60 resultados para 030401 Biologically Active Molecules


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Endogenous ligands of cannabinoid receptors have been discovered recently and include some N-acylethanolamines (NAEs; e.g., N-arachidonoylethanolamine) and some 2-acylglycerols (e.g., sn-2-arachidonoylglycerol). Previously, we found these compounds to be active biologically when administered per os in large quantities to mice. In the present work, piglets were fed diets with and without 20:4n−6 and 22:6n−3 fatty acid precursors of NAEs, in levels similar to those found in porcine milk, during the first 18 days of life, and corresponding brain NAEs were assessed. In piglets fed diets containing 20:4n−6 and 22:6n−3, there were increases in several biologically active NAEs in brain homogenates—20:4n−6 NAE (4-fold), 20:5n−3 NAE (5-fold), and 22:5n−3 and 22:6n−3 NAE (9- to 10-fold). These results support a mechanism we propose for dietary long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids influences on brain biochemistry with presumed functional sequelae. This paradigm will enable targeted investigations to determine whether and why specific populations such as infants, elderly, or persons suffering from certain clinical conditions may benefit from dietary long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.


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Plants contain RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) activities that synthesize short cRNAs by using cellular or viral RNAs as templates. During studies of salicylic acid (SA)-induced resistance to viral pathogens, we recently found that the activity of a tobacco RdRP was increased in virus-infected or SA-treated plants. Biologically active SA analogs capable of activating plant defense response also induced the RdRP activity, whereas biologically inactive analogs did not. A tobacco RdRP gene, NtRDRP1, was isolated and found to be induced both by virus infection and by treatment with SA or its biologically active analogs. Tobacco lines deficient in the inducible RDRP activity were obtained by expressing antisense RNA for the NtRDRP1 gene in transgenic plants. When infected by tobacco mosaic virus, these transgenic plants accumulated significantly higher levels of viral RNA and developed more severe disease symptoms than wild-type plants. After infection by a strain of potato virus X that does not spread in wild-type tobacco plants, the transgenic NtRDRP1 antisense plants accumulated virus and developed symptoms not only locally in inoculated leaves but also systemically in upper uninoculated leaves. These results strongly suggest that inducible RdRP activity plays an important role in plant antiviral defense.


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Tryptases, the predominant serine proteinases of human mast cells, have recently been implicated as mediators in the pathogenesis of allergic and inflammatory conditions, most notably asthma. Their distinguishing features, their activity as a heparin-stabilized tetramer and resistance to most proteinaceous inhibitors, are perfectly explained by the 3-Å crystal structure of human βII-tryptase in complex with 4-amidinophenylpyruvic acid. The tetramer consists of four quasiequivalent monomers arranged in a flat frame-like structure. The active centers are directed toward a central pore whose narrow openings of approximately 40 Å × 15 Å govern the interaction with macromolecular substrates and inhibitors. The tryptase monomer exhibits the overall fold of trypsin-like serine proteinases but differs considerably in the conformation of six surface loops arranged around the active site. These loops border and shape the active site cleft to a large extent and form all contacts with neighboring monomers via two distinct interfaces. The smaller of these interfaces, which is exclusively hydrophobic, can be stabilized by the binding of heparin chains to elongated patches of positively charged residues on adjacent monomers or, alternatively, by high salt concentrations in vitro. On tetramer dissociation, the monomers are likely to undergo transformation into a zymogen-like conformation that is favored and stabilized by intramonomer interactions. The structure thus provides an improved understanding of the unique properties of the biologically active tryptase tetramer in solution and will be an incentive for the rational design of mono- and multifunctional tryptase inhibitors.


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The early growth response 1 (EGR-1) gene product is a transcription factor with role in differentiation and growth. We have previously shown that expression of exogenous EGR-1 in various human tumor cells unexpectedly and markedly reduces growth and tumorigenicity and, conversely, that suppression of endogenous Egr-1 expression by antisense RNA eliminates protein expression, enhances growth, and promotes phenotypic transformation. However, the mechanism of these effects remained unknown. The promoter of human transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) contains two GC-rich EGR-1 binding sites. We show that expression of EGR-1 in human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells uses increased secretion of biologically active TGF-beta 1 in direct proportion (rPearson = 0.96) to the amount of EGR-1 expressed and addition of recombinant human TGF-beta 1 is strongly growth-suppressive for these cells. Addition of monoclonal anti-TGF-beta 1 antibodies to EGR-1-expressing HT-1080 cells completely reverses the growth inhibitory effects of EGR-1. Reporter constructs bearing the EGR-1 binding segment of the TGF-beta 1 promoter was activated 4- to 6-fold relative to a control reporter in either HT-1080 cells that stably expressed or parental cells cotransfected with an EGR-1 expression vector. Expression of delta EGR-1, a mutant that cannot interact with the corepressors, nerve growth factor-activated factor binding proteins NAB1 and NAB2, due to deletion of the repressor domain, exhibited enhanced transactivation of 2- to 3.5-fold over that of wild-type EGR-1 showing that the reporter construct reflected the appropriate in vivo regulatory context. The EGR-1-stimulated transactivation was inhibited by expression of the Wilms tumor suppressor, a known specific DNA-binding competitor. These results indicate that EGR-1 suppresses growth of human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells by induction of TGF-beta 1.


