69 resultados para Amino-acid-composition


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Omega−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are essential components required for normal cellular function and have been shown to exert many preventive and therapeutic actions. The amount of n−3 PUFAs is insufficient in most Western people, whereas the level of n−6 PUFAs is relatively too high, with an n−6/n−3 ratio of >18. These two classes of PUFAs are metabolically and functionally distinct and often have important opposing physiological functions; their balance is important for homeostasis and normal development. Elevating tissue concentrations of n−3 PUFAs in mammals relies on chronic dietary intake of fat rich in n−3 PUFAs, because mammalian cells lack enzymatic activities necessary either to synthesize the precursor of n−3 PUFAs or to convert n−6 to n−3 PUFAs. Here we report that adenovirus-mediated introduction of the Caenorhabditis elegans fat-1 gene encoding an n−3 fatty acid desaturase into mammalian cells can quickly and effectively elevate the cellular n−3 PUFA contents and dramatically balance the ratio of n−6/n−3 PUFAs. Heterologous expression of the fat-1 gene in rat cardiac myocytes rendered cells capable of converting various n−6 PUFAs to the corresponding n−3 PUFAs, and changed the n−6/n−3 ratio from about 15:1 to 1:1. In addition, an eicosanoid derived from n−6 PUFA (i.e., arachidonic acid) was reduced significantly in the transgenic cells. This study demonstrates an effective approach to modifying fatty acid composition of mammalian cells and also provides a basis for potential applications of this gene transfer in experimental and clinical settings.


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In human cells, hMLH1, hMLH3, hPMS1 and hPMS2 are four recognised and distinctive homologues of MutL, an essential component of the bacterial DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system. The hMLH1 protein forms three different heterodimers with one of the other MutL homologues. As a first step towards functional analysis of these molecules, we determined the interacting domains of each heterodimer and tried to understand their common features. Using a yeast two-hybrid assay, we show that these MutL homologues can form heterodimers by interacting with the same amino acid residues of hMLH1, residues 492–742. In contrast, three hMLH1 partners, hMLH3, hPMS1 and hPMS2 contain the 36 homologous amino acid residues that interact strongly with hMLH1. Contrary to the previous studies, these homologous residues reside at the N-terminal regions of three subdomains conserved in MutL homologues in many species. Interestingly, these residues in hPMS2 and hMLH3 may form coiled-coil structures as predicted by the MULTICOIL program. Furthermore, we show that there is competition for the interacting domain in hMLH1 among the three other MutL homologues. Therefore, the quantitative balance of these three MutL heterodimers may be important in their functions.


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N-type Ca2+ channels can be inhibited by neurotransmitter-induced release of G protein βγ subunits. Two isoforms of Cav2.2 α1 subunits of N-type calcium channels from rat brain (Cav2.2a and Cav2.2b; initially termed rbB-I and rbB-II) have different functional properties. Unmodulated Cav2.2b channels are in an easily activated “willing” (W) state with fast activation kinetics and no prepulse facilitation. Activating G proteins shifts Cav2.2b channels to a difficult to activate “reluctant” (R) state with slow activation kinetics; they can be returned to the W state by strong depolarization resulting in prepulse facilitation. This contrasts with Cav2.2a channels, which are tonically in the R state and exhibit strong prepulse facilitation. Activating or inhibiting G proteins has no effect. Thus, the R state of Cav2.2a and its reversal by prepulse facilitation are intrinsic to the channel and independent of G protein modulation. Mutating G177 in segment IS3 of Cav2.2b to E as in Cav2.2a converts Cav2.2b tonically to the R state, insensitive to further G protein modulation. The converse substitution in Cav2.2a, E177G, converts it to the W state and restores G protein modulation. We propose that negatively charged E177 in IS3 interacts with a positive charge in the IS4 voltage sensor when the channel is closed and produces the R state of Cav2.2a by a voltage sensor-trapping mechanism. G protein βγ subunits may produce reluctant channels by a similar molecular mechanism.


