35 resultados para Apo, Satu: Viinan voima


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Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is critical in the modulation of cholesterol and phospholipid transport between cells of different types. Human apoE is a polymorphic protein with three common alleles, APO epsilon 2, APO epsilon 3, and APO epsilon 4. ApoE4 is associated with sporadic and late-onset familial Alzheimer disease (AD). Gene dose was shown to have an effect on risk of developing AD, age of onset, accumulation of senile plaques in the brain, and reduction of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity in the hippocampus of AD subjects. To characterize the possible impact of the apoE4 allele on cholinergic markers in AD, we examined the effect of apoE4 allele copy number on pre- and postsynaptic markers of cholinergic activity. ApoE4 allele copy number showed an inverse relationship with residual brain ChAT activity and nicotinic receptor binding sites in both the hippocampal formation and the temporal cortex of AD subjects. AD cases lacking the apoE4 allele showed ChAT activities close or within age-matched normal control values. The effect of the apoE4 allele on cholinomimetic drug responsiveness was assessed next in a group (n = 40) of AD patients who completed a double-blind, 30-week clinical trial of the cholinesterase inhibitor tacrine. Results showed that > 80% of apoE4-negative AD patients showed marked improvement after 30 weeks as measured by the AD assessment scale (ADAS), whereas 60% of apoE4 carriers had ADAS scores that were worse compared to baseline. These results strongly support the concept that apoE4 plays a crucial role in the cholinergic dysfunction associated with AD and may be a prognostic indicator of poor response to therapy with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in AD patients.


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Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is a lipoprotein formed by the disulfide linkage of apolipoprotein (apo) B100 of a low density lipoprotein particle to apolipoprotein(a). Prior studies have suggested that one of the C-terminal Cys residues of apo-B100 is involved in the disulfide linkage of apo-B100 to apo(a). To identify the apo-B100 Cys residue involved in the formation of Lp(a), we constructed a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) spanning the human apo-B gene and used gene-targeting techniques to change Cys-4326 to Gly. The mutated YAC DNA was used to generate transgenic mice expressing the mutant human apo-B100 (Cys4326Gly). Unlike the wild-type human apo-B100, the mutant human apo-B100 completely lacked the ability to bind to apo(a) and form Lp(a). This study demonstrates that apo-B100 Cys-4326 is required for the assembly of Lp(a) and shows that gene targeting in YACs, followed by the generation of transgenic mice, is a useful approach for analyzing the structure of large proteins coded for by large genes.


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Triggering of the Fas/APO-1 cell-surface receptor induces apoptosis through an uncharacterized chain of events. Exposure of Fas-sensitive cells to an agonist monoclonal antibody induced cell death and a 200-300% elevation in endogenous levels of the sphingolipid ceramide, a proposed intracellular mediator of apoptosis. In contrast, similar treatment of Fas-resistant cells caused insignificant changes in ceramide levels. Because resistant cell lines expressed the Fas antigen, these results indicate that these cells have a defect in the proximal signaling events leading to ceramide generation. Exposure of the resistant cell lines to a synthetic analog of ceramide induced apoptosis, thus bypassing Fas resistance and indicating that the signaling pathways downstream of ceramide were intact. Furthermore, activation of protein kinase C with the diacylglycerol analog phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate significantly reduced Fas-induced cytotoxicity, suggesting opposing roles for ceramide and protein kinase C in regulation of apoptosis. These results provide evidence for ceramide as a necessary and sufficient lipid mediator of Fas-mediated apoptosis and suggest this process may be modulated via activation of additional signal-transduction pathways.


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Apolipoprotein (apo-) B mRNA editing is the deamination of cytidine that creates a new termination codon and produces a truncated version of apo-B (apo-B48). The cytidine deaminase catalytic subunit [apo-B mRNA-editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide 1 (APOBEC-1)] of the multiprotein editing complex has been identified. We generated transgenic rabbits and mice expressing rabbit APOBEC-1 in their livers to determine whether hepatic expression would lower low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations. The apo-B mRNA from the livers of the transgenic mice and rabbit was extensively edited, and the transgenic animals had reduced concentrations of apo-B100 and low density lipoproteins compared with control animals. Unexpectedly, all of the transgenic mice and a transgenic rabbit had liver dysplasia, and many transgenic mice developed hepatocellular carcinomas. Many of the mouse livers were hyperplastic and filled with lipid. Other hepatic mRNAs with sequence motifs similar to apo-B mRNA were examined for this type of editing (i.e., cytidine deamination). One of these, tyrosine kinase, was edited in livers of transgenic mice but not of controls. This result demonstrates that other mRNAs can be edited by the overexpressed editing enzyme and suggests that aberrant editing of hepatic mRNAs involved in cell growth and regulation is the cause of the tumorigenesis. Finally, these findings compromise the potential use of APOBEC-1 for gene therapy to lower plasma levels of low density lipoproteins.


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The diphtheria tox repressor (DtxR) is a transition metal ion-dependent regulatory element that controls the expression of diphtheria toxin and several genes involved in the synthesis of siderophores in Corynebacterium diphtheriae. In the presence of transition metal ions apo-DtxR becomes activated and specifically binds to its target DNA sequences. We demonstrate by glutaraldehyde cross-linking that monomeric apo-DtxR is in weak equilibrium with a dimeric form and that upon addition of activating metal ions to the reaction mixture a dimeric complex is stabilized. Addition of the DNA-binding-defective mutant apo-DtxR(delta 1-47) to apo-DtxR in the absence of transition metal ions inhibits conversion of the apo-repressor to its activated DNA-binding form. We also show that the binding of Ni2+ to both apo-DtxR and apo-DtxR(delta 1-47) is cooperative and that upon ion binding there is a conformational change in the environment of the indole ring moiety of Trp-104. For the wild-type repressor the consequences of this conformational change include a shift in equilibrium toward dimer formation and activation of target DNA binding by the repressor. We conclude that the formation of DtxR homodimers is mediated through a protein-protein interaction domain that is also activated on metal ion binding.