177 resultados para DICER like 3 protein


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Pseudohyphal differentiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was first described as a response of diploid cells to nitrogen limitation. Here we report that haploid and diploid starch-degrading S. cerevisiae strains were able to switch from a yeast form to a filamentous pseudohyphal form in response to carbon limitation in the presence of an ample supply of nitrogen. Two genes, MSS10 and MUC1, were cloned and shown to be involved in pseudohyphal differentiation and invasive growth. The deletion of MSS10 resulted in extremely reduced amounts of pseudohyphal differentiation and invasive growth, whereas the deletion of MUC1 abolished pseudohyphal differentiation and invasive growth completely. Mss10 appears to be a transcriptional activator that responds to nutrient limitation and coregulates the expression of MUC1 and the STA1-3 glucoamylase genes, which are involved in starch degradation. MUC1 encodes a 1367-amino acid protein, containing several serine/threonine-rich repeats. Muc1 is a putative integral membrane-bound protein, similar to mammalian mucin-like membrane proteins that have been implicated to play a role in the ability of cancer cells to invade other tissues.


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The Arp2/3 complex, a stable assembly of two actin-related proteins (Arp2 and Arp3) with five other subunits, caps the pointed end of actin filaments and nucleates actin polymerization with low efficiency. WASp and Scar are two similar proteins that bind the p21 subunit of the Arp2/3 complex, but their effect on the nucleation activity of the complex was not known. We report that full-length, recombinant human Scar protein, as well as N-terminally truncated Scar proteins, enhance nucleation by the Arp2/3 complex. By themselves, these proteins either have no effect or inhibit actin polymerization. The actin monomer-binding W domain and the p21-binding A domain from the C terminus of Scar are both required to activate Arp2/3 complex. A proline-rich domain in the middle of Scar enhances the activity of the W and A domains. Preincubating Scar and Arp2/3 complex with actin filaments overcomes the initial lag in polymerization, suggesting that efficient nucleation by the Arp2/3 complex requires assembly on the side of a preexisting filament—a dendritic nucleation mechanism. The Arp2/3 complex with full-length Scar, Scar containing P, W, and A domains, or Scar containing W and A domains overcomes inhibition of nucleation by the actin monomer-binding protein profilin, giving active nucleation over a low background of spontaneous nucleation. These results show that Scar and, likely, related proteins, such as the Cdc42 targets WASp and N-WASp, are endogenous activators of actin polymerization by the Arp2/3 complex.


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Checkpoints maintain the order and fidelity of the eukaryotic cell cycle, and defects in checkpoints contribute to genetic instability and cancer. Much of our current understanding of checkpoints comes from genetic studies conducted in yeast. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sp), SpRad3 is an essential component of both the DNA damage and DNA replication checkpoints. The SpChk1 and SpCds1 protein kinases function downstream of SpRad3. SpChk1 is an effector of the DNA damage checkpoint and, in the absence of SpCds1, serves an essential function in the DNA replication checkpoint. SpCds1 functions in the DNA replication checkpoint and in the S phase DNA damage checkpoint. Human homologs of both SpRad3 and SpChk1 but not SpCds1 have been identified. Here we report the identification of a human cDNA encoding a protein (designated HuCds1) that shares sequence, structural, and functional similarity to SpCds1. HuCds1 was modified by phosphorylation and activated in response to ionizing radiation. It was also modified in response to hydroxyurea treatment. Functional ATM protein was required for HuCds1 modification after ionizing radiation but not after hydroxyurea treatment. Like its fission yeast counterpart, human Cds1 phosphorylated Cdc25C to promote the binding of 14-3-3 proteins. These findings suggest that the checkpoint function of HuCds1 is conserved in yeast and mammals.


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The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is activated by treatment of cells with cytokines and by exposure to environmental stress. The effects of these stimuli on p38 MAP kinase are mediated by the MAP kinase kinases (MKKs) MKK3, MKK4, and MKK6. We have examined the function of the p38 MAP kinase signaling pathway by investigating the effect of targeted disruption of the Mkk3 gene. Here we report that Mkk3 gene disruption caused a selective defect in the response of fibroblasts to the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor, including reduced p38 MAP kinase activation and cytokine expression. These data demonstrate that the MKK3 protein kinase is a critical component of a tumor necrosis factor-stimulated signaling pathway that causes increased expression of inflammatory cytokines.


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The chromophore of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) (i.e., 4-hydroxycinnamic acid) has been replaced by an analogue with a triple bond, rather than a double bond (by using 4-hydroxyphenylpropiolic acid in the reconstitution, yielding hybrid I) and by a “locked” chromophore (through reconstitution with 7-hydroxycoumarin-3-carboxylic acid, in which a covalent bridge is present across the vinyl bond, resulting in hybrid II). These hybrids absorb maximally at 464 and 443 nm, respectively, which indicates that in both hybrids the deprotonated chromophore does fit into the chromophore-binding pocket. Because the triple bond cannot undergo cis/trans (or E/Z) photoisomerization and because of the presence of the lock across the vinyl double bond in hybrid II, it was predicted that these two hybrids would not be able to photocycle. Surprisingly, both are able. We have demonstrated this ability by making use of transient absorption, low-temperature absorption, and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Both hybrids, upon photoexcitation, display authentic photocycle signals in terms of a red-shifted intermediate; hybrid I, in addition, goes through a blue-shifted-like intermediate state, with very slow kinetics. We interpret these results as further evidence that rotation of the carbonyl group of the thioester-linked chromophore of PYP, proposed in a previous FTIR study and visualized in recent time-resolved x-ray diffraction experiments, is of critical importance for photoactivation of PYP.