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Mitochondria are affected by low temperature during seedling establishment in maize (Zea mays L.). We evaluated the associated changes in the mitochondrial properties of populations selected for high (C4-H) and low (C4-L) germination levels at 9.5°C. When seedlings of the two populations were grown at 14°C (near the lower growth limit), the mitochondrial inner membranes of C4-H showed a higher percentage of 18-carbon unsaturated fatty acids, a higher fluidity, and a higher activity of cytochrome c oxidase. We found a positive relationship between these properties and the activity of a mitochondrial peroxidase, allowing C4-H to reduce lipid peroxidation relative to C4-L. The specific activity of reconstituted ATP/ADP translocase was positively associated with this peroxidase activity, suggesting that translocase activity is also affected by chilling. The level of oxidative stress and defense mechanisms are differently expressed in tolerant and susceptible populations when seedlings are grown at a temperature near the lower growth limit. Thus, the interaction between membrane lipids and cytochrome c oxidase seems to play a key role in maize chilling tolerance. Furthermore, the divergent-recurrent selection procedure apparently affects the allelic frequencies of genes controlling such an interaction.


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The SecY/Sec61α family of membrane proteins are the central subunits of the putative protein translocation channel. We introduced random mutations into a segment of Escherichia coli SecY within its cytoplasmic domain 5, which was shown previously to be important for the SecA-dependent translocation activity. Mutations were classified into those retaining function and those gaining a dominant-interfering ability caused by a loss of function. These analyses showed that Arg-357, Pro-358, Gly-359, and Thr-362 are functionally important; Arg-357, conserved in almost all organisms, was identified as an indispensable residue.


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Poplars (Populus tremula × Populus alba) were transformed to overexpress Escherichia coli γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-ECS) or glutathione synthetase in the chloroplast. Five independent lines of each transformant strongly expressed the introduced gene and possessed markedly enhanced activity of the gene product. Glutathione (GSH) contents were unaffected by high chloroplastic glutathione synthetase activity. Enhanced chloroplastic γ-ECS activity markedly increased γ-glutamylcysteine and GSH levels. These effects are similar to those previously observed in poplars overexpressing these enzymes in the cytosol. Similar to cytosolic γ-ECS overexpression, chloroplastic overexpression did not deplete foliar cysteine or methionine pools and did not lead to morphological changes. Light was required for maximal accumulation of GSH in poplars overexpressing γ-ECS in the chloroplast. High chloroplastic, but not cytosolic, γ-ECS activities were accompanied by increases in amino acids synthesized in the chloroplast. We conclude that (a) GSH synthesis can occur in the chloroplast and the cytosol and may be up-regulated in both compartments by increased γ-ECS activity, (b) interactions between GSH synthesis and the pathways supplying the necessary substrates are similar in both compartments, and (c) chloroplastic up-regulation of GSH synthesis is associated with an activating effect on the synthesis of specific amino acids formed in the chloroplast.


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The metabolism of [1-13C]glucose in Pisolithus tinctorius cv Coker & Couch, in uninoculated seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus bicostata ex Maiden cv Kirkp., and in the E. globulus-P. tinctorius ectomycorrhiza was studied using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In roots of uninoculated seedlings, the 13C label was mainly incorporated into sucrose and glutamine. The ratio (13C3 + 13C2)/13C4 of glutamine was approximately 1.0 during the time-course experiment, indicating equivalent contributions of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase to the production of α-ketoglutarate used for synthesis of this amino acid. In free-living P. tinctorius, most of the 13C label was incorporated into mannitol, trehalose, glutamine, and alanine, whereas arabitol, erythritol, and glutamate were weakly labeled. Amino acid biosynthesis was an important sink of assimilated 13C (43%), and anaplerotic CO2 fixation contributed 42% of the C flux entering the Krebs cycle. In ectomycorrhizae, sucrose accumulation was decreased in the colonized roots compared with uninoculated control plants, whereas 13C incorporation into arabitol and erythritol was nearly 4-fold higher in the symbiotic mycelium than in the free-living fungus. It appears that fungal utilization of glucose in the symbiotic state is altered and oriented toward the synthesis of short-chain polyols.


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Neutron scattering experiments are used to determine scattering profiles for aqueous solutions of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acid analogs. Solutions of hydrophobic solutes show a shift in the main diffraction peak to smaller angle as compared with pure water, whereas solutions of hydrophilic solutes do not. The same difference for solutions of hydrophobic and hydrophilic side chains is also predicted by molecular dynamics simulations. The neutron scattering curves of aqueous solutions of hydrophobic amino acids at room temperature are qualitatively similar to differences between the liquid molecular structure functions measured for ambient and supercooled water. The nonpolar solute-induced expansion of water structure reported here is also complementary to recent neutron experiments where compression of aqueous solvent structure has been observed at high salt concentration.


