71 resultados para CaM kinase
β2 integrin molecules are involved in a multitude of cellular events, including adhesion, migration, and cellular activation. Here, we studied the influence of β2 integrins on interleukin-2 (IL-2)-mediated signal transduction in human CD4+ T cell lines obtained from healthy donors and a leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) patient. We show that IL-2 induces tyrosine phosphorylation of a 125-kDa protein and homotypic adhesion in β2 integrin (CD18)-positive but not in β2-integrin-negative T cells. EDTA, an inhibitor of integrin adhesion, blocks IL-2-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the 125-kDa protein but not other proteins in β2-integrin-positive T cells. Likewise, a β2 integrin (CD18) antibody selectively inhibits induction of the 125-kDa phosphotyrosine protein, whereas cytokine-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of other proteins is largely unaffected. Immunoprecipitation experiments indicate that the IL-2-induced 125-kDa phosphotyrosine protein is the focal adhesion kinase-related protein B (fakB). Thus, IL-2 induces strong tyrosine phosphorylation of fakB in β2-integrin-positive but not in β2-integrin-negative T cells, and CD18 mAb selectively blocks IL-2-induced fakB-tyrosine phosphorylation in β2-integrin-positive T cells. In parallel experiments, IL-2 does not induce or augment tyrosine phosphorylation of p125FAK. In conclusion, our data indicate that IL-2 induces β2-integrin-dependent signal transduction events involving the tyrosine kinase substrate fakB.
Heart failure is accompanied by severely impaired β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) function, which includes loss of βAR density and functional uncoupling of remaining receptors. An important mechanism for the rapid desensitization of βAR function is agonist-stimulated receptor phosphorylation by the βAR kinase (βARK1), an enzyme known to be elevated in failing human heart tissue. To investigate whether alterations in βAR function contribute to the development of myocardial failure, transgenic mice with cardiac-restricted overexpression of either a peptide inhibitor of βARK1 or the β2AR were mated into a genetic model of murine heart failure (MLP−/−). In vivo cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. Both MLP−/− and MLP−/−/β2AR mice had enlarged left ventricular (LV) chambers with significantly reduced fractional shortening and mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening. In contrast, MLP−/−/βARKct mice had normal LV chamber size and function. Basal LV contractility in the MLP−/−/βARKct mice, as measured by LV dP/dtmax, was increased significantly compared with the MLP−/− mice but less than controls. Importantly, heightened βAR desensitization in the MLP−/− mice, measured in vivo (responsiveness to isoproterenol) and in vitro (isoproterenol-stimulated membrane adenylyl cyclase activity), was completely reversed with overexpression of the βARK1 inhibitor. We report here the striking finding that overexpression of this inhibitor prevents the development of cardiomyopathy in this murine model of heart failure. These findings implicate abnormal βAR-G protein coupling in the pathogenesis of the failing heart and point the way toward development of agents to inhibit βARK1 as a novel mode of therapy.
Two-component histidine kinases recently have been found in eukaryotic organisms including fungi, slime molds, and plants. We describe the identification of a gene, COS1, from the opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans by using a PCR-based screening strategy. The sequence of COS1 indicates that it encodes a homolog of the histidine kinase Nik-1 from the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. COS1 is also identical to a gene called CaNIK1 identified in C. albicans by low stringency hybridization using CaSLN1 as a probe [Nagahashi, S., Mio, T., Yamada-Okabe, T., Arisawa, M., Bussey, H. & Yamada-Okabe, H. (1998) Microbiol. 44, 425–432]. We assess the function of COS1/CaNIK1 by constructing a diploid deletion mutant. Mutants lacking both copies of COS1 appear normal when grown as yeast cells; however, they exhibit defective hyphal formation when placed on solid agar media, either in response to nutrient deprivation or serum. In constrast to the Δnik-1 mutant, the Δcos1/Δcos1 mutant does not demonstrate deleterious effects when grown in media of high osmolarity; however both Δnik-1 and Δcos1/Δcos1 mutants show defective hyphal formation. Thus, as predicted for Nik-1, Cos1p may be involved in some aspect of hyphal morphogenesis and may play a role in virulence properties of the organism.
