70 resultados para ALTERED FOCI


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Attempts to rescue retinal ganglion cells from retrograde degeneration have had limited success, and the residual function of surviving neurons is not known. Recently, it has been found that axotomized retinal ganglion cells die by apoptotic mechanisms. We have used adult transgenic mice overexpressing the Bcl-2 protein, a powerful inhibitor of apoptosis, as a model for preventing injury-induced cell death in vivo. Several months after axotomy, the majority of retinal ganglion cells survived and exhibited normal visual responses. In control wild-type mice, the vast majority of axotomized retinal ganglion cells degenerated, and the physiological responses were abolished. These results suggest that strategies aimed at increasing Bcl-2 expression, or mimicking its function, might effectively counteract trauma-induced cell death in the central nervous system. Neuronal survival is a necessary condition in the challenge for promoting regeneration and eventually restoring neuronal function.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mod5 protein catalyzes isopentenylation of A to i6A on tRNAs in the nucleus, cytosol, and mitochondria. The substrate for Mod5p, dimethylallyl pyrophosphate, is also a substrate for Erg20p that catalyzes an essential step in sterol biosynthesis. Changing the distribution of Mod5p so that less Mod5p is present in the cytosol decreases i6A on cytosolic tRNAs and alters tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression. We devised a colony color/growth assay to assess tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression and used it to search for genes, which, when overexpressed, affect nonsense suppression. We identified SAL6, TEF4, and YDL219w, all of which likely affect nonsense suppression via alteration of the protein synthesis machinery. We also identified ARC1, whose product interacts with aminoacyl synthetases. Interestingly, we identified ERG20. Midwestern analysis showed that yeast cells overproducing Erg20p have reduced levels of i6A on tRNAs. Thus, Erg20p appears to affect nonsense suppression by competing with Mod5p for substrate. Identification of ERG20 reveals that yeast have a limited pool of dimethylallyl pyrophosphate. It also demonstrates that disrupting the balance between enzymes that use dimethylallyl pyrophosphate as substrate affects translation.


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A sensitive and rapid in situ method was developed to visualize sites of single-stranded (ss) DNA in cultured cells and in experimental test animals. Anti-bromodeoxyuridine antibody recognizes the halogenated base analog incorporated into chromosomal DNA only when substituted DNA is in the single strand form. After treatment of cells with DNA-damaging agents or γ irradiation, ssDNA molecules form nuclear foci in a dose-dependent manner within 60 min. The mammalian recombination protein Rad51 and the replication protein A then accumulate at sites of ssDNA and form foci, suggesting that these are sites of recombinational DNA repair.


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Agrin is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is widely expressed in neurons and microvascular basal lamina in the rodent and avian central nervous system. Agrin induces the differentiation of nerve-muscle synapses, but its function in either normal or diseased brains is not known. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by loss of synapses, changes in microvascular architecture, and formation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Here we have asked whether AD causes changes in the distribution and biochemical properties of agrin. Immunostaining of normal, aged human central nervous system revealed that agrin is expressed in neurons in multiple brain areas. Robust agrin immunoreactivity was observed uniformly in the microvascular basal lamina. In AD brains, agrin is highly concentrated in both diffuse and neuritic plaques as well as neurofibrillary tangles; neuronal expression of agrin also was observed. Furthermore, patients with AD had microvascular alterations characterized by thinning and fragmentation of the basal lamina. Detergent extraction and Western blotting showed that virtually all the agrin in normal brain is soluble in 1% SDS. In contrast, a large fraction of the agrin in AD brains is insoluble under these conditions, suggesting that it is tightly associated with β-amyloid. Together, these data indicate that the agrin abnormalities observed in AD are closely linked to β-amyloid deposition. These observations suggest that altered agrin expression in the microvasculature and the brain parenchyma contribute to the pathogenesis of AD.