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Megalin (gp330), an epithelial endocytic receptor, is a major target antigen of Heymann nephritis (HN), an autoimmune disease in rats. To elucidate the mechanisms of HN, we have mapped a pathogenic epitope in megalin that binds anti-megalin antibodies. We focused our attention on four clusters of cysteine-rich, low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) ligand binding repeats in the extracellular domain of megalin because they represent putative ligand binding regions and therefore would be expected to be exposed in vivo and to be able to bind circulating antibodies. Rat megalin cDNA fragments I through IV encoding the first through fourth clusters of ligand-binding repeats, respectively, were expressed in a baculovirus system. All four expression products were detected by immunoblotting with two antisera capable of inducing passive HN (pHN). When antibodies eluted from glomeruli of rats with pHN were used for immunoblotting, only the expression product encoded by fragment II was detected. This indicates that the second cluster of LDLR ligand binding repeats is directly involved in binding anti-megalin antibodies and in the induction of pHN. To narrow the major epitope in this domain, fragment II was used to prepare proteins sequentially truncated from the C- and N-terminal ends by in vitro translation. Analysis of the truncated translation products by immunoprecipitation with anti-megalin IgG revealed that the fifth ligand-binding repeat (amino acids 1160-1205) contains the major epitope recognized. This suggests that a 46-amino acid sequence in the second cluster of LDLR ligand binding repeats contains a major pathogenic epitope that plays a key role in pHN. Identification of this epitope will facilitate studies on the pathogenesis of HN.


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In vitro selection of nucleic acid binding species (aptamers) is superficially similar to the immune response. Both processes produce biopolymers that can recognize targets with high affinity and specificity. While antibodies are known to recognize the sequence and conformation of protein surface features (epitopes), very little is known about the precise interactions between aptamers and their epitopes. Therefore, aptamers that could recognize a particular epitope, a peptide fragment of human immunodeficiency virus type I Rev, were selected from a random sequence RNA pool. Several of the selected RNAs could bind the free peptide more tightly than a natural RNA ligand, the Rev-binding element. In accord with the hypothesis that protein and nucleic acid binding cusps are functionally similar, interactions between aptamers and the peptide target could be disrupted by sequence substitutions. Moreover, the aptamers appeared to be able to bind peptides with different solution conformations, implying an induced fit mechanism for binding. Just as anti-peptide antibodies can sometimes recognize the corresponding epitope when presented in a protein, the anti-peptide aptamers were found to specifically bind to Rev.


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D-amino acid oxidase is the prototype of the FAD-dependent oxidases. It catalyses the oxidation of D-amino acids to the corresponding alpha-ketoacids. The reducing equivalents are transferred to molecular oxygen with production of hydrogen peroxide. We have solved the crystal structure of the complex of D-amino acid oxidase with benzoate, a competitive inhibitor of the substrate, by single isomorphous replacement and eightfold averaging. Each monomer is formed by two domains with an overall topology similar to that of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase. The benzoate molecule lays parallel to the flavin ring and is held in position by a salt bridge with Arg-283. Analysis of the active site shows that no side chains are properly positioned to act as the postulated base required for the catalytic carboanion mechanism. On the contrary, the benzoate binding mode suggests a direct transfer of the substrate alpha-hydrogen to the flavin during the enzyme reductive half-reaction.The active site Of D-amino acid oxidase exhibits a striking similarity with that of flavocytochrome b2, a structurally unrelated FMN-dependent flavoenzyme. The active site groups (if these two enzymes are in fact superimposable once the mirror-image of the flavocytochrome b2 active site is generated with respect to the flavin plane. Therefore, the catalytic sites of D-amino acid oxidase and flavocytochrome b2 appear to have converged to a highly similar but enantiomeric architecture in order to catalvze similar reactions (oxidation of alpha-amino acids or alpha-hydroxy acids), although with opposite stereochemistry.


