55 resultados para 270105 Cellular Interactions (incl. Adhesion, Matrix, Cell Wall)


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Pathogenic Yersinia spp. carry a large common plasmid that encodes a number of essential virulence determinants. Included in these factors are the Yersinia-secreted proteins called Yops. We analyzed the consequences of wild-type and mutant strains of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis interactions with the macrophage cell line RAW264.7 and murine bone marrow-derived macrophages. Wild-type Y. pseudotuberculosis kills ≈70% of infected RAW264.7 macrophages and marrow-derived macrophages after an 8-h infection. We show that the cell death mediated by Y. pseudotuberculosis is apoptosis. Mutant Y. pseudotuberculosis that do not make any Yop proteins no longer cause host cell death. Attachment to host cells via invasin or YadA is necessary for the cell death phenotype. Several Yop mutant strains that fail to express one or more Yop proteins were engineered and then characterized for their ability to cause host cell death. A mutant with a polar insertion in YpkA Ser/Thr kinase that does not express YpkA or YopJ is no longer able to cause apoptosis. In contrast, a mutant no longer making YopE or YopH (a tyrosine phosphatase) induces apoptosis in macrophages similar to wild type. When yopJ is added in trans to the ypkAyopJ mutant, the ability of this strain to signal programmed cell death in macrophages is restored. Thus, YopJ is necessary for inducing apoptosis. The ability of Y. pseudotuberculosis to promote apoptosis of macrophages in cell culture suggests that this process is important for the establishment of infection in the host and for evasion of the host immune response.


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Understanding the effects of the external environment on bacterial gene expression can provide valuable insights into an array of cellular mechanisms including pathogenesis, drug resistance, and, in the case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, latency. Because of the absence of poly(A)+ mRNA in prokaryotic organisms, studies of differential gene expression currently must be performed either with large amounts of total RNA or rely on amplification techniques that can alter the proportional representation of individual mRNA sequences. We have developed an approach to study differences in bacterial mRNA expression that enables amplification by the PCR of a complex mixture of cDNA sequences in a reproducible manner that obviates the confounding effects of selected highly expressed sequences, e.g., ribosomal RNA. Differential expression using customized amplification libraries (DECAL) uses a library of amplifiable genomic sequences to convert total cellular RNA into an amplified probe for gene expression screens. DECAL can detect 4-fold differences in the mRNA levels of rare sequences and can be performed on as little as 10 ng of total RNA. DECAL was used to investigate the in vitro effect of the antibiotic isoniazid on M. tuberculosis, and three previously uncharacterized isoniazid-induced genes, iniA, iniB, and iniC, were identified. The iniB gene has homology to cell wall proteins, and iniA contains a phosphopantetheine attachment site motif suggestive of an acyl carrier protein. The iniA gene is also induced by the antibiotic ethambutol, an agent that inhibits cell wall biosynthesis by a mechanism that is distinct from isoniazid. The DECAL method offers a powerful new tool for the study of differential gene expression.


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Effective hematopoiesis requires the commitment of pluripotent and multipotent stem cells to distinct differentiation pathways, proliferation and maturation of cells in the various lineages, and preservation of pluripotent progenitors to provide continuous renewal of mature blood cells. While the importance of positive and negative cytokines in regulating proliferation and maturation of hematopoietic cells has been well documented, the factors and molecular processes involved in lineage commitment and self-renewal of multipotent progenitors have not yet been defined. In other developmental systems, cellular interactions mediated by members of the Notch gene family have been shown to influence cell fate determination by multipotent progenitors. We previously described the expression of the human Notch1 homolog, TAN-1, in immature hematopoietic precursors. We now demonstrate that constitutive expression of the activated intracellular domain of mouse Notch1 in 32D myeloid progenitors inhibits granulocytic differentiation and permits expansion of undifferentiated cells, findings consistent with the known function of Notch in other systems.


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Apoptotic and necrotic cell death are well characterized and are influenced by intracellular ATP levels. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), a nuclear enzyme activated by DNA strand breaks, physiologically participates in DNA repair. Overactivation of PARP after cellular insults can lead to cell death caused by depletion of the enzyme’s substrate β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and of ATP. In this study, we have differentially elicited apoptosis or necrosis in mouse fibroblasts. Fibroblasts from PARP-deficient (PARP−/−) mice are protected from necrotic cell death and ATP depletion but not from apoptotic death. These findings, together with cell death patterns in PARP−/− animals receiving other types of insults, indicate that PARP activation is an active trigger of necrosis, whereas other mechanisms mediate apoptosis.