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Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), also known as scatter factor, is a powerful motogen, mitogen, and morphogen produced by cells of mesodermal origin, acting on epithelial and endothelial cells. Its receptor is the tyrosine kinase encoded by the c-MET protooncogene. We show that the HGF receptor is expressed by human primary osteoclasts, by osteoclast-like cell lines, and by osteoblasts. In both cell lineages, HGF stimulation triggers the receptor kinase activity and autophosphorylation. In osteoclasts, HGF receptor activation is followed by increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration and by activation of the pp60c-Src kinase. HGF induces changes in osteoclast shape and stimulates chemotactic migration and DNA replication. Osteoblasts respond to HGF by entering the cell cycle, as indicated by stimulation of DNA synthesis. Interestingly, osteoclasts were found to synthesize and secrete biologically active HGF. These data strongly suggest the possibility of an autocrine regulation of the osteoclast by HGF and a paracrine regulation of the osteoblast by the HGF produced by the osteoclast.


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Cleavage of membrane-associated proteins with the release of biologically active macromolecules is an emerging theme in biology. However, little is known about the nature and regulation of the involved proteases or about the physiological inducers of the shedding process. We here report that rapid and massive shedding of the interleukin 6 receptor (IL-6R) and the lipopolysaccharide receptor (CD14) occurs from primary and transfected cells attacked by two prototypes of pore-forming bacterial toxins, streptolysin O and Escherichia coli hemolysin. Shedding is not induced by an streptolysin O toxin mutant which retains cell binding capacity but lacks pore-forming activity. The toxin-dependent cleavage site of the IL-6R was mapped to a position close to, but distinct from, that observed after stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate. Soluble IL-6R that was shed from toxin-treated cells bound its ligand and induced an IL-6-specific signal in cells that primarily lacked the IL-6R. Transsignaling by soluble IL-6R and soluble CD14 is known to dramatically broaden the spectrum of host cells for IL-6 and lipopolysaccharide, and is thus an important mechanism underlying their systemic inflammatory effects. Our findings uncover a novel mechanism that can help to explain the long-range detrimental action of pore-forming toxins in the host organism.


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A diverse group of GPI-anchored protein structures are ubiquitously expressed on the external cell membranes of eukaryotes. Whereas the physiological role for these structures is usually defined by their protein component, the precise biological significance of the glycolipid anchors remains vague. In the course of producing a HeLa cell line (JM88) that contained a recombinant adeno-associated virus genome expressing a GPI-anchored CD4-GPI fusion protein on the surface of the cells, we noted the transfer of CD4-GPI to native HeLa cells. Transfer occurred after direct cell contact or exposure to JM88 cell supernatants. The magnitude of contact-mediated CD4-GPI transfer correlated with temperature. Supernatant CD4-GPI also attached to human red blood cells and could be cleaved with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. The attached CD4-GPI remained biologically active after transfer and permitted the formation of syncytium when coated HeLa cells were incubated with glycoprotein 160 expressing H9 cells. JM88 cells provide a model for the production, release, and reattachment of CD4-GPI and may furnish insight into a physiologic role of naturally occurring GPI-anchored proteins. This approach may also allow the production of other recombinant GPI-anchored proteins for laboratory and clinical investigation.


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All-trans-retinoic acid (at-RA) induces cell differentiation in a wide variety of cell types, including F9 embryonic teratocarcinoma cells, and can influence axial pattern formation during embryonic development. We now identify a novel retinoid synthetic pathway in differentiating F9 cells that results in the intracellular production of 4-oxoretinol (4-oxo-ROL) from retinol (vitamin A). Approximately 10-15% of the total retinol in the culture is metabolized to 4-hydroxyretinol and 4-oxo-ROL by the at-RA-treated, differentiating F9 cells over an 18-hr period, but no detectable metabolism of all-trans-retinol to at-RA or 9-cis-retinoic acid is observed in these cells. Remarkably, we show that 4-oxo-ROL can bind and activate transcription of the retinoic acid receptors whereas all-trans-retinol shows neither activity. Low doses of 4-oxo-ROL (e.g., 10(-9) or 10(-10 M) can activate the retinoic acid receptors even though, unlike at-RA, 4-oxo-ROL does not contain an acid moiety at the carbon 15 position. 4-oxo-ROL does not bind or transcriptionally activate the retinoid X receptors. Treatment of F9 cells with 4-oxo-ROL induces differentiation without conversion to the acid and 4-oxo-ROL is active in causing axial truncation when administered to Xenopus embryos at the blastula stage. Thus, 4-oxo-ROL is a natural, biologically active retinoid that is present in differentiated F9 cells. Our data suggest that 4-oxo-ROL may be a novel signaling molecule and regulator of cell differentiation.