The effects of insulin on the mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR, were investigated in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. mTOR protein kinase activity was measured in immune complex assays with recombinant PHAS-I as substrate. Insulin-stimulated kinase activity was clearly observed when immunoprecipitations were conducted with the mTOR antibody, mTAb2. Insulin also increased by severalfold the 32P content of mTOR that was determined after purifying the protein from 32P-labeled adipocytes with rapamycin⋅FKBP12 agarose beads. Insulin affected neither the amount of mTOR immunoprecipitated nor the amount of mTOR detected by immunoblotting with mTAb2. However, the hormone markedly decreased the reactivity of mTOR with mTAb1, an antibody that activates the mTOR protein kinase. The effects of insulin on increasing mTOR protein kinase activity and on decreasing mTAb1 reactivity were abolished by incubating mTOR with protein phosphatase 1. Interestingly, the epitope for mTAb1 is located near the COOH terminus of mTOR in a 20-amino acid region that includes consensus sites for phosphorylation by protein kinase B (PKB). Experiments were performed in MER-Akt cells to investigate the role of PKB in controlling mTOR. These cells express a PKB-mutant estrogen receptor fusion protein that is activated when the cells are exposed to 4-hydroxytamoxifen. Activating PKB with 4-hydroxytamoxifen mimicked insulin by decreasing mTOR reactivity with mTAb1 and by increasing the PHAS-I kinase activity of mTOR. Our findings support the conclusion that insulin activates mTOR by promoting phosphorylation of the protein via a signaling pathway that contains PKB.
ETR1 represents a prototypical ethylene receptor. Homologues of ETR1 have been identified in Arabidopsis as well as in other plant species, indicating that ethylene perception involves a family of receptors and that the mechanism of ethylene perception is conserved in plants. The amino-terminal half of ETR1 contains a hydrophobic domain responsible for ethylene binding and membrane localization. The carboxyl-terminal half of the polypeptide contains domains with homology to histidine kinases and response regulators, signaling motifs originally identified in bacteria. The putative histidine kinase domain of ETR1 was expressed in yeast as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase and affinity purified. Autophosphorylation of the purified fusion protein was observed on incubation with radiolabeled ATP. The incorporated phosphate was resistant to treatment with 3 M NaOH, but was sensitive to 1 M HCl, consistent with phosphorylation of histidine. Autophosphorylation was abolished by mutations that eliminated either the presumptive site of phosphorylation (His-353) or putative catalytic residues within the kinase domain. Truncations were used to delineate the region required for histidine kinase activity. An examination of cation requirements indicated that ETR1 requires Mn2+ for autophosphorylation. These results demonstrate that higher plants contain proteins with histidine kinase activity. Furthermore, these results indicate that aspects of ethylene signaling may be regulated by changes in histidine kinase activity of the receptor.
The G protein-coupled μ-opioid receptor (μOR) mediates the physiological effects of endogenous opioid peptides as well as the structurally distinct opioid alkaloids morphine and etorphine. An intriguing feature of μOR signaling is the differential receptor trafficking and desensitization properties following activation by distinct agonists, which have been proposed as possible mechanisms related to opioid tolerance. Here we report that the ability of distinct opioid agonists to differentially regulate μOR internalization and desensitization is related to their ability to promote G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-dependent phosphorylation of the μOR. Although both etorphine and morphine effectively activate the μOR, only etorphine elicits robust μOR phosphorylation followed by plasma membrane translocation of β-arrestin and dynamin-dependent receptor internalization. In contrast, corresponding to its inability to cause μOR internalization, morphine is unable to either elicit μOR phosphorylation or stimulate β-arrestin translocation. However, upon the overexpression of GRK2, morphine gains the capacity to induce μOR phosphorylation, accompanied by the rescue of β-arrestin translocation and receptor sequestration. Moreover, overexpression of GRK2 also leads to an attenuation of morphine-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. These findings point to the existence of marked differences in the ability of different opioid agonists to promote μOR phosphorylation by GRK. These differences may provide the molecular basis underlying the different analgesic properties of opioid agonists and contribute to the distinct ability of various opioids to induce drug tolerance.
It has been demonstrated that both salicylic acid and fungal elicitors activate a 48-kDa mitogen-activated protein kinase termed salicylic acid-induced protein kinase (SIPK) in tobacco suspension cells. Here, we show that infiltration of these agents into tobacco leaves also activates SIPK. Of particular interest, infiltration of water alone activated a kinase of the same size, possibly because of wounding and/or osmotic stresses. The kinetics of kinase activation, however, differ for these different treatments. Various mechanical stresses, including cutting and wounding by abrasion, also activated a 48-kDa kinase. By using an immune-complex kinase assay with antibodies specific for SIPK or wounding-induced protein kinase, we demonstrate that this wounding-activated 48-kDa kinase is SIPK, rather than wounding-induced protein kinase, as reported [Seo, S., Okamoto, M., Seto, H., Ishizuka, K., Sano, H. & Ohashi, Y. (1995) Science 270, 1988–1992]. Activation of SIPK after wounding was associated with tyrosine phosphorylation but not with increases in SIPK mRNA or protein levels. Thus, the same mitogen-activated protein kinase, SIPK, appears to facilitate signaling for two distinct pathways that lead to disease resistance responses and wounding responses.