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Heterotrimeric G proteins mediate the earliest step in cell responses to external events by linking cell surface receptors to intracellular signaling pathways. Gz is a member of the Gi family of G proteins that is prominently expressed in platelets and brain. Here, we show that deletion of the α subunit of Gz in mice: (i) impairs platelet aggregation by preventing the inhibition of cAMP formation normally seen at physiologic concentrations of epinephrine, and (ii) causes the mice to be more resistant to fatal thromboembolism. Loss of Gzα also results in greatly exaggerated responses to cocaine, reduces the analgesic effects of morphine, and abolishes the effects of widely used antidepressant drugs that act as catecholamine reuptake inhibitors. These changes occur despite the presence of other Giα family members in the same cells and are not accompanied by detectable compensatory changes in the level of expression of other G protein subunits. Therefore, these results provide insights into receptor selectivity among G proteins and a model for understanding platelet function and the effects of psychoactive drugs.


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Loss of neurotransmitter receptors, especially glutamate and dopamine receptors, is one of the pathologic hallmarks of brains of patients with Huntington disease (HD). Transgenic mice that express exon 1 of an abnormal human HD gene (line R6/2) develop neurologic symptoms at 9–11 weeks of age through an unknown mechanism. Analysis of glutamate receptors (GluRs) in symptomatic 12-week-old R6/2 mice revealed decreases compared with age-matched littermate controls in the type 1 metabotropic GluR (mGluR1), mGluR2, mGluR3, but not the mGluR5 subtype of G protein-linked mGluR, as determined by [3H]glutamate receptor binding, protein immunoblotting, and in situ hybridization. Ionotropic α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid and kainate receptors were also decreased, while N-methyl-d-aspartic acid receptors were not different compared with controls. Other neurotransmitter receptors known to be affected in HD were also decreased in R6/2 mice, including dopamine and muscarinic cholinergic, but not γ-aminobutyric acid receptors. D1-like and D2-like dopamine receptor binding was drastically reduced to one-third of control in the brains of 8- and 12-week-old R6/2 mice. In situ hybridization indicated that mGluR and D1 dopamine receptor mRNA were altered as early as 4 weeks of age, long prior to the onset of clinical symptoms. Thus, altered expression of neurotransmitter receptors precedes clinical symptoms in R6/2 mice and may contribute to subsequent pathology.


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The transmembrane transcriptional activators ToxR and TcpP modulate expression of Vibrio cholerae virulence factors by exerting control over toxT, which encodes the cytoplasmic transcriptional activator of the ctx, tcp, and acf virulence genes. However, ToxR, independently of TcpP and ToxT, activates and represses transcription of the genes encoding two outer-membrane porins, OmpU and OmpT. To determine the role of ToxR-dependent porin regulation in V. cholerae pathogenesis, the ToxR-activated ompU promoter was used to drive ompT transcription in a strain lacking OmpU. Likewise, the ToxR-repressed ompT promoter was used to drive ompU transcription in a strain lacking both ToxR and OmpT. This strategy allowed the generation of a toxR+ strain that expresses OmpT in place of OmpU, and a toxR− strain that expresses OmpU in place of OmpT. Growth rates in the presence of bile salts and other anionic detergents were retarded for the toxR+ V. cholerae expressing OmpT in place of OmpU, but increased in toxR− V. cholerae expressing OmpU in place of OmpT. Additionally, the toxR+ V. cholerae expressing OmpT in place of OmpU expressed less cholera toxin and toxin-coregulated pilus, and this effect was shown to be caused by reduced toxT transcription in this strain. Finally, the toxR+ V. cholerae expressing OmpT in place of OmpU was ≈100-fold reduced in its ability to colonize the infant-mouse intestine. Our results indicate that ToxR-dependent modulation of the outer membrane porins OmpU and OmpT is critical for V. cholerae bile resistance, virulence factor expression, and intestinal colonization.


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Sympathetic preganglionic neurons exhibit segment-specific projections. Preganglionic neurons located in rostral spinal segments project rostrally within the sympathetic chain, those located in caudal spinal segments project caudally, and those in midthoracic segments project either rostrally or caudally in segmentally graded proportions. Moreover, rostrally and caudally projecting preganglionic neurons are skewed toward the rostral and caudal regions, respectively, of each midthoracic segment. The mechanisms that establish these segment-specific projections are unknown. Here we show that experimental manipulation of retinoid signaling in the chicken embryo alters the segment-specific pattern of sympathetic preganglionic projections and that this effect is mediated by the somitic mesoderm. Application of exogenous retinoic acid to a single rostral thoracic somite decreases the number of rostrally projecting preganglionic neurons at that level. Conversely, disrupting endogenous synthesis of retinoic acid in a single caudal thoracic somite increases the number of rostrally projecting preganglionic neurons at that level. The number of caudally projecting neurons does not change in either case, indicating that the effect is specific for rostrally projecting preganglionic neurons. These results indicate that the sizes of the rostrally and caudally projecting populations may be independently regulated by different factors. Opposing gradients of such factors along the longitudinal axis of the thoracic region of the embryo could be sufficient, in combination, to determine the segment-specific identity of preganglionic projections.