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The hedgehog gene (hh) of Drosophila melanogaster exerts both short- and long-range effects on cell patterning during development. The product of hedgehog is a secreted protein that apparently acts by triggering an intra-cellular signaling pathway, but little is known about the details of that pathway. The Drosophila gene fused (fu) encodes a serine/threonine-protein kinase that genetic experiments have implicated in signaling initiated by hedgehog. Here we report that the fused protein is phosphorylated during the course of Drosophila embryogenesis, as a result of hedgehog activity. In cell culture, phosphorylation of fused protein occurs in response to the biologically active form of hedgehog and cannot be blocked by activation of protein kinase A, which is thought to be an antagonist of signaling from hedgehog. These results suggest that fused and protein kinase A function downstream of hedgehog but in parallel pathways that eventually converge distal to fused. The reconstruction of signaling from hedgehog in cell culture should provide further access to the mechanisms by which hedgehog acts.


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The synthetic peptides DP-107 and DP-178 (T-20), derived from separate domains within the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmembrane (TM) protein, gp4l, are stable and potent inhibitors of HIV-1 infection and fusion. Using a computer searching strategy (computerized antiviral searching technology, C.A.S.T.) based on the predicted secondary structure of DP-107 and DP-178 (T-20), we have identified conserved heptad repeat domains analogous to the DP-107 and DP-178 regions of HIV-1 gp41 within the glycoproteins of other fusogenic viruses. Here we report on antiviral peptides derived from three representative paramyxoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV-3), and measles virus (MV). We screened crude preparations of synthetic 35-residue peptides, scanning the DP-178-like domains, in antiviral assays. Peptide preparations demonstrating antiviral activity were purified and tested for their ability to block syncytium formation. Representative DP-178-like peptides from each paramyxovirus blocked homologous virus-mediated syncytium formation and exhibited EC50 values in the range 0.015-0.250 microM. Moreover, these peptides were highly selective for the virus of origin. Identification of biologically active peptides derived from domains within paramyxovirus F1 proteins analogous to the DP-178 domain of HIV-1 gp4l is compelling evidence for equivalent structural and functional features between retroviral and paramyxoviral fusion proteins. These antiviral peptides provide a novel approach to the development of targeted therapies for paramyxovirus infections.


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Central to signaling by fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) is the oligomeric interaction of the growth factor and its high-affinity cell surface receptor, which is mediated by heparin-like polysaccharides. It has been proposed that the binding of heparin-like polysaccharides to FGF induces a conformational change in FGF, resulting in the formation of FGF dimers or oligomers, and this biologically active form is 'presented' to the FGF receptor for signal transduction. In this study, we show that monomeric basic FGF (FGF-2) preferentially self-associates and forms FGF-2 dimers and higher-order oligomers. As a consequence, FGF-2 monomers are oriented for binding to heparin-like polysaccharides. We also show that heparin-like polysaccharides can readily bind to self-associated FGF-2 without causing a conformational change in FGF-2 or disrupting the FGF-2 self-association, but that the bound polysaccharides only additionally stabilize the FGF-2 self-association. The preferential self-association corresponds to FGF-2 translations along two of the unit cell axes of the FGF-2 crystal structures. These two axes represent the two possible heparin binding directions, whereas the receptor binding sites are oriented along the third axis. Thus, we propose that preferential FGF-2 self-association, further stabilized by heparin, like "beads on a string," mediates FGF-2-induced receptor dimerization and activation. The observed FGF-2 self-association, modulated by heparin, not only provides a mechanism of growth factor activation but also represents a regulatory mechanism governing FGF-2 biological activity.


