42 resultados para Biological Transport


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When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the trout red cell anion exchanger tAE1, but not the mouse exchanger mAE1, elicited a transport of electroneutral solutes (sorbitol, urea) in addition to the expected anion exchange activity. Chimeras constructed from mAE1 and tAE1 allowed us to identify the tAE1 domains involved in the induction of these transports. Expression of tAE1 (but not mAE1) is known to generate an anion conductance associated with a taurine transport. The present data provide evidence that (i) the capacity of tAE1 and tAE1 chimeras to generate urea and sorbitol permeability also was associated with an anion conductance; (ii) the same inhibitors affected both the permeability of solutes and anion conductance; and (iii) no measurable water transport was associated with the tAE1-dependent conductance. These results support the view that fish red blood cells, to achieve cell volume regulation in response to hypotonic swelling, activate a tAE1-associated anion channel that can mediate the passive transport of taurine and electroneutral solutes.


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The recent discovery of glycine transporters in both the central nervous system and the periphery suggests that glycine transport may be critical to N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) function by controlling glycine concentration at the NMDAR modulatory glycine site. Data obtained from whole-cell patch–clamp recordings of hippocampal pyramidal neurons, in vitro, demonstrated that exogenous glycine and glycine transporter type 1 (GLYT1) antagonist selectively enhanced the amplitude of the NMDA component of a glutamatergic excitatory postsynaptic current. The effect was blocked by 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid and 7-chloro-kynurenic acid but not by strychnine. Thus, the glycine-binding site was not saturated under the control conditions. Furthermore, GLYT1 antagonist enhanced NMDAR function during perfusion with medium containing 10 μM glycine, a concentration similar to that in the cerebrospinal fluid in vivo, thereby supporting the hypothesis that the GLYT1 maintains subsaturating concentration of glycine at synaptically activated NMDAR. The enhancement of NMDAR function by specific GLYT1 antagonism may be a feasible target for therapeutic agents directed toward diseases related to hypofunction of NMDAR.


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High-affinity uptake into bacterial cells is mediated by a large class of periplasmic binding protein-dependent transport systems, members of the ATP-binding cassette superfamily. In the maltose transport system of Escherichia coli, the periplasmic maltose-binding protein binds its substrate maltose with high affinity and, in addition, stimulates the ATPase activity of the membrane-associated transporter when maltose is present. Vanadate inhibits maltose transport by trapping ADP in one of the two nucleotide-binding sites of the membrane transporter immediately after ATP hydrolysis, consistent with its ability to mimic the transition state of the γ-phosphate of ATP during hydrolysis. Here we report that the maltose-binding protein becomes tightly associated with the membrane transporter in the presence of vanadate and simultaneously loses its high affinity for maltose. These results suggest a general model explaining how ATP hydrolysis is coupled to substrate transport in which a binding protein stimulates the ATPase activity of its cognate transporter by stabilizing the transition state.


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In the “selective” cholesteryl ester (CE) uptake process, surface-associated lipoproteins [high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein] are trapped in the space formed between closely apposed surface microvilli (microvillar channels) in hormone-stimulated steroidogenic cells. This is the same location where an HDL receptor (SR-BI) is found. In the current study, we sought to understand the relationship between SR-BI and selective CE uptake in a heterologous insect cell system. Sf9 (Spodoptera frugiperda) cells overexpressing recombinant SR-BI were examined for (i) SR-BI protein by Western blot analysis and light or electron immunomicroscopy, and (ii) selective lipoprotein CE uptake by the use of radiolabeled or fluorescent (BODIPY-CE)-labeled HDL. Noninfected or infected control Sf9 cells do not express SR-BI, show microvillar channels, or internalize CEs. An unexpected finding was the induction of a complex channel system in Sf9 cells expressing SR-BI. SR-BI-expressing cells showed many cell surface double-membraned channels, immunogold SR-BI, apolipoprotein (HDL) labeling of the channels, and high levels of selective HDL-CE uptake. Thus, double-membraned channels can be induced by expression of recombinant SR-BI in a heterologous system, and these specialized structures facilitate both the binding of HDL and selective HDL-CE uptake.