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Although infection by primary HIV type 1 (HIV-1) isolates normally requires the functional interaction of the viral envelope protein with both CD4 and the CCR-5 coreceptor, a subset of such isolates also are able to use the distinct CCR-3 receptor. By analyzing the ability of a series of wild-type and chimeric HIV-1 envelope proteins to mediate CCR-3-dependent infection, we have determined that CCR-3 tropism maps to the V1 and V2 variable region of envelope. Although substitution of the V1/V2 region of a CCR-3 tropic envelope into the context of a CCR-5 tropic envelope is both necessary and sufficient to confer CCR-3 tropism, this same substitution has no phenotypic effect when inserted into a CXCR-4 tropic HIV-1 envelope context. However, this latter chimera acquires both CCR-3 and CCR-5 tropism when a CCR-5 tropic V3 loop sequence also is introduced. These data demonstrate that the V1/2 region of envelope can, like the V3 loop region, encode a particular coreceptor requirement and suggest that a functional envelope:CCR-3 interaction may depend on the cooperative interaction of CCR-3 with both the V1/V2 and the V3 region of envelope.


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Posttranslational modifications such as ubiquitination and phosphorylation play an important role in the regulation of cellular protein function. Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) is a member of the recently identified family of nuclear protein kinases that act as corepressors for homeodomain transcription factors. Here, we show that HIPK2 is regulated by a ubiquitin-like protein, SUMO-1. We demonstrate that HIPK2 localizes to nuclear speckles (dots) by means of a speckle-retention signal. This speckle-retention signal contains a domain that interacts with a mouse ubiquitin-like protein conjugating (E2) enzyme, mUBC9. In cultured cells, HIPK2 is covalently modified by SUMO-1, and the SUMO-1 modification of HIPK2 correlates with its localization to nuclear speckles (dots). Thus, our results provide firm evidence that the nuclear protein kinase HIPK2 can be covalently modified by SUMO-1, which directs its localization to nuclear speckles (dots).


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Carbon catabolite repression (CCR) of several Bacillus subtilis catabolic genes is mediated by ATP-dependent phosphorylation of histidine-containing protein (HPr), a phosphocarrier protein of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP): sugar phosphotransferase system. In this study, we report the discovery of a new B. subtilis gene encoding a HPr-like protein, Crh (for catabolite repression HPr), composed of 85 amino acids. Crh exhibits 45% sequence identity with HPr, but the active site His-15 of HPr is replaced with a glutamine in Crh. Crh is therefore not phosphorylated by PEP and enzyme I, but is phosphorylated by ATP and the HPr kinase in the presence of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. We determined Ser-46 as the site of phosphorylation in Crh by carrying out mass spectrometry with peptides obtained by tryptic digestion or CNBr cleavage. In a B. subtilis ptsH1 mutant strain, synthesis of β-xylosidase, inositol dehydrogenase, and levanase was only partially relieved from CCR. Additional disruption of the crh gene caused almost complete relief from CCR. In a ptsH1 crh1 mutant, producing HPr and Crh in which Ser-46 is replaced with a nonphosphorylatable alanyl residue, expression of β-xylosidase was also completely relieved from glucose repression. These results suggest that CCR of certain catabolic operons requires, in addition to CcpA, ATP-dependent phosphorylation of Crh, and HPr at Ser-46.


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The “3-color, 46-bead” model of a folding polypeptide is the vehicle for adapting to proteins a mode of analysis used heretofore for atomic clusters, to relate the topography of the potential surface to the dynamics that lead to formation of selected structures. The analysis is based on sequences of stationary points—successive minima, joined by saddles—that rise monotonically in energy from basin bottoms. Like structure-seeking clusters, the potential surface of the model studied here is staircase-like, rather than sawtooth-like, with highly collective motions required for passage from one minimum to the next. The surface has several deep basins whose minima correspond to very similar structures, but which are separated by high energy barriers.


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A visual pigment-like protein, referred to as peropsin, has been identified by large-scale sequencing of cDNAs derived from human ocular tissues. The corresponding mRNA was found only in the eye, where it is localized to the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Peropsin immunoreactivity, visualized by light and electron microscopy, localizes the protein to the apical face of the RPE, and most prominently to the microvilli that surround the photoreceptor outer segments. These observations suggest that peropsin may play a role in RPE physiology either by detecting light directly or by monitoring the concentration of retinoids or other photoreceptor-derived compounds.


