48 resultados para Antiepileptic drugs
Antipyretic analgesics, taken in large doses over a prolonged period, cause a specific form of kidney disease, characterized by papillary necrosis and interstitial scarring. Epidemiological evidence incriminated mixtures of drugs including aspirin (ASA), phenacetin, and caffeine. The mechanism of toxicity is unclear. We tested the effects of ASA, acetaminophen (APAF, the active metabolite of phenacetin), caffeine, and other related drugs individually and in combination on mouse inner medullary collecting duct cells (mIMCD3). The number of rapidly proliferating cells was reduced by ≈50% by 0.5 mM ASA, salicylic acid, or APAF. The drugs had less effect on confluent cells, which proliferate slowly. Thus, the slow in vivo turnover of IMCD cells could explain why clinical toxicity requires very high doses of these drugs over a very long period. Caffeine greatly potentiated the effect of acetaminophen, pointing to a potential danger of the mixture. Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors, indomethacin and NS-398, did not reduce cell number except at concentrations greatly in excess of those that inhibit COX. Therefore, COX inhibition alone is not toxic. APAF arrests most cells in late G1 and S and produces a mixed form of cell death with both oncosis (swollen cells and nuclei) and apoptosis. APAF is known to inhibit the synthesis of DNA and cause chromosomal aberrations due to inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase. Such effects of APAF might account for renal medullary cell death in vivo and development of uroepithelial tumors from surviving cells that have chromosomal aberrations.
The peptide transmitter neurotensin (NT) exerts diverse neurochemical effects that resemble those seen after acute administration of antipsychotic drugs (APDs). These drugs also induce NT expression in the striatum; this and other convergent findings have led to the suggestion that NT may mediate some APD effects. Here, we demonstrate that the ability of the typical APD haloperidol to induce Fos expression in the dorsolateral striatum is markedly attenuated in NT-null mutant mice. The induction of Fos and NT in the dorsolateral striatum in response to typical, but not atypical, APDs has led to the hypothesis that the increased expression of these proteins is mechanistically related to the production of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS). However, we found that catalepsy, which is thought to reflect the EPS of typical APDs, is unaffected in NT-null mutant mice, suggesting that NT does not contribute to the generation of EPS. We conclude that NT is required for haloperidol-elicited activation of a specific population of striatal neurons but not haloperidol-induced catalepsy. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that endogenous NT mediates a specific subset of APD actions.
The exact role of the pfmdr1 gene in the emergence of drug resistance in the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum remains controversial. pfmdr1 is a member of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transporters that includes the mammalian P-glycoprotein family. We have introduced wild-type and mutant variants of the pfmdr1 gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and have analyzed the effect of pfmdr1 expression on cellular resistance to quinoline-containing antimalarial drugs. Yeast transformants expressing either wild-type or a mutant variant of mouse P-glycoprotein were also analyzed. Dose-response studies showed that expression of wild-type pfmdr1 causes cellular resistance to quinine, quinacrine, mefloquine, and halofantrine in yeast cells. Using quinacrine as substrate, we observed that increased resistance to this drug in pfmdr1 transformants was associated with decreased cellular accumulation and a concomitant increase in drug release from preloaded cells. The introduction of amino acid polymorphisms in TM11 of Pgh-1 (pfmdr1 product) associated with drug resistance in certain field isolates of P. falciparum abolished the capacity of this protein to confer drug resistance. Thus, these findings suggest that Pgh-1 may act as a drug transporter in a manner similar to mammalian P-glycoprotein and that sequence variants associated with drug-resistance pfmdr1 alleles behave as loss of function mutations.