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Competence for genetic transformation in Streptococcus pneumoniae has been known for three decades to arise in growing cultures at a critical cell density, in response to a secreted protease-sensitive signal. We show that strain CP1200 produces a 17-residue peptide that induces cells of the species to develop competence. The sequence of the peptide was found to be H-Glu-Met-Arg-Leu-Ser-Lys-Phe-Phe-Arg-Asp-Phe-Ile-Leu-Gln-Arg- Lys-Lys-OH. A synthetic peptide of the same sequence was shown to be biologically active in small quantities and to extend the range of conditions suitable for development of competence. Cognate codons in the pneumococcal chromosome indicate that the peptide is made ribosomally. As the gene encodes a prepeptide containing the Gly-Gly consensus processing site found in peptide bacteriocins, the peptide is likely to be exported by a specialized ATP-binding cassette transport protein as is characteristic of these bacteriocins. The hypothesis is presented that this transport protein is encoded by comA, previously shown to be required for elaboration of the pneumococcal competence activator.


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The recently cloned, distant member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) family, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), has potent trophic actions on fetal mesencephalic dopamine neurons. GDNF also has protective and restorative activity on adult mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons and potently protects motoneurons from axotomy-induced cell death. However, evidence for a role for endogenous GDNF as a target-derived trophic factor in adult midbrain dopaminergic circuits requires documentation of specific transport from the sites of synthesis in the target areas to the nerve cell bodies themselves. Here, we demonstrate that GDNF is retrogradely transported by mesencephalic dopamine neurons of the nigrostriatal pathway. The pattern of retrograde transport following intrastriatal injections indicates that there may be subpopulations of neurons that are GDNF responsive. Retrograde axonal transport of biologically active 125I-labeled GDNF was inhibited by an excess of unlabeled GDNF but not by an excess of cytochrome c. Specificity was further documented by demonstrating that another TGF-beta family member, TGF-beta 1, did not appear to affect retrograde transport. Retrograde transport was also demonstrated by immunohistochemistry by using intrastriatal injections of unlabeled GDNF. GDNF immunoreactivity was found specifically in dopamine nerve cell bodies of the substantia nigra pars compacta distributed in granules in the soma and proximal dendrites. Our data implicate a specific receptor-mediated uptake mechanism operating in the adult. Taken together, the present findings suggest that GDNF acts endogenously as a target-derived physiological survival/maintenance factor for dopaminergic neurons.


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The activation of T cells by antigens or mitogens leads to the secretion of cytokines and enzymes that shape the inflammatory response. Among these molecular mediators of inflammation is a heparanase enzyme that degrades the heparan sulfate scaffold of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Activated T cells use heparanase to penetrate the ECM and gain access to the tissues. We now report that among the breakdown products of the ECM generated by heparanase is a trisulfated disaccharide that can inhibit delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) in mice. This inhibition of T-cell mediated inflammation in vivo was associated with an inhibitory effect of the disaccharide on the production of biologically active tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) by activated T cells in vitro; the trisulfated disaccharide did not affect T-cell viability or responsiveness generally. Both the in vivo and in vitro effects of the disaccharide manifested a bell-shaped dose-response curve. The inhibitory effects of the trisulfated disaccharide were lost if the sulfate groups were removed. Thus, the disaccharide, which may be a natural product of inflammation, can regulate the functional nature of the response by the T cell to activation. Such a feedback control mechanism could enable the T cell to assess the extent of tissue degradation and adjust its behavior accordingly.


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Studies in our laboratory as well as others strongly suggest that salicylic acid (SA) plays an important signaling role in plant defense against pathogens. We have found that increases in endogenous SA levels correlates with both resistance of tobacco to infection with tobacco mosaic virus and induction of defense-related genes such as that encoding pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR-1). Some of this newly synthesized SA was conjugated to glucose to form SA beta-glucoside. A cell wall-associated beta-glucosidase activity that releases SA from this glucoside has been identified, suggesting that SA beta-glucoside serves as an inactive storage form of SA. By purifying a soluble SA-binding protein and isolating its encoding cDNA from tobacco, we have been able to further characterize the mechanism of SA signaling. This protein is a catalase, and binding of SA and its biologically active analogues inhibited catalase's ability to convert H2O2 to O2 and H2O. The resulting elevated levels of cellular H2O2 appeared to induce PR-1 gene expression, perhaps by acting as a second messenger. Additionally, transgenic tobacco expressing an antisense copy of the catalase gene and exhibiting depressed levels of catalase also showed constitutive expression of PR-1 genes. To further dissect the SA signaling pathway, we have tested several abiotic inducers of PR gene expression and disease resistance for their ability to stimulate SA production. Levels of SA and its glucoside rose following application of all of the inducers except 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid. 2,6-Dichloroisonicotinic acid was found to bind catalase directly and inhibit its enzymatic activity. Thus, it appears that many compounds that induce PR gene expression and disease resistance in plants inactivate catalases directly or indirectly.