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Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are cell surface-localized proteins that serve many important cellular functions. The pathway mediating synthesis and attachment of the GPI anchor to these proteins in eukaryotic cells is complex, highly conserved, and plays a critical role in the proper targeting, transport, and function of all GPI-anchored protein family members. In this article, we demonstrate that MCD4, an essential gene that was initially identified in a genetic screen to isolate Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants defective for bud emergence, encodes a previously unidentified component of the GPI anchor synthesis pathway. Mcd4p is a multimembrane-spanning protein that localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and contains a large NH2-terminal ER lumenal domain. We have also cloned the human MCD4 gene and found that Mcd4p is both highly conserved throughout eukaryotes and has two yeast homologues. Mcd4p’s lumenal domain contains three conserved motifs found in mammalian phosphodiesterases and nucleotide pyrophosphases; notably, the temperature-conditional MCD4 allele used for our studies (mcd4–174) harbors a single amino acid change in motif 2. The mcd4–174 mutant (1) is defective in ER-to-Golgi transport of GPI-anchored proteins (i.e., Gas1p) while other proteins (i.e., CPY) are unaffected; (2) secretes and releases (potentially up-regulated cell wall) proteins into the medium, suggesting a defect in cell wall integrity; and (3) exhibits marked morphological defects, most notably the accumulation of distorted, ER- and vesicle-like membranes. mcd4–174 cells synthesize all classes of inositolphosphoceramides, indicating that the GPI protein transport block is not due to deficient ceramide synthesis. However, mcd4–174 cells have a severe defect in incorporation of [3H]inositol into proteins and accumulate several previously uncharacterized [3H]inositol-labeled lipids whose properties are consistent with their being GPI precursors. Together, these studies demonstrate that MCD4 encodes a new, conserved component of the GPI anchor synthesis pathway and highlight the intimate connections between GPI anchoring, bud emergence, cell wall function, and feedback mechanisms likely to be involved in regulating each of these essential processes. A putative role for Mcd4p as participating in the modification of GPI anchors with side chain phosphoethanolamine is also discussed.


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Diploid yeast develop pseudohyphae in response to nitrogen starvation, while haploid yeast produce invasive filaments which penetrate the agar in rich medium. We have identified a gene, FLO11, that encodes a cell wall protein which is critically required for both invasion and pseudohyphae formation in response to nitrogen starvation. FLO11 encodes a cell surface flocculin with a structure similar to the class of yeast serine/threonine-rich GPI-anchored cell wall proteins. Cells of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain Σ1278b with deletions of FLO11 do not form pseudohyphae as diploids nor invade agar as haploids. In rich media, FLO11 is regulated by mating type; it is expressed in haploid cells but not in diploids. Upon transfer to nitrogen starvation media, however, FLO11 transcripts accumulate in diploid cells, but not in haploids. Overexpression of FLO11 in diploid cells, which are otherwise not invasive, enables them to invade agar. Thus, the mating type repression of FLO11 in diploids grown in rich media suffices to explain the inability of these cells to invade. The promoter of FLO11 contains a consensus binding sequence for Ste12p and Tec1p, proteins known to cooperatively activate transcription of Ty1 elements and the TEC1 gene during development of pseudohyphae. Yeast with a deletion of STE12 does not express FLO11 transcripts, indicating that STE12 is required for FLO11 expression. These ste12-deletion strains also do not invade agar. However, the ability to invade can be restored by overexpressing FLO11. Activation of FLO11 may thus be the primary means by which Ste12p and Tec1p cause invasive growth.


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Cell fusion in yeast is the process by which two haploid cells fuse to form a diploid zygote. To dissect the pathway of cell fusion, we phenotypically and genetically characterized four cell fusion mutants, fus6/spa2, fus7/rvs161, fus1, and fus2. First, we examined the complete array of single and double mutants. In all cases but one, double mutants exhibited stronger cell fusion defects than single mutants. The exception was rvs161Δ fus2Δ, suggesting that Rvs161p and Fus2p act in concert. Dosage suppression analysis showed that Fus1p and Fus2p act downstream or parallel to Rvs161p and Spa2p. Second, electron microscopic analysis was used to define the mutant defects in cell fusion. In wild-type prezygotes vesicles were aligned and clustered across the cell fusion zone. The vesicles were associated with regions of cell wall thinning. Analysis of Fus− zygotes indicated that Fus1p was required for the normal localization of the vesicles to the zone of cell fusion, and Spa2p facilitated their clustering. In contrast, Fus2p and Rvs161p appeared to act after vesicle positioning. These findings lead us to propose that cell fusion is mediated in part by the localized release of vesicles containing components essential for cell fusion.