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The reconstitutable apoprotein of Crotalus adamanteus L-amino acid oxidase was prepared using hydrophobic interaction chromatography. After reconstitution with flavin adenine dinucleotide, the resulting protein was inactive, with a perturbed conformation of the flavin binding site. Subsequently, a series of cosolvent-dependent compact intermediates was identified. The nearly complete activation of the reconstituted apoprotein and the restoration of its native flavin binding site was achieved in the presence of 50% glycerol. We provide evidence that in addition to a merely stabilizing effect of glycerol on native proteins, glycerol can also have a restorative effect on their compact equilibrium intermediates, and we suggest the hydrophobic effect as a dominating force in this in vitro-assisted restorative process.


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Sequence-specific interactions between aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and their cognate tRNAs both ensure accurate RNA recognition and prevent the binding of noncognate substrates. Here we show for Escherichia coli glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS; EC that the accuracy of tRNA recognition also determines the efficiency of cognate amino acid recognition. Steady-state kinetics revealed that interactions between tRNA identity nucleotides and their recognition sites in the enzyme modulate the amino acid affinity of GlnRS. Perturbation of any of the protein-RNA interactions through mutation of either component led to considerable changes in glutamine affinity with the most marked effects seen at the discriminator base, the 10:25 base pair, and the anticodon. Reexamination of the identity set of tRNA(Gln) in the light of these results indicates that its constituents can be differentiated based upon biochemical function and their contribution to the apparent Gibbs' free energy of tRNA binding. Interactions with the acceptor stem act as strong determinants of tRNA specificity, with the discriminator base positioning the 3' end. The 10:25 base pair and U35 are apparently the major binding sites to GlnRS, with G36 contributing both to binding and recognition. Furthermore, we show that E. coli tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase also displays tRNA-dependent changes in tryptophan affinity when charging a noncognate tRNA. The ability of tRNA to optimize amino acid recognition reveals a novel mechanism for maintaining translational fidelity and also provides a strong basis for the coevolution of tRNAs and their cognate synthetases.


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Local protein structure prediction efforts have consistently failed to exceed approximately 70% accuracy. We characterize the degeneracy of the mapping from local sequence to local structure responsible for this failure by investigating the extent to which similar sequence segments found in different proteins adopt similar three-dimensional structures. Sequence segments 3-15 residues in length from 154 different protein families are partitioned into neighborhoods containing segments with similar sequences using cluster analysis. The consistency of the sequence-to-structure mapping is assessed by comparing the local structures adopted by sequence segments in the same neighborhood in proteins of known structure. In the 154 families, 45% and 28% of the positions occur in neighborhoods in which one and two local structures predominate, respectively. The sequence patterns that characterize the neighborhoods in the first class probably include virtually all of the short sequence motifs in proteins that consistently occur in a particular local structure. These patterns, many of which occur in transitions between secondary structural elements, are an interesting combination of previously studied and novel motifs. The identification of sequence patterns that consistently occur in one or a small number of local structures in proteins should contribute to the prediction of protein structure from sequence.


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Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is a secreted Cu and Zn-containing glycoprotein. While EC-SOD from most mammals is tetrameric and has a high affinity for heparin and heparan sulfate, rat EC-SOD has a low affinity for heparin, does not bind to heparan sulfate in vivo, and is apparently dimeric. To examine the molecular basis of the deviant physical properties of rat EC-SOD, the cDNAs of the rat and mouse EC-SODs were isolated and the deduced amino acid sequences were compared with that of human EC-SOD. Comparison of the sequences offered no obvious explanation of the differences. Analysis of a series of chimeric and point mutated EC-SODs showed that the N-terminal region contributes to the oligomeric state of the EC-SODs, and that a single amino acid, a valine (human amino acid position 24), is essential for the tetramerization. This residue is replaced by an aspartate in the rat. Rat EC-SOD carrying an Asp --> Val mutation is tetrameric and has a high heparin affinity, while mouse EC-SOD with a Val --> Asp mutation is dimeric and has lost its high heparin affinity. Thus, the rat EC-SOD dimer is converted to a tetramer by the exchange of a single amino acid. Furthermore, the cooperative action of four heparin-binding domains is necessary for high heparin affinity. These results also suggest that tetrameric EC-SODs are not symmetrical tetrahedrons, but composed of two interacting dimers, further supporting an evolutionary relationship with the dimeric cytosolic Cu and Zn-containing SODs.