nM. This effect increases further if the calcium is raised to 1 microM. Whenever R* deactivation is changed--when RK is exogenously enriched or when ATP is omitted from the buffer--there is no impact on the rising slope of the PDE pulse but only on its amplitude and duration. We explain this effect as due to the unequal competition between transducin and RK for R*. The kinetic model issued from this idea fits the data well, and its prediction that enrichment with transducin should lengthen the PDE pulse is successfully validated.


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Leaves of the C4 plant maize have two major types of photosynthetic cells: a ring of five large bundle sheath cells (BSC) surrounds each vascular bundle and smaller mesophyll cells (MC) lie between the cylinders of bundle sheath cells. The enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase is encoded by nuclear rbcS and chloroplast rbcL genes. It is not present in MC but is abundant in adjacent BSC of green leaves. As reported previously, the separate regions of rbcS-m3, which are required for stimulating transcription of the gene in BSC and for suppressing expression of reporter genes in MC, were identified by an in situ expression assay; expression was not suppressed in MC until after leaves of dark-grown seedlings had been illuminated for 24 h. Now we have found that transient expression of rbcS-m3 reporter genes is stimulated in BSC via a red/far-red reversible phytochrome photoperception and signal transduction system but that blue light is required for suppressing rbcS-m3 reporter gene expression in MC. Blue light is also required for the suppression system to develop in MC. Thus, the maize gene rbcS-m3 contains certain sequences that are responsive to a phytochrome photoperception and signal transduction system and other regions that respond to a UVA/blue light photoperception and signal transduction system. Various models of "coaction" of plant photoreceptors have been advanced; these observations show the basis for one type of coaction.


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Rod signals in the mammalian retina are thought to reach ganglion cells over the circuit rod-->rod depolarizing bipolar cell-->AII amacrine cell-->cone bipolar cells-->ganglion cells. A possible alternative pathway involves gap junctions linking the rods and cones, the circuit being rod-->cone-->cone bipolar cells-->ganglion cells. It is not clear whether this second pathway indeed relays rod signals to ganglion cells. We studied signal flow in the isolated rabbit retina with a multielectrode array, which allows the activity of many identified ganglion cells to be observed simultaneously while the preparation is stimulated with light and/or exposed to drugs. When transmission between rods and rod depolarizing bipolar cells was blocked by the glutamate agonist 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (APB), rod input to all On-center and briskly responding Off-center ganglion cells was dramatically reduced as expected. Off responses persisted, however, in Off-center sluggish and On-Off direction-selective ganglion cells. Presumably these responses were generated by the alternative pathway involving rod-cone junctions. This APB-resistant pathway may carry the major rod input to Off-center sluggish and On-Off direction-selective ganglion cells.


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The Arabidopsis HY4 gene, required for blue-light-induced inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, encodes a 75-kDa flavoprotein (CRY1) with characteristics of a blue-light photoreceptor. To investigate the mechanism by which this photoreceptor mediates blue-light responses in vivo, we have expressed the Arabidopsis HY4 gene in transgenic tobacco. The transgenic plants exhibited a short-hypocotyl phenotype under blue, UV-A, and green light, whereas they showed no difference from the wild-type plant under red/far-red light or in the dark. This phenotype was found to cosegregate with overexpression of the HY4 transgene and to be fluence dependent. We concluded that the short-hypocotyl phenotype of transgenic tobacco plants was due to hypersensitivity to blue, UV-A, and green light, resulting from over-expression of the photoreceptor. These observations are consistent with the broad action spectrum for responses mediated by this cryptochrome in Arabidopsis and indicate that the machinery for signal, transduction required by the CRY1 protein is conserved among different plant species. Furthermore, the level of these photoresponses is seen to be determined by the cellular concentration of this photoreceptor.


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We have recently characterized a cardiac model of ventricular chamber defects in retinoid X receptor alpha (RXR alpha) homozygous mutant (-/-) gene-targeted mice. These mice display generalized edema, ventricular chamber hypoplasia, and muscular septal defects, and they die at embryonic day 15. To substantiate our hypothesis that the embryos are dying of cardiac pump failure, we have used digital bright-field and fluorescent video microscopy and in vivo microinjection of fluorescein-labeled albumin to analyze cardiac function. The affected embryos showed depressed ventricular function (average left ventricular area ejection fraction, 14%), ventricular septal defects, and various degrees of atrioventricular block not seen in the RXR alpha wild-type (+/+) and heterozygous (+/-) littermates (average left ventricular area ejection fraction, 50%). The molecular mechanisms involved in these ventricular defects were studied by evaluating expression of cardiac-specific genes known to be developmentally regulated. By in situ hybridization, aberrant, persistent expression of the atrial isoform of myosin light chain 2 was identified in the ventricles. We hypothesize that retinoic acid provides a critical signal mediated through the RXR alpha pathway that is required to allow progression of development of the ventricular region of the heart from its early atrial-like form to the thick-walled adult ventricle. The conduction system disturbances found in the RXR alpha -/- embryos may reflect a requirement of the developing conduction system for the RXR alpha signaling pathway, or it may be secondary to the failure of septal development.


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Plant defense against microbial pathogens and herbivores relies heavily on the induction of defense proteins and low molecular weight antibiotics. The signals between perception of the aggression, gene activation, and the subsequent biosynthesis of secondary compounds are assumed to be pentacylic oxylipin derivatives. The rapid, but transient, synthesis of cis-jasmonic acid was demonstrated after insect attack on a food plant and by microbial elicitor addition to plant suspension cultures. This effect is highly specific and not caused by a number of environmental stresses such as light, heavy metals, or cold or heat shock. Elicitation of Eschscholtzia cell cultures also led to a rapid alkalinization of the growth medium prior to jasmonate formation. Inhibition of this alkalinization process by the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine also inhibited jasmonate formation. The induction of specific enzymes in the benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloid pathway leading to the antimicrobial sanguinarine was induced to a qualitatively and quantitatively similar extent by fungal elicitor, methyl jasmonate, and its linolenic acid-derived precursor 12-oxophytodienoic acid. It is herein proposed that a second oxylipid cascade may exist in plants starting from linoleic acid via 15,16-dihydro-12-oxophytodienoic acid to 9,10-dihydrojasmonate. Experiments with synthetic trihomojasmonate demonstrated that beta-oxidation is not a prerequisite for biological activity and that 12-oxophytodienoic acid and derivatives are most likely fully active as signal transducers. Octadecanoic acid-derived compounds are essential elements in modulating the synthesis of antibiotic compounds and are thus integral to plant defense.


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The mechanisms involved in the integration of proteins into the thylakoid membrane are largely unknown. However, many of the steps of this process for the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) have been described and reconstituted in vitro. LHCP is synthesized as a precursor in the cytosol and posttranslationally imported into chloroplasts. Upon translocation across the envelope membranes, the N-terminal transit peptide is cleaved, and the apoprotein is assembled into a soluble "transit complex" and then integrated into the thylakoid membrane via three transmembrane helices. Here we show that 54CP, a chloroplast homologue of the 54-kDa subunit of the mammalian signal recognition particle (SRP54), is essential for transit complex formation, is present in the complex, and is required for LHCP integration into the thylakoid membrane. Our data indicate that 54CP functions posttranslationally as a molecular chaperone and potentially pilots LHCP to the thylakoids. These results demonstrate that one of several pathways for protein routing to the thylakoids is homologous to the SRP pathway and point to a common evolutionary origin for the protein transport systems of the endoplasmic reticulum and the thylakoid membrane.