95 resultados para Amyloid Neuropathies, Familial


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The pathognomonic plaques of Alzheimer’s disease are composed primarily of the 39- to 43-aa β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide. Crosslinking of Aβ peptides by tissue transglutaminase (tTg) indicates that Gln15 of one peptide is proximate to Lys16 of another in aggregated Aβ. Here we report how the fibril structure is resolved by mapping interstrand distances in this core region of the Aβ peptide chain with solid-state NMR. Isotopic substitution provides the source points for measuring distances in aggregated Aβ. Peptides containing a single carbonyl 13C label at Gln15, Lys16, Leu17, or Val18 were synthesized and evaluated by NMR dipolar recoupling methods for the measurement of interpeptide distances to a resolution of 0.2 Å. Analysis of these data establish that this central core of Aβ consists of a parallel β-sheet structure in which identical residues on adjacent chains are aligned directly, i.e., in register. Our data, in conjunction with existing structural data, establish that the Aβ fibril is a hydrogen-bonded, parallel β-sheet defining the long axis of the Aβ fibril propagation.


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Secondary amyloidosis is a common disease of water fowl and is characterized by the deposition of extracellular fibrils of amyloid A (AA) protein in the liver and certain other organs. Neither the normal role of serum amyloid A (SAA), a major acute phase response protein, nor the causes of secondary amyloidosis are well understood. To investigate a possible genetic contribution to disease susceptibility, we cloned and sequenced SAA cDNA derived from livers of domestic ducks. This revealed that the three C-terminal amino acids of SAA are removed during conversion to insoluble AA fibrils. Analysis of SAA cDNA sequences from several animals identified a distinct genetic dimorphism that may be relevant to susceptibility to secondary amyloid disease. The duck genome contained a single copy of the SAA gene that was expressed in liver and lung tissue of ducklings, even in the absence of induction of acute phase response. Genetic analysis of heterozygotes indicated that only one SAA allele is expressed in livers of adult birds. Immunofluorescence staining of livers from adult ducks displaying early symptoms of amyloidosis revealed what appear to be amyloid deposits within hepatocytes that are expressing unusually high amounts of SAA protein. This observation suggests that intracellular deposition of AA may represent an early event during development of secondary amyloidosis in older birds.


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β-Amyloid peptide (Aβ), one of the primary protein components of senile plaques found in Alzheimer disease, is believed to be toxic to neurons by a mechanism that may involve loss of intracellular calcium regulation. We have previously shown that Aβ blocks the fast-inactivating potassium (A) current. In this work, we show, through the use of a mathematical model, that the Aβ-mediated block of the A current could result in increased intracellular calcium levels and increased membrane excitability, both of which have been observed in vitro upon acute exposure to Aβ. Simulation results are compared with experimental data from the literature; the simulations quantitatively capture the observed concentration dependence of the neuronal response and the level of increase in intracellular calcium.


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The cDNAs of two new human membrane-associated aspartic proteases, memapsin 1 and memapsin 2, have been cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences show that each contains the typical pre, pro, and aspartic protease regions, but each also has a C-terminal extension of over 80 residues, which includes a single transmembrane domain and a C-terminal cytosolic domain. Memapsin 2 mRNA is abundant in human brain. The protease domain of memapsin 2 cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and was purified. Recombinant memapsin 2 specifically hydrolyzed peptides derived from the β-secretase site of both the wild-type and Swedish mutant β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) with over 60-fold increase of catalytic efficiency for the latter. Expression of APP and memapsin 2 in HeLa cells showed that memapsin 2 cleaved the β-secretase site of APP intracellularly. These and other results suggest that memapsin 2 fits all of the criteria of β-secretase, which catalyzes the rate-limiting step of the in vivo production of the β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide leading to the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Recombinant memapsin 2 also cleaved a peptide derived from the processing site of presenilin 1, albeit with poor kinetic efficiency. Alignment of cleavage site sequences of peptides indicates that the specificity of memapsin 2 resides mainly at the S1′ subsite, which prefers small side chains such as Ala, Ser, and Asp.