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Contact of cultured mammary epithelial cells with the basement membrane protein laminin induces multiple responses, including cell shape changes, growth arrest, and, in the presence of prolactin, transcription of the milk protein β-casein. We sought to identify the specific laminin receptor(s) mediating the multiple cell responses to laminin. Using assays with clonal mammary epithelial cells, we reveal distinct functions for the α6β4 integrin, β1 integrins, and an E3 laminin receptor. Signals from laminin for β-casein expression were inhibited in the presence of function-blocking antibodies against both the α6 and β1 integrin subunits and by the laminin E3 fragment. The α6-blocking antibody perturbed signals mediated by the α6β4 integrin, and the β1-blocking antibody perturbed signals mediated by another integrin, the α subunit(s) of which remains to be determined. Neither α6- nor β1-blocking antibodies perturbed the cell shape changes resulting from cell exposure to laminin. However, the E3 laminin fragment and heparin both inhibited cell shape changes induced by laminin, thereby implicating an E3 laminin receptor in this function. These results elucidate the multiplicity of cell-extracellular matrix interactions required to integrate cell structure and signaling and ultimately permit normal cell function.


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Many Gram-positive bacteria covalently tether their surface adhesins to the cell wall peptidoglycan. We find that surface proteins of Staphylococcus aureus are linked to the cell wall by sortase, an enzyme that cleaves polypeptides at a conserved LPXTG motif. S. aureus mutants lacking sortase fail to process and display surface proteins and are defective in the establishment of infections. Thus, the cell wall envelope of Gram-positive bacteria represents a surface organelle responsible for interactions with the host environment during the pathogenesis of bacterial infections.


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The product of the c-abl protooncogene is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase found in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus. We report herein that cell adhesion regulates the kinase activity and subcellular localization of c-Abl. When fibroblastic cells are detached from the extracellular matrix, kinase activity of both cytoplasmic and nuclear c-Abl decreases, but there is no detectable alteration in the subcellular distribution. Upon adhesion to the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin, a transient recruitment of a subset of c-Abl to early focal contacts is observed coincident with the export of c-Abl from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic pool of c-Abl is reactivated within 5 min of adhesion, but the nuclear c-Abl is reactivated after 30 min, correlating closely with its return to the nucleus and suggesting that the active nuclear c-Abl originates in the cytoplasm. In quiescent cells where nuclear c-Abl activity is low, the cytoplasmic c-Abl is similarly regulated by adhesion but the nuclear c-Abl is not activated upon cell attachment. These results show that c-Abl activation requires cell adhesion and that this tyrosine kinase can transmit integrin signals to the nucleus where it may function to integrate adhesion and cell cycle signals.


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We analyzed the pathogenesis-related generation of H2O2 using the microscopic detection of 3,3-diaminobenzidine polymerization in near-isogenic barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) lines carrying different powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei) resistance genes, and in a line expressing chemically activated resistance after treatment with 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (DCINA). Hypersensitive cell death in Mla12 and Mlg genotypes or after chemical activation by DCINA was associated with H2O2 accumulation throughout attacked cells. Formation of cell wall appositions (papillae) mediated in Mlg and mlo5 genotypes and in DCINA-activated plants was paralleled by H2O2 accumulation in effective papillae and in cytosolic vesicles of up to 2 μm in diameter near the papillae. H2O2 was not detected in ineffective papillae of cells that had been successfully penetrated by the fungus. These findings support the hypothesis that H2O2 may play a substantial role in plant defense against the powdery mildew fungus. We did not detect any accumulation of salicylic acid in primary leaves after inoculation of the different barley genotypes, indicating that these defense responses neither relied on nor provoked salicylic acid accumulation in barley.


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Catalysis at organophilic silica-rich surfaces of zeolites and feldspars might generate replicating biopolymers from simple chemicals supplied by meteorites, volcanic gases, and other geological sources. Crystal–chemical modeling yielded packings for amino acids neatly encapsulated in 10-ring channels of the molecular sieve silicalite-ZSM-5-(mutinaite). Calculation of binding and activation energies for catalytic assembly into polymers is progressing for a chemical composition with one catalytic Al–OH site per 25 neutral Si tetrahedral sites. Internal channel intersections and external terminations provide special stereochemical features suitable for complex organic species. Polymer migration along nano/micrometer channels of ancient weathered feldspars, plus exploitation of phosphorus and various transition metals in entrapped apatite and other microminerals, might have generated complexes of replicating catalytic biomolecules, leading to primitive cellular organisms. The first cell wall might have been an internal mineral surface, from which the cell developed a protective biological cap emerging into a nutrient-rich “soup.” Ultimately, the biological cap might have expanded into a complete cell wall, allowing mobility and colonization of energy-rich challenging environments. Electron microscopy of honeycomb channels inside weathered feldspars of the Shap granite (northwest England) has revealed modern bacteria, perhaps indicative of Archean ones. All known early rocks were metamorphosed too highly during geologic time to permit simple survival of large-pore zeolites, honeycombed feldspar, and encapsulated species. Possible microscopic clues to the proposed mineral adsorbents/catalysts are discussed for planning of systematic study of black cherts from weakly metamorphosed Archaean sediments.