The Pointed (PNT) domain and an adjacent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphorylation site are defined by sequence conservation among a subset of ets transcription factors and are implicated in two regulatory strategies, protein interactions and posttranslational modifications, respectively. By using NMR, we have determined the structure of a 110-residue fragment of murine Ets-1 that includes the PNT domain and MAP kinase site. The Ets-1 PNT domain forms a monomeric five-helix bundle. The architecture is distinct from that of any known DNA- or protein-binding module, including the helix-loop-helix fold proposed for the PNT domain of the ets protein TEL. The MAP kinase site is in a highly flexible region of both the unphosphorylated and phosphorylated forms of the Ets-1 fragment. Phosphorylation alters neither the structure nor monomeric state of the PNT domain. These results suggest that the Ets-1 PNT domain functions in heterotypic protein interactions and support the possibility that target recognition is coupled to structuring of the MAP kinase site.
Heterotrimeric G proteins and tyrosine kinases are two major cellular signal transducers. Although G proteins are known to activate tyrosine kinases, the activation mechanism is not clear. Here, we demonstrate that G protein Gqα binds directly to the nonreceptor Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) to a region composed of a Tec-homology (TH) domain and a sarcoma virus tyrosine kinase (Src)-homology 3 (SH3) domain both in vitro and in vivo. Only active GTP-bound Gqα, not inactive GDP-bound Gqα, can bind to Btk. Mutations of Btk that disrupt its ability to bind Gqα also eliminate Btk stimulation by Gqα, suggesting that this interaction is important for Btk activation. Remarkably, the structure of this TH (including a proline-rich sequence) -SH3 fragment of the Btk family of tyrosine kinases shows an intramolecular interaction. Furthermore, the crystal structure of the Src family of tyrosine kinases reveals that the intramolecular interaction of SH3 and its ligand is the major determining factor keeping the kinase inactive. Thus, we propose an activation model that entails binding of Gqα to the TH-SH3 region, thereby disrupting the TH-SH3 intramolecular interaction and activating Btk.
Norepinephrine (NE) and angiotensin II (Ang II), by promoting extracellular Ca2+ influx, increase Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) activity, leading to activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2), resulting in release of arachidonic acid (AA) for prostacyclin synthesis in rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells. However, the mechanism by which CaMKII activates MAPK is unclear. The present study was conducted to determine the contribution of AA and its metabolites as possible mediators of CaMKII-induced MAPK activation by NE, Ang II, and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in vascular smooth muscle cells. NE-, Ang II-, and EGF-stimulated MAPK and cPLA2 were reduced by inhibitors of cytochrome P450 (CYP450) and lipoxygenase but not by cyclooxygenase. NE-, Ang II-, and EGF-induced increases in Ras activity, measured by its translocation to plasma membrane, were abolished by CYP450, lipoxygenase, and farnesyltransferase inhibitors. An AA metabolite of CYP450, 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE), increased the activities of MAPK and cPLA2 and caused translocation of Ras. These data suggest that activation of MAPK by NE, Ang II, and EGF is mediated by a signaling mechanism involving 20-HETE, which is generated by stimulation of cPLA2 by CaMKII. Activation of Ras/MAPK by 20-HETE amplifies cPLA2 activity and releases additional AA by a positive feedback mechanism. This mechanism of Ras/MAPK activation by 20-HETE may play a central role in the regulation of other cellular signaling molecules involved in cell proliferation and growth.
The rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea, generates enormous turgor pressure within a specialized cell called the appressorium to breach the surface of host plant cells. Here, we show that a mitogen-activated protein kinase, Mps1, is essential for appressorium penetration. Mps1 is 85% similar to yeast Slt2 mitogen-activated protein kinase and can rescue the thermosensitive growth of slt2 null mutants. The mps1–1Δ mutants of M. grisea have some phenotypes in common with slt2 mutants of yeast, including sensitivity to cell-wall-digesting enzymes, but display additional phenotypes, including reduced sporulation and fertility. Interestingly, mps1–1Δ mutants are completely nonpathogenic because of the inability of appressoria to penetrate plant cell surfaces, suggesting that penetration requires remodeling of the appressorium wall through an Mps1-dependent signaling pathway. Although mps1–1Δ mutants are unable to cause disease, they are able to trigger early plant-cell defense responses, including the accumulation of autofluorescent compounds and the rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton. We conclude that MPS1 is essential for pathogen penetration; however, penetration is not required for induction of some plant defense responses.