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Alpha herpesviruses infect the vertebrate nervous system resulting in either mild recurrent lesions in mucosal epithelia or fatal encephalitis. Movement of virions within the nervous system is a critical factor in the outcome of infection; however, the dynamics of individual virion transport have never been assessed. Here we visualized and tracked individual viral capsids as they moved in axons away from infected neuronal cell bodies in culture. The observed movement was compatible with fast axonal flow mediated by multiple microtubule motors. Capsids accumulated at axon terminals, suggesting that spread from infected neurons required cell contact.


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The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) is essential for intracellular transport of protein fragments into the endoplasmic reticulum for loading of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. On the cell surface, these peptide–MHC complexes are monitored by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. To study the ATP hydrolysis of TAP, we developed an enrichment and reconstitution procedure, by which we fully restored TAP function in proteoliposomes. A TAP-specific ATPase activity was identified that could be stimulated by peptides and blocked by the herpes simplex virus protein ICP47. Strikingly, the peptide-binding motif of TAP directly correlates with the stimulation of the ATPase activity, demonstrating that the initial peptide-binding step is responsible for TAP selectivity. ATP hydrolysis follows Michaelis–Menten kinetics with a maximal velocity Vmax of 2 μmol/min per mg TAP, corresponding to a turnover number of approximately 5 ATP per second. This turnover rate is sufficient to account for the role of TAP in peptide loading of MHC molecules and the overall process of antigen presentation. Interestingly, sterically restricted peptides that bind but are not transported by TAP do not stimulate ATPase activity. These results point to coordinated dialogue between the peptide-binding site, the nucleotide-binding domain, and the translocation site via conformational changes within the TAP complex.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are dietary lipid sensors that regulate fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism. The hypolipidemic effects of the fibrate drugs and the antidiabetic effects of the glitazone drugs in humans are due to activation of the α (NR1C1) and γ (NR1C3) subtypes, respectively. By contrast, the therapeutic potential of the δ (NR1C2) subtype is unknown, due in part to the lack of selective ligands. We have used combinatorial chemistry and structure-based drug design to develop a potent and subtype-selective PPARδ agonist, GW501516. In macrophages, fibroblasts, and intestinal cells, GW501516 increases expression of the reverse cholesterol transporter ATP-binding cassette A1 and induces apolipoprotein A1-specific cholesterol efflux. When dosed to insulin-resistant middle-aged obese rhesus monkeys, GW501516 causes a dramatic dose-dependent rise in serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol while lowering the levels of small-dense low density lipoprotein, fasting triglycerides, and fasting insulin. Our results suggest that PPARδ agonists may be effective drugs to increase reverse cholesterol transport and decrease cardiovascular disease associated with the metabolic syndrome X.


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A mechanistic model for lactose/H+ symport via the lactose permease of Escherichia coli proposed recently indicates that the permease must be protonated to bind ligand with high affinity. Moreover, in the ground state, the symported H+ is shared between His-322 (helix X) and Glu-269 (helix VIII), whereas Glu-325 (helix X) is charge-paired with Arg-302 (helix IX). Substrate binding at the outer surface induces a conformational change that leads to transfer of the H+ to Glu-325 and reorientation of the binding site to the inner surface. After release of the substrate, Glu-325 is deprotonated on the inside because of rejuxtapositioning with Arg-302. To test the role of Arg-302 in the mechanism, the catalytic properties of mutants Arg-302→Ala and Arg-302→Ser were studied. Both mutants are severely defective in active lactose transport, as well as in efflux or influx down a concentration gradient, translocation modes that involve net H+ movement. In marked contrast, the mutants catalyze equilibrium exchange of lactose and bind ligand with high affinity. These characteristics are remarkably analogous to those of permease mutants with neutral replacements for Glu-325, a residue that plays a direct role in H+ translocation. These observations lend strong support for the argument that Arg-302 interacts with Glu-325 to facilitate deprotonation of the carboxylic acid during turnover.


