80 resultados para Antibodies, Fungal


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Plant-specific N-glycosylation can represent an important limitation for the use of recombinant glycoproteins of mammalian origin produced by transgenic plants. Comparison of plant and mammalian N-glycan biosynthesis indicates that β1,4-galactosyltransferase is the most important enzyme that is missing for conversion of typical plant N-glycans into mammalian-like N-glycans. Here, the stable expression of human β1,4-galactosyltransferase in tobacco plants is described. Proteins isolated from transgenic tobacco plants expressing the mammalian enzyme bear N-glycans, of which about 15% exhibit terminal β1,4-galactose residues in addition to the specific plant N-glycan epitopes. The results indicate that the human enzyme is fully functional and localizes correctly in the Golgi apparatus. Despite the fact that through the modified glycosylation machinery numerous proteins have acquired unusual N-glycans with terminal β1,4-galactose residues, no obvious changes in the physiology of the transgenic plants are observed, and the feature is inheritable. The crossing of a tobacco plant expressing human β1,4-galactosyltransferase with a plant expressing the heavy and light chains of a mouse antibody results in the expression of a plantibody that exhibits partially galactosylated N-glycans (30%), which is approximately as abundant as when the same antibody is produced by hybridoma cells. These results are a major step in the in planta engineering of the N-glycosylation of recombinant antibodies.


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Two key genes in terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis, Tdc and Str, encoding tryptophan decarboxylase and strictosidine synthase, respectively, are coordinately induced by fungal elicitors in suspension-cultured Catharanthus roseus cells. We have studied the roles of the jasmonate biosynthetic pathway and of protein phosphorylation in signal transduction initiated by a partially purified elicitor from yeast extract. In addition to activating Tdc and Str gene expression, the elicitor also induced the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid. The jasmonate precursor α-linolenic acid or methyl jasmonate (MeJA) itself induced Tdc and Str gene expression when added exogenously . Diethyldithiocarbamic acid, an inhibitor of jasmonate biosynthesis, blocked both the elicitor-induced formation of jasmonic acid and the activation of terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic genes. The protein kinase inhibitor K-252a abolished both elicitor-induced jasmonate biosynthesis and MeJA-induced Tdc and Str gene expression. Analysis of the expression of Str promoter/gusA fusions in transgenic C. roseus cells showed that the elicitor and MeJA act at the transcriptional level. These results demonstrate that the jasmonate biosynthetic pathway is an integral part of the elicitor-triggered signal transduction pathway that results in the coordinate expression of the Tdc and Str genes and that protein kinases act both upstream and downstream of jasmonates.


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The mosquito midgut plays a central role in the sporogonic development of malaria parasites. We have found that polyclonal sera, produced against mosquito midguts, blocked the passage of Plasmodium falciparum ookinetes across the midgut, leading to a significant reduction of infections in mosquitoes. Anti-midgut mAbs were produced that display broad-spectrum activity, blocking parasite development of both P. falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites in five different species of mosquitoes. In addition to their parasite transmission-blocking activity, these mAbs also reduced mosquito survivorship and fecundity. These results reveal that mosquito midgut-based antibodies have the potential to reduce malaria transmission in a synergistic manner by lowering both vector competence, through transmission-blocking effects on parasite development, and vector abundance, by decreasing mosquito survivorship and egg laying capacity. Because the intervention can block transmission of different malaria parasite species in various species of mosquitoes, vaccines against such midgut receptors may block malaria transmission worldwide.


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We describe in this study punchless, a nonpathogenic mutant from the rice blast fungus M. grisea, obtained by plasmid-mediated insertional mutagenesis. As do most fungal plant pathogens, M. grisea differentiates an infection structure specialized for host penetration called the appressorium. We show that punchless differentiates appressoria that fail to breach either the leaf epidermis or artificial membranes such as cellophane. Cytological analysis of punchless appressoria shows that they have a cellular structure, turgor, and glycogen content similar to those of wild type before penetration, but that they are unable to differentiate penetration pegs. The inactivated gene, PLS1, encodes a putative integral membrane protein of 225 aa (Pls1p). A functional Pls1p-green fluorescent protein fusion protein was detected only in appressoria and was localized in plasma membranes and vacuoles. Pls1p is structurally related to the tetraspanin family. In animals, these proteins are components of membrane signaling complexes controlling cell differentiation, motility, and adhesion. We conclude that PLS1 controls an appressorial function essential for the penetration of the fungus into host leaves.