Posttranslational modifications such as ubiquitination and phosphorylation play an important role in the regulation of cellular protein function. Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) is a member of the recently identified family of nuclear protein kinases that act as corepressors for homeodomain transcription factors. Here, we show that HIPK2 is regulated by a ubiquitin-like protein, SUMO-1. We demonstrate that HIPK2 localizes to nuclear speckles (dots) by means of a speckle-retention signal. This speckle-retention signal contains a domain that interacts with a mouse ubiquitin-like protein conjugating (E2) enzyme, mUBC9. In cultured cells, HIPK2 is covalently modified by SUMO-1, and the SUMO-1 modification of HIPK2 correlates with its localization to nuclear speckles (dots). Thus, our results provide firm evidence that the nuclear protein kinase HIPK2 can be covalently modified by SUMO-1, which directs its localization to nuclear speckles (dots).
A wide range of processes in plants, including expression of certain genes, is regulated by endogenous circadian rhythms. The circadian clock-associated 1 (CCA1) and the late elongated hypocotyl (LHY) proteins have been shown to be closely associated with clock function in Arabidopsis thaliana. The protein kinase CK2 can interact with and phosphorylate CCA1, but its role in the regulation of the circadian clock remains unknown. Here we show that plants overexpressing CKB3, a regulatory subunit of CK2, display increased CK2 activity and shorter periods of rhythmic expression of CCA1 and LHY. CK2 is also able to interact with and phosphorylate LHY in vitro. Additionally, overexpression of CKB3 shortened the periods of four known circadian clock-controlled genes with different phase angles, demonstrating that many clock outputs are affected. This overexpression also reduced phytochrome induction of an Lhcb gene. Finally, we found that the photoperiodic flowering response, which is influenced by circadian rhythms, was diminished in the transgenic lines, and that the plants flowered earlier on both long-day and short-day photoperiods. These data demonstrate that CK2 is involved in regulation of the circadian clock in Arabidopsis.
Although the catalytic (C) subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase is N-myristylated, it is a soluble protein, and no physiological role has been identified for its myristyl moiety. To determine whether the interaction of the two regulatory (R) subunit isoforms (RI and RII) with the N-myristylated C subunit affects its ability to target membranes, the effect of N-myristylation and the RI and RII subunit isoforms on C subunit binding to phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylserine liposomes was examined. Only the combination of N-myristylation and RII subunit interaction produced a dramatic increase in the rate of liposomal binding. To assess whether the RII subunit also increased the conformational flexibility of the C subunit N terminus, the effect of N-myristylation and the RI and RII subunits on the rotational freedom of the C subunit N terminus was measured. Specifically, fluorescein maleimide was conjugated to Cys-16 in the N-terminal domain of a K16C mutant of the C subunit, and the time-resolved emission anisotropy was determined. The interaction of the RII subunit, but not the RI subunit, significantly increased the backbone flexibility around the site of mutation and labeling, strongly suggesting that RII subunit binding to the myristylated C subunit induced a unique conformation of the C subunit that is associated with an increase in both the N-terminal flexibility and the exposure of the N-myristate. RII subunit thus appears to serve as an intermolecular switch that disrupts of the link between the N-terminal and core catalytic domains of the C subunit to expose the N-myristate and poise the holoenzyme for interaction with membranes.
Despite the importance of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling in eukaryotic biology, the mechanisms by which signaling yields phenotypic changes are poorly understood. We have combined transcriptional profiling with genetics to determine how the Kss1 MAPK signaling pathway controls dimorphic development in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This analysis identified dozens of transcripts that are regulated by the pathway, whereas previous work had identified only a single downstream target, FLO11. One of the MAPK-regulated genes is PGU1, which encodes a secreted enzyme that hydrolyzes polygalacturonic acid, a structural barrier to microbial invasion present in the natural plant substrate of S. cerevisiae. A third key transcriptional target is the G1 cyclin gene CLN1, a morphogenetic regulator that we show to be essential for pseudohyphal growth. In contrast, the homologous CLN2 cyclin gene is dispensable for development. Thus, the Kss1 MAPK cascade programs development by coordinately modulating a cell adhesion factor, a secreted host-destroying activity, and a specialized subunit of the Cdc28 cyclin-dependent kinase.