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The nucellus is a complex maternal grain tissue that embeds and feeds the developing cereal endosperm and embryo. Differential screening of a barley (Hordeum vulgare) cDNA library from 5-d-old ovaries resulted in the isolation of two cDNA clones encoding nucellus-specific homologs of the vacuolar-processing enzyme of castor bean (Ricinus communis). Based on the sequence of these barley clones, which are called nucellains, a homolog from developing corn (Zea mays) grains was also identified. In dicots the vacuolar-processing enzyme is believed to be involved in the processing of vacuolar storage proteins. RNA-blot and in situ-hybridization analyses detected nucellain transcripts in autolysing nucellus parenchyma cells, in the nucellar projection, and in the nucellar epidermis. No nucellain transcripts were detected in the highly vacuolate endosperm or in the other maternal tissues of developing grains such as the testa or the pericarp. Using an antibody raised against castor bean vacuolar-processing protease, a single polypeptide was recognized in protein extracts from barley grains. Immunogold-labeling experiments with this antibody localized the nucellain epitope not in the vacuoles, but in the cell walls of all nucellar cell types. We propose that nucellain plays a role in processing and/or turnover of cell wall proteins in developing cereal grains.


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Peroxidase activity was characterized in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) leaf tissue. Changes in the activity and distribution of the enzyme were examined during the development of a nonhost hypersensitive reaction (HR) induced by Pseudomonas syringae (P. s.) pv phaseolicola and in response to an hrp mutant of the bacterium. Assays of activity in tissue extracts revealed pH optima of 4.5, 6.0, 5.5 to 6.0, and 6.0 to 6.5 for the substrates tetramethylbenzidine, guaiacol, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid, respectively. Inoculation with water or with wild-type or hrp mutant strains of P. s. pv phaseolicola caused an initial decline in total peroxidase activity; subsequent increases depended on the hydrogen donor used in the assay. Guaiacol peroxidase recovered more rapidly in tissues undergoing the HR, whereas changes in tetramethylbenzidine peroxidase were generally similar in the two interactions. In contrast, increases in chlorogenic acid peroxidase were significantly higher in tissues inoculated with the hrp mutant. During the HR, increased levels of Mn2+/2,4-dichlorophenol-stimulated NADH and NADPH oxidase activities, characteristic of certain peroxidases, were found in intercellular fluids and closely matched the accumulation of H2O2 in the apoplast. Histochemical analysis of peroxidase distribution by electron microscopy revealed a striking, highly localized increase in activity within the endomembrane system and cell wall at the sites of bacterial attachment. However, no clear differences in peroxidase location were observed in tissue challenged by the wild-type strain or the hrp mutant. Our results highlight the significance of the subcellular control of oxidative reactions leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species, cell wall alterations, and the HR.


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The hydrolysis of cell wall pectins by tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) polygalacturonase (PG) in vitro is more extensive than the degradation affecting these polymers during ripening. We examined the hydrolysis of polygalacturonic acid and cell walls by PG isozyme 2 (PG2) under conditions widely adopted in the literature (pH 4.5 and containing Na+) and under conditions approximating the apoplastic environment of tomato fruit (pH 6.0 and K+ as the predominate cation). The pH optima for PG2 in the presence of K+ were 1.5 and 0.5 units higher for the hydrolysis of polygalacturonic acid and cell walls, respectively, compared with activity in the presence of Na+. Increasing K+ concentration stimulated pectin solubilization at pH 4.5 but had little influence at pH 6.0. Pectin depolymerization by PG2 was extensive at pH values from 4.0 to 5.0 and was further enhanced at high K+ levels. Oligomers were abundant products in in vitro reactions at pH 4.0 to 5.0, decreased sharply at pH 5.5, and were negligible at pH 6.0. EDTA stimulated PG-mediated pectin solubilization at pH 6.0 but did not promote oligomer production. Ca2+ suppressed PG-mediated pectin release at pH 4.5 yet had minimal influence on the proportional recovery of oligomers. Extensive pectin breakdown in processed tomato might be explained in part by cation- and low-pH-induced stimulation of PG and other wall-associated enzymes.