MRP is a recently isolated ATP-binding cassette family transporter. We previously reported transfection studies that established that MRP confers multidrug resistance [Kruh, G. D., Chan, A., Myers, K., Gaughan, K., Miki, T. & Aaronson, S. A. (1994) Cancer Res. 54, 1649-1652] and that expression of MRP is associated with enhanced cellular efflux of lipophilic cytotoxic agents [Breuninger, L. M., Paul, S., Gaughan, K., Miki, T., Chan, A., Aaronson, S. A. & Kruh, G. D. (1995) Cancer Res. 55, 5342-5347]. To examine the biochemical mechanism by which MRP confers multidrug resistance, drug uptake experiments were performed using inside-out membrane vesicles prepared from NIH 3T3 cells transfected with an MRP expression vector. ATP-dependent transport was observed for several lipophilic cytotoxic agents including daunorubicin, etoposide, and vincristine, as well as for the glutathione conjugate leukotriene C4 (LTC4). However, only marginally increased uptake was observed for vinblastine and Taxol. Drug uptake was osmotically sensitive and saturable with regard to substrate concentration, with Km values of 6.3 microM, 4.4 microM, 4.2 microM, 35 nM, and 38 microM, for daunorubicin, etoposide, vincristine, LTC4, and ATP, respectively. The broad substrate specificity of MRP was confirmed by the observation that daunorubicin transport was competitively inhibited by reduced and oxidized glutathione, the glutathione conjugates S-(p-azidophenacyl)-glutathione (APA-SG) and S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)glutathione (DNP-SG), arsenate, and the LTD4 antagonist MK571. This study establishes that MRP pumps unaltered lipophilic cytotoxic drugs, and suggests that this activity is an important mechanism by which the transporter confers multidrug resistance. The present study also indicates that the substrate specificity of MRP is overlapping but distinct from that of P-glycoprotein, and includes both the neutral or mildly cationic natural product cytotoxic drugs and the anionic products of glutathione conjugation. The widespread expression of MRP in tissues, combined with its ability to transport both lipophilic xenobiotics and the products of phase II detoxification, indicates that the transporter represents a widespread and remarkably versatile cellular defense mechanism.
The pathogenic protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of amebic dysentery and amebic liver abscess, is an obligate anaerobe, and derives energy from the fermentation of glucose to ethanol with pyruvate and acetyl coenzyme A as intermediates. We have isolated EhADH2, a key enzyme in this pathway, that is a NAD+- and Fe2+-dependent bifunctional enzyme with acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities. EhADH2 is the only known eukaryotic member of a newly defined family of prokaryotic multifunctional enzymes, which includes the Escherichia coli AdhE enzyme, an enzyme required for anaerobic growth of E. coli. Because of the critical role of EhADH2 in the amebic fermentation pathway and the lack of known eukaryotic homologues of the EhADH2 enzyme, EhADH2 represents a potential target for antiamebic chemotherapy. However, screening of compounds for antiamebic activity is hampered by the cost of large scale growth of Ent. histolytica, and difficulties in quantitating drug efficacy in vitro. To approach this problem, we expressed the EhADH2 gene in a mutant strain of E. coli carrying a deletion of the adhE gene. Expression of EhADH2 restored the ability of the mutant E. coli strain to grow under anaerobic conditions. By screening compounds for the ability to inhibit the anaerobic growth of the E. coli/EhADH2 strain, we have developed a rapid assay for identifying compounds with anti-EhADH2 activity. Using bacteria to bypass the need for parasite culture in the initial screening process for anti-parasitic agents could greatly simplify and reduce the cost of identifying new therapeutic agents effective against parasitic diseases.
The clinical efficacy of local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic drugs is due to their voltage- and frequency-dependent block of Na+ channels. Quaternary local anesthetic analogs such as QX-314, which are permanently charged and membrane-impermeant, effectively block cardiac Na+ channels when applied from either side of the membrane but block neuronal Na+ channels only from the intracellular side. This difference in extracellular access to QX-314 is retained when rat brain rIIA Na+ channel alpha subunits and rat heart rH1 Na+ channel alpha subunits are expressed transiently in tsA-201 cells. Amino acid residues in transmembrane segment S6 of homologous domain IV (IVS6) of Na+ channel alpha subunits have important effects on block by local anesthetic drugs. Although five amino acid residues in IVS6 differ between brain rIIA and cardiac rH1, exchange of these amino acid residues by site-directed mutagenesis showed that only conversion of Thr-1755 in rH1 to Val as in rIIA was sufficient to reduce the rate and extent of block by extracellular QX-314 and slow the escape of drug from closed channels after use-dependent block. Tetrodotoxin also reduced the rate of block by extracellular QX-314 and slowed escape of bound QX-314 via the extracellular pathway in rH1, indicating that QX-314 must move through the pore to escape. QX-314 binding was inhibited by mutation of Phe-1762 in the local anesthetic receptor site of rH1 to Ala whether the drug was applied extracellularly or intracellularly. Thus, QX-314 binds to a single site in the rH1 Na+ channel alpha subunit that contains Phe-1762, whether it is applied from the extracellular or intracellular side of the membrane. Access to that site from the extracellular side of the pore is determined by the amino acid at position 1755 in the rH1 cardiac Na+ channel.
The immunosuppressive drugs cyclosporin A and FK506 interfere with the inducible transcription of cytokine genes in T cells and in other immune cells, in part by preventing the activation of NF-AT (nuclear factor of activated T cells). We show that transcription factor NFAT1 in T cells is rapidly dephosphorylated on stimulation, that dephosphorylation occurs before translocation of NFAT1 into the cell nucleus, and that dephosphorylation increases the affinity of NFAT1 for its specific sites in DNA. Cyclosporin A prevents the dephosphorylation and the nuclear translocation of NFAT1 in T cells, B cells, macrophages, and mast cells, delineating at least one mechanism that contributes to the profound immunosuppressive effects of this compound.