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Interleukin 3 (IL-3)-dependent survival of hematopoietic cells is known to rely on the activity of multiple signaling pathways, including a pathway leading to activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), and protein kinase Akt is a direct target of PI 3-kinase. We find that Akt kinase activity is rapidly induced by the cytokine IL-3, suggesting a role for Akt in PI 3-kinase-dependent signaling in hematopoetic cells. Dominant-negative mutants of Akt specifically block Akt activation by IL-3 and interfere with IL-3-dependent proliferation. Overexpression of Akt or oncogenic v-akt protects 32D cells from apoptosis induced by IL-3 withdrawal. Apoptosis after IL-3 withdrawal is accelerated by expression of dominant-negative mutants of Akt, indicating that a functional Akt signaling pathway is necessary for cell survival mediated by the cytokine IL-3. Thus Akt appears to be an important mediator of anti-apoptotic signaling in this system.


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The cytoplasmic region of Fas, a mammalian death factor receptor, shares a limited homology with reaper, an apoptosis-inducing protein in Drosophila. Expression of either the Fas cytoplasmic region (FasC) or of reaper in Drosophila cells caused cell death. The death process induced by FasC or reaper was inhibited by crmA or p35, suggesting that its death process is mediated by caspase-like proteases. Both Ac-YVAD aldehyde and Ac-DEVD aldehyde, specific inhibitors of caspase 1- and caspase 3-like proteases, respectively, inhibited the FasC-induced death of Drosophila cells. However, the cell death induced by reaper was inhibited by Ac-DEVD aldehyde, but not by Ac-YVAD aldehyde. A caspase 1-like protease activity that preferentially recognizes the YVAD sequence gradually increased in the cytosolic fraction of the FasC-activated cells, whereas the caspase 3-like protease activity recognizing the DEVD sequence was observed in the reaper-activated cells. Partial purification and biochemical characterization of the proteases indicated that there are at least three distinct caspase-like proteases in Drosophila cells, which are differentially activated by FasC and reaper. The conservation of the Fas-death signaling pathway in Drosophila cells, which is distinct from that for reaper, may indicate that cell death in Drosophila is controlled not only by the reaper suicide gene, but also by a Fas-like killer gene.


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The HIV-1 Tat protein is a potent chemoattractant for monocytes. We observed that Tat shows conserved amino acids corresponding to critical sequences of the chemokines, a family of molecules known for their potent ability to attract monocytes. Synthetic Tat and a peptide (CysL24–51) encompassing the “chemokine-like” region of Tat induced a rapid and transient Ca2+ influx in monocytes and macrophages, analogous to β-chemokines. Both monocyte migration and Ca2+ mobilization were pertussis toxin sensitive and cholera toxin insensitive. Cross-desensitization studies indicated that Tat shares receptors with MCP-1, MCP-3, and eotaxin. Tat was able to displace binding of β-chemokines from the β-chemokine receptors CCR2 and CCR3, but not CCR1, CCR4, and CCR5. Direct receptor binding experiments with the CysL24–51 peptide confirmed binding to cells transfected with CCR2 and CCR3. HIV-1 Tat appears to mimic β-chemokine features, which may serve to locally recruit chemokine receptor-expressing monocytes/macrophages toward HIV producing cells and facilitate activation and infection.


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Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins act as GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) toward the α subunits of heterotrimeric, signal-transducing G proteins. RGS11 contains a G protein γ subunit-like (GGL) domain between its Dishevelled/Egl-10/Pleckstrin and RGS domains. GGL domains are also found in RGS6, RGS7, RGS9, and the Caenorhabditis elegans protein EGL-10. Coexpression of RGS11 with different Gβ subunits reveals specific interaction between RGS11 and Gβ5. The expression of mRNA for RGS11 and Gβ5 in human tissues overlaps. The Gβ5/RGS11 heterodimer acts as a GAP on Gαo, apparently selectively. RGS proteins that contain GGL domains appear to act as GAPs for Gα proteins and form complexes with specific Gβ subunits, adding to the combinatorial complexity of G protein-mediated signaling pathways.


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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI 3-kinases) have been implicated in membrane trafficking in the secretory and endocytic pathways of yeast and mammalian cells, but the molecular mechanisms by which these lipid kinases operate are not known. Here we identify a protein of 170 kDa that is rapidly released from cell membranes in response to wortmannin, a potent inhibitor of mammalian PI 3-kinases. The amino acid sequence of peptides from p170 reveal its identity to early endosomal antigen (EEA) 1, an endosomal antigen with homology to several yeast proteins genetically implicated in membrane trafficking. Immunofluorescence analysis of 3T3-L1 adipocytes with antisera against p170/EEA1 reveal a punctate peripheral pattern that becomes diffuse in response to wortmannin. In vitro, p170/EEA1 binds specifically to liposomes containing PIns(3)P, suggesting that the effect of wortmannin on cells is due to inhibition of PIns(3)P production. Thus, p170/EEA1 may define a family of proteins that mediate the regulatory effects of 3′-phosphoinositides on membrane trafficking in yeast and mammalian cells.