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Cbl is the product of the protooncogene c-cbl and is involved in T cell antigen receptor (TCR)-mediated signaling. To understand the role of Cbl for immune system development and function, we generated a Cbl-deficient mouse strain. In Cbl-deficient mice, positive selection of the thymocytes expressing major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted transgenic TCR was significantly enhanced. Two factors may have contributed to the altered thymic selection. First, Cbl deficiency markedly up-regulated the activity of ZAP-70 and mitogen-activated protein kinases. The mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway was shown previously to be involved in thymic positive selection. Second, Cbl-deficient thymocytes expressed CD3 and CD4 molecules at higher levels, which consequently may increase the avidity of TCR/major histocompatibility complex/coreceptor interaction. Thus, Cbl plays a novel role in modulating TCR-mediated multiple signaling pathways and fine-tunes the signaling threshold for thymic selection.


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Schistosome parasites adjust the physiology and behavior of their intermediate molluscan hosts to their own benefit. Previous studies demonstrated effects of the avian-schistosome Trichobilharzia ocellata on peptidergic centers in the brain of the intermediate snail host Lymnaea stagnalis. In particular, electrophysiological properties and peptide release of growth- and reproduction-controlling neuroendocrine neurons were affected. We now have examined the possibility that the expression of genes that control physiology and behavior of the host might be altered during parasitosis. A cDNA library of the brain of parasitized Lymnaea was constructed and differentially screened by using mRNA from the brain of both parasitized and nonparasitized snails. This screening yielded a number of clones, including previously identified cDNAs as well as novel neuronal transcripts, which appear to be differentially regulated. The majority of these transcripts encode neuropeptides. Reverse Northern blot analysis confirmed that neuropeptide gene expression is indeed affected in parasitized animals. Moreover, the expression profiles of 10 transcripts tested showed a differential, parasitic stage-specific regulation. Changes in expression could in many cases already be observed between 1.5 and 5 hr postinfection, suggesting that changes in gene expression are a direct effect of parasitosis. We suggest that direct regulation of neuropeptide gene expression is a strategy of parasites to induce physiological and behavioral changes in the host.


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The endogenous opioid system has been implicated in sexual behavior, palatable intake, fear, and anxiety. The present study examined whether ovariectomized female transgenic preproenkephalin-knockout (PPEKO) mice and their wild-type and heterozygous controls displayed alterations in fear and anxiety paradigms, sucrose intake, and lordotic behavior. To examine stability of responding, three squads of the genotypes were tested across seasons over a 20-month period. In a fear-conditioning paradigm, PPEKO mice significantly increased freezing to both fear and fear + shock stimuli relative to controls. In the open field, PPEKO mice spent significantly less time and traversed significantly less distance in the center of an open field than wild-type controls. Further, PPEKO mice spent significantly less time and tended to be less active on the light side of a dark–light chamber than controls, indicating that deletion of the enkephalin gene resulted in exaggerated responses to fear or anxiety-provoking environments. These selective deficits were observed consistently across testing squads spanning 20 months and different seasons. In contrast, PPEKO mice failed to differ from corresponding controls in sucrose, chow, or water intake across a range (0.0001–20%) of sucrose concentrations and failed to differ in either lordotic or female approach to male behaviors when primed with estradiol and progesterone, thereby arguing strongly for the selectivity of a fear and anxiety deficit which was not caused by generalized and nonspecific debilitation. These transgenic data strongly suggest that opioids, and particularly enkephalin gene products, are acting naturally to inhibit fear and anxiety.