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Surface reactive phases of soils and aquifers, comprised of phyllosilicate and metal oxohydroxide minerals along with humic substances, play a critical role in the regulation of contaminant fate and transport. Much of our knowledge concerning contaminant-mineral interactions at the molecular level, however, is derived from extensive experimentation on model mineral systems. Although these investigations have provided a foundation for understanding reactive surface functional groups on individual mineral phases, the information cannot be readily extrapolated to complex mineral assemblages in natural systems. Recent studies have elucidated the role of less abundant mineral and organic substrates as important surface chemical modifiers and have demonstrated complex coupling of reactivity between permanent-charge phyllosilicates and variable-charge Fe-oxohydroxide phases. Surface chemical modifiers were observed to control colloid generation and transport processes in surface and subsurface environments as well as the transport of solutes and ionic tracers. The surface charging mechanisms operative in the complex mineral assemblages cannot be predicted based on bulk mineralogy or by considering surface reactivity of less abundant mineral phases based on results from model systems. The fragile nature of mineral assemblages isolated from natural systems requires novel techniques and experimental approaches for investigating their surface chemistry and reactivity free of artifacts. A complete understanding of the surface chemistry of complex mineral assemblages is prerequisite to accurately assessing environmental and human health risks of contaminants or in designing environmentally sound, cost-effective chemical and biological remediation strategies.


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Since concomitant release of structurally related peptide hormones with apparently similar functions seems to be a general concept in endocrinology, we have studied the dynamics of the lifetime of the three known adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) of the migratory locust, which control flight-directed mobilization of carbohydrate and lipid from fat body stores. Although the structure of the first member of the AKHs has been known for 20 years, until now, reliable data on their inactivation and removal from the hemolymph are lacking, because measurement requires AKHs with high specific radioactivity. Employing tritiated AKHs with high specific radioactivity, obtained by catalytic reduction with tritium gas of the dehydroLeu2 analogues of the AKHs synthesized by the solid-phase procedure, studies with physiological doses of as low as 1.0 pmol per locust could be conducted. The AKHs appear to be transported in the hemolymph in their free forms and not associated with a carrier protein, despite their strong hydrophobicity. Application of AKHs in their free form in in vivo and in vitro studies therefore now has been justified. We have studied the degradation of the three AKHs during rest and flight. The first cleavage step by an endopeptidase is crucial, since the resulting degradation products lack any adipokinetic activity. Half-lives for AKH-I, -II and -III were 51, 40, and 5 min, respectively, for rest conditions and 35, 37, and 3 min, respectively, during flight. The rapid and differential degradation of structurally related hormones leads to changes in the ratio in which they are released and therefore will have important consequences for concerted hormone action at the level of the target organ or organs, suggesting that each of the known AKHs may play its own biological role in the overall syndrome of insect flight.


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The rat glucocorticoid receptor confers hormone-dependent transcriptional enhancement when expressed in yeast, thereby enabling the genetic identification of nonreceptor proteins that function in the hormone signal-transduction pathway. We isolated a yeast mutant, lem1, with increased sensitivity to dexamethasone and triamcinolone acetonide; responsiveness to a third agonist, deoxycorticosterone, is unaffected. Cloning of wild-type LEM1 revealed a putative transport protein of the ATP-binding cassette family. Dexamethasone accumulation is increased in lem1 cells, suggesting that wild-type LEM1 decreases dexamethasone potency by exporting this ligand. LEM1 appears to affect certain steroids and not others. We propose that transporters like LEM1 can selectively modulate the intracellular levels of steroid hormones. Differential activities of such transporters in mammalian cells might regulate hormone availability and thereby hormone signaling in a cell-type specific manner.


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Oscillating electric fields can be rectified by proteins in cell membranes to give rise to a dc transport of a substance across the membrane or a net conversion of a substrate to a product. This provides a basis for signal averaging and may be important for understanding the effects of weak extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields on cellular systems. We consider the limits imposed by thermal and "excess" biological noise on the magnitude and exposure duration of such electric field-induced membrane activity. Under certain circumstances, the excess noise leads to an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio in a manner similar to processes labeled "stochastic resonance." Numerical results indicate that it is difficult to reconcile biological effects with low field strengths.