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Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal-dominant disease characterized by the development of hundreds of adenomatous polyps of the colorectum. Approximately 80% of FAP patients can be shown to have truncating mutations of the APC gene. To determine the cause of FAP in the other 20% of patients, MAMA (monoallelic mutation analysis) was used to independently examine the status of each of the two APC alleles. Seven of nine patients analyzed were found to have significantly reduced expression from one of their two alleles whereas two patients were found to have full-length expression from both alleles. We conclude that more than 95% of patients with FAP have inactivating mutations in APC and that a combination of MAMA and standard genetic tests will identify APC abnormalities in the vast majority of such patients. That no APC expression from the mutant allele is found in some FAP patients argues strongly against the requirement for dominant negative effects of APC mutations. The results also suggest that there may be at least one additional gene, besides APC, that can give rise to FAP.


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Most cases of autosomal-dominant familial Alzheimer's disease are linked to mutations in the presenilin genes (PS1 and PS2). In addition to modulating β-amyloid production, presenilin mutations also produce highly specific and selective alterations in intracellular calcium signaling. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying these changes are not known, one candidate molecular mediator is calsenilin, a recently identified calcium-binding protein that associates with the C terminus of both PS1 and PS2. In this study, we investigated the effects of calsenilin on calcium signaling in Xenopus oocytes expressing either wild-type or mutant PS1. In this system, mutant PS1 potentiated the amplitude of calcium signals evoked by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and also accelerated their rates of decay. We report that calsenilin coexpression reverses both of these potentially pathogenic effects. Notably, expression of calsenilin alone had no discernable effects on calcium signaling, suggesting that calsenilin modulates these signals by a mechanism independent of simple calcium buffering. Our findings further suggest that the effects of presenilin mutations on calcium signaling are likely mediated through the C-terminal domain, a region that has also been implicated in the modulation of β-amyloid production and cell death.


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Familial amyloidosis–Finnish type (FAF) results from a single mutation at residue 187 (D187N or D187Y) within domain 2 of the actin-regulating protein gelsolin. The mutation somehow allows a masked cleavage site to be exposed, leading to the first step in the formation of an amyloidogenic fragment. We have performed NMR experiments investigating structural and dynamic changes between wild-type (WT) and D187N gelsolin domain 2 (D2). On mutation, no significant structural or dynamic changes occur at or near the cleavage site. Areas in conformational exchange are observed between β-strand 4 and α-helix 1 and within the loop region following β-strand 5. Chemical shift differences are noted along the face of α-helix 1 that packs onto the β-sheet, suggesting an altered conformation. Conformational changes within these areas can have an effect on actin binding and may explain why D187N gelsolin is inactive. {1H-15N} nuclear Overhauser effect and chemical shift data suggest that the C-terminal tail of D187N gelsolin D2 is less structured than WT by up to six residues. In the crystal structure of equine gelsolin, the C-terminal tail of D2 lies across a large cleft between domains 1 and 2 where the masked cleavage site sits. We propose that the D187N mutation destabilizes the C-terminal tail of D2 resulting in a more exposed cleavage site leading to the first proteolysis step in the formation of the amyloidogenic fragment.


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Senile plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease contain deposits of fibrils formed by 39- to 43-residue β-amyloid peptides with possible neurotoxic effects. X-ray diffraction measurements on oriented fibril bundles have indicated an extended β-sheet structure for Alzheimer's β-amyloid fibrils and other amyloid fibrils, but the supramolecular organization of the β-sheets and other structural details are not well established because of the intrinsically noncrystalline, insoluble nature of amyloid fibrils. Here we report solid-state NMR measurements, using a multiple quantum (MQ) 13C NMR technique, that probe the β-sheet organization in fibrils formed by the full-length, 40-residue β-amyloid peptide (Aβ1–40). Although an antiparallel β-sheet organization often is assumed and is invoked in recent structural models for full-length β-amyloid fibrils, the MQNMR data indicate an in-register, parallel organization. This work provides site-specific, atomic-level structural constraints on full-length β-amyloid fibrils and applies MQNMR to a significant problem in structural biology.