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Aquaporin-1 (AQP1) water channel protein expression is increased by hypertonic stress. The contribution of changes in protein stability to hypertonic induction of AQP1 have not been described. Incubation of BALB/c fibroblasts spontaneously expressing AQP1 with proteasome inhibitors increased AQP1 expression, suggesting basal proteasome-dependent degradation of the protein. Degradation by the proteasome is thought to be triggered by polyubiquitination of a target protein. To determine whether AQP1 is ubiquitinated, immunoprecipitation with anti-AQP1 antibodies was performed, and the resultant samples were probed by protein immunoblot for the presence of ubiquitin. Immunoblots demonstrated ubiquitination of AQP1 under control conditions that increased after treatment with proteasome inhibitors (MG132, lactacystin). Exposure of cells to hypertonic medium for as little as 4 h decreased ubiquitination of AQP1, an effect that persisted through 24 h in hypertonic medium. Using metabolic labeling with [35S]methionine, the half-life of AQP1 protein under isotonic conditions was found to be <4 h. AQP1 protein half-life was markedly increased by exposure of cells to hypertonic medium. These observations provide evidence that aquaporins are a target for ubiquitination and proteasome-dependent degradation. Additionally, these studies demonstrate that reduced protein ubiquitination and increased protein stability lead to increased levels of AQP1 expression during hypertonic stress.


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Gamma oscillations synchronized between distant neuronal populations may be critical for binding together brain regions devoted to common processing tasks. Network modeling predicts that such synchrony depends in part on the fast time course of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in interneurons, and that even moderate slowing of this time course will disrupt synchrony. We generated mice with slowed interneuron EPSPs by gene targeting, in which the gene encoding the 67-kDa form of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67) was altered to drive expression of the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) glutamate receptor subunit GluR-B. GluR-B is a determinant of the relatively slow EPSPs in excitatory neurons and is normally expressed at low levels in γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons, but at high levels in the GAD-GluR-B mice. In both wild-type and GAD-GluR-B mice, tetanic stimuli evoked gamma oscillations that were indistinguishable in local field potential recordings. Remarkably, however, oscillation synchrony between spatially separated sites was severely disrupted in the mutant, in association with changes in interneuron firing patterns. The congruence between mouse and model suggests that the rapid time course of AMPA receptor-mediated EPSPs in interneurons might serve to allow gamma oscillations to synchronize over distance.


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The synovial membrane (SM) of affected joints in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is infiltrated by germinal center-like aggregates (foci) of lymphocytes similar to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We characterized the rearranged heavy chain variable segment (VH) genes in the SM for gene usage and the mutational pattern to elucidate the B lymphocyte involvement in AS.


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Traditional mechanisms thought to underlie opioid tolerance include receptor phosphorylation/down-regulation, G-protein uncoupling, and adenylyl cyclase superactivation. A parallel line of investigation also indicates that opioid tolerance development results from a switch from predominantly opioid receptor Giα inhibitory to Gβγ stimulatory signaling. As described previously, this results, in part, from the increased relative abundance of Gβγ-stimulated adenylyl cyclase isoforms as well as from a profound increase in their phosphorylation [Chakrabarti, S., Rivera, M., Yan, S.-Z., Tang, W.-J. & Gintzler, A. R. (1998) Mol. Pharmacol. 54, 655–662; Chakrabarti, S., Wang, L., Tang, W.-J. & Gintzler, A. R. (1998) Mol. Pharmacol. 54, 949–953]. The present study demonstrates that chronic morphine administration results in the concomitant phosphorylation of three key signaling proteins, G protein receptor kinase (GRK) 2/3, β-arrestin, and Gβ, in the guinea pig longitudinal muscle myenteric plexus tissue. Augmented phosphorylation of all three proteins is evident in immunoprecipitate obtained by using either anti-GRK2/3 or Gβ antibodies, but the phosphorylation increment is greater in immunoprecipitate obtained with Gβ antibodies. Analyses of coimmunoprecipitated proteins indicate that phosphorylation of GRK2/3, β-arrestin, and Gβ has varying consequences on their ability to associate. As a result, increased availability of and signaling via Gβγ could occur without compromising the membrane content (and presumably activity) of GRK2/3. Induction of the concomitant phosphorylation of multiple proteins in a multimolecular complex with attendant modulation of their association represents a novel mechanism for increasing Gβγ signaling and opioid tolerance formation.