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The hepatocyte growth factor (HGF/SF) receptor, Met, regulates mitogenesis, motility, and morphogenesis in a cell type-dependent fashion. Activation of Met via autocrine, paracrine, or mutational mechanisms can lead to tumorigenesis and metastasis and numerous studies have linked inappropriate expression of this ligand-receptor pair to most types of human solid tumors. To prepare mAbs to human HGF/SF, mice were immunized with native and denatured preparations of the ligand. Recloned mAbs were tested in vitro for blocking activity against scattering and branching morphogenesis. Our results show that no single mAb was capable of neutralizing the in vitro activity of HGF/SF, and that the ligand possesses a minimum of three epitopes that must be blocked to prevent Met tyrosine kinase activation. In vivo, the neutralizing mAb combination inhibited s.c. growth in athymic nu/nu mice of tumors dependent on an autocrine Met-HGF/SF loop. Importantly, growth of human glioblastoma multiforme xenografts expressing Met and HGF/SF were markedly reduced in the presence of HGF/SF-neutralizing mAbs. These results suggest interrupting autocrine and/or paracrine Met-HGF/SF signaling in tumors dependent on this pathway is a possible intervention strategy.


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V-type proton-translocating ATPases (V-ATPases) (EC are electrogenic proton pumps involved in acidification of endomembrane compartments in all eukaryotic cells. V-ATPases from various species consist of 8 to 12 polypeptide subunits arranged into an integral membrane proton pore sector (V0) and a peripherally associated catalytic sector (V1). Several V-ATPase subunits are functionally and structurally conserved among all species examined. In yeast, a 36-kD peripheral subunit encoded by the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) VMA6 gene (Vma6p) is required for stable assembly of the V0 sector as well as for V1 attachment. Vma6p has been characterized as a nonintegrally associated V0 subunit. A high degree of sequence similarity among Vma6p homologs from animal and fungal species suggests that this subunit has a conserved role in V-ATPase function. We have characterized a novel Vma6p homolog from red beet (Beta vulgaris) tonoplast membranes. A 44-kD polypeptide cofractionated with V-ATPase upon gel-filtration chromatography of detergent-solubilized tonoplast membranes and was specifically cross-reactive with anti-Vma6p polyclonal antibodies. The 44-kD polypeptide was dissociated from isolated tonoplast preparations by mild chaotropic agents and thus appeared to be nonintegrally associated with the membrane. The putative 44-kD homolog appears to be structurally similar to yeast Vma6p and occupies a similar position within the holoenzyme complex.


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Here we report an approach to the design and production of antibody/ligand pairs, to achieve functional affinity far greater than avidin/biotin. Using fundamental chemical principles, we have developed antibody/ligand pairs that retain the binding specificity of the antibody, but do not dissociate. Choosing a structurally characterized antibody/ligand pair as an example, we engineered complementary reactive groups in the antibody binding pocket and the ligand, so that they would be in close proximity in the antibody/ligand complex. Cross-reactions with other molecules in the medium are averted because of the low reactivity of these groups; however, in the antibody/ligand complex the effective local concentrations of the complementary reactive groups are very large, allowing a covalent reaction to link the two together. By eliminating the dissociation of the ligand from the antibody, we have made the affinity functionally infinite. This chemical manipulation of affinity is applicable to other biological binding pairs.


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Most eukaryotic telomeres contain a repeating motif with stretches of guanine residues that form a 3′-terminal overhang extending beyond the telomeric duplex region. The telomeric repeat of hypotrichous ciliates, d(T4G4), forms a 16-nucleotide 3′-overhang. Such sequences can adopt parallel-stranded as well as antiparallel-stranded quadruplex conformations in vitro. Although it has been proposed that guanine-quadruplex conformations may have important cellular roles including telomere function, recombination, and transcription, evidence for the existence of this DNA structure in vivo has been elusive to date. We have generated high-affinity single-chain antibody fragment (scFv) probes for the guanine-quadruplex formed by the Stylonychia telomeric repeat, by ribosome display from the Human Combinatorial Antibody Library. Of the scFvs selected, one (Sty3) had an affinity of Kd = 125 pM for the parallel-stranded guanine-quadruplex and could discriminate with at least 1,000-fold specificity between parallel or antiparallel quadruplex conformations formed by the same sequence motif. A second scFv (Sty49) bound both the parallel and antiparallel quadruplex with similar (Kd = 3–5 nM) affinity. Indirect immunofluorescence studies show that Sty49 reacts specifically with the macronucleus but not the micronucleus of Stylonychia lemnae. The replication band, the region where replication and telomere elongation take place, was also not stained, suggesting that the guanine-quadruplex is resolved during replication. Our results provide experimental evidence that the telomeres of Stylonychia macronuclei adopt in vivo a guanine-quadruplex structure, indicating that this structure may have an important role for telomere functioning.