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Limited solubility and precipitation of amyloidogenic sequences such as the Alzheimer peptide (β-AP) are major obstacles to a molecular understanding of protein fibrillation and deposition processes. Here we have circumvented the solubility problem by stepwise engineering a β-AP homology into a soluble scaffold, the monomeric protein S6. The S6 construct with the highest β-AP homology crystallizes as a tetramer that is linked by the β-AP residues forming intermolecular antiparallel β-sheets. This construct also shows increased coil aggregation during refolding, and a 14-mer peptide encompassing the engineered sequence forms fibrils. Mutational analysis shows that intermolecular association is linked to the overall hydrophobicity of the sticky sequence and implies the existence of “structural gatekeepers” in the wild-type protein, that is, charged side chains that prevent aggregation by interrupting contiguous stretches of hydrophobic residues in the primary sequence.


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Mutations in Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) cause the neurodegenerative disease familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis from an as-yet-unidentified toxic property(ies). Analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of a broad range of human familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis–linked SOD1 mutants (A4V, G37R, G41D, H46R, H48Q, G85R, G93C, and I113T) reveals one property common to these mutants (including two at residues that coordinate the catalytic copper): Each does indeed bind copper and scavenge oxygen-free radicals in vivo. Neither decreased copper binding nor decreased superoxide scavenging activity is a property shared by all mutants. The demonstration that shows that all mutants tested do bind copper under physiologic conditions supports a mechanism of SOD1 mutant-mediated disease arising from aberrant copper-mediated chemistry catalyzed by less tightly folded (and hence less constrained) mutant enzymes. The mutant enzymes also are shown to acquire the catalytic copper in vivo through the action of CCS, a specific copper chaperone for SOD1, which in turn suggests that a search for inhibitors of this SOD1 copper chaperone may represent a therapeutic avenue.


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The amyloid precursor protein (APP) plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. During intracellular transport APP undergoes a series of proteolytic cleavages that lead to the release either of an amyloidogenic fragment called β-amyloid (Aβ) or of a nonamyloidogenic secreted form consisting of the ectodomain of APP (APPsec). It is Aβ that accumulates in the brain lesions that are thought to cause the disease. By reducing the cellular cholesterol level of living hippocampal neurons by 70% with lovastatin and methyl-β-cyclodextrin, we show that the formation of Aβ is completely inhibited while the generation of APPsec is unperturbed. This inhibition of Aβ formation is accompanied by increased solubility in the detergent Triton X-100 and is fully reversible by the readdition of cholesterol to previously depleted cells. Our results show that cholesterol is required for Aβ formation to occur and imply a link between cholesterol, Aβ, and Alzheimer’s disease.


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Mutations at position 187 in secreted gelsolin enable aberrant proteolysis at the 172–173 and 243–244 amide bonds, affording the 71-residue amyloidogenic peptide deposited in Familial Amyloidosis of Finnish Type (FAF). Thermodynamic comparisons of two different domain 2 constructs were carried out to study possible effects of the mutations on proteolytic susceptibility. In the construct we consider to be most representative of domain 2 in the context of the full-length protein (134–266), the D187N FAF variant is slightly destabilized relative to wild type (WT) under the conditions of urea denaturation, but exhibits a Tm identical to WT. The D187Y variant is less stable to intermediate urea concentrations and exhibits a Tm that is estimated to be ≈5°C lower than WT (pH 7.4, Ca2+-free). Although the thermodynamic data indicate that the FAF mutations may slightly destabilize domain 2, these changes are probably not sufficient to shift the native to denatured state equilibrium enough to enable the proteolysis leading to FAF. Biophysical data indicate that these two FAF variants may have different native state structures and possibly different pathways of amyloidosis.