72 resultados para Dictyostelium Orthologs


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We have created a strain of Dictyostelium that is deficient for the Ca2+/calmodulin-independent MLCK-A. This strain undergoes cytokinesis less efficiently than wild type, which results in an increased frequency of multinucleate cells when grown in suspension. The MLCK-A-cells are able, however, to undergo development and to cap crosslinked surface receptors, processes that require myosin heavy chain. Phosphorylated regulatory light chain (RLC) is still present in MLCK-A-cells, indicating that Dictyostelium has one or more additional protein kinases capable of phosphorylating RLC. Concanavalin A treatment was found to induce phosphorylation of essentially all of the RLC in wild-type cells, but RLC phosphorylation levels in MLCK-A-cells are unaffected by concanavalin A. Thus MLCK-A is regulated separately from the other MLCK(s) in the cell.


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The aggregation stage of the life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum is governed by the chemotactic response of individual amoebae to excitable waves of cAMP. We modeled this process through a recently introduced hybrid automata-continuum scheme and used computer simulation to unravel the role of specific components of this complex developmental process. Our results indicated an essential role for positive feedback between the cAMP signaling and the expression of the genes encoding the signal transduction and response machinery.


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High resolution gene maps of the six chromosomes of Dictyostelium discoideum have been generated by a combination of physical mapping techniques. A set of yeast artificial chromosome clones has been ordered into overlapping arrays that cover >98% of the 34-magabase pair genome. Clones were grouped and ordered according to the genes they carried, as determined by hybridization analyses with DNA fragments from several hundred genes. Congruence of the gene order within each arrangement of clones with the gene order determined from whole genome restriction site mapping indicates that a high degree of confidence can be placed on the clone map. This clone-based description of the Dictyostelium chromosomes should be useful for the physical mapping and subcloning of new genes and should facilitate more detailed analyses of this genome. cost of silicon-based construction and in the efficient sample handling afforded by component integration.


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We have developed a mutagenesis technique that uses antisense cDNA to identify genes required for development in Dictyostelium discoideum. We transformed Dictyostelium cells with a cDNA library made from the mRNA of vegetative and developing cells. The cDNA was cloned in an antisense orientation immediately downstream of a vegetative promoter, so that in transformed cells the promoter will drive the synthesis of an antisense RNA transcript. We find that individual transformants typically contain one or occasionally two antisense cDNAs. Using this mutagenesis technique, we have generated mutants that fail to aggregate, aggregate but fail to form fruiting bodies, or aggregate but form abnormal fruiting bodies. The individual cDNA molecules from the mutants were identified and cloned using PCR. Initial sequence analysis of the PCR products from 35 mutants has identified six novel Dictyostelium genes, each from a transformant with one antisense cDNA. When the PCR-isolated antisense cDNAs were ligated into the antisense vector and the resulting constructs transformed into cells, the phenotypes of the transformed cells matched those of the original mutants from which each cDNA was obtained. We made homologous recombinant gene disruption transformants for three of the novel genes, in each case generating mutants with phenotypes indistinguishable from those of the original antisense transformants. Shotgun antisense thus is a rapid way to identify genes in Dictyostelium and possibly other organisms.


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Randomly distributed Dictyostelium discoideum cells form cooperative territories by signaling to each other with cAMP. Cells initiate the process by sending out pulsatile signals, which propagate as waves. With time, circular and spiral patterns form. We show that by adding spatial and temporal noise to the levels of an important regulator of external cAMP levels, the cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor, we can explain the natural progression of the system from randomly firing cells to circular waves whose symmetries break to form double- and single- or multi-armed spirals. When phosphodiesterase inhibitor is increased with time, mimicking experimental data, the wavelength of the spirals shortens, and a proportion of them evolve into pairs of connected spirals. We compare these results to recent experiments, finding that the temporal and spatial correspondence between experiment and model is very close.


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Conventional myosin plays a key role in the cytoskeletal reorganization necessary for cytokinesis, migration, and morphological changes associated with development in nonmuscle cells. We have made a fusion between the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the Dictyostelium discoideum myosin heavy chain (GFP-myosin). The unique Dictyostelium system allows us to test the GFP-tagged myosin for activity both in vivo and in vitro. Expression of GFP-myosin rescues all myosin null cell defects. Additionally, GFP-myosin purified from these cells exhibits the same ATPase activities and in vitro motility as wild-type myosin. GFP-myosin is concentrated in the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis and in the posterior cortex of migrating cells. Surprisingly, GFP-myosin concentration increases transiently in the tips of retracting pseudopods. Contrary to previous thinking, this suggests that conventional myosin may play an important role in the dynamics of pseudopods as well as filopodia, lamellipodia, and other cellular protrusions.


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Conventional myosin II is an essential protein for cytokinesis, capping of cell surface receptors, and development of Dictyostelium cells. Myosin II also plays an important role in the polarization and movement of cells. All conventional myosins are double-headed molecules but the significance of this structure is not understood since single-headed myosin II can produce movement and force in vitro. We found that expression of the tail portion of myosin II in Dictyostelium led to the formation of single-headed myosin II in vivo. The resultant cells contain an approximately equal ratio of double- and single-headed myosin II molecules. Surprisingly, these cells were completely blocked in cytokinesis and capping of concanavalin A receptors although development into fruiting bodies was not impaired. We found that this phenotype is not due to defects in myosin light chain phosphorylation. These results show that single-headed myosin II cannot function properly in vivo and that it acts as a dominant negative mutation for myosin II function. These results suggest the possibility that cooperativity of myosin II heads is critical for force production in vivo.