DNA-damaging agents induce accumulation of the tumor suppressor and G1 checkpoint protein p53, leading cells to either growth arrest in G1 or apoptosis (programmed cell death). The p53-dependent G1 arrest involves induction of p21 (also called WAF1/CIP1/SDI1), which prevents cyclin kinase-mediated phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (RB). Recent studies suggest a p53-independent G1 checkpoint as well; however, little is known about its molecular mechanisms. We report that induction of a protein-serine/threonine phosphatase activity by DNA damage signals is at least one of the mechanisms responsible for p53-independent, RB-mediated G1 arrest and consequent apoptosis. When two p53-null human leukemic cell lines (HL-60 and U-937) were treated with a variety of anticancer agents, RB became hypophosphorylated, accompanied with G1 arrest. This was followed immediately (in less than 30 min) by apoptosis, as determined by the accumulation of pre-G1 apoptotic cells and the internucleosomal fragmentation of DNA. Addition of calyculin A or okadaic acid (specific serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitors) or zinc chloride (apoptosis inhibitor) prevented the G1 arrest- and apoptosis-specific RB dephosphorylation. The levels of cyclin E- and cyclin A-associated kinase activities remained high during RB dephosphorylation, supporting the involvement of a chemotherapy-induced serine/threonine phosphatase(s) rather than p21. Furthermore, the induced phosphatase activity coimmunoprecipitated with the hyperphosphorylated RB and was active in a cell-free system that reproduced the growth arrest- and apoptosis-specific RB dephosphorylation, which was inhibitable by calyculin A but not zinc. We propose that the RB phosphatase(s) might be one of the p53-independent G1 checkpoint regulators.
Nitric oxide synthesized by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) has been implicated as a mediator of inflammation in rheumatic and autoimmune diseases. We report that exposure of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine macrophages to therapeutic concentrations of aspirin (IC50 = 3 mM) and hydrocortisone (IC50 = 5 microM) inhibited the expression of iNOS and production of nitrite. In contrast, sodium salicylate (1-3 mM), indomethacin (5-20 microM), and acetaminophen (60-120 microM) had no significant effect on the production of nitrite at pharmacological concentrations. At suprapharmacological concentrations, sodium salicylate (IC50 = 20 mM) significantly inhibited nitrite production. Immunoblot analysis of iNOS expression in the presence of aspirin showed inhibition of iNOS expression (IC50 = 3 mM). Sodium salicylate variably inhibited iNOS expression (0-35%), whereas indomethacin had no effect. Furthermore, there was no significant effect of these nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on iNOS mRNA expression at pharmacological concentrations. The effect of aspirin was not due to inhibition of cyclooxygenase 2 because both aspirin and indomethacin inhibited prostaglandin E2 synthesis by > 75%. Aspirin and N-acetylimidazole (an effective acetylating agent), but not sodium salicylate or indomethacin, also directly interfered with the catalytic activity of iNOS in cell-free extracts. These studies indicate that the inhibition of iNOS expression and function represents another mechanism of action for aspirin, if not for all aspirin-like drugs. The effects are exerted at the level of translational/posttranslational modification and directly on the catalytic activity of iNOS.
Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is an intrinsic part of organismal development and aging. Here we report that many nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause apoptosis when applied to v-src-transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs). Cell death was characterized by morphological changes, the induction of tissue transglutaminase, and autodigestion of DNA. Dexamethasone, a repressor of cyclooxygenase (COX) 2, neither induced apoptosis nor altered the NSAID effect. Prostaglandin E2, the primary eicosanoid made by CEFs, also failed to inhibit apoptosis. Expression of the protooncogene bcl-2 is very low in CEFs and is not altered by NSAID treatment. In contrast, p20, a protein that may protect against apoptosis when fibroblasts enter G0 phase, was strongly repressed. The NSAID concentrations used here transiently inhibit COXs. Nevertheless, COX-1 and COX-2 mRNAs and COX-2 protein were induced. In some cell types, then, chronic NSAID treatment may lead to increased, rather than decreased, COX activity and, thus, exacerbate prostaglandin-mediated inflammatory effects. The COX-2 transcript is a partially spliced and nonfunctional form previously described. Thus, these findings suggest that COXs and their products play key roles in preventing apoptosis in CEFs and perhaps other cell types.