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Transcriptional inactivation of one X chromosome in mammalian female somatic cells leads to condensation of the inactive X chromosome into the heterochromatic sex chromatin, or Barr body. Little is known about the molecular composition and structure of the Barr body or the mechanisms leading to its formation in female nuclei. Because human sera from patients with autoimmune diseases often contain antibodies against a variety of cellular components, we reasoned that some autoimmune sera may contain antibodies against proteins associated with the Barr body. Therefore, we screened autoimmune sera by immunofluorescence of human fibroblasts and identified one serum that immunostained a distinct nuclear structure with a size and nuclear localization consistent with the Barr body. The number of these structures was consistent with the number of Barr bodies expected in diploid female fibroblasts containing two to five X chromosomes. Immunostaining with the serum followed by fluorescence in situ hybridization with a probe against XIST RNA demonstrated that the major fluorescent signal from the autoantibody colocalized with XIST RNA. Further analysis of the serum showed that it stains human metaphase chromosomes and a nuclear structure consistent with the inactive X in female mouse fibroblasts. However, it does not exhibit localization to a Barr body-like structure in female mouse embryonic stem cells or in cells from female mouse E7.5 embryos. The lack of staining of the inactive X in cells from female E7.5 embryos suggests the antigen(s) may be involved in X inactivation at a stage subsequent to initiation of X inactivation. This demonstration of an autoantibody recognizing an antigen(s) associated with the Barr body presents a strategy for identifying molecular components of the Barr body and examining the molecular basis of X inactivation.


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We have demonstrated the assembly of two-dimensional patterns of functional antibodies on a surface. In particular, we have selectively adsorbed micrometer-scale regions of biotinylated immunoglobulin that exhibit specific antigen binding after adsorption. The advantage of this technique is its potential adaptability to adsorbing arbitrary proteins in tightly packed monolayers while retaining functionality. The procedure begins with the formation of a self-assembled monolayer of n-octadecyltrimethoxysilane (OTMS) on a silicon dioxide surface. This monolayer can then be selectively removed by UV photolithography. Under appropriate solution conditions, the OTMS regions will adsorb a monolayer of bovine serum albumin (BSA), while the silicon dioxide regions where the OTMS has been removed by UV light will adsorb less than 2% of a monolayer, thus creating high contrast patterned adsorption of BSA. The attachment of the molecule biotin to the BSA allows the pattern to be replicated in a layer of streptavidin, which bonds to the biotinylated BSA and in turn will bond an additional layer of an arbitrary biotinylated protein. In our test case, functionality of the biotinylated goat antibodies raised against mouse immunoglobulin was demonstrated by the specific binding of fluorescently labeled mouse IgG.


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Sequences of nuclear-encoded small-subunit rRNA genes have been determined for representatives of the enigmatic genera Dermocystidium, Ichthyophonus, and Psorospermium, protistan parasites of fish and crustaceans. The small-subunit rRNA genes from these parasites and from the "rosette agent" (also a parasite of fish) together form a novel, statistically supported clade. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrate this clade to diverge near the animal-fungal dichotomy, although more precise resolution is problematic. In the most parsimonious and maximally likely phylogenetic frameworks inferred from the most stably aligned sequence regions, the clade constitutes the most basal branch of the metazoa; but within a limited range of model parameters, and in some analyses that incorporate less well-aligned sequence regions, an alternative topology in which it diverges immediately before the animal-fungal dichotomy was recovered. Mitochondrial cristae of Dermocystidium spp. are flat, whereas those of Ichthyophonus hoferi appear tubulovesiculate. These results extend our understanding of the types of organisms from which metazoa and fungi may have evolved.