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When Dictyostelium discoideum cells are drawn into a fine glass capillary, they rapidly begin the first steps toward the formation of prestalk and prespore zones. Some of the events occur within a minute or two, whereas others follow later. The cells in the front segment are actively motile and those in the hind segment are passive. The volumes of the segments are proportional for different-sized cell masses, and those proportions are the same as those found in normal slugs. When the cells are stained with the vital dye neutral red, the anterior zone becomes darker simultaneously with the formation of the division line. Green fluorescent protein expressed from a stalk-specific promoter is synthesized mostly in the anterior end. Later, this capillary prestalk zone shows a sharp increase in alkaline phosphatase activity, which is known to be characteristic of prestalk cells.


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Dictyostelium discoideum cells initiate development when nutrients are depleted. DNA synthesis decreases rapidly thereafter but resumes during late aggregation, only in prespore cells. This observation has been previously interpreted as indicating progression of prespore cells through the cell cycle during development. We show that developmental DNA replication occurs only in mitochondria and not in nuclei. We also show that the prestalk morphogen known as differentiation-inducing factor 1 can inhibit mitochondrial respiration. A model is proposed for cell type divergence, based on competition to become prespores, that involves mitochondrial replication in prespore cells and reduction of mitochondrial activity in prestalk cells.


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Complex three-dimensional waves of excitation can explain the observed cell movement pattern in Dictyostelium slugs. Here we show that these three-dimensional waves can be produced by a realistic model for the cAMP relay system [Martiel, J. L. & Goldbeter, A. (1987) Biophys J. 52, 807-828]. The conversion of scroll waves in the prestalk zone of the slug into planar wave fronts in the prespore zone can result from a smaller fraction of relaying cells in the prespore zone. Further, we show that the cAMP concentrations to which cells in a slug are exposed over time display a simple pattern, despite the complex spatial geometry of the waves. This cAMP distribution agrees well with observed patterns of cAMP-regulated cell type-specific gene expression. The core of the spiral, which is a region of low cAMP concentration, might direct expression of stalk-specific genes during culmination.


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Using clathrin-minus Dictyostelium cells, we identified a novel requirement for clathrin during cytokinesis. In suspension culture, clathrin-minus cells failed to divide and became large and multinucleate. This cytokinesis deficiency was not attributable to a pleiotropic effect on the actomyosin cytoskeleton, since other cellular events driven by myosin II (e.g., cortical contraction and capping of concanavalin A receptors) remained intact in clathrin-minus cells. Examination of cells expressing myosin II tagged with green fluorescent protein showed that clathrin-minus cells failed to assemble myosin II into a functional contractile ring. This inability to localize myosin II to a particular location was specific for cytokinesis, since clathrin-minus cells moving across a substrate localized myosin II properly to their posterior cortexes. These results demonstrate that clathrin is essential for construction of a functional contractile ring during cell division.


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In several cell types, an intriguing correlation exists between the position of the centrosome and the direction of cell movement: the centrosome is located behind the leading edge, suggesting that it serves as a steering device for directional movement. A logical extension of this suggestion is that a change in the direction of cell movement is preceded by a reorientation, or shift, of the centrosome in the intended direction of movement. We have used a fusion protein of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and γ-tubulin to label the centrosome in migrating amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum, allowing us to determine the relationship of centrosome positioning and the direction of cell movement with high spatial and temporal resolution in living cells. We find that the extension of a new pseudopod in a migrating cell precedes centrosome repositioning. An average of 12 sec elapses between the initiation of pseudopod extension and reorientation of the centrosome. If no reorientation occurs within approximately 30 sec, the pseudopod is retracted. Thus the centrosome does not direct a cell’s migration. However, its repositioning stabilizes a chosen direction of movement, most probably by means of the microtubule system.


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The Mycetozoa include the cellular (dictyostelid), acellular (myxogastrid), and protostelid slime molds. However, available molecular data are in disagreement on both the monophyly and phylogenetic position of the group. Ribosomal RNA trees show the myxogastrid and dictyostelid slime molds as unrelated early branching lineages, but actin and β-tubulin trees place them together as a single coherent (monophyletic) group, closely related to the animal–fungal clade. We have sequenced the elongation factor-1α genes from one member of each division of the Mycetozoa, including Dictyostelium discoideum, for which cDNA sequences were previously available. Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences strongly support a monophyletic Mycetozoa, with the myxogastrid and dictyostelid slime molds most closely related to each other. All phylogenetic methods used also place this coherent Mycetozoan assemblage as emerging among the multicellular eukaryotes, tentatively supported as more closely related to animals + fungi than are green plants. With our data there are now three proteins that consistently support a monophyletic Mycetozoa and at least four that place these taxa within the “crown” of the eukaryote tree. We suggest that ribosomal RNA data should be more closely examined with regard to these questions, and we emphasize the importance of developing multiple sequence data sets.


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To be effective as antiviral agent, AZT (3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine) must be converted to a triphosphate derivative by cellular kinases. The conversion is inefficient and, to understand why AZT diphosphate is a poor substrate of nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase, we determined a 2.3-Å x-ray structure of a complex with the N119A point mutant of Dictyostelium NDP kinase. It shows that the analog binds at the same site and, except for the sugar ring pucker which is different, binds in the same way as the natural substrate thymidine diphosphate. However, the azido group that replaces the 3′OH of the deoxyribose in AZT displaces a lysine side chain involved in catalysis. Moreover, it is unable to make an internal hydrogen bond to the oxygen bridging the β- and γ-phosphate, which plays an important part in